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[1]趙銥民. 口腔修復學[M]. 7版. 北京: 人民衛(wèi)生出版社, 2012: 294-354.
[1]AMIN M B, EDGE S B, GREENE F L, et al. AJCC cancer staging manual[M]. 8th Ed. New York: Springer, 2017: 55-56.
[1]馮海蘭. 牙列缺失的全口義齒修復[M]//趙銥民. 口腔修復學. 6版. 北京: 人民衛(wèi)生出版社, 2008: 286-347.
期刊[序號] 作者(3位作者以內者全列出,中間加逗號; 3位以上作者,寫出前3位作者,后加“,等”或外文與之相應之詞,西文作者姓名寫法應姓前名縮寫于后).題名[文獻類型標志].雜志名稱(外文者可按Dental medicus所列略語書寫),年份,卷(期):起、止頁碼.
[1]陳蘇蓉, 馬凈植, 楊焰, 等. 基于頭影測量的深度學習技術在口腔正畸治療中的應用[J]. 實用口腔醫(yī)學雜志, 2023, 39(3): 277-282.
[1]MARCHIANO E, KANA L, BELLILE E, et al. Neurotization of the radial forearm free flap improves swallowing outcomes in hemiglossectomy defects[J]. Head Neck, 2023, 45(4): 798-805.
專利文獻[序號] 專利申請者或所有者.專利題名:專利國別,專利號[文獻類型標志],公告日期或公開日期[引用日期].獲取和訪問路徑.
[1]張凱軍. 軌道火車及高速軌道火車緊急安全制動輔助裝置: 201220158825.2[P].2012-04-05.
學位論文[序號] 作者. 題名[D]. 保存地: 保存者, 年份.
[1]丁銳. 凋亡抑制蛋白拮抗劑對腫瘤細胞自噬的調節(jié)作用及機制研究[D]. 北京: 軍事科學院, 2019.
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Journal of Practical Stomatology is a vehicle for the publication of basic and clinical researches and experiences in stomatology. The journal is published bimonthly in January, March, May, July, September and November by the School of Stomatology, the Fourth Military Medical University. The journal is stringently edited and all the manuscripts were peer-reviewed to ensure the scientific merit, originality and practicality of the articles. The contents of the journal suit for stomatological teachers, researchers and doctors at all levels. Your submission to our journal is warmly welcomed. The scope of Journal of Practical Stomatology includes basic and clinical stomatological researches, introduction of clinical experiences, technical innovations, case reports, reviews, perspectives, forum, study garden and practical dentist garden.
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References should be listed in the following style:
Book: AMIN M B, EDGE S B, GREENE F L, et al. AJCC cancer staging manual[M]. 8th Ed. New York: Springer, 2017: 55-56.
Journal article: MARCHIANO E, KANA L, BELLILE E, et al. Neurotization of the radial forearm free flap improves swallowing outcomes in hemiglossectomy defects[J]. Head Neck, 2023, 45(4): 798-805.
Patent: TACHIBANA R, SHIMIZU S, KOBAYSHI S, et al. Electronic watermarking method and system: US6915001[P/OL]. 2005-07-05[2013-11-11]. http://www.google.co.in/patents/US6915001.
Thesis: Rosenstiel S. The marginal Reproduction of Two Elasto meric Impression Materals [D]. Indianapolis: Indiana University, 1997.
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