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Box Full of Chocolates滿盒巧克力

2024-10-09 00:00:00Balasubramanian周碩

Once upon a time there lived twofriends Richard and George. Both werevery close to one another. One dayRichard saw a delicious chocolate bar ina shop.

He wanted it very much. The verythought of it made his mouth water. Ashe was dreaming about the chocolate,came his close friend George. Richard,that day had a new pencil. George sawthat pencil and liked it very much. Heasked Richard the cost of it.

It was only two dollars, but he lied1that it was of very high quality2 and hadcost him five dollars. George liked thepencil so much that he spent all hissavings3 and paid Richard.George got thepencil and Richardspent that money onthe chocolate bar.




As days passed by4, George begandoing very well in his studies. He attributed5 this to the pencil, which hisdear friend Richard was kind enough tosell. But Richard’s performance6 atschool started falling7. He could not seehis dear friend in the eye.

Every time George spoke of their friendship8, Richard turned his faceaway as this made him remember thepencil. His health too turned bad and hewas forced9 to stay away from schoolmany days.

He soon found that he could nothold back the truth about the pencilfrom George. It was George’s birthday.He bought a gift for George and gave itto him at the party. Richard stayedaround till the last guest had left. Hewent to George and told him the truth.He begged10 him for forgiveness11.

George said that the pencil hadbrought him a lot of luck though he haspaid three dollars more than its price,and asked him not to feel bad about it.Richard was relieved12.




喬治說(shuō)那支鉛筆給他帶來(lái)了很多好運(yùn),盡管他為此多付了3 美元,并讓理查德不要為此而不開(kāi)心。理查德心里松了一大口氣。

He went home with the return giftgiven to him by George. Now he felthow light and happy he was after hisconfession13. He had a good sleep thatnight. He got up early and it seemedlike the old times when he used to lookforward to meeting George.

At the door, he saw the return giftof Richard and opened it. It was a boxfull of chocolates! The same chocolatefor which he had lied to his dear friend!He tasted one and it was even betternow! He carried it to school to share14 itwith George and other friends.

There was a big change inRichard from that day. He starteddoing well in studies and he stayedhealthy. And he could be with Georgeas before, a true friend.





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