Contents & Abstracts
The Global Economic Imbalances and Financial Crisis under the World Economic Fictionalization
Liu Junmin Li Lingyun(3)
Abstract: As the start of the economy fictionalizing, the monetary fictionalizing displays the generalization of the global fictitious asset. As the intensification of the monetary fictionalization, the distinction between the international currency and the non-international currency emerges throughout the world. It provides the opportunity for the international currency issuing countries to obtain large quantity of goods and resources, which brings and deepens the global economic imbalances. The fictionalization of the world economy leads to the global economic imbalances. Since the fictitious economy of the western developed countries is supported by the global real economy, they take advantage of the high growth areas all over the world, enlarge the gap between the wealthy and poor, and lead to the international financial market turbulence and the international currency system crisis. Under the circumstances, China should resolve the current multiple predicament of the macro-economy by internationalizing of RMB, developing and improving the international trade platform of the fictitious economy, and hedging the current account surplus by the capital account deficit.
Keywords: Economic fictionalization; Global economic imbalances; Financial crisis
On the Significance of Study of Fictitious Economy
Zhang yun (11)
Abstract: Research on the theory of fictitious economy is put forward according to the change of real economy's movement,and the theory of fictitious economy has a very particular view in analyzing and understanding of market economy under the situation of economy's fictitiousness. This paper logically discusses the history of economy's fictitiousness, then analyzes the significance of fictitious economy's research from three points: the creation of GDP in fictitious economy, the entirety of fictitious economy and the spreading of speculation, the function of fictitious economy.
Keywords: Fictitious economy; Finance theory ; Monetary theory
On Price Rising in the Integration of Fictitious Economy and Real Economy
Qian Jin(20)
Abstract:Fictitious economy is the most sensitive factor in the operation of national economy and it is closely related with real economy. Since 2007, the rising trend of China's CPI has evolved to the price rising of real economy. However, it still belongs to price adjustment. Under the background of price adjustment and rising of real economy, the price in field of fictitious economy needs the same adjustment because they share the same currency. So when currency depreciation appears in real economy by price rising, in fictitious economy, price rising would accordingly emerges.
Keywords:Fictitious economy; Real economy; Integration of fictitious economy and real one; Price rising
Economy Virtualization and State's Choice of Strategy of Financial Stability
Li Baowei(26)
Abstract: The article argues that the inner conflict of international monetary system and economy virtualization are important mechanisms influencing financial stability. And financial stability has made effects on macro-economy stability. It makes an explanation of reasons and trends of state's interference in financial market and analyzes models of state's interference in developed and developing countries. The conclusion is that, our financial supervision system should be completed and systematic risk warning mechanism should be built.
Keywords: Financial crisis; International monetary system; Government interference
Strategy of Establishing the Stabilizer of Middle Class in the Highest Principle of Politics: Commenting on the View of Zhang Yi
Hu Lianhe(33)
Abstract: The middle class's influence on social stability is plural and changeable. It would be of the sustainable effect as well as of the negative one. In practice, that what kind of effect the middle class would make relies on governmental guidance. Based on the highest principle of politics, the paper makes a comment on The Political Attitude of Chinese Middle Class by Zhang Yi. It argues that the social/political attitude and function of middle class should be understood comprehensively and dynamically. We should cultivate the middle class as well as integrate it; actively promote it to develop to be the stabilizer.
Keywords: Middle class; Stabilizer; The highest principle of politics
Focus Events and Policy Punctuations: An Analysis of Change of Public Health Issue of the People's Daily
Wang Xiongjun(45)
Abstract: Policy transition is the result of interaction of multiply factors. And focus events are important impulses to policy changes. By the influence of focus events, policy transition has the characteristic of “partial punctuated equilibrium”. The article analyzes the change of public health issue of the People's Daily, and makes an explanation of the trend and pattern of such change of public health policy by the influence of focus events.
Keywords: Focus Events; Policy Transition; Policy Punctuation; Policy Equilibrium
The Empty-Nest Time of the Parents of the Only child: When It Begins and How Long It Will Be?
Feng Xiaotian(51)
Abstract: Based on the survey of working young people in 12 cities of the country, the paper discusses the problem of empty-nest time of the parents of the only child. It shows that, their empty-nest time begins later than prediction, and the period of the empty-nest is shorter than prediction. Especially, the length of their empty-nest time is just 2-3 years longer than that of the same aged parents with more than one child.
Keywords: Parents of the only child; Empty-nest time; Family life cycle
Distinctiveness of Population and Its Development in Yangtze River Delta
Ren Yuan(62)
Abstract: It is necessary to take different population strategies among different regions in China. As one of the most developed and prosperous economic areas, Yangtze River Delta has the public service with highest-level, while it endures great ecological pressure. It should take corresponding strategies to its distinctive population problems, which include: (1) solving problems of labor shortage and ageing; (2) advancing the hukou policy reform to develop the social cohesion for those floating people; (3) perfecting sufficient economic and social systems for ageing society; and (4) promoting the integration of population policies and related policies within Yangtze River Delta.
Keywords: Yangtze River Delta; Population development; Distinctiveness
Involvement Level of Father: Consensus and Divergence of Couple Paired Data
Zhang Liang Xu Anqi(72)
Abstract: Given that there is no use of couple paired data to compare their consistency in China, the essay uses 860 paired data at city center and rural areas in Shanghai to examine the consensus and divergence in couple's comments on father involvement. It inducts the basic characteristics of couple's consensus, and through statistics, explores the gender orientation or similar pattern of inconsistent paired data, analyzes the cultural rule, social hint, individual desire hidden behind such divergence.
Keywords: Father Involvement; Analysis of paired data; Consensus and divergence
Current Situation and Task of the National Basic Livelihood Security System in Korea
Kim, Byung-Cheol(79)
Abstract: The National Basic Livelihood Security System of Korea that started in October 2000 consists of two criteria for its eligibility: the recognized amount of income and dependent family. Since 2003, The National Basic Livelihood Security System has integrated the previous criteria of income and property into the recognized amount of income in that any citizens within the eligibility based on the recognized amount of income and dependent family can apply for the National Basic Livelihood Security Benefit. These newly formed standards of the eligibility have played a key role in the performance of social safety net and in expanding the number of beneficiaries and increasing the benefit levels. This article with its special focus on standards of these two criteria aims at analyzing the current problems in the National Basic Livelihood Security System of Korea, and finding countermeasures for these problems.
Keywords: Social assistance; Republic of Korea; the National Basic Livelihood Security System; Standards of the eligibility.
Social Participation against Corruption: from the Perspective of UN Convention against Corruption
Wang Xuemei (88)
Abstract: The paper comments on article 13 of the UN Convention against Corruption concerning the State obligations, subject of participation, measures taken by the State and reporting system. It points out that the Convention establishes the international standard on anti-corruption for the State, however, the social participation against corruption is closely related to the country's political and social structure and its operation, traditionally cultural peculiarities, social moral development and association pattern among people. In China, because of the constructive development of corruption, under-developed civil society, and the low-level social participation against corruption, in order to be out of the dilemma, we should take measures to standardize the political moral standard, accelerate the civil faith of participating politics, cultivate a developed civil society and promote the reporting system under the relief institution.
Keywords: Anti-corruption; Social participation; Convention
Analysis on the Carbon Tax under Multilateral Trade System
Jin Huihua (95)
Abstract: Multilateral trade system (WTO) enhances economical welfare through trade liberalization, and multilateral climate change system (Kyoto Protocol) alleviates global climate change. The goals of the two distinct systems do not coincide necessarily, and most of WTO members are the members of Kyoto Protocol, so there inevitably emerges conflict. As the important measures to achieve the goal of Kyoto Protocol, both Carbon Tax and Board Tax Adjustment are the largest conflicts that WTO confronts. The study of the carbon tax and its possible conflict with WTO rules is helpful to the application of the two multilateral systems.
Keywords: Carbon tax; Kyoto Protocol; WTO rules
On the System of the Code of Tort Law
Qu MaohuiXu Zhongyuan(102)
Abstract: The essay makes an analysis of the system of the tort law and argues that it should consider the character and the necessity of the tort law. There are defects in the establishment of tort law which is dominated by the act-oriented model and cause-oriented model, while the model that the damage takes the central status, could reflect the special character of the tort code. The making of the general clause of the tort law, should notice the difference between the general clause of the tort law and the general clause of the tort liability. The application of the general clause in the tort liability needs to follow and satisfy the request of the hierarchical nature. The tort code should take the logic structure which is composed by four parts ,that are the general clause, the remedy, the defense and the compensation of damage.
Keywords: Torts of liability; Torts code; The choice of model; The design of system
On Inevitable Subjectivity of Science
Li Xingmin(111)
Abstract: There exists subjectivity in science and it is resulted from the human, social, method and cognition dimensions of science. The article points out that reasons are, that, at first, cognition subject and object can not be separated strictly; secondly, cognition is not endowed with by object, however, it includes subject's choice and construction; thirdly, we do not know the thing itself that there is some fiction in science; lastly, it is possible to compare of subjects which is as the basis of objectivity.
Keywords: Subjectivity; Subjectivity of science; Science
Pluralistic Image of Science: Viewpoint from Complexity Study
Wu Tong(121)
Abstract:From the perspective of complexity study, science is not unified nor p
erfect. There is not only one scientific possibility. Here the science is only our science. This paper makes a discussion of plurally potential probabilities of science,by supposing Extraterrestrial Science in being. This becomes a rhetorical question that our sciences are not only.
Keywords: Diversity; Image of Science; Complexity Science; Extraterrestrial Science;
Non-perfectibility of Science
Scientific Theory of Logical Empiricism and Its Influence
Cheng Sumei(126)
Abstract: Vienna School of philosophy of science should be regarded as logical empiricism, not logical positivism. There is internal relation between Vienna School and physics revolution in the twentieth century. It is also the product by connection between classical realism and positivism, empiricism. Rudolf Carnap, one of the top representative of Vienna School, discussed hierarchy structure model of scientific theory and instrumentalism distinguishing internal problems from external ones. His thought was the first to make clear the starting point and object of philosophy of science, to produce a critical framework for its historic evolution and make a basis for its development. However, its thinking pattern of duality logic still has much influence on our understanding of science from perspectives of history, practice, society, culture and politics.
Keywords: Logical empiricism; Physics revolution; Rudolf Carnap; View of scientific theory
From Representation to Performativity: Practical Turn of Science
Xing Dongmei(134)
Abstract: Social constructivism of science emphasizes the social structure, social interest and human ability as the constitutive part of science and analyses the constructive combination between these factors and science. However, that treating “social interest ”as the key role to organize and account all aspects of science produces the result which makes “social realism ” replace “nature realism ” and go to the opposite of what it criticizes. Representivism of science is the basis that makes social constructivism of science stand in dilemma .Replacing the representation with performativity and going from science as knowledge and representation to science as practice and culture are ways out of such dilemma.
Keywords: Social constructivism of science; Representation; Science as practice; Performativity
An Analysis of the Different Views on the Methodology of Chinese Ancient Economy in the 1930s
Zhong Xiangcai(139)
Abstract: In the middle of the 1930s, there were different views on the methodology of Chinese ancient economy. Ma Yinchu's argument of methodology was reasonable, but his holism methodology and idea of controlled economy is questionable. Tang Qingzeng's thought is partial, however, his individualism is of much theoretical depth. So the analysis and rethinking of those different thoughts not only have important value for study of modern development of Chinese economic thought, but also have warning significance for choosing economic trend in the future.
Keywords: The 1930s; Methodology of economy; Different views
Reason of War, Version Representation and Shanghai
Gu Zheng(150)
Abstract: Based on the case study of photography works Shanghai at the Japanese magazine Transformation in 1938, the essay makes an analysis of Japanese version expression about Sino-Japanese war's legitimacy, the image of Shanghai in the discourse of invasion war. It also reveals the relation among the war, version communication and Shanghai. Besides, the essay makes a discussion about the operation and function of report photography in propagation.
Keywords: War propagation; Version communication; Report photography; Shanghai discourse
On Strike of Riskshaw Men at Shanghai French Concession in 1935
Shao Yong(160)
Abstract: In July, 1935, Shanghai French concession required riskshaw men to register in order to limit the number of riskshaw men. Though such measure is reasonable, however, without consideration of the living of those eliminated, the conflict emerged and become worse. Having been refused several times, riskshaw men began to strike. In the strike, there was conflict between riskshaw men's interests and that of owners of riskshaws. Riskshaw men doubted whether owners would sacrifice their interests. But there existed more cooperation against French concession than conflict between them. The CCP did a lot in the strike, but it did not lead and coordinate riskshaw men's struggle in two concessions. It didn't build local party branch in riskshaw group at French concession.
Keywords: Concession; Riskshaw men; Owner of riskshaw; Strike; the CCP
The “Coal Crisis” in Shanghai from 1940 to 1945
Zhu Peixi(166)
Abstract: At the beginning of 1940, the coal supply in Shanghai went into short, due to the frequent block of its source and the profiteering activities. It finally turned into a huge “coal crisis”. Instead of controlling the market price of coal, the Shanghai Municipal Council cooperated with the Coal Guild to relieve the residents by offering them coals at fair prices. When the Pacific War broke out in 1941, the Japanese troops entered the Public Concession and took the council under their jurisdiction. In order to support the war, the Japanese launched a strict policy of controlled economy and carried out a coal rationing system. The rationing system led firms to lower profits, which caused a great internal conflict over the profits among the coal wholesalers and retailers. Due to the persisting existence of the black market, the Japanese failed to truly take the coal price under control. Until the end of the Sino-Japanese War in 1945, the coal price kept soaring.
Keywords: Coal crisis; Controlled economy; Shanghai Municipal Council; The Liaison Department of Central China Branch of Koain; Shanghai Coal Guild
On Urgency and Difficulty of Trans-Cultural Dialogue
Yue Daiyun(173)
Abstract: There is a long history of trans-cultural dialogue in China. Now, trans-cultural dialogue is of particular importance and urgency, because with the development of modern science and technology, the contact between past and present, China and foreign countries becomes closer than ever before so that communication is necessary. The limits of modernity and our reflection on the history of the 20th also require us to rethink our situation, the significance of being and the living style. Such rethinking can only be made in the dialogue around the world. And with the conflict between cultural hegemonism and cultural fundamentalism, cultural conflicts makes worse effects on our future. The trans-cultural dialogue is the fundamental way to avoid conflict and pursuer for co-existence. The turn of philosophy in the 20th has produced a base for deep dialogue. From perspectives of universality and particularity, self and the other, comprehensible and incomprehensible nature of dialogue, the paper discusses about how to produce significant generative dialogue
Keywords: Generative dialogue; Change of time-space; Cultural filtration; Cultural hegemonism; Cultural fundamentalism
Japanese Translator of Capital and His Meet with the Poet Lu You: a Review of Appreciation of Fangwen by Kawakami Hajime
Lu Xiaoguang(178)
Abstract: Kawakami Hajime was the first Japanese to translate Marx's Capital. During the period of Japanese invasion war, he was forced to live solitarily and then he was indulged into Chinese classical poem world. Especially, he studied on Lu You's poems and wrote the book Appreciation of Fangwen which was the first one in the history of Japanese literature. The reason he loved Lu You's poems was that those poets about struggle against invaders reflected his feeling against Japanese invasion war. From perspective of a Japanese sinological poet, his book made a new and unique explanation of Lu You's poems, practically realized modern value of classic poetry. And from perspective of the famous translator of Capital, his book indicated spiritual alikeness between classical poetry and modern Marxism.
Keywords: Kawakami Hajime; Lu You; Appreciation of Fangwen; Sinological poet; CapitalΚ
“Word-Annotation” in the Late Qing Dynasty
Wen Guiliang( )
Abstract: In the late Qing Dynasty, that by what way, “new words” was accepted by Chinese was an important issue. The article makes an analysis on three models of “word-annotation”: dictionary, anntations in the column of newspapers and annotations in the paper. It argues that on the one hand, “word-annotation” finished the task accepted by Chinese, on the other hand, it experienced europeanization of Chinese. From perspective of knowledge pedigree, “word-annotation” was also a way and content of knowledge construction in the late Qing.
Keywords: “Word-Annotation”; Europeanization of Chinese; Knowledge construction