Journal of Integrative Agriculture
Crop Science
- Analyses and identifications of quantitative trait loci and candidate genes controlling mesocotyl elongation in rice
- OsMas1,a novel maspardin protein gene,confers tolerance to salt and drought stresses by regulating ABA signaling in rice
- Marker-assisted selection to pyramid Fusarium head blight resistance loci Fhb1 and Fhb2 in the high-quality soft wheat cultivar Yangmai 15
- Identification,evolution,expression and protein interaction analysis of genes encoding B-box zinc-finger proteins in maize
- Characterization of transgenic wheat lines expressing maize ABP7 involved in kernel development
- Increasing the appropriate seedling density for higher yield in dry direct-seeded rice sown by a multifunctional seeder after wheatstraw return
- Nitrogen management improves lodging resistance and production in maize (Zea mays L.) at a high plant density
- ldentification of tolerance to high density and lodging in short petiolate germplasm M657 and the effect of density on yield-related phenotypes of soybean
- SlGH9-15 regulates tomato fruit cracking with hormonal and abiotic stress responsiveness cis-elements
- An optimized protocol using Steedman’s wax for high-sensitivity RNA in situ hybridization in shoot apical meristems and flower buds of cucumber
- CopE and TLR6 RNAi-mediated tomato resistance to western flower thrips
Plant Protection
- Mitochondrial dynamics caused by QoIs and SDHIs fungicides depended on FgDnm1 in Fusarium graminearum
- Fatty acid-binding protein gene is indispensable for molting process in Heortia vitessoides (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)
- Maleness-on-the-Y (MoY) orthologue is a key regulator of male sex determination in Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Diptera: Tephritidae)
- Characterization of the chemosensory protein EforCSP3 and its potential involvement in host location by Encarsia formosa
Animal Science ? Veterinary Medicine
- A 314-bp SlNE insertion in the ZNF2 promoter region may act as a repressor related to regulation of fat deposition in pigs
- The succession of fecal bacterial community and its correlation with the changes of serum immune indicators in lambs from birth to 4 months
- Establishment and evaluation of the primary cultured tibial osteoblast model of broiler chicks
- A multiplex real-time PCR assay for simultaneous detection of classical swine fever virus,African swine fever virus,and atypical porcine pestivirus
- The vital role of CovS in the establishment of Streptococcus equi subsp.zooepidemicus virulence