Most of the research on health and relation-ships is focused on romantic partners. But re-searchers have found that our friendships actually have a bigger impact on our health.
Here are two of the findings about the health benefits of having friends:
A 10- year Australian study found that older people with a large circle of friends were 22 per-cent less likely to die during the study period than those with fewer friends.
A study of nearly 3,000 nurses with breast
cancer found that women without close friends were four times as likely to die from the disease as women with 10 or more friends.
Why are friendships so good for us? Scien-tists have a few theories.
Logistical support: Friends can run errands and pick up medicine for a sick person, although in most studies, proximity was not a factor in the benefits of friendship.
Association: It may be that people with strong social ties also have better access to health services and care or are more likely to seek help.
Less stress: People with strong friendships are less likely than others to get colds, perhaps be-cause they have lower stress levels.
While we need to remember that friendships undergo a natural churn as our lives change, some friendships end simply because we have neglected them.
Of course, great friendships can often weath-er these highs and lows, but imagine how much better those connections would be if we gave our friendships the regular care and feeding they need.
Just as you might schedule a business meet-ing, it’s important to build friendship mainte-nance into your weekly schedule.
If your home life will allow it, give yourself a friends’night out once or twice a month, rotat-ing the friends with whom you spend time.
When life gets hectic because of parenting or work demands, your friendships tend to be the first to suffer.
But if you schedule friend dates regularly, your friendships will stay strong no matter what challenges are ahead.
Indeed, a close friend may bring more emo-tional support than you have thought.