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2023-04-12 00:00:00
歐亞人文研究 2023年4期

On the cultural commonality of contemporary Slavic literatures

Beijing Foreign Studies University Miao Hua Zhao Gang

Abstract: The paper analyzes and interprets the cultural commonality of contemporary Slavic literatures representedby Bulgarian, Polish, Czech and Serbian after World War II in the historical context of European literatures,particularly the Soviet one. This commonality comes down to the following aspects: a similar historical trajectory, thedominant position of realism, the flourishing of the Slavic emigrant literature, and identity of postmodernist literature.The facts that Slavic writers are always concerned about existential issues of their own nation and humanity as awhole, firmly uphold the humanitarian spirit of literature, and also the return of Slavic literatures to the mainstreamof the development of world literature, should deserve special attention from Chinese teachers and researchers offoreign literatures, especially those in Slavic philology. Slavic multinational literatures are undoubtedly indispensabletools for the cultural reconstruction of the Chinese nation and valuable resources for promoting cultural exchangeswith the Slavic nations. Unveiling the cultural commonalities of contemporary Slavic literatures shaped by historicalcircumstances and the diverse aspects of heterogeneity embodied in each national literature represents two importantdimensions in understanding their characteristics, patterns of development and relationships with world literature.It is also a scientific prerequisite for writing the history of Slavic literatures, establishing the discipline of Slavicphilology, fostering and deepening the study of these literatures.

Keywords: contemporary Slavic literature; Bulgaria; Poland; Czech Republic; Serbia; cultural commonality

Dostoevsky’s image of the “God-bearing people” as аdistinctive characteristic of the Russian people

Qufu Normal University Ji Mingju Shi Chongwen

Abstract: Dostoevsky is one of the great Russian thinkers of the 19th century who, in his own way, explained theunique nature of Russian “narodnost”. Before him, the discussion and confrontation around Russian “narodnost”(national identity) between Slavophiles and Westerners had been going on for more than half a century. ForDostoevsky, the validity of the Slavophile concept of the enduring value of the Orthodox beginning in the Russianpeople is unquestionable, and to substantiate it, he turns to the modern interpretation of the concept “Moscow isthe Third Rome”. The essence of this interpretation of Dostoevsky’s idea of the uniqueness of Russian Orthodox“narodnost” lies in his conviction that the specificity of the inner spiritual life (Orthodox faith) makes Russia the onlycountry in the world that preserves Orthodox religion, figuratively speaking-the spiritual kingdom of the universe.Russians are “God-bearing people”. Their national subjective consciousness is based precisely on the messianicdream of “the great fraternal unity of all mankind”. Russianness is all-humanity. Dostoevsky’s interpretation ofRussian Orthodox “narodnost” has an important heuristic value for rethinking the connotations of all humanity in thespirit of Russian national culture.

Keywords: Dostoevsky; Orthodox “Narodnost”; Moscow — Third Rome; God-bearing people; all humanity

Polivanov’s theory of language evolution and its contemporary significance

Fudan University, Hexi University Gong Yanfen

Fudan University Jiang Hong

Abstract: Polivanov’s theory of language evolution is at the core of his sociolinguistic thoughts. It runs through hisacademic career and reflects his views on language and methodology. The present study aims to discuss Polivanov’score ideas on the issue of language evolution from two dimensions, namely the characteristics of language evolutionand the factors influencing them. Within Polivanov’s theoretical framework, language evolution shows featuresof gradualness and suddenness, relative stability and absolute variability, imbalance, as well as unawareness andawareness. Furthermore, the development and changes in language are the results of the combined effects of internaland external factors, such as the language system itself, collective psychology, and socioeconomic conditions. Histhoughts are of great practical significance, as they not only point out new research directions for contemporarylinguistics, but also offer theoretical and methodological guidance.

Keywords: Polivanov; language evolution; contemporary significance

A study of transitive features of Russian affixoids

Nanjing University Liu Changzhen

Abstract: There are a large number of atypical language phenomena characterized by a fluctuating and transitionalnature in the modern Russian. However, these phenomena have not been thoroughly researched, and affixoidscan be considered as one of such phenomena. The article examines the transitive features of affixoids on the levelof morphology, semantics and word formation from both diachronic and synchronic aspects. On the one hand, asa typical result of the grammaticalization of lexical units, morphological features of affixoids show diachronictransitivity: the number of lexical features decreases while affixal one increases. On the other hand, affixoids occupya unique morpheme component situated between root morpheme and affixes. They bear the referential meaning ofroots and serve as affixes in word formation, thereby exhibiting synchronic transitional features in both semanticsand word formations.

Keywords: affixoids, morphemics; transitivity; grammaticalization; word formation

“Eastern revolutionary turn”: The “occurrence” of the Chinese revolution in Irkutsk

Beijing Normal University Zhang Jianhua

Abstract: Irkutsk, located in the center of Siberia and the pivotal hub of Eurasia, is typically a figurative “publicspace” and has more obvious qualities of abstract “the politics of space”. During the wave of Eastern revolutionsdriven by the Communist International in the 1920s and 1930s, the city played an extremely significant role asa “revolutionary headquarter”. As unique sources and catalysts, this city and its neighboring regions providedpreparatory groundwork for the launch of Chinese revolution.

Keywords: Irkutsk; Siberia; Chinese revolution; Comintern; Chinese laborers

The new situation facing the Belt and Road Initiative in Eurasia and itscountermeasures

China Institute of International Studies Deng Hao Li Yan

Abstract: In recent years, a series of important changes have occurred in Eurasia, especially the complication andprolongation of the Ukrainian crisis, which has had a significant impact on the evolution of the situation and thepattern in Eurasia, resulting in a complex and volatile situation not seen since the collapse of the Soviet Union, and aperiod of unprecedented tension in the relationships between the great regional powers, a period of heightened risksin the security situation, and a period of increased difficulties in economic development. For China and Eurasiancountries, jointly building the Belt and Road Initiative is facing increased geopolitical challenges, a more precarioussecurity environment, more impediments to connectivity and rising investment risks. However, “in the midst of everycrisis, there lies great opportunity.” The increasing political mutual trust and strengthening economic ties betweenChina and Eurasian countries provide strong internal impetus for the high-quality jointly construction of the Beltand Road Initiative. Regional countries actively explore new trade channels and expand the scale of local currencysettlement, injecting new vitality into the sustainable development of the Belt and Road in Eurasia. In the future,China and Eurasian countries should further promote the advanced concept of the Belt and Road Initiative from theperspective of building a community with a shared future for mankind, enhance strategic and policy coordination,strengthen security cooperation and continuously improve the regional security environment. While continuingto strengthen “hard connectivity”, all parties should also step up “soft connectivity” and “heart connectivity”,continuously tap more potential of cooperation, expand the space for cooperation, and strive to promote the highqualitydevelopment of the Belt and Road Initiative in Eurasia.

Keywords: the Belt and Road Initiative; Eurasian region; great power relations; security risks

The situation of problem “matryoshka region” in Russia and its development:"A case study of Nenets-populated areas

Beijing Foreign Studies University Xu Haiyue

Abstract: “Matryoshka regions” are a special form of federal subjects in the Russian Federation, where a federalsubject of central subordination (usually autonomous okrugs) is geographically included in another subject. Thisphenomenon, which originated in the Soviet Union, was inherited by the constitution of the Russian Federation in1993, and after a series of administrative reforms, only the Arkhangelsk and Tyumen “matryoshkas” remained. Themergers of the federal subject territories involve the development of the socio-economic situation and the regulationof inter-ethnic relations. Of all the “matryoshka regions”, the evolution of the Nenets-populated areas is particularlynoteworthy. This article aims to explore the underlying reasons for the formation of Russia’s “matryoshka regions”by studying the history of the evolution of the settlements of the Nenets people and their current status as well as theeconomic and social development of this region.

Keywords: matryoshka region; Nenets people; national autonomy; integration of regions

Development of China-Kyrgyzstan relations in recent years: Current situation,challenges and prospects

Xinjiang University Nu Liyan Liao Chengmei

Abstract: Kyrgyzstan is a neighboring country of China in Central Asia and an important link in the westwardextension of the Silk Road Economic Belt. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China andKyrgyzstan 31 years ago, the bilateral relations have been moving forward in a positive, healthy and steady manner.In recent years, under the guidance of close high-level exchanges, China and Kyrgyzstan have not only maintaineda high level of political mutual trust and high-quality economic cooperation, but also further expanded culturalexchanges, constantly promoting the deepening of bilateral relations. Meanwhile, bilateral exchanges also facecertain risks and challenges. The unstable domestic political situation in Kyrgyzstan, unbalanced economic andtrade development between the two countries, escalating regional issues, anti-China sentiment instigated by the Westin Kyrgyzstan and the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 have become uncertain factors affecting bilateral relations.To promote the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Kyrgyzstan, it is necessary to face thesechallenges directly and lay a solid foundation for the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Keywords: China-Kyrgyzstan relations; Belt and Road Initiative; peripheral security

能源(2014年9期)2014-09-15 13:18:12
泸州市| 澎湖县| 阿克苏市| 常熟市| 堆龙德庆县| 靖州| 岳阳县| 阿瓦提县| 云南省| 井冈山市| 东乡族自治县| 中牟县| 乡城县| 湟中县| 温泉县| 隆化县| 洪湖市| 叶城县| 合水县| 黎城县| 临潭县| 营山县| 垦利县| 游戏| 壶关县| 罗平县| 巩义市| 芮城县| 蒙自县| 商河县| 华亭县| 基隆市| 南江县| 三都| 如东县| 汕尾市| 同心县| 视频| 云阳县| 临邑县| 项城市|