張莉 張薇 郭金麗
摘? ? 要:【目的】探討歐李果實發(fā)育過程中不同形態(tài)鈣及有機酸代謝的變化及二者之間的關(guān)系,以期為解析歐李果實鈣素吸收積累機制及進一步研究調(diào)控提供理論依據(jù)?!痉椒ā恳詢?nèi)蒙古地區(qū)高鈣和低鈣兩種鈣素水平歐李果實為試材,比較研究果實發(fā)育成熟過程中不同形態(tài)鈣以及有機酸代謝相關(guān)指標的變化,并進行相關(guān)性分析?!窘Y(jié)果】(1)在果實發(fā)育成熟過程中,兩種鈣素水平歐李果實中水溶性鈣含量表現(xiàn)為先降后升,整體為上升趨勢;總鈣、果膠鈣、磷酸鈣和草酸鈣含量均表現(xiàn)為先升后降,整體為下降趨勢;殘渣鈣含量表現(xiàn)為持續(xù)下降。(2)兩種鈣素水平歐李果實中蘋果酸脫氫酶(NAD-MDH)活性、蘋果酸含量及有機酸總量的變化一致,均表現(xiàn)為先升后降,在硬熟期達到最高值,整體呈明顯上升趨勢,且以上三者活性或含量均表現(xiàn)為低鈣果實高于高鈣果實;蘋果酸酶(NADP-ME)活性整體表現(xiàn)為下降;檸檬酸含量表現(xiàn)為先升后降,在硬核期達到最高值,整體呈下降趨勢,且高鈣果實中檸檬酸含量高于低鈣果實。(3)相關(guān)性分析表明,兩種鈣素水平歐李果實中NAD-MDH活性、蘋果酸含量、有機酸總量與水溶性鈣含量均呈極顯著正相關(guān),與其他組分鈣及總鈣含量均呈不同程度的負相關(guān);NADP-ME活性和檸檬酸含量與水溶性鈣含量均呈顯著或極顯著負相關(guān),與其他組分鈣及總鈣含量均呈不同程度的正相關(guān)。【結(jié)論】在歐李果實發(fā)育成熟過程中鈣素積累與有機酸代謝有關(guān),蘋果酸是歐李果實中主要的有機酸,蘋果酸合成代謝增強有利于水溶性鈣含量的增加,檸檬酸含量增加則趨向于促進非水溶性鈣類果膠鈣、磷酸鈣和草酸鈣的積累。
中圖分類號:S662.3 文獻標志碼:A 文章編號:1009-9980(2024)03-0494-11
Analysis of changes and correlations between calciums and organic acids in fruits of Cerasus humilis during different development stages
(College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia, China)
Abstract: 【Objective】 Calcium is an important nutritional component in fruits, however, the regulatory mechanisms of calcium in fruits is still limited. This study investigated the changes of organic acids, related metabolic enzymes, and different forms of calcium during the development of the fruits of Cerasus humilis, and analyzed the correlations between the calcium and organic acids. The purpose is to reveal the relationship between calcium accumulation and organic acid metabolism, and provide a theoretical basis for investigating the regulation of calcium in fruits. 【Methods】 The high-calcium and low-calcium C. humilis fruits from Inner Mongolia were used as research materials. The samples were collected at different stages of fruit development, including the young fruit stage (S1), hard kernel stage (S2), coloring and enlargement stage (S3), hardening stage (S4), and fully ripe stage (S5). Each fruit sample was washed with distilled water and then rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at -80 ℃. The progressive extraction method was used to extract water-soluble calcium, pectin calcium, calcium phosphate, oxalate calcium, and residual calcium in the fruits. The content of these forms of calcium was determined using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The content of malic acid and citric acid in the C. humilis fruits were measured using high-performance liquid chromatography. Additionally, the activities of malic enzyme (NADP-ME) and malate dehydrogenase (NAD-MDH) were determined. The correlation between the organic acid metabolism and calcium accumulation was analyzed. The tests were repeated three times, with three biological repeats each time. 【Results】 (1) During the development and maturation of C. humilis fruits, the water-soluble calcium content in high-calcium and low-calcium C. humilis fruits showed an initial decrease followed by an increase, indicating an overall upward trend. In contrast, the total calcium, pectin calcium, calcium phosphate, and oxalate calcium contents exhibited an initial increase followed by a decrease, indicating an overall downward trend. The residual calcium content showed a continuous decrease throughout the process. At the fully ripe stage of the fruits, the low-calcium fruits exhibited higher levels of water-soluble calcium. However, the other calcium components and total calcium content were higher in the high-calcium fruits. Among these components, the proportion of active calcium was the highest, accounting for 70.29% in the high-calcium fruits and 68.30% in the low-calcium fruits. (2) During the development and maturation of C. humilis fruits, the patterns of NAD-MDH activity, malic acid content, and total organic acid content were consistent in high-calcium and low-calcium C. humilis fruits. They showed an initial increase followed by a decrease, reaching their peak values at the hard ripening stage, indicating a significant overall upward trend. Notably, the activity or content of these three factors was higher in the low-calcium fruits. The NADP-ME activity exhibited an overall decreasing trend. The citric acid content showed an initial increase followed by a decrease, reaching its highest value at the hard kernel stage, indicating an overall downward trend. The high-calcium fruits had higher content of citric acid. The activity of NAD-MDH was significantly and positively correlated with the content of malic acid, and was significantly and negatively correlated with the content of citric acid. The activity of the NADP-ME was significantly and negatively correlated with the content of malic acid and was significantly and positively correlated with the content of citric acid. There was a highly significantly negative correlation between the activities of the NADP-ME and NAD-MDH. (3) The correlation analysis revealed significantly positive correlations between the activity of the NAD-MDH, malic acid content, content of total organic acid and content of water-soluble calcium in high-calcium and low-calcium C. humilis fruits. They exhibited varying degrees of negative correlations with other forms of calcium and total calcium content. The activity of NADP-ME and the content of citric acid showed a highly significantly negative correlation with water-soluble calcium content. In addition, they exhibited significant or highly significantly positive correlations with other forms of calcium and total calcium content. 【Conclusion】 The accumulation of calciums in C. humilis fruits during the development and maturation was closely related to the organic acid metabolism. The malic acid is the predominant organic acid in C. humilis fruits. As the activity of NAD-MDH increases and the activity of NADP-ME decreases, the synthesis of malic acid would be enhanced while its degradation would be reduced, leading to an increase in malic acid accumulation. This increase in the malic acid contributed to the increase in the water-soluble calcium, which would inhibit the synthesis of the other calcium components. The increase of the citric acid content tended to promote the accumulation of the non-water-soluble calcium components such as pectin calcium, calcium phosphate, and oxalate calcium.
Key words: Cerasus humilis fruit; Calcium; Organic acids; Correlation analysis
歐李[Cerasus humilis (Bge.) Sok.]屬薔薇科櫻桃屬矮生櫻亞屬植物,又稱為“鈣果”,是中國特有的果樹資源[1]。歐李植株耐旱、耐寒、耐瘠薄,防風固土、防治水土流失能力強[2];果實色澤鮮艷,風味獨特,富含氨基酸、維生素、有機酸,以及鈣、鐵、鎂等礦質(zhì)元素[3-4],既可鮮食,也可深加工成果酒、果汁、果醬、蜜餞等產(chǎn)品[5];歐李果肉中鈣含量是其他水果中的2~10倍,且易被人體吸收[6];此外,歐李仁可入藥[7],葉可制茶[8]。歐李集果、葉、仁等綜合利用于一身,具有較高的營養(yǎng)價值和經(jīng)濟價值,可應(yīng)用于食品、營養(yǎng)保健等多個領(lǐng)域,開發(fā)前景廣闊[9-10]。
1 材料和方法
1.1 試驗材料
1.2 樣品采集
試驗在2022年6—9月進行,分別于果實幼果期(S1)、硬核期(S2)、著色膨大期(S3)、硬熟期(S4)和完熟期(S5),挑選無損傷、無病蟲害、大小均一以及成熟度一致的果實,用蒸餾水洗凈晾干后用液氮速凍,于-80 ℃冰箱中保存待測。
1.3 試驗指標測定
1.3.1 歐李果實中鈣含量的測定 不同形態(tài)鈣的提取參照Ohta等[22]的方法。分別稱取不同發(fā)育期歐李果實5.0 g,依次用超純水、氯化鈉、乙酸、鹽酸浸提劑逐級提取得到水溶性鈣、果膠鈣、磷酸鈣、草酸鈣;剩余殘渣用HNO3-HClO4(體積比為5∶1)混合酸消化得到殘渣鈣。用火焰原子吸收分光光度計測定不同形態(tài)鈣的含量,總鈣含量為不同形態(tài)鈣含量之和。測定時每個指標均設(shè)3次生物學(xué)重復(fù)。
1.3.2 歐李果實有機酸含量及相關(guān)代謝酶活性的測定 有機酸含量的測定參考冀曉昊等[23]的方法。稱取不同發(fā)育期歐李果實5.0 g,加入25 mL 80%乙醇研磨成勻漿,75 ℃水浴提取60 min后抽濾,在60 ℃下將濾液用旋轉(zhuǎn)蒸發(fā)儀蒸干,殘渣用3 mL重蒸水溶解,過0.45 μm濾膜。采用高效液相色譜分析果實中檸檬酸和蘋果酸含量,有機酸總量為檸檬酸和蘋果酸含量之和。
1.4 數(shù)據(jù)處理與分析
用Excel 2010和GraphPad Prism軟件進行數(shù)據(jù)分析和作圖,采用SPSS 26.0統(tǒng)計軟件進行相關(guān)性分析,使用https://www.chiplot.online/網(wǎng)站繪制相關(guān)性分析熱圖。
2 結(jié)果與分析
2.1 歐李果實發(fā)育過程中不同形態(tài)鈣含量的變化
2.2 歐李果實發(fā)育過程中活性鈣占比的變化
2.3 歐李果實發(fā)育過程中有機酸含量的變化
2.4 歐李果實發(fā)育過程中有機酸相關(guān)代謝酶活性的變化
2.5 歐李果實有機酸含量與其代謝酶活性的關(guān)系
2.6 歐李果實鈣積累與有機酸代謝的關(guān)系
3 討 論
3.1 歐李果實發(fā)育成熟過程中不同形態(tài)鈣含量的變化
3.2 歐李果實發(fā)育過程中有機酸代謝的變化
3.3 歐李果實鈣積累與有機酸代謝的關(guān)系
4 結(jié) 論
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