Simon Gatsby is waiting for a jobinterview. He is wearing his suit2. He isvery nervous3. There is another man inthe waiting room. The other man is alsowearing a suit. He looks very relaxed. Heis playing games on his smartphone.Simon will finish university4 soon. Hemust find a job. He saw an advertisement5in the paper. It said,“We arelooking for a recent6 graduate7.Exciting position8 for the right person.”There was no more information. Simonsent his CV to the address9 in theadvertisement. He then got a lettersaying he was on the shortlist10, and hecould have an interview.
“It’s very strange,” thoughtSimon. “I don’t know anything aboutthis job. I don’t know what thiscompany wants. I don’t know whatthey would want me to do. How can Igive the right answers to theirquestions?”A woman comes into thewaiting room. “Mr. Mellow,”she says.The other man in the waiting roomstands up. He follows the woman intoanother room.
“That guy’s name is Mellow,”thinks Simon. “He looks very confi -dent11. If we both want the same job, Iam sure he will get it.”Simon waits.After about 10 minutes, the other mancomes back to the waiting room. Hesmiles at Simon and walks out. Thewoman comes back into the room andsays,“Mr. Gatsby?”Simon follows herto an office.
The woman opens the door andsays, “Mr. Malbeau, this is Mr.Gatsby.”She walks away, and Simon goes into the office. There is only oneperson in the room. A very large man issitting behind a desk.“Sit down,” hesays to Simon. He points12 to a chair infront of the desk. Simon feels verynervous. “Thank you for giving me thisinterview...”
The man starts talking before Simonhas finished. “Now. Do you want thisjob?”“I don’t know what it is,”saysSimon.“Why do you want to know whatthe job is?”asks Mr. Malbeau.“Youwill finish university very soon. Youneed a job. I will give you a job. What isthe problem?”Simon is very puzzled13.“But what do you want me to do? Whatare the working hours? What aboutmedical insurance14? Vacation time?”Mr. Malbeau looks angry15. “Medicalinsurance? Vacations? Do you think I’mcrazy? I want someone who will work forme seven days a week. You will doeverything I tell you to do. I wantsomeone who will be available16 24hours a day.”
“那家伙的名字叫梅洛?!蔽髅上?,“他看起來很自信。如果我們在爭取同一份工作,我肯定他會得到的?!蔽髅梢恢痹诘取4蠹s10 分鐘后,那個人回到了等候室。他對西蒙笑了笑,然后走了出去。那位女士回到房間說:“蓋茨比先生?”西蒙跟著她來到一間辦公室。
西蒙還沒說完,男人就開始詢問了。“現(xiàn)在,你想要這份工作嗎?”“我不知道這是什么工作?!蔽髅烧f?!澳銥槭裁聪胫肋@份工作是什么呢?”馬爾博先生問,“你很快就要大學(xué)畢業(yè)了。你需要一份工作。我會給你一份工作。有什么問題嗎?”西蒙很困惑,“可是你要我做什么呢?工作時間是怎樣的?醫(yī)療保險呢?休假時間呢?”馬爾博先生看起來很生氣,“醫(yī)療保險?假期?你覺得我瘋了嗎?我想要一個每周為我工作七天的人。我讓你做什么你就做什么。我想要一個24 小時都能隨叫隨到的人?!?/p>
Simon thinks about it. If he wantsme to be available to work all the time,he will pay a lot of money. I could pay17back my student loans18. “How muchwill you pay me?”he asks. Mr. Malbeautells Simon the salary19. It is very, verylow. It is less than Simon would get forworking in a fast food restaurant for onlytwenty hours a week. And Mr. Malbeauwants him to work seven days a week!“So, do you want the job or not?”asksMr. Malbeau.
Simon stands up. “No. Thank you,Mr. Malbeau. You want a slave20. I don’twant to be a slave. Good bye.”Simonwalks out of the office. He walks throughthe waiting room, and out onto the street.The man named Mellow is standing inthe street.
He sees Simon, and walks towards21him. “Did you take the job?”he asksSimon. “No! Of course not. Did you?”Mellow laughs. “No way. There must bebetter jobs we can find. I waited to talkto you. I thought you looked like a niceguy. I wanted to tell you to say‘no’.The man must be mad22.”“Maybe hethinks new graduates will take any job,”said Simon.“It’s very difficult to find ajob, but it would be better to work in arestaurant or a gas23 station.”
Mellow is laughing. “I am sure Mr.Malbeau has interviewed many people. Iam sure they all said ‘no’. Let’s buy anewspaper and get a cup of coffee. We canlook for real jobs and help each other.”Simon feels happy. He doesn’t get a jobbut he has met a very friendly guy calledMellow. Simon thinks he has made afriend. It wasa successful24 job interview.
西蒙想了想,如果他想讓我一直工作,他會付很多錢,我可以償還我的學(xué)生貸款。“你愿意付我多少錢?”他問道。馬爾博先生告訴西蒙薪水?dāng)?shù)目,非常非常低。這比西蒙每周只在快餐店工作20 小時掙的還少。馬爾博先生想讓他一周工作七天“! 那么,你到底想不想要這份工作?”馬爾博先生問。