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2011-04-07 05:25:11
湖南中醫(yī)藥大學學報 2011年12期




湖南省中醫(yī)藥產業(yè)的現狀及對策思考………………………… 蔡光先,童巧珍,喻 嶸,等(1.3)

探析元精元氣元神與基因的相關性……………… 賈 耿(1.7)

中醫(yī)計量診斷理論與方法探討………………………… 周小青,羅堯岳,劉建新,等(3.3)

從人體內環(huán)境治理解讀中醫(yī)…………… 潘遠根,曠惠桃(3.6)






清代湖湘名醫(yī)羅國綱辨治傷寒學術特色 劉仙菊,潘遠根(3.17)

辨《傷寒論》“但頭汗出”的證治…… 曾江琴,蔣躍文(5.3)

溫陽法與擴張型心肌病的相關性研究……………………盧 青,蔡虎志 ,陳青揚,陳新宇(7.3)

尤昭玲教授辨治不孕癥的臨證思路……………… 林 潔(9.3)

高風雀目與肝虛雀目辨誤…… 楊 薇,宋劍濤,高健生(12.5)



環(huán)磷酰胺復制中老年男性雄激素部分缺乏綜合征大鼠模型的研究…………………………………………何清湖,周 興(1.15)

中醫(yī)不同治法對大鼠心肌缺血再灌注損傷后細胞凋亡的影響…………………………譚元生,雍蘇南,唐 瑩,等(1.18)


ephrinB2真核表達載體的構建及其在Hela細胞的表達……………………………… 謝秋群,唐雄志,王世宣(2.3)

血必凈注射液對ICU患者血管內皮細胞的保護作用及其對ET-1、NO的影響……………… 謝穎光,李文強,馬緒偉,等(2.6)

顱內壓的有效控制在顱內腫瘤手術中的意義………………………… 朱永華,林少華,黃漢添,等(2.9)

肩鎖關節(jié)脫位的影像對比研究……………………………… 包 磊,姚偉武,辛鴻婕(2.11)


改良永久性線栓法制作大鼠大腦中動脈梗阻模型的探討…………………………潘 江,章 薇,葛衛(wèi)軍,等(3.24)

喉罩全麻在人工聽骨植入術中的應用研究…………………………………王惠軍,紀 方,李天佐(4.3)

糖尿病尿LN和Ⅳ-C與中醫(yī)證型的關系………………………………… 翁 苓,鄭 京,楊志剛(4.6)

膿毒癥患者CD4+CD25+調節(jié)性T細胞檢測的臨床意義…………………………… 邵 敏,劉 寶,王錦權,等(4.8)

鉤藤提取液致離體大鼠胸主動脈環(huán)舒張作用的研究…………………………………白 洋,許 晗,錢艷鑫(4.11)





基于核酸適配體-熒光染料EvaGreenTM快速檢測ATP的研究………………………… 陳伶利,李 杰,賀氣志,等(5.6)

抗癌藥酒抑瘤及對小鼠免疫功能影響的研究……………………………… 劉淑杰,蔡 兵,郭 婕(6.3)

O型血孕婦妊娠次數與新生兒ABO溶血病的相關研究………………………………方 敏,方 閱,金 杰,等(6.5)

有氧運動與平肥方對DIO大鼠脂代謝和胰島素抵抗的影響……………………………… 申忠華,何軍鋒,羅 華(8.3)


黃連素預處理對家兔心肌缺血再灌注損傷的抗氧化保護作用……………………………………于永燕,于 丁(10.7)

Caveolin-1敲除對C57BL/6小鼠繁殖性能及子代離乳前體質量的影響……………………俞 悅,易 健,蔡光先,等(11.7)




補腎化瘀方對PCOS大鼠卵巢顆粒細胞CYP450表達的影響………………………………楊正望,文 炯,張增玲(1.30)


滋陰活血解毒方對局灶性腦缺血模型大鼠血清中IL-1β、IL-8、TNF-α含量的影響……段春艷,陳 元,李定祥,等(1.36)

濕熱顆粒抗炎、止癢的實驗研究…………………………郭建生,張 猛,曾貴榮,等(1.40)

紅花黃色素對急性冠脈綜合征患者心功能和基質金屬蛋白酶的影響……………………………………………… 楊 璇(2.14)

活血散結合劑的提取工藝研究………………………… 李 毅,王 穎,張鐘俐,等(2.17)



還少丹對老年小鼠脂褐素含量和DNA分子結構穩(wěn)定性的影響…………………………胡 梅,劉群良,舒 暢,等(3.33)

鹽酸青藤堿加離子導入法對透皮吸收的影響…………………………邱賽紅,李 琳,朱傳湘,等(3.36)

舍雷肽酶預防根管治療中疼痛的臨床分析………許 姚(4.25)

蒲黃黃酮對缺氧損傷血管內皮細胞的保護作用…………………………林 潔,賈春燕,王若光,等(5.10)

麻黃加術湯對大鼠類風濕性關節(jié)炎模型作用機制的研究…………………………徐 琦,尹抗抗,譚達全,等(5.13)


還少丹對D-半乳糖衰老模型小鼠心肌線粒體DNA缺失的影響…………………………程莉娟,劉群良,譚 峰,等(5.20)

秦香止瀉方對小鼠小腸推進功能及鎮(zhèn)痛作用的機制研究…………………………朱 克,彭芝配,張金慧,等(5.23)

桑皮素對II型糖尿病模型鼠降血糖作用的研究………………………………金曉明,魏 云,楊世平(5.26)

蛞蝓提取物抗肺癌的作用機制研究…………………… 謝金魁,曹建國,張安強,王 娟(7.6)



傷速康貼膏對兔膝骨性關節(jié)炎模型關節(jié)液中IL-1、IL-6及TNF-α水平的影響……………盧 敏,譚旭儀,謝心軍,等(7.18)

前癃通膠囊對人前列腺組織細胞凋亡及細胞周期的影響………………………………蔡 蔚,賀菊喬,伍參榮(7.22)

紫菊感冒膠囊體內的抗菌實驗研究………………………… 宋 羽,李翠兵,鄧艷輝,等(8.6)

不同規(guī)格的三七飲片活血、抗炎和鎮(zhèn)痛作用比較研究…………………………………………………… 劉淑杰(8.9)

類風寧湯對大鼠佐劑性關節(jié)炎TNF-α、1L-1的影響……………………… 徐愛良,彭 韡,丁志高,等(12.10)

通管方對輸卵管炎性阻塞性不孕大鼠模型EGFR、ICAM-1表達的影響……………………… 張 翼,匡繼林,劉奇英(12.13)






不同炮制方法對艾葉止血作用的影響…………………………曾 婷,賀衛(wèi)和,蔣孟良,等(5.41)

不同炮制方法對菟絲子中多糖含量的影響………………………………肖 嵐,楊梓懿,陳 曦(5.44)

正交試驗優(yōu)選復肝寧膠囊提取工藝…………………………鄭平原,胡詠華,尹 進,等(7.35)


水提與醇提對竹子中愈創(chuàng)木酚含量的影響………………………………陳秋香,蔣曉煌,李 紅(9.46)


不同炮制去心法對巴戟天多糖含量的影響…………………………周 燦,楊梓懿,許 李,等(1.49)

大黃不同炮制品的HPLC指紋圖譜比較研究…………………………鄧 穎,雷 鵬,朱詩塔,等(3.39)


商品天麻中二氧化硫殘留量的研究…………………………聶驪曉,劉塔斯,舒 柯,等(5.29)

高效液相色譜法測定當歸活血膠囊中芍藥苷的含量…………………………李 進,陳秋香,梁 曉,等(5.31)



水蛭提取物對肝癌HepG2細胞DNA去甲基化作用研究………………………… 田雪飛,孫 婧,方 圓,等(9.8)



枸杞多糖對人卵巢癌裸鼠IGF-Ⅰ、IGFR、IGFBP-1水平干預作用的研究……………韋 敏,鄭生智,馬 紅,等(9.19)


舒胃湯對功能性消化不良大鼠血清干細胞因子、一氧化氮的影響…………………………郭 璇,弭艷紅,王小娟,等(9.27)

桑生除痹合劑對兔膝骨性關節(jié)炎組織形態(tài)學和血液流變學的影響…………………………王 平,盧啟貴,徐 展,等(9.31)

降糖益腎方干預胰島素信號通路改善轉基因2型糖尿病MKR鼠腎損傷的研究……………吳 慧,喻 嶸,成細華,等(11.9)

補腎化瘀方對多囊卵巢大鼠血脂水平的影響…………………………… 魯 璨,顏 斌,魯耀邦(11.12)

腦缺血大鼠凝血酶原和PAR-1的變化及滋陰活血解毒方的干預作用…………… 鄧奕輝,陳 懿,鄧婧溪,等(11.16)

黃葵素對結核分枝桿菌的抑殺作用研究……………………… 伍參榮,蔡 銳,李 珊,等(11.19)

蛇床子湯加味配伍抗菌作用的研究……………………… 向 琴,盧芳國,嚴 杰,等(11.24)

膚痔清軟膏對糖尿病大鼠皮膚潰瘍愈合速度的影響……………………… 朱明芳,張伊敏,劉 翔,等(11.27)



通宣益氣丸的質量標準研究…………………………王 青,蔡 萍,萬 丹,等(7.29)

土鱉蟲超微粉體中尿嘧啶、次黃嘌呤的含量測定………………………………萬 丹,蔡 萍,張水寒(9.36)

狗脊飲片不同炮制品中原兒茶酸的含量測定………………………………陳 征,李文莉,童 珂(9.38)

同一GAP產地魚腥草株間基因多態(tài)性研究……………………… 劉文龍,張喜利,賀福元,等(11.30)

復方三七片質量標準研究……………………… 李 卓,鄧桂明,郭 昱,等(11.34)


昆明滇紫草的生藥學研究……張 超,何寶豐,張慶芝(7.32)

湘西產筒鞘蛇菰生態(tài)環(huán)境及寄主植物初探……………………… 米長忠,周衛(wèi)華,彭英福,等(11.38)


古方今用 驗案存真(六)………………………陳大舜(1.52)

熊繼柏教授辨治痹證的經驗………………………李 點(1.55)

古方今用 驗案存真(七)………………………陳大舜(3.48)

古方今用 驗案存真(八)………………………陳大舜(5.46)


古方今用 驗案存真(九)(未完待續(xù))………陳大舜(7.38)

張崇泉教授辨治不寐經驗………………袁 華,張崇泉(7.40)


古方今用 驗案存真(十) ………………………陳大舜(9.49)

尤昭玲教授對體外受精-胚胎移植術失敗病癥的中醫(yī)臨床經驗舉隅………………………………熊 桀,尤昭玲(9.51)

朱丹溪的學術思想指導動脈粥樣硬化防治論…………………………………………………… 王紫逸(10.9)

古方今用 驗案存真(十一)………………… 陳大舜(11.40)

經方組合臨床運用舉隅(一)……………………… 彭 堅,張禹雯,黃善筠,等(11.42)

熊繼柏教授診治風疹、濕疹中醫(yī)臨床舉隅…… 姚欣艷(11.46)


開胃進食湯超微配方顆粒治療痞滿證的多中心臨床研究…………………………陳 斌,蔡光先,張四方,等(1.57)

獨活寄生湯加減配合牽引推拿治療腰椎間盤突出癥臨床觀察…………………………謝義松,吳官保,楊 彬,等(1.61)



和血明目片治療糖尿病視網膜病變性眼底出血的臨床研究………………………… 戴維智,郝曉琳,劉 樺,等(2.20)

出血性腦卒中復發(fā)的危險因素分析……………………………胡繼良,徐 菲,陳 東,等(2.23)


高位復雜性肛瘺術后外用潰瘍散的臨床觀察…………………………李 薇,趙 強,唐 平,等(2.29)

艾灸對脊柱退行性病變的治療保健作用…………胡 軍(2.32)

止帶方為主聯合丁克治療外陰陰道假絲酵母菌病的臨床研究…………………………………………劉 婷,謝 波(2.34)

經鼻氣管插管在燒傷麻醉中的應用探討…………段 慧(2.36)







丹莪婦康煎膏對盆腔粘連所致慢性盆腔疼痛的療效評價………………………… 肖武秀,劉麗娟,魏 健,等(2.55)


冠心消斑膠囊治療冠心病心絞痛合并高脂血癥的臨床觀察………………………………吳 娟,程丑夫,彭 輝(3.55)


升陽除濕湯加減對直腸癌前切除術后綜合征的影響……………………………………………………章 慧(3.62)

血必凈注射液對嚴重創(chuàng)傷患者血管外肺水的影響………………………… 李 洪,孫東明,蔣紅英,等(4.27)

行非體外循環(huán)冠脈搭橋手術對合并阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停綜合征患者的治療分析……… 孟春營,溫定國,羅 濱,等(4.30)

和血明目片治療結膜下出血的臨床觀察………………………… 戴維智,郝曉琳,劉 樺,等(4.32)


復方沙棘子油栓聯合聚甲酚磺溶液在宮頸LEEP術后的應用…………………………………………徐 靜,孫建新(4.36)




胸腺肽α1聯合化療對晚期胃癌生活質量及免疫功能的影響…………………………韓全利,李 靜,楊春敏,等(4.45)




玉泉顆粒治療2型糖尿病84例療效分析………………………………………… 吳 波,鄭長青(4.54)

熱毒寧治療兒童急性上呼吸道感染臨床觀察………………………… 廖翠芳,展曉玲,王 靜,等(4.56)


中老年惡性骨腫瘤誤診4例分析 ……… 謝根東,王 琦(4.60)

老年糖尿病患者86例低血糖的研究………………………………………… 戚曉棟,李 蓓(4.62)


鴉膽子油乳經胸腔熱灌注治療惡性胸腔積液的臨床研究…………………………曾普華,蔣益蘭,蔡 美,等(5.51)



和血明目片治療高度近視眼合并黃斑出血的臨床觀察……………………………戴維智,郝曉琳,劉 樺,等(6.7)

MSCT對機械性腸梗阻病因的診斷價值………………………… 陳穎瑜,潘愛珍,徐志鋒,等(6.9)


復方丹參注射液治療新生兒硬腫癥82例臨床研究………………………………………… 王文亮,李 紅(6.13)



膽汁反流性胃炎的病因及影響因素350例研究 …張 璋(6.19)

Saber切口與鎖骨上切口治療鎖骨骨折的臨床療效……………………………于新忠,楊恩廣,宋 爽,等(6.21)



右美托咪啶于患者全麻狀態(tài)下圍拔管期血液動力學的影響……………………… 傅羽龍,楊軍良,程長秀,等(6.27)


老年肱骨近端骨折的保守治療效果觀察…………………………利云峰,譚 宇,賀華勇,等(6.31)


131I治療甲亢伴白細胞減少28例臨床觀察 ………趙紅莉(6.35)


金英膠囊對慢性盆腔炎濕熱證的多中心臨床觀察…………………………黃賢華,鄭南芝,歐 陽,等(7.43)

癆康湯對復治性肺結核陰虛毒瘀證療效及T淋巴細胞的影響…………………………鄧紅霞,易剛強,蔣 之,等(7.46)

益氣活血法對冠心病穩(wěn)定型心絞痛氣虛血瘀證患者血清IL-6、TNF-α及ICAM-1的影響 …彭偉軍,邢之華,廖 翔,等(7.49)


健膝湯配合中藥外敷治療膝骨性關節(jié)炎脾腎兩虛濕注骨節(jié)證的臨床觀察…………………………………………徐 曙(7.54)



益腎活血湯對腎結石ESWL術后腎損傷的改善作用的階段研究…………………………高 瞻,王桂云,沈建武,等(8.14)


骨形態(tài)發(fā)生蛋白-2和神經生長因子治療骨折的臨床研究……………………………………………………熊 志(8.19)

Ⅱa2期子宮頸鱗癌29例分析……………張 煦,孔為民(8.22)

BNP對急診呼吸困難患者的臨床評價研究…………………………………………劉 倩,趙 鋒(8.25)

孕晚期注射乙肝免疫球蛋白對嬰兒免疫效果的影響分析…………………………田瑞華,龐秋梅,柳 鑫,等(8.28)

參麥注射液聯合同步放化療治療中晚期食管癌的臨床觀察……………………………………………………濮 娟(8.30)

宮頸環(huán)形電切除術在治療宮頸高度鱗狀上皮內病變中的價值…………………………梁 慧,付 敏,肖 寧,等(8.32)


睡眠呼吸綜合征患者動態(tài)心電圖指標分析…………………………林 暉,田俊萍,林 捷,等(8.37)





多層螺旋CT在支氣管擴張癥診斷中的應用…………………………黃旭東,賴海輝,林 強,等(8.48)







松齡血脈康膠囊改善高血壓患者血管順應性和血管內皮功能的臨床研究………………………………翁錦龍,鄭 直(8.62)


脛腓骨中下1/3處粉碎性骨折的外固定器治療 …許福山(8.67)


人文關懷對急性心?;颊呖祻偷挠绊憽觖惷?,陳 靜,楊淑霞(8.71)

黃芪與復方丹參注射液聯合治療非增生期糖尿病性視網膜病變的療效觀察………………………………謝 艷,唐仁泓(9.55)


清肝寧肺方治療嗜酸粒細胞性支氣管炎肝火犯肺證的臨床觀察………………………………游柏穩(wěn),游 海,杜海燕(9.61)


復方蛋黃油膏對低位單純性肛瘺術后創(chuàng)面愈合影響的臨床研究……………………… 唐智軍,劉 淳,孔祥建,等(10.12)

高頻通氣山莨菪堿救治兒童急性呼吸窘迫綜合征…………………………… 劉紅萍,董曉菲,田 爭(10.15)

前列欣膠囊聯合鹽酸坦洛新緩釋膠囊治療濕熱瘀阻型前列腺增生療效觀察………… 高 瞻,倫立軍,邵魁卿,等(10.17)

我院臨床脊柱創(chuàng)傷病94例臨床分析與評價…… 鄒祖良(10.21)

輸卵管妊娠與人工流產史的相關因素分析…… 李向尊(10.24)

活血通絡法治療膝關節(jié)骨性關節(jié)炎療效觀察……………………… 高振臣,陶連輝,鄭超華,等(10.26)

地諾前列酮用于足月妊娠促宮頸成熟及引產療效觀察……………………………………… 王慶賢,馬月靜(10.28)

多種物理檢查方法對糖尿病周圍神經病變早期診斷價值的評估……………………………………… 李 力,劉 芳(10.31)

竹瀝顆粒與鮮竹瀝液對上呼吸道感染祛痰作用的臨床研究……………………………………… 李建保,田金娜(10.34)

上尿路移行細胞癌的臨床診治體會……………………… 奚鵬山,倪浩東,唐慶生,等(10.36)

自發(fā)性低顱壓綜合征磁共振成像表現………… 董茂順(10.38)

瑤藥止痛貼穴位敷貼治療癌痛的臨床研究……………………… 莫艷芳,鄧廣業(yè),黃顯實,等(10.40)

刺五加注射液治療神經衰弱的臨床效果分析………………………………………………… 史淑芹(10.43)

鹽酸氨溴索對慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者氣道局部氧化應激水平的影響…………………………………………… 曹仕鵬(10.45)

老年重癥肺炎150例的臨床研究……………………… 隋東江,李偉生,王蓉美,等(10.47)

愈髖丸結合帶旋髂深血管蒂髂骨瓣植骨治療中青年股骨頸骨折的臨床研究…………… 邵先舫,劉志軍,陳紹軍,等(10.50)

屈光性晶體置換術矯正中老年高度近視的臨床觀察……………………… 郝曉琳,戴維智,魏海霞,等(10.52)

腹腔鏡聯合膽道鏡治療膽結石68例…………… 傅聿銘(10.55)

肺灌洗治療支氣管擴張并發(fā)肺膿腫臨床療效研究………………………………………………… 冷蓓崢(10.57)

健脾、補腎與健脾補腎三法對慢性乙型肝炎患者外周血T細胞功能的影響…… 陳 斌,彭建平,張 濤,等(11.48)

加味虎杖散治療ⅢB型前列腺炎臨床觀察…………………………… 周 青,胡金輝,何清湖(11.52)

培土消癥方離子導入治療卵巢囊腫臨床觀察… 曹利萍(11.54)

補脾益氣湯治療高度近視黃斑出血的臨床觀察……………………………姜尚萍,謝文軍 ,康 怡(11.57)

益氣活血方對冠心病患者C-反應蛋白及纖維蛋白原水平的影響………………………………… 王 健,丁 瓊(11.60)

白內障膨脹期繼發(fā)性青光眼患者應用多焦點人工晶體的臨床觀察…………… 郝曉琳,戴維智,魏海霞,等(12.16)

康萊特腹腔熱灌注聯合FORFOX4方案治療進展期胃癌的臨床觀察…………………………… 徐學新,張 煒,溫愛萍(12.18)

乳酸菌陰道膠囊治療細菌性陰道病的臨床療效觀察……………………………………… 王 芳,劉曉杭(12.21)

中醫(yī)辨證論治聯合西藥治療多囊卵巢綜合征的臨床觀察………………………………………………… 鄭泳霞(12.23)

納洛酮治療嬰幼兒不同程度感染性休克的臨床療效………………………………………………… 薛彥銳(12.25)

粉塵螨滴劑免疫療法治療兒童哮喘的療效觀察及對其免疫功能影響………………………………… 周建坤,黃桂蘭(12.27)

宮頸癌術后陰道上皮內瘤變11例分析…………………………………付 敏,梁 慧,肖 寧(12.30)

剖宮產同時行單發(fā)子宮肌瘤剔除術78例分析………………………………………………… 崔新柏(12.32)

體外沖擊波碎石術聯合腎石通丸治療輸尿管上段結石療效觀察……………………… 錢開宇,熊國光,秦冬梅,等(12.34)

玻璃體切除術聯合中藥治療增生型糖尿病視網膜病變的療效觀察……………………… 謝立科,歐陽云,張 健,等(12.36)

老年2型糖尿病患者生活質量及影響因素分析……………………… 錢 鋒,王曉紅,單 慷,等(12.39)

步長健胃消炎顆粒治療慢性非萎縮性胃炎臨床觀察………………………………………………… 景秀香(12.41)

辛伐他汀與普伐他汀對2型糖尿病患者血脂及C-反應蛋白的影響………………………………………………… 劉曉輝(12.43)

銀丹心腦通輔助治療高脂血癥120例臨床分析………………………………………………… 史淑芹(12.45)

老年性肺間質纖維化的臨床治療研究……………………… 隋東江,李偉生,王蓉美,等(12.47)

高敏C-反應蛋白水平與2型糖尿病患者輕度認知功能障礙的關系……………………… 沈朝陽,張紅金,袁祖琴,等(12.49)

丹參酮ⅡA磺酸鈉注射液對晚期血吸蟲肝病肝纖維化程度的影響……………………… 郭文建,牛雪花,周建敏,等(12.51)

中西醫(yī)結合治療胃腸道腫瘤療效觀察……………………………………… 史雅芳,汪 舸(12.52)

金水寶膠囊治療免疫性不育患者臨床觀察……………………… 李廣裕,梁季鴻,梁世坤,等(12.54)

口內牽引成骨術的健康教育實施及評價……………………… 閆 虹,那 薇,吳 潔,等(12.58)

產后抑郁對孕產期婦女影響的臨床研究……… 馬 莉(12.60)



針刺配合中藥治療急性蕁麻疹風熱犯表證的臨床觀察………………………………潘海燕,楊發(fā)均,黃 潔(1.70)


腹針治療骨質疏松性壓縮性骨折術后便秘療效觀察………………………………黃 剛,陳 平,陳海云(2.59)

電針合手法復位藥物注射治療腰椎小關節(jié)綜合征的臨床觀察…………………………………………湯 偉,李鐵浪(3.69)

溫針灸治療中風后尿潴留患者的臨床觀察………………………………張現豪,馮國湘,文 寧(3.72)

小針刀治療早期退行性下頸椎失穩(wěn)癥的臨床觀察…………………………陳 青,龔志賢,張月娟,等(5.60)

小針刀擴新術治療骨不連的臨床觀察…………………………盧 敏,嚴 可,龔志賢,等(5.64)


針刺和神經干細胞聯合治療腦癱幼鼠的效果評價…………………………付 強,祁巖超,唐純志,等(6.51)


針刺對大鼠局灶性腦缺血后神經功能缺損及梗死面積的影響…………………………陳楚淘,田浩梅,張 泓,等(7.63)



銀質針導熱療法治療慢性下腰痛的臨床觀察…………………………………………韓國棟,譚 潔(9.68)

針刺關元等穴配合補陽還五湯治療中風恢復期偏汗療效觀察…………………………… 鄧凱文,賀福元,常小榮(11.62)

電針不同神經節(jié)段穴位對大鼠胃運動異常模型胃內壓的影響……………………… 張玉翠,于 雋,孟慶玲,等(11.65)

小針刀配合針灸辨證治療膝骨性關節(jié)炎的臨床觀察…………………………… 龔志賢,譚旭儀,盧 敏(11.69)



社區(qū)醫(yī)療機構干預對老年人2型糖尿病生活質量及預后影響的調查研究……………… 趙 錦,梁成竹,謝昌輝,等(2.65)


小兒手足口病辨證論治方案專家問卷調查分析…………………………………………詹 雯,王孟清(3.66)



精神分裂癥中醫(yī)狂證證候標準第二輪專家咨詢問卷分析………………………………黃 誠,宋煒熙,張宏根(6.44)


昆明地區(qū)高血壓人群中醫(yī)體質分布特點調查分析…………………………金艷蓉,江建鋒,李 軍,等(7.77)


醫(yī)學獨立學院專業(yè)課程體系與教學質量問卷調查及分析報告…………………………… 夏 云,房文亮,孫江潔(10.63)

懷柔區(qū)中醫(yī)醫(yī)院婦科門診中藥處方分析……… 劉淑杰(10.66)

計劃生育/生殖健康適宜技術推廣問題與對策……………………… 戴力輝,林素玲,曾 光,等(12.66)


非藥物致急性泛發(fā)性發(fā)疹性膿皰病1例………………………………馮亞蘭,周 青,馮 浩(5.71)

中醫(yī)辨證治療頑固性失眠2例 ………………… 劉衛(wèi)山(10.68)

小兒先天性腸旋轉不良1例護理報告 … 趙巧弋,黃雪飛(12.69)


中醫(yī)院校《免疫學基礎與病原生物學》省級精品課程建設與申報的實踐…………… 盧芳國,申可佳,李 珊,等(2.71)

生理學課堂教學技巧思考點滴…陳 懿,譚 琥,鄧奕輝(4.71)

中醫(yī)專業(yè)研究生創(chuàng)新人才培養(yǎng)體系的研究………………………………陳楚淘,李 點,何清湖(6.39)

臨床興趣小組教學方法在中醫(yī)院校病理學教學中的應用…………………………陳 麗,張 熙,雷久士,等(6.41)

淺談醫(yī)學留學生的藥理學教學…………王志琪,曾 嶸(6.42)

《中藥鑒定學》課程改革及教學中的思考……………………… 劉塔斯,潘清平,肖冰梅,等(10.59)

《方劑學》系統(tǒng)化教學模式的探索……………………… 蘇永華,楊延龍,盛佳鈺,等(10.61)

淺談實驗針灸實驗教學中如何突出中醫(yī)特色、培養(yǎng)學生創(chuàng)新能力………………………… 林亞平,彭 艷,譚 靜,等(12.62)

影響兒科護理帶教的原因分析與對策…崔 敏,趙巧弋(12.64)





湖南高校政產學研合作創(chuàng)新現狀分析及對策探討…………………………童巧珍,葛金文,喻 嶸,等(5.73)


大鼠骨髓間充質干細胞分離和培養(yǎng)方法的研究………………………………譚 琦,黃政德,王立鳳(7.74)


淺論儒家文化對期刊編輯的影響……………… 李路丹(11.73)



中西醫(yī)結合治療卵巢早衰的Meta-分析 …丁 青,尚芬芬(9.71)


鼻咽癌初診患者的中醫(yī)辨證分型與TNM分期相關性研究進展…………………………………………張 紅,曾 師(1.78)

抑郁癥非藥物治療的研究現狀…李東雅,蔡光先,郭 純(3.75)


皮膚惡性黑色素瘤的臨床治療進展………………………… 趙 燕,李成林,楊鶴鳴,等(4.74)

鐵皮石斛古代與現代的應用概況…………………………蔡光先,李 娟,李順祥,等(5.77)

消化道息肉的研究進展………………… 王 斐,韓樹堂(6.60)

藥物動力學-藥效動力學聯合模型的研究概況…………………………………………胡 蘋,李玉平(6.62)

以多發(fā)骨質破壞為主要表現的淋巴母細胞白血病/淋巴瘤2例并文獻復習……………高云閣,王社論,雷 琰,等(6.65)



趨化因子Eotaxin及其受體與變應性鼻炎研究進展…………………………………………龔 輝,李凡成(8.75)

抗血栓中藥的研究現狀…………………石 雕,彭延古(9.75)

功能性消化不良的中醫(yī)證型研究進展…劉 輝,劉柏炎(9.79)

小夾板外固定器的研究進展……………………… 彭力平,馬篤軍,林松青,等(10.69)

腫瘤壞死因子受體相關因子2在信號轉導中的研究進展……………………………… 尹抗抗,鄧冰湘,張 波(10.72)

乳腺癌組織相關基因位點雜合性缺失研究進展…………………………… 喬 峰,李曦洲,施俊義(10.76)

蝮蛇抗栓酶臨床應用進展……………………… 厙士芳(10.78)

鐵跨膜轉運蛋白與腦神經疾病的相關性研究進展……………………………………… 廖 君,葛金文(11.76)

藥食果蔬褐變機制及其干燥工藝研究現狀……………………… 徐 菲,李順祥,周 晉,等(11.79)

胃食管反流病中醫(yī)診治進展………… 楊清高,劉紹能(12.70)

股骨頸骨折治療的研究進展…梁 杰,王建偉,田寶剛(12.74)




ERCP途徑治療高齡患者膽總管巨大結石的臨床護理研究………………………… 陳吾霞,陶海燕,金 燕,等(2.76)

心血管疾病患病風險警示教育提高高血壓患者用藥依從性………………………… 李曉紅,西 錚,劉玉環(huán),等(2.79)


人性化護理在老年手術患者護理中的應用……………………………… 林友嬌,林 嫻,翁佩君(4.78)

中年冠心病介入治療圍手術期100例的心理干預……………………………… 張 乾,邢瑞娟,楊淑霞(4.80)




急診科實施護理服務套餐的臨床應用與研究………………………… 梅彤林,陳冬梅,管 鑫,等(6.78)


心力衰竭患者59例的護理體會……………………高 霞(8.80)

PDCA循環(huán)護理干預對自體骨髓干細胞移植治療肝硬化患者的影響………………………………………………… 張 靜(12.77)

醫(yī)護患同組的分組護理模式對基礎護理質量的影響……………………… 安 莉,甄 景,崔保玲,等(12.80)


Study of status and countermeasures on TCM industrial of Hunan ……………………CAI Guang-xian, TONG Qiao-zhen, YU Rong, et al(1.3)

Study on relatedness of origin Jing, Qi and Shen with gene …………………………………………………………………………JIA Geng(1.7)

Study on syndromes differentiation for nervous tinnitus ………………………………………………………………………LI Fan-cheng(1.12)

Study of partial and rogen deficiency model induced by cyclophosphamide in rats ………………………………HE Qing-hu,ZHOU Xing(1.15)

Effect of different treatments in TCM on myocyte apoptosis in myocardial ischemia reperfusion in rats…………………………………………………………………………………………TAN Yuan-sheng, YONG Su-nan,TANG Ying,et al(1.18)

Study on sub-health model of male Kidney-yang deficiency in rats ………………………… LI Tian-yu, HE Qing-hu, LU Fang-guo, et al(1.22)

Effect of Daidzein on expression of fluorescein gene regulated by ERE in HEC-1B …… LIU Xiao-li,XUE Xiao-ou,TANG Bing-hua,et al(1.25)

Effects of Bushen Huayu decoction on protein expression of CYP450 in ovarian granulosa cells in PCOS rats………………………………………………………………………………………YANG Zheng-wang, WEN jiong, ZHANG Zeng-ling(1.30)

Effect of Mieyou decoction on expression of IKKβ in gastric tissue of Helicobacter pylori-associated gastritis in mice…………………………………………………………………………………………SHI Hua-jin,WANG Xiao-juan,WU Can-rong,et al(1.33)

Effects of Ziyin Huoxue Jiedu decoction on contents of serum IL-1β, IL-8 and TNF-α in local cerebral infarction in rats ……………………………………………………………………………………DUAN Chun-yan,CHEN Yuan,LI Ding-xiang,et al(1.36)

Experimental study of Shire particles on relieving inflammatory and itching …… GUO Jian-sheng,ZHANG Meng,ZENG Gui-rong,et al(1.40)

Preparation of inclusion complex of dihydromyricetin-β-cyclodextrin from ampelopsis grossedentala………………………………………………………………………………………………LIANG Xiao-lan,LI Yun-yao,HE Gui-xia,et al(1.43)

Study on moulding process of Jiangtangling granules …………………………………………………………LI Cheng-jian,XIA Xin-hua(1.46)

Influence of different process to remove woody core on polysaccharide content of Morinda officinalis……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHOU Can,YANG Zi-yi,XU Li,et al(1.49)

Authentic medical records treated with ancient formulas ……………………………………………………………………CHEN Da-shun(1.52)

Experiences of Prof. XIONG Ji-bo in differentiation and treatment of Bi-syndrome ………………………………………………LI Dian(1.55)

Clinical study of Kaiwei Jinshi decoction compounding with ultra-micro particles on abdominal distention and fullness syndrome in hospitals ……………………………………………………… CHEN Bing,CAI Guang-xian,ZHANG Si-fang,et al(1.57)

Clinical study of Duhuo Jisheng decoction combined with traction-manipulation on herniated lumbar disc ………………………………………………………………………………………… XIE Yi-song,WU Guan-bao,YANG Bin,et al(1.61)

Clinical study of activating blood to remove stasis Therapy on reducing incidence of henoch-schonlein purpura nephritis in children ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… HAO Yuan-deng(1.64)

Clinical study of Xuanfei Zhike decoction combined with western drugs on cough variant asthma …………………………… LUO Shi-de(1.66)

Clinical study of points injection combined with beans pressure on ear-points on vomiting caused by chemotherapy in patients with cancer …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………DING Zhi-fang(1.68)

Clinical study of acupuncture combined with Chinese drugs on acute urticaria of wind-heat external syndrome …………………………………………………………………………………………PAN Hai-yan,YANG Fa-jun,HUANG Jie(1.70)

Literature review of therapy combined Chinese and western medicine of diabetic cerebral infarction…………………………………………………………………………………………… DENG Yi-hui, XU Mei-ling, YI Ya-qiao,et al(1.74)

Study progress of differentiation types in TCM and TNM division in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma in first diagnostic ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Hong, ZENG Shi(1.78)

Construction and in Vitro Expression of an Eukaryotic Vector Encoding ephrinB2 ……… XIE Qiu-qun,TANG Xiong-zhi,WANG Shi-xuan(2.3)

Xuebijing injection of ICU patients endothelial cell protection and ET - 1,NO influence XIE Ying-guang,LI Wen-qiang,MA Xu-wei,et al(2.6)

Intracranial pressure, intracranial tumors in effective control of the important aspects of value and significance ……………………………………………………………… ZHU Yong-hua,LIN Shao-hua,HUANG Han-tian,et al(2.9)

The Evaluation study on diagnostic value of X-ray,CT,MRI on acromioclavicular joint dislocation …BAO Lei,YAO Wei-wu,XIN Hong-jie(2.11)

Honghuahuangsesu injection with acute coronary syndromes cardiac function and matrix metalloproteinases influence …… YANG Xuan(2.14)

Study on Extraction Technique of Huoxue Sanjie Granule …………………………………… LI Yi,WANG Ying,ZHANG Zhong-li,et al(2.17)

Clinical observation of Hexue Mingmu for retinal hemorrhage caused by diabetic retinopathy …DAI Wei-zhi,HAO Xiao-lin,LIU Hua,et al(2.20)

Analysis on risk factors of the cerebral hemorrhage stroke recurrence ………………………………HU Ji-liang,XU Fei,CHEN Dong,et al(2.23)

Observed on CAG in the treatment of elderly patients with acute myeloid leukemia……………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Yun-ping,CHEN Ya-feng,WU Wen-zhong,et al(2.26)

Comparative study of high complex fistula-in-ano using with and without Waiyong kuiyang san after an operation………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Wei,ZHAO Qiang,TANG Ping,et al(2.29)

Check with square mainly joint dink treatment vulvovaginal candidiasis clinical research ……………………………… LIU Ting,XIE Bo(2.34)

Study on clinical efficacy of nasotracheal intubation in burnt anesthesia ……………………………………………………… DUAN Hui(2.36)

Ultraviolet joint TCM therapy unusual sex psoriasis the clinical curative effect of observation…………………………………………………………………………………… CAI Ming-gang,WANG Hong-yan,FANG Jun-hua,et al(2.39)

Continuous blood purificationMethodscombined with somatostatin infusion clinical observation of severe acute pancreatitis …………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Xi-ying,CHEN Yi-bin(2.41)

Clinical diagnosis of rare intracranial cystic diseases………………………………… LIU Wen-peng, ZHANG Xin-wei, KE Yi-quan,et al(2.47)

Influence of different enteral nutritional support regimens on the treatment for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… NIU Wei-kai(2.50)

Study on drug use and doctors behavior intervention …………………………………………………………………………………LI Li-jia(2.62)

Appendicitis surgical patients antimicrobial use analysis ……………………………………………………………………CHEN Hai-yan(2.68)

Practicing about construction and declaration of provincial excellent courses《Immunology and pathogenic biology》 in Chinese medicine institutions …………………………………………………………………………………………LU Fang-guo,SHEN Ke-jia,LI Shan,et al(2.71)

Study on clinical nursing of ERCP therapy of large common bile duct stones in elderly patients………………………………………………………………………………………………… CHEN Wu-xia,TAO Hai-yan,JIN Yan,et al(2.76)

Notifying the risk of cardiovascular disease increased Compliance in patient with anti-hypertensive therapy………………………………………………………………………………………………… LI Xiao-hong,XI Zheng,LIU Yu-huan,et al(2.79)

Study on theory and method of quantitative diagnosis in Chinese medicine ……………ZHOU Xiao-qing, LUO Yao-yue, LIU Jian-xin, et al(3.3)

Interpretation of Chinese medicine according to management of internal environment in human body … PAN Yuan-gen, KUANG Hui-tao(3.6)

Follow-up checking study on Chinese medicine dose for neonate …………………………LING Jia-jie, TAN Jie-lu, ZHANG Bao-lin, et al(3.10)

Academic features of famous doctor LUO Guo-gang in treatmentof cold-damaged diseases in Hunan in Qing dynasty …………………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Xian-ju, PAN Yuan-gen(3.17)

Correlation study of symptoms and signs of endotoxemia in different phases in Wei-qi-ying-xue syndrome in rabbits…………………………………………………………………………………………… AI Bi-chen,ZHAO Guo-rong,HE You-shun,et al(3.20)

Study on modified permanent suture for preparation of middle cerebral artery obstruction model in rats …………………………………………………………………………………………… PAN Jiang,ZHANG Wei,GE Wei-jun,et al(3.24)

Effects of Bushen Huoxue decoction on in-vitro nuclear maturation of immature PCO oocytes in mice……………………………………………………………………………………… SUN Xiao-feng,YOU Zhao-ling,LIU Dan-zhuo,et al(3.27)

Study on bacteriostasis of aqueous and ethanol extracts of Ajugae nipponensis Makino …… YI Gang-qiang,LI Yun-yao,LI Xiao-long,et al(3.31)

Effect of Huanshaodan on lipofuscin content and structure stability of DNA in aging mice …… HU Mei,LIU Qun-liang,SHU Chang,et al(3.33)

Effect of Sinomenine Hydrochloride with iontophoresis on transdermal permeability …… QIU Sai-hong, LI Lin, ZHU Chuan-xiang, et al(3.36)

Comparison research of HPLC fingerprint on different products of Radix et Rhizoma Rhei … DENG Ying, LEI Peng, ZHU Shi-ta, et al(3.39)

Effects of processingMethodsand different producing area on inherent quality of Flos Lonicerae …… ZHANG Ling-rong, ZHOU Ri-bao(3.42)

Study on ultrasonic extraction of polysaccharide in sweet potato leaves ……… YANG Yan-tao, WU Chun-ying, HUANG Shao-guo, et al(3.45)

Authentic medical records treated with ancient formulas ……………………………………………………………………CHEN Da-shun(3.48)

Clinical study of Sanhuang micro-fine instant granules on ulcerative colitis with spleen deficiency and heat-dampness ………………………………………………………………………………………………TANG Li-wen,LEI Xiao-ming(3.51)

Clinical study of Guanxin Xiaoban capsule on coronary heart disease with angina and hyperlipidemia ………………………………………………………………………………………WU Juan,CHENG Chou-fu,PENG Hui(3.55)

Clinical study of percutaneous kyphoplasty for osteoporotic thoracolumber compressive fractures …WANG Dian-jun,ZHOU Chang-zheng(3.59)

Effect of modified Shenyang Chushi decoction on anterior resection syndrome of rectal cancer ………………………………ZHANG Hui(3.62)

Analysis of authority questionnaire on differentiation and treatment for HFMD ………………………… ZHAN Wen,WANG Meng-qing(3.66)

Clinical study of EA co-Manipulation and drug injection on lumbar facet joint syndromes …………………………TANG Wei,LI Tie-lang(3.69)

Clinical study of warm-needling therapy on stroke patients with urinary retention …… ZHANG Xian-hao,FENG Guo-xiang,WEN Ning(3.72)

Research status of non-pharmacological treatment for depression…………………………………LI Dong-ya,CAI Guang-xian,GUO Chun(3.75)

Survey of study in TCM on deep vein thrombosis after orthopaedic major surgery ………………… TAN Xu-yi,GONG Zhi-xian,LU Min(3.79)

Laryngeal Mask Airway on general anesthesia Used in Aartificial auditory ossicle implanting ……… WANG Hui-jun,JI Fang,LI Tian-zuo(4.3)

The researsh of relationship between the LN、Ⅳ-C levels in diabetes Urine and syndromic types of traditional chinese………………………………………………………………………………………………… WENG Ling,ZHENG Jing,YANG Zhi-gang(4.6)

Clinic significance of Testing CD4+CD25+ Treg cells in patients with sepsis …………………SHAO Min, LIU Bao, WANG Jin-quan,et al(4.8)

Vasodilative effect of FZA in vitro rat thoracic aorta …………………………………………………… BAI Yang,XU Han,QIAN Yan-xin(4.11)

Primary dry syndrome merger between the quality of the lung function and high consumption of the dependency analysis distinguish ct …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………SONG Li-hong(4.13)

HAART treatment for HIV infections with psychological intervention CD4+ T peripheral blood cell apoptosis influence……………………………………………………………………………………………… BAI Chun-qin,YAO Wen-hu,ZHU Yun-hong(4.17)

Transfer of GML Gene Increase the Chemosensitivity of Cisplatin to A549 Cell In Vitro………………………………………………………………………………………SUI Dong-jiang,LI Wei-sheng,WANG Rong-mei,et al(4.19)

Brucea javanica oil emulsion injection to dare crow SKMG-4 glial cells research …… YANG Li-hui,SHI Wen-Jian,ZHAO Xi-qing,et al(4.22)

The clinical effect analysis of preventing endodontic interappointment pain with serrapeptase ……………………………………XU Yao(4.25)

Effects of Xuebijing injection on severe traumatic patients’ extravascular lung water … LI Hong,SUN Dong-ming,JIANG Hong-ying,et al(4.27)

The treatment analysis of patients with coronary artery disease combined with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome undergoing off pump coronary arteries bypass grafting ……………………………………………… MENG Chun-ying,WEN Ding-guo,LUO Bin,et al(4.30)

Clinical observation of Hexue Mingmu for conjunctival hemorrhage ………………………… DAI Wei-zhi,HAO Xiao-lin,LIU Hua,et al(4.32)

Postmenopausal uterine bleeding(PUB) and Endometrial cancer …………………………………… LI Wen-ying,LI Ya-jun,QIN Wen-zhi(4.34)

Compound seabuckthorn oil bolt joint poly cresol son in cervical LEEP postoperative sulfonylureas solution of application …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… XU Jing,SUN Jian-xin(4.36)

Clinical Observation of Yiqihuoxuenashen Recipe for Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ……………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Shuang-sheng,HU Zi-guang,FENG Feng-fang(4.38)

Take intramedullary nails radial fractures surgery feet clinical analysis ………………………………………………… ZENG Ming-jun(4.40)

A Clinical Observation of Treating Epilepsy by Program Combining TCM with Western Medicine ………………………………………………………………………… PANG Zeng-yuan,YU Zheng-miao,WU Zhi-bing,et al(4.42)

Thymosin α1 combination chemotherapy for patients with advanced gastric cancer life quality and immune function of influence ……………………………………………………………………………………HAN Quan-Li,LI Jing,YANG Chun-Min,et al(4.45)

A curative effect observation on Ondansetron combined with dexamethasone to prevent and treat the nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy for elderly tumor patients …………………………………… GAO Yun-ge,WANG She-lun,ZHENG Cheng-zhong,et al(4.47)

Interventional Treatment for Patient of Budd-Chiari Syndrome with Infertility ………………………………………………SUN Zhi-hua(4.50)

Efficacy of Groove between the psoas muscle nerve block combined with compound Angelica injection for lumbar disc herniation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………MA Wen-ruo,MA Cheng-yu(4.52)

Yu Quan Particle treat type 2 diabetes mellitus 84 cases …………………………………………………… WU Bo, ZHENG Chang-qing(4.54)

The Observation of the clinical efficacy and safety of Reduning in treatment of children with acute upper respiratory tract infection …………………………………………………………………………LIAO Cui-fang,ZHAN Xiao-ling,WANG Jing,et al(4.56)

An Analysis on the Effect of Treating Constipation with Zheng Chang Sheng combine Polyethylene Glycol 4000 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHAI Li-ping,WANG Xiao-wei(4.58)

Elderly malignant bone tumors misdiagnosis 4 cases analysis ……………………………………………………XIE Gen-dong,WANG Qi(4.60)

Elderly patients with diabetes 86 patients hypoglycemia of research …………………………………………………QI Xiao-dong,LI Bei(4.62)

Carvedilol on renal insufficiency patients with clinical observation of hypertension ……CUI Xi-feng,DONG Ming-hua,GAI Ning-ning,et al(4.65)

From the amount of antibiotics to see the importance of hierarchical management …………………… CHEN Xiang-hong,YANG Shu-xia(4.67)

Outpatient pharmacist in the patient's role in medication compliance …………………YANG Jian-kun,YANG Zhang-qun,WANG Yong-li(4.69)

Teaching skills of physiology ………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Yi,TAN Hu,DENG Yi-hui(4.71)

Progress of clinical treatment on dermal melanocytoma ………………………………… ZHAO Yan,LI Cheng-lin,YANG He-ming,et al(4.74)

The influence of personalized nursing to the pain of patients with hepatic biopsy ……………………………………… ZHAO Chun-hua(4.76)

The Applications of Humanistic Nursing in Elderly Surgical Patients …………………………… LIN You-jiao,LIN Xian,WENG Pei-jun(4.78)

Middle-aged percutaneous coronary intervention perioperative 100 cases of psychological intervention ……………………………………………………………… ZHANG Qian,XING Run-juan,YANG Shu-xia(4.80)

Differentiating treatments of sweating on head only in “Treatise on Cold Damaged” …………………ZENG Jiang-qin, JIANG Yue-wen(5.3)

Study of rapid detecting ATP based on aptamer and DNA-specific dye EvaGreenTM ……………… CHEN Ling-li,LI Jie,HE Qi-zhi,et al(5.6)

Protective effect of Pollen Typhae flavone on anoxia-damaged vascular endothelial cells …LIN Jie,JIA Chun-yan,WANG Ruo-guang,et al(5.10)

Mmechanism study of Mahuang Jiazhu decoction on rheumatoid arthritis model in rats …… XU Qi, YIN Kang-kang, TAN Da-quan, et al(5.13)

Effects of micro-pieces Huoxiang Zhengqi powder on protection of intestinal mucosa and regulation of water electrolyte in rats with acute diarrhea ………………………………………………………………………LUO Yao-yue, LONG Jing-wen,WANG Yu-xing,et al(5.16)

Effect of Huanshaodan on deletion of myocardial mitochondrial DNA induced by D-gal in aged mice………………………………………………………………………………………… CHENG Li-juan, LIU Qun-liang, TAN Feng, et al(5.20)

Mechanism study of Qinxiang Zhixie decoction on promoting small intestine and analgesic effect in mice…………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHU Ke, PENG Zhi-pei, LI Wen-long, et al(5.23)

Experimental study of mulberrin on blood glucose of Type ⅠⅠ diabetes model rats ……………IN Xiao-ming,WEI Yun,YANG Shi-ping(5.26)

Study of sulphur dioxide residue in merchandise Gastrodia tuber ……………………………………NIE Li-xiao, LIU Ta-si, SHU Ke, et al(5.29)

Determination of paeoniflorin in Danggui Huoxue capsules with HPLC …………………… LI Jin, CHEN Qiu-xiang, LIANG Xiao, et al(5.31)

Study on compounds in Swertia macrosperma C. B. Clark …………………………………………XIONG Cheng-wen, LIN Peng-cheng(5.34)

Effects of calcining on harmful elements Pb, Cd, As, Hg and Cu in fluorite ……… AN Zhao-yang, YUAN Hong-jia, LIU Wen-long, et al(5.37)

Effects of different processingMethodsof folium artemisiae argyi on hemostation …… ZENG Ting, HE Wei-he, JIANG Meng-liang, et al(5.41)

Effects of different processes on polysaccharide content in Cuscuta chinens ………………………… XIAO Lan, YANG Zi-yi, CHEN Xi(5.44)

Authentic medical records treated with ancient formulas ……………………………………………………………………CHEN Da-shun(5.46)

Experiences of Prof. YUAN Chang-jing in headache treatment …………………………………………………………… YUAN Meng-shi(5.48)

Clinical study of kosum grease emulsion via perfusion for malignant pleural effusion……… ZENG Pu-hua, JIANG Yi-lan, CAI Mei, et al(5.51)

Clinical effects of Qingjin Changfei decoction on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in acute occurring ……………………………………………………………………………… JIN Zhao-hui, FAN Fu-yuan, YOU Bai-wen, et al(5.54)

Analysis of 990 patients with Schizophrenia on syndromes composition ratio in TCM ………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Hong-geng, CHEN Yu-gen, SONG Wei-xi, et al(5.57)

Clinical study of akupotomye therapy on early degenerative disease of cervical spine instability …………………………………………………………………… CHEN Qing, GONG Zhi-xian, ZHANG Yue-juan, et al(5.60)

Clinical study of akupotomye extensive therapy on 26 patients with nonunion ………………… LU Min, YAN Ke, GONG Zhi-xian, et al(5.64)

Clinical study of electro-acupuncture combined with rehabilitation on dysphagia of dorsolateral medulla infarction …………………………………………………………………………… YANG Hai-fang, GONG Jian-wen, CHEN Hong-xia(5.67)

One case of acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis caused by non-medicine …………………FENG Ya-lan,ZHOU Qing,FENG Hao(5.71)

Innovation status and countermeasures study of government-industry-learning-research combination in Hunan colleges ………………………………………………………………………… TONG Qiao-zhen, GE Jin-wen, YU Rong, et al(5.73)

Applications of dendrobium officinale in ancient and modern times ……………………… CAI Guang-xian, LI Juan, LI Shun-xiang, et al(5.77)

Effect of Yaojiu on antitumor and immune function in mice …………………………………………………LIU Shu-jie,CAI Bing,GUO Jie(6.3)

Study for the number of pregnancies with O blood type and ABO hemolytic disease of the newborn …FANG Min,FANG Yue,JIN Jie,et al(6.5)

Clinical observation of Hexue Mingmu film for hemorrhage of myopic macular degeneration …DAI Wei-zhi,HAO Xiao-lin,LIU Hua,et al(6.7)

To Assess the Value of Multi-slice Spiral CT on The Cause of Mechanical Intestinal Obstruction ……………………………………………………………………………… CHEN Ying-yu,PAN Ai-zhen,XU Zhi-feng,et al(6.9)

A clinical observation of Chinese traditional treatment of experience medicine yaotu 1 on prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc ………………………………………………………………………LIAO Hui-xiong,LI Peng-fei,CHEN De-sheng,et al(6.11)

Compound danshen injection in the treatment of neonatal hard swollen disease 82 cases clinical research …… WANG Wen-liang,LI Hong(6.13)

Yiqi shu xin pill on the effect of adenoidectomy on chronic heart failure15 …… CHEN Wei-qiang,ZHAO Hua-yun,WANG Wen-hui,et al(6.15)

Clinical Observation of Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated with Sanxiao yinzi Decoction Combined with Leflunomide ………… LIU Yu-ning(6.17)

Investigation of 350 cases Bile Reflux Gastritis on Pathogen and Influence Factors …………………………………………ZHANG Zhang(6.19)

Compare of Saber incision and Supraclavicular incision treatment of clavicular fracture efficacy ………………………………………………………………………………YU Xin-zhong,YANG En-guang,SONG Shuang,et al(6.21)

Clinic observation of combined votalin and microwave in the treatment of omarthritis ………………………………………OU Yang-bin(6.23)

The observations on curative effects of nervous tinnitus treated by ShenXiong glucose injection ………………………… CHEN Zu-hua(6.25)

Right to the patient torre oxazolidine beauty microphones, under general condition surrounded decannulation period hemodynamic effects …………………………………………………………… FU Yu-long,YANG Jun-liang,CHENG Chang-xiu,et al(6.27)

Arsenious acid on the impact of chronic leukemia patients …………………………………………………… GUO Zi-wen,XU Xiao-jun(6.29)

Older proximal humeral fractures with conservative treatment of observations ………………… LI Yun-feng,TAN Yu,HE Hua-yong,et al(6.31)

Old people after esophagectomy resection of clinical research anastomotic leakage ……………………WANG Jun-feng(6.33)

131I treat hyperthyroidism companion leukopenia 28 cases clinical analysis and observation ……………………………… ZHAO Hong-li(6.35)

Observation on the effect of budesonide sucralfate in infants with asthma ………… LI Zeng-qing,CHEN Yong-xin,MENG Xiu-ling,et al(6.37)

TCM graduates innovation talent cultivation system research ……………………………………… CHEN Chu-tao,LI Dian,HE Qing-hu(6.39)

Clinical interest group teaching method applied to pathology teaching in Chinese Tradition Medicine college ………………………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Li,ZHANG Xi,LEI Jiu-shi,et al(6.41)

Pharmacology Teaching of Foreign Medical Students ………………………………………………………… WANG Zhi-qi,ZENG Rong(6.42)

Schizophrenia TCM crazy syndrome standard second expert consultation questionnaire analysis …………………………………………………………………………………HUANG Cheng,SONG Wei-xi,ZHANG Hong-gen(6.44)

The Investigation and analysis on preventive use of ntibiotics in perioperative period of 614 cases of hand trauma in emerg ………………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Yan-rong,ZHEN Jian-cun(6.48)

Evaluation Effect of Combination Therapy of Acupuncture and Neural Stem Cells on Newborn Rats with Cerebral Palsy ……………………………………………………………………………… FU Qiang,QI Yan-chao,TANG Chun-zhi,et al(6.51)

Clinical study on effect of “Eliminating blood stasis and promoting tissue regeneration” acupuncture combined with rehabilitation training in treating spastic paralysis of the patient after operation of hypertensive basal ganglia hemorrhage …………………………………………………………………………… TA Chang-feng,WU Ding-qi,MA Teng-fei(6.54)

Mechanical ventilation with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the application of combination of respiratory failure ……………………………………………………………………SUI Dong-jiang,LI Wei-sheng,WANG Rong-mei,et al(6.56)

Cost-effectiveness analysis of laparoscopic colorectal resection in Huizhou city ……… LUO Hong-yu,ZHONG De-yuan,LI Hui-hua,et al(6.58)

The research progress of digestive tract polyps ………………………………………………………………… WANG-Pei,HAN Shu-tang(6.60)

Advance of mechanism based pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics link model ……………………………………… HU Ping,LI Yu-ping(6.62)

Two cases and literature review of lymphoblastic leukemia / lymphoma with multiple bone destruction as the main manifestation ………………………………………………………………………………… GAO Yun-ge,WANG Shen-lun,LEI Yan,et al(6.65)

Progress of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease mechanical ventilation ………………………………………………WANG Xin-hua(6.68)

The realization of carrying out different grades of nursing for the Patient with acute trauma …YIN Yan-ling,TANG Qing-mei,YANG Li-ping(6.71)

Comprehensive Nursing Care Experience of Percutaneous Vertebroplasty ………………………………………………… XIAO Bo-qing(6.73)

Elderly patients with COPD biological - psychological - social medical model of holistic nursing care …………………………LI Qiu-lian(6.76)

The clinical application and research of Emergency department care packages ……… MEI Tong-lin,CHEN Dong-mei,GUAN-Xin,et al(6.78)

Correlation study of warming yang therapy and dilated cardiomyopathy ……………………LU Qing, CAI Hu-zhi, CHEN Qing-yang, et al(7.3)

Research of EL-3 on anti-lung cancer mechanism ……………………………………… XIE Jin-kui,CAO Jian-guo,ZHANG An-qiang,et al(7.6)

Effects of JZTX-V on withdrawl symptoms in morphine dependent mice ………… XU De-hong, CHEN Ren-zhong, CHI Yu-peng, et al(7.11)

Effects of compound Morinda mixture on histological changes in rats with glucocorticoid-induced avascular necrosis of femoral head …………………………………………………………………………SUN Ke-min, WANG He-ming, CHEN Wen-lie, et al(7.14)

Effects of Shangsukang emplastrum on IL-1, IL-6 and TNR-α levels in synovia fluid of knee osteoarthritis in rabbits ………………………………………………………………………………………… LU Min, TAN Xu-yi, XIE Xin-jun, et al(7.18)

Effect of Qianlongtong capsules on apoptosis and cell cycle in human prostate in BPH …………… CAI Wei, HE Ju-qiao, WU Can-rong(7.22)

Contents determination of protopine, allocryptopine, sanguinarine and chelerythrine in fruit of Macleaya cordata with method of multi-assay depending on one determination ……………………………………………LI Wen-liang, ZENG Jian-guo, LIU Fa-bao, et al(7.25)

Study on quality standard of Tongxuan Yiqi pills …………………………………………………WANG Qing, CAI Ping, WAN Dan, et al(7.29)

Pharmacognostic study of Radix Onosma cingulatum ……………………………………ZHANG Chao, HE Bao-feng, ZHANG Qing-zhi(7.32)

Study of optimizing extraction technique for Fuganning capsules by orthogonal test … ZHENG Ping-Yuan, HU Yong-hua, YIN Jin, et al(7.35)

Authentic medical records treated with ancient formulas (IX) ………………………………………………………………CHEN Da-shun(7.38)

Experiences of Prof. ZHANG Chong-quan for insomnia ……………………………………………… YUAN Hua, ZHANG Chong-quan(7.40)

Multicenter clinical study of Jinying capsules for chronic pelvic inflammatory disease with Damp-heat ……………………………………………………………………………HUANG Xian-hua, ZHENG Nan-zhi, OU Yang, et al(7.43)

Clinical effect of Laokang decoction on recurrent pulmonary tuberculosis and its effects on T lymphocytes ………………………………………………………………………DENG Hong-xia, YI Gang-qiang, JIANG Zhi, et al(7.46)

Effect of Yiqi Huoxue therapy on serum IL-6, ICAM-1 and TNF-α in patients with stable angina pectoris in qi deficiency and blood stasis ……………………………………………………………………………PENG Wei-jun, XING Zhi-hua, LIAO Xiang, et al(7.49)

Clinical study of Shenling lavage solution on Nasopharyngeal lavation for 52 children with adenoid hypertrophy ………………………………………………………………………………… ZHU Zhen-hua, JIANG Yong-zhong(7.52)

Clinical study of Jianxi decoction combining external therapy on KOA with insufficiency of spleen-kidney and dampness in bone and joints …………………………………………………………………………………………………………XU Shu(7.54)

Clinical study of Huangqi Tongmai decoction on thrombus unenlightened vasculitis in lower limb …………………… JIAO Shou-gang(7.57)

Clinical study of Daotan decoction on stroke with phlegm-turbidity disturbing mind in 60 patients …………………………HE Qun-fang(7.60)

Effects of Acupuncture on neurologic impairment and infarct size after local cerebral ischemia in rats …………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Chu-tao, TIAN Hao-mei, ZHANG Hong, et al(7.63)

Clinical study of thermal moxibustion combining psychological intervention on silent myocardial ischemia……………………………………………………………………………………………FAN Li-ying, DIAO Li-hong, ZHOU Guo-xiang(7.67)

Observation of 47 cases on therapeutic effect of shoulder pain treated by acupuncture plus acu-injection ………………… JIANG Xue-yu(7.70)

Study on isolation and culture of rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells ………………… TAN Qi, HUANG Zheng-de, WANG Li-feng(7.74)

Study on distribution characteristics of constitution classification in TCM in multitude with high blood pressure in Kunming area …………………………………………………………………… JIN Yan-rong, JIANG Jian-feng, LI Jun, et al(7.77)

Progress of intervention mechanism of Chinese medicine on cardiovascular diseases treated with stem cell transplantation …………………………………………………………………………………………LI Yu-bing, HUANG Zheng-de(7.80)

Effect of aerobic exercise and Pingfeifang on lipid metabolism and insulin resistant of DIO rats ………………………………………………………………………………………SHEN Zhong-hua,HE Jun-feng,LUO Hua(8.3)

Experimental Study on the Antibacterial Effect of ZijuantifluCapsules invivo…………………… SONG Yu,LI Cui-bing,DENG Yan-Hui,et al (8.6)

The Comparative Study on blood circulation, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of Notoginseng yinpian in diffirent specifications ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Shu-jie(8.9)

Professor You`s Practice and Experience of Diet Therapy of Traditional Chinese Medicine to Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) …………………………………………………………………… WANG Chun-rong,YOU Zhao-ling,XU Ai-liang (8.11)

The stage research in the role of Yi Shen Huo Xue-soup improve the patients suffered from Renal injury because of ESWL …………………………………………………………………………GAO Zhan,WANG Gui-yun,SHEN Jian-wu,et al(8.14)

Effect of strengthening intervention in Community patients with metabolic syndrome ………………… YANG Li-ping,SONG Hui-jiang(8.17)

The Clinical Study of bone morphogenetic protein-2 and Nerve Growth Factor in Fracture treatment ……………………… XIONG Zhi(8.19)

Analysis of cervical squamous cell carcinoma stage Ⅱa2 in 29 cases ……………………………………… ZHANG Xu,KONG Wei-Min(8.22)

The Clinical Study of BNP in Evaluating Dyspneic Patients in Emergency Department …………………………… LIU Qian,ZHAO Feng(8.25)

The Effects of injection of HBIG to pregnant woman in late period to immune system of fetus ……………………………………………………………………………… TIAN Rui-hua,PANG Qiu-mei,LIU Xin,et al(8.28)

A Clinical Study on the combination of Shenmai Injection and Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy for Advanced Esophageal Carcinoma ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………PU Juan(8.30)

The value of treating cervical intraepithetlial neoplasm with Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure …………………………………………………………………………………LIANG Hui,FU Min,XIAO Ning,et al(8.32)

Ketoprofen gel topical joint Gu jin wan internal treatment Osteoarthritis ……………………GE Bo-yong,LIU Zheng-he,LI Ren-feng,et al(8.35)

Analysis on the Ambulatory Electrocardiogram in the Patients with Sleep Apnea Syndrome ……… LIN Hui,TIAN Jun-ping,LIN Jie,et al(8.37)

Clinical observation on ChaiguiWendanDingzhi Decoction for Treatment of 35 cases of Epilepsy………………………………………………………………………………… KONG Xiang-jun,XU Jin-guang,LI Qing-hui,et al(8.40)

The Observation of clinical efficacy on 50 Infantile viral enteritis treated by Reduning injection …………………………………………………………………………ZHOU Jian-kun,LIU Zi-jiao,HUANG Gui-lan(8.42)

Talking about the Sex Hormone Test in Infertility Diagnosis Cases ………………………… LI Jian-ye,LIU Yun-zhou,HU Wei-hong,et al(8.44)

The observation of Clinical effect on treatment of Liver cirrhosis with lamivudine ……………………………………………… LI Xu-hui(8.46)

The Application of Multi-slices Spiral CT in Bronchiectasis Diagnosis ………………… HUANG Xu-dong,LAI Hai-hui,LIN Qiang,et al(8.48)

Diagnostic Value of Lung Cancer by E-bronchoscope of Different Sampling ……………………………………………………LI Li-rong(8.50)

Clinical Value of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy with Ultrasound-guided ………………………………………………… YAO Hai-wen(8.52)

The influencing factors of SCD in hospital ……………………………………………………………………………………… LI Fu-guo(8.54)

The clinical observation of Fiberoptic bronchoscopy on Older severe pneumonia …SUI Dong-jiang,LI Wei-sheng,WANG Rong-mei,et al(8.56)

Clinical Application of Locking Plate in Femoral Intertrochanteric Fracture Treatment ………………………………… ZHOU Zhen-hui(8.58)

A comparative study of shugan-jieyu capsule and sertraline in treatment of depression …… QIU Tang-wei,LIU Xue-wen,ZHU Huai-xuan(8.60)

The clinical research of song ling xue mai kangameliorating the compliance and endothelial function of artery in hypertensive patients ……………………………………………………………………………… WONG Jin-long,ZHENG Zhi(8.62)

The clinical study about 45 patients with secondary pulmonary infection after renal transplantation ………………………………………………………………………LI Wei-sheng,SUI Dong-jiang,WANG Rong-mei,et al(8.65)

External fixator treatment of Comminuted fracture in Tibial fibular 1/3 connection place …………………………………… XU Fu-shan(8.67)

The Clinical analysis Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of 82 cases …………………………WU Juan-hua,YANG Bu-ju,SHEN Yan-qiong(8.69)

Humanistic care to patients with acute myocardial infarction recovery influence ………………WANG Li-mei,CHEN Jing,YANG Shu-xia(8.71)

Analysis of cost and effectiveness on treatment of mild to moderate hypertension with Amlodipine and felodipine ………… FAN Yu-xia(8.73)

Research Progress on the Relationship between Chemotatic factors of Eotaxin CCR3 and Allergic Rhinitis ……GONG Hui,LI Fan-cheng(8.75)

Clinical nursing experience on 12 patients with traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage of intracranial aneurysms …………… LIU Hong-mei(8.78)

The nursing experience of 59 patients with heart failure ………………………………………………………………………… GAO Xia(8.80)

Clinical thought of Prof. YOU Zhao-ling on differentiation and treatment of barrenness ………………………………………………LIN Jie(9.3)

Study of Leech extract on DNA demethylation in HepG2 ……………………………………… TIAN Xue-fei, SUN Jing, FANG Yuan,et al(9.8)

Expression of GATA-4 mRNA in transplanted MSCs ischemic myocardium in rats ………………………………………………………… HUANG Xian-ping,ZHENG Jing-hui, YUAN Zhao-kai,et al(9.12)

Effect of Buddleja officinalis flavones on expression of IL-1β in lacrimal gland in castrated rats with dry eye ………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Jia-wen, PENG Qing-hua, YAO Xiao-lei, et al(9.16)

Study of lyceum barbarum polysaccharides on interventing IGF-I, IGFR and IGFBP-1 levels of Human ovarian carcinoma in nude mice ………………………………………………………………… WEI Min, ZHENG Sheng-zhi, MA Hong, et al(9.19)

Effects of Liuwei Dihuang pills on adipocyte in rats …………………………………………………………JIANG Jun-he, LIU Rong-fang(9.23)

Effects of Shuwei decoction on serum stem cell factors and nitric oxiode in functional indigestive rats ……………………………………………………………………………GUO Xuan,MI Yan-hong,WANG Xiao-juan,et al(9.27)

Effects of Sangsheng Chubi mixture on histology and hemorheology of osteoarthritis in rabbits……WANG ping, LU Qi-gui, XU Zhan,et al(9.31)

Determination of uraci and hypoxanthine contents in ultramicro power of Eupolyphaga …………WAN Dan, CAI Ping, ZHANG Shui-han(9.36)

Determination of protocatechuic acid contents in different processed products of Rhizoma Cibotii ……CHEN Zheng, LI Wen-li, TONG Ke(9.38)

Comparative study of transdermal characteristic on water and alcohol extracts of Xiaoyu powders ………………………………………………… XIAO Li-xin, PENG Li-ping, CHEN Guang-yu, HE Qun, WANG Shi(9.41)

Effects of water- and ethanol-extraction of bamboo on guaiacol content …………………CHEN Qiu-xiang, JIANG Xiao-huang, LI Hong(9.46)

Authentic medical records treated with ancient formulas ……………………………………………………………………CHEN Da-shun(9.49)

Treatment experiences of Prof. YOU Zhao-ling in unsuccessful external fertilization-embryonic implantation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………XIONG Jie, YOU Zhao-ling(9.51)

Clinical study of Astragalus injection integreted compound salvia injections on nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy …………………………………………………………………………………………… XIE Yan, TANG Ren-hong(9.55)

Curative effects of compund Yifei Duqi capsules on stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and effect of it on serum interleukin-8 ……………………………………………………………WANG Qi-huang, WANG Le-wen, XU Ling-sheng,et al(9.58)

Clinical study of Qinggan Ningfei decoction on eosinophilic bronchitis of liver-fire attacking lung ……………………………………………………………………………………… YOU Bo-wen,YOU Hai,DU Hai-yan(9.61)

Clinical observation of Jianpi Yuyang decoction for ulcerative colitis of spleen deficiency combining stasis ………………………………………………………………… MI Yan-hong, DENG Su-ping, WANG Xiao-juan, et al(9.64)

Clinical study of silver needles diathermy on chronic low back pain………………………………………………HAN Guo-dong, TAN Jie(9.68)

Meta-analysis of premature ovarian failure treated combined Chinese and Western medicines …………… DING Qing, SHANG fen-fen(9.71)

Progress of study in antithrombotic drugs in ……………………………………………………………… TCMSHI Diao,PENG Yan-gu(9.75)

Progress of study in TCM syndrome types on functional dyspepsia ………………………………………………… LIU Hui, LIU Bai-yan(9.79)

The Experimental Study of Tetramethylpyrazine on Severe Acute Pancreatitis in Rat …………………………………………………………………………………ZHOU Chun-li,GU Zhen-lun,LIANG Zhong-qin,et al(10.3)

The antioxidant protective effect of berberine on myocardial ischemia/Reperfusion injury in rabbits ………………YU Yong-yan,YU Ding(10.7)

Develop the mind of ZHU Dan-xi's academic thought guiding for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis ………… WANG Zi-yi(10.9)

Clinical study of Compound Ointment of Egg Yolk in Healing Wounds Following Simple Low Anal Fistulectomy ………………………………………………………………………TANG Zhi-jun,LIU Chun,KONG Xiang-jian,et al(10.12)

Clinical therapeutic effect of the High frequency ventilation (HFV)matching anisodamine on ARDS of children……………………………………………………………………… LIU Hong-ping,DONG Xiao-fei,TIAN Zheng(10.15)

Clinical Observation on Qian Lie Xin Capsule plus Tamsulosin Hydrochloride Sustained Release Capsules in the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia with Shi Re Yu Zu Syndrome …………………………… GAO Zhan,LUN Li-jun,SHAO Kui-qing,et al(10.17)

The clinical Analysis of 94 cases with spinal injury …………………………………………………………………………ZOU Zu-liang(10.21)

Analysis of the factors between tubal pregency and artificial abortion ……………………………………………………… LI Xiang-zun(10.24)

Clinical Observation of the Therapeutic Effect of Huoxuetongluo Therapy on Osteoarthritis of Knee ………………………………………………………………………… GAO Zhen-chen,TAO Lian-hui,ZHENG Chao-hua,et al(10.26)

Dinoprostone for cervical ripening in term pregnancy and labor induction efficacy ………………………WANG Qing-xian,MA Yue-jing(10.28)

Evaluation of several physicalMethodsin the early diagnosis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy………………………… LI Li,LIU Fang(10.31)

Clinical research on expectorant effect of Zhuli Granule and Zhuli juice in treatment with infection of the upper respiratory tract …………………………………………………………………………………………LI Jian-bao,TIAN Jin-na(10.34)

Clinical diagnosis and treatment experience of upper tract urothelial carcinoma ……XI Peng-shan,NI Hao-dong,TANG Qing-sheng,et al(10.36)

The Signs of MRIimaging in Spontaneous Intracrnial Hypotension Syndrome ……………………………………… DONG Mao-Shun(10.38)

A clinical trail of Yao-Yao pain-killing sticking stuff by acupoint application to treat cancerous pain …………………………………………………………… MO Yan-fang,DENG Guang-ye,HUANG Xian-shi,et al(10.40)

Analysis of the Clinical Eeffects of Acanthopanax Injection in the Treatment of Neurasthenia ………………………………SHI Shu-qin(10.43)

Effects of ambroxol on the oxidative stress of airway in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients …………………CAO Shi-peng(10.45)

The clinical research of 150 cases of severe pneumonia ………………………… SUI Dong-jiang,LI Wei-sheng,WANG Rong-mei,et al(10.47)

The clinical research on the YUKUANWAN and grafting of iliac bone flap with deep iliac circumflex vessel in the treatment of femoral neck fracture ………………………………………………………………SHAO Xian-fang,LIU Zhi-jun,CHEN Shao-jun,et al(10.50)

Refractive clear lens extraction and intraocular lens implantation for treatment of high myopia in middle-aged patients ………………………………………………………………………………………HAO Xiao-lin,Dai Wei-zhi,Wei Hai-xia,et al(10.52)

Laparoscopic treatment of gallstones 68 cases of biliary microscopy …………………………………………………………FU Yu-ming(10.55)

Clinical Efficacy Investigation of Lung lavage in Treating Bronchiectasis Complicated with Pulmonary Abscess ………LENG Pei-zheng(10.57)

Course Reform and Thinking in Teaching of the Chinese Medicine Identification …… LIU Ta-si,PAN Qing-ping,XIAO Bing-mei,et al(10.59)

Research on Systematical Teaching Mode of Formulas of Traditional Chinese Medicine Curriculum ………………………………………………………………………… SU Yong-hua,YANG Yan-long,SHENG Jia-yu,et al(10.61)

Analysis report of questionnaire survey about course system and teaching qualityIn clinical college of anhui medical university,for example …………………………………………………………………………XIA Yun,FANG Wen-liang,SUN Jiang-jie(10.63)

The prescription analysis of Gynecological clinic in Huairou TCM hospital …………………………………………………LIU Shu-jie(10.66)

Chinese Dialectical Treatment of Two Cases of Refractory Insomnia ……………………………………………………… LIU Wei-shan(10.68)

The Research of Small Splints Derived from External Fixator ………………………… PENG Li-ping,MA Du-jun,LIN Song-qing,et al(10.69)

Progress of the research on TRAF2 in signaling pathway ………………………………YIN Kang-kang, DENG Bing-xiang, ZHANG Bo(10.72)

Advances in Research on loss of Heterozygosity of Related Gene in Breast cancer ……………………QIAO Feng,LI Xi-zhou,SHI Jun-yi(10.76)

The clinical application of ahylysantinfarctase ……………………………………………………………………………… SHE Shi-fang(10.78)

Research thinking of effective ingredients compatibility of Chinese medicine based on prescription compatibility theory and pharmacological mechanism ……………………………………………………………………… DENG Chang-qing, HUANG Xiao-ping(11.3)

Effect of Caveolin-1 knockout on weight and reproductive performance before weaning in C57BL/6 mice ………………………………………………………………………………… YU Yue, YI Jian, CAI Guang-xian,et al(11.7)

Effects of Jiangtang Yishen decoction on insulin signaling pathway to improve diabetic nephropathy of GM Type 2 diabetes in MKR mice ……………………………………………………………………………WU Hui,YU Rong,CHENG Xi-hua,et al(11.9)

Effects of Bushen Huayu decoction on blood fats in PCO rats ………………………………………… LU Can, YAN Bin, LU Yao-bang(11.12)

Study on changes of Prothrombin mRNA and PAR-1 mRNA expression in focal cerebral infarction in rats and intervening effects of Ziyin Huoxue Jiedu decoction ……………………………………… DENG Yi-hui,CHEN Yi,DENG Jing-xi,et al(11.16)

Effects of Huangkuisu on killing and suppressing mycobacterium tuberculosis ……………………WU Can-rong,CAI Rui,LI Shan,et al(11.19)

Study on anti-biosis activity of modified Cnidium monnieri decoction ………………………… XIANG Qin,LU Fang-guo,YAN Jie,et al(11.24)

Effects of Fuzhiqing ointment on healing diabetic skin ulcer in rats ………………… ZHU Ming-fang, ZHANG Yi-min, LIU Xiang, et al(11.27)

Study on genetic polymorphism between sampes of Houttuynia herb from same GAP area ………………………………………………………………………… LIU Wen-long, ZHANG Xi-li, HE Fu-yuan,et al(11.30)

Studies on quality standard of compound pseudo-Ginseng tablets ……………………………LI Zhuo, DENG Gui-ming, GUO Yu, et al(11.34)

Study on ecological environment and parasitic plant of Balanophora involucrate origining from Western Hunan ………………………………………………………………… MI Chang-zhong, ZHOU Wei-hua, PENG Ying-fu, et al(11.38)

Authentic medical records treated with ancient formulas ………………………………………………………………… CHEN Da-shun(11.40)

Interpretation of combined classical formulas and their clinical application ……… PENG Jian, ZHANG Yu-wen, HUANG Shan-jun,et al(11.42)

Typical cases of rubella and eczema diseases treated in TCM by Prof ……………………………………… XIONG Ji-bo,YAO Xin-yan(11.46)

Effects of tonifying kidney,strengthening spleen and tonifying spleen-kidney on peripheral blood T cells in chronic hepatitis patients ……………………………………………………………… CHEN Bin,PENG Jian-ping,ZHANG Tao,et al(11.48)

Clinical observation of Jiawei Huzhang powders on ⅢB type of prostatitis …………………………ZHOU Qing,HU Jin-hui,HE Qing-hu(11.52)

Clinical study of iontophoresis with Peitu Xiaozheng decoction on ovarian cyst …………………………………………… CAO Li-ping(11.54)

Clinical study of Bupi Yiqi decoction on high myopia with macular hemorrhage …………… JIANG Shang-ping,XIE Wen-jun,KANG Yi(11.57)

Effects of Yiqi Huoxie decoction on CRP and FIB in patients with coronary heart disease …………………… WANG Jian,DING Qiong(11.60)

Therapeutic effects of acupuncturing Guanyuan combined with Buyang Huanwu decoction on hemihidrosis in stroke convalescence …………………………………………………………………DENG Kai-wen,HE Fu-yuan,CHANG Xiao-yong(11.62)

Effects of electro-aupuncturing different neurosegmental acu-points on intragastric pressure of gastric motility abnormalities in rats …………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Yu-cui, YU Jun, MENG Qing-ling,et al(11.65)

Clinical observation of needle-scalpel accompanied with acupuncture on patients with knee osteoarthritis ……………………………………………………………………………………GONG Zhi-xian,TAN Xu-yi,LU Min(11.69)

Impacts of Confucian culture on periodical editors …………………………………………………………………………… LI Lu-dan(11.73)

Correlation of iron-related proteins transmembrane transporter and brain diseases …………………………………LIAO Jun,GE Jin-wen(11.76)

Study on browning mechanism and drying control technology of medicines and medicinal foods …XU Fei, LI Shun-xiang, ZHOU Jin,et al(11.79)

Clinical Significance Investigation of Two kinds of Bacterial Identification in Blood Test ……………………………… ZHANG Mao-hai(12.3)

High wind night blindness and liver deficiency night blindness on errors …………………… YANG Wei,SONG Jian-tao,GAO Jian-sheng (12.5)

Treatment of urticaria from Feng Xie ……………………………………………………… ZHONG Wei-hong,MO Hui-fang,CHU Kai-yu(12.8)

The effects of Leifengning Decoction on IL-1 and TNF-a levels of rats with adjuvant-induced arthritis ……………………………………………………………………XU Ai-liang,PENG Wei,DING Zhi-gao,et al(12.10)

The Influence of Tong Guan Fang on the EGFR and ICAM-1’s Expression of the Fallopian Tube Inflammatory Obstructive Infertility Rat Models …………………………………………………………ZHANG Yi,KUANG Ji-lin,LIU Qi-ying,et al(12.13)

Multi-focal intraocular lens implantation for the treatment of secondary glaucoma due to intumescent senile cataract ……………………………………………………………… HAO Xiao-lin,DAI Wei-zhi,WEI Hai-xia,et al(12.16)

Clinical Study of CHPP Combined with Chemotherapy by Vein on Patients with Advanced Gastric Cancer ………………………………………………………………………………… XU Xue-xin,ZHANG Wei,WEN Ai-ping(12.18)

The clinical efficacy of lactobacillus vaginal capsules in bacterial vaginosis ……………………………… WANG Fang,LIU Xiao-hang(12.21)

The observation of Clinical Efficacy in treating polycystic Ovary Syndrome by traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHENG Yong-xia(12.23)

The analysis of effect on treatment of infantile septic shock by Naloxone ………………………………………………… XUE Yan-rui(12.25)

The efficacy and impact on immune parameters of dust mite drops used to treat childhood asthma …ZHOU Jian-kun,HUANG Gui-lan(12.27)

Cervical vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia after analysis of 11 cases …………………………………… FU Min,LIANG Hui,XIAO Ning(12.30)

Cesarean section simultaneously single myomectomy 78 Cases ………………………………………………………………CUI Xin-bai(12.32)

Clinical effect of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy combined with Shenshitongwan for the treatment of upper ureteral calculus ……………………………………………………………QIAN Kai-yu,XIONG Guo-guang,QIN Dong-mei,et al(12.34)

Effects of Vitrectomy in conjunction with Chinese medicinal materials on Treatment of Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy ……………………………………………………………………… XIE Li-ke,OU Yang-yun,ZHANG Jian,et al(12.36)

Analysis of quality of life of elderly patients with type 2 diabetes and influencing factors ……………………………………………………………………QIAN Feng,WANG Xiao-hong,SHAN Kang,et al(12.39)

Clinical observation of Jianwei Xiaoyan Keli treats chronic non-atrophic Gastritis ……………………………………… JING Xiu-xiang(12.41)

Effects of simvastatin compared with Pravastatin on lipids and C-reactive protein concentrations in patients with type 2 diabetes ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… LIU Xiao-hui(12.43)

Clinical Observations Of Adjuvant Therapy For Hyperlipoidemia By Yin Dan Xin Nao Tong In 120 cases …………………SHI Shu-qin(12.45)

The clinical treatment research of senile pulmonary fibrosis ……………………… SUI Dong-Jiang,LI Wei-sheng,WANG Rong-mei,et al(12.47)

The correlation between the high sensitive C-reactive protein and mild cognitive impairment in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus …………………………………………………………… SHEN Chao- yang,ZHANG Hong- jin,YUAN Zu-qin,et al(12.49)

Study on the effect of sodium TashinoneⅡA sulfonate on the degree of liver fibrosis in patients with advanced schistosomiasis ……………………………………………………………………… GUO Wen-jian,NIU Xue-hua,ZHOU Jian-min,et al(12.51)

The Efficacy of Combination of TCM and Western Medicine in treating Gastrointestinal Tumor ……………… SHI Ya-fang,WANG Ge(12.52)

clinical observation on Treatment of immunity infertility with Jin shui bao capsules …LI Guang -yu,LIANG Ji- hong,LIANG Shi- kun,et al(12.54)

The Implementation and Evaluation of Health Education of Intraoral Distraction Osteogenesis ……… YAN Hong,NA Wei,WU Jie,et al(12.58)

Clinical Study on the Effect of Post-natal Depression on Perinatal Women …………………………………………………………MA Li(12.60)

Discussion on how to cultivate the creative abilities of students and protrude TCM characteristics in experimental acupuncture experiment teaching …………………………………………………………………LIN Ya-ping,PENG Yan,TAN Jing,et al(12.62)

Effects of pediatric nursing teaching the reason analysis and the countermeasure ………………………………CUI Min,ZHAO Qiao-yi(12.64)

The problems and contermeasures of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Appropriate Technologies ………………………………………………………………………………… DAI Li-hui,LIN Su-ling,ZENG Guang,et al(12.66)

Pediatric congenital intestinal malrotation in nursing care of 1 cases report …………………………… ZHAO Qiao-yi,HUANG Xue-fei(12.69)

Progress on Traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment of the Gastroesophageal reflux disease ………………………………………………………………………………………… YANG Qing-gao,LIU Shao-neng(12.70)

Review and progress of femoral neck fracture’s treatment ……………………………… LIANG Jie,WANG Wei-jian,TIAN Bao-gang(12.74)

PDCA circulating nursing intervention on autologous bone marrow stem cell transplantation for patients with cirrhosis effect ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Jing(12.77)

With the grouping of medical group nursing mode based on the influence on the quality of care …………………………………………………………………………………… AN Li,ZHEN Jing,CUI Bao-Ling,et al(12.80)

科技傳播(2019年22期)2020-01-14 03:06:54
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