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非負(fù)矩陣Hadam ard積和M-矩陣Fan積的特征值界的估計
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Estimating of bounds on eigenvalues of the H adam ard p roduct for nonnegative m atrices and the Fan p roduct of M-m atrices
Zhou Ping1,Li Yaotang2
(1.School of M athem atics and Physics,Wenshan University,Wenshan 663000,China; 2.School of M athem atics and Statistics,Yunnan University,Kunm ing 650091,China)
The Hadamard p roduct and the Fan product ofmatrices are im portant prob lem s in thematrices theories.For the Hadam ard product of two nonnegative m atrices A and B,two new upper bounds of the spectral radius are given.For the Fan p roduct of two M-m atrices A and B,two new lower bounds of the smallest eigenvalues are given.The given numerical exam p les show that these estimating formulas im prove several existing resu lts in som e cases,and these bounds are easier to calcu late for they are on ly depending on the entries ofm atrices A and B.
nonnegativematrix,M-matrix,Hadamard product,Fan p roduct,spectral radius, sm allest eigenvalue
2010 M SC:15A 42,15A 69