International Joke Day is not just a day for you to prove1 toeveryone how funny you are. It is the perfect day for you to sharelaughs and to put a smile on people’s faces and your own.Whether you prefer to share jokes or you like to listen to them,this is a day that is all about smiling, laughing, and having fun,and who wouldn’t want to be a part of a day like this?
They say that laughter2 is the best medicine3, and a lot of people would"agree4 with this. After all, laughter can do good to keep you healthy.
Laughter can help to protect you from the bad influence of stress5, and cheeryou up. Nothing works better or quicker to bring your body and mind back intobalance6 than a good old laugh.
You may have also heard that laughter is a good way to burn calories7, andthis is true, too! Of course, this does not mean that you just sit on the sofa andwatch your favorite comedian8. One study found that you can burn around 40calories if you laugh for 10 to 15 minutes each day. Over the year, this could beenough to lose around four pounds.
International Joke Day seems to have officially9 begun in the United States. Itis clear that jokes themselves pre-date10 by hundreds and hundreds of years. Thefirst joke is often thought to be told by the Greeks.
Greece also has the first comedy club, though it was for sharing jokes amongfriends rather than stand-up performances11 as we have now. Jokes may have beentold since man first looked at himself in a pool of water and knew what he lookedlike, so it’s a safe bet that people have been celebrating jokes for a long time.
你可能也聽說過笑是燃燒卡路里的好方法,這也是真的!當(dāng)然,這并不意味著你只用坐在沙發(fā)上看自己最喜歡的喜劇演員表演。一項(xiàng)研究發(fā)現(xiàn),如果你每天笑10 到15 分鐘,可以燃燒大約40 卡路里。一年下來,這足以減掉大約4磅(1.8 千克)。
To celebrate the day, you could simply tell some jokes to a co-worker orfriend, or a stranger12 on the street. Or invite your friends over for a joketellingparty. Take turns telling jokes or reading them out of a joke book or fromthe Internet.
Another way is to visit a local comedy club and listen to aprofessional13 telling jokes for a night of fun. Find out if there is a chanceto share some jokes of your own.
A lot of people will tell you that a good joke is all in the way you tell it.So, we have some tips to help you tell your jokes like a true professional.
Have fun! This is the most important part. If you are not having fun, howdo you expect your audience14 to laugh and enjoy themselves as well?
Pay attention to the way that you tell the joke. Communication15 andpersonality16 are important. A lot of comedians light up the room beforethey have even told a joke. This is because they are emotive17 and theyare present18.
Know your audience. After all, different people find different things funny.Some kinds of jokes about serious things make some people laugh a lot, butothers don’t feel the same way, so keep thisin mind when you are thinking about the sortof joke to tell.
Confidence19 is key. Your stage performance,even if you are not on a stage, can bethe difference as to whether your joke landsor not. Confidence is so important.
Get the timing right. This is somethingabout confidence. Some people rush throughjokes when they are nervous20, and this canthrow everything off.