慈善組織Rescue 2000幫助了一位在惡劣條件下生活了32年的老婦人,讓她有了一個全新的家。
Thanks to the charitable organizationRescue 2000, an elderly woman who hadbeen living in terrible conditions for 32years finally has a brand new home.82yearoldIbu Latri's former residenceprovided her with the bare minimal shelterfrom the elements. However, with the helpof generous donors, Rescue 2000 was ableto build her a beautiful house where she'llbe way more comfortable. Cris Araya, thefounder of the nonprofit,recently sharedfootage of Ibu's upgraded home.
“Dreams never die,” said Cris in thevideo.“ It is never too late for your dreamsto come true. At 82, Ibu Latri's dreamcame true. If you believe, all things arepossible.”
According to the Rescue 2000website, Ibu Latri is just one of manypeople whose lives have been turnedaround by the charity. Their missionstatement claims that, due to a lack of tourism, many families in Bali, Indonesiahave been experiencing extreme poverty.Cris Araya and Rescue 2000 have beenproviding relief by delivering food,building homes, and more.
Cris's online video highlights theunfortunate reality that, even in our modernworld, not everyone has access to adequateshelter. However, his story also shows thatmany of us have the power to effect positivechange in another person's life. He's notthe only one out there providing housingfor those in need, either. A couple of yearsago, these community members bandedtogether to build a new home for a veteranwho had been living out of his car.
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Who is Rescue 2000 providing relief and assistance for?