著錄格式:文題(英文文題). 作者. (起始頁碼)(期號).
國家森林資源清查遙感應用主要技術(shù)進展(A review of remote sensing application in national forest inventory)
丁相元,陳爾學,李增元,趙 磊,劉清旺,徐昆鵬(1)(1)
石膏改良鹽堿土研究進展(Progresses of gypsums for the improvement of saline-alkaline soil)
金明姬,周妍宏,文波龍,劉 亮,劉宏遠(1)(2)
空氣甲醛污染的植物修復機制(Phytoremediation mechanisms of air formaldehyde pollution)
樹木葉片衰老中的氮素再吸收機制研究進展(Nitrogen resorption machanism during leaf senescence in woody plants)
DNA甲基化調(diào)控植物組織培養(yǎng)過程的分子機制研究進展(Recent advances in molecular regulatory mechanisms of DNA methylation in plant tissue culture)
國 穎,楊港歸,吳雨涵,何 杰,何玉潔,廖浩然,薛良交(1)(6)
智慧林業(yè)之森林參數(shù)遙感估測(執(zhí)行主編 李鳳日)
基于TLS的紅松樹冠半徑提取及其外輪廓模型構(gòu)建(Extraction of crown radius and development of crown profile model ofPinuskoraiensisbased on TLS)
王 帆,賈煒瑋,唐依人,李丹丹(13)(1)
基于4-Scale模型的人工林郁閉度遙感估測(Remote sensing estimation of plantation canopy closure based on 4-Scale model)
何 萍,于 穎,范文義,楊曦光(23)(1)
基于機器學習算法的樟子松立木材積預測(Standing volume prediction ofPinussylvestrisvar.mongolicabased on machine learning algorithm)
結(jié)構(gòu)方程模型在興安落葉松林生長中的應用(Application of structural equation model in growth ofLarixgmeliniistand)
高 羽,李 靜,劉 洋,烏雅瀚,鞏家星,辛啟睿(38)(1)
基于氣候因子的杉木單木胸徑生長模型構(gòu)建(Study on increment model of individual-tree diameter ofCunninghamialanceolatain consideration of climatic factors)
雙碳目標下的土壤碳組分(執(zhí)行主編 阮宏華 李萍萍)
模擬氮磷沉降和凋落物處理對兩種林型紅松林土壤有機碳組分的影響(Effects of simulated nitrogen and phosphorus deposition and litter treatment on soil organic carbon components in two types ofPinuskoraiensisforests)
楊永超,段文標,陳立新,曲美學,王亞飛,王美娟,石金永,潘 磊(57)(1)
有機物添加對山西太岳山油松林土壤呼吸及碳組分的影響(The effect of organic matter addition on soil respiration and carbon component inPinustabuliformisforests in Taiyue Mountain, Shanxi Province, China)
孫美佳,周志勇,王勇強,沈 穎, 夏 威(67)(1)
蘇北濱海土壤無機碳含量的測定方法比較(Comparison of three methods for inorganic carbon in coastal soil from northern Jiangsu)
“攥緊中國種子”視域下的中國林草種業(yè)研究專題Ⅰ(執(zhí)行主編 施季森 喻方圓)
休眠解除過程中紫楠種子生理生化特征的變化(Study on the physiological and biochemical changes ofPhoebesheareriseed during its dormancy breaking)
柳 苗,高捍東,高 燕,薛曉明(9)(2)
青錢柳種子雨的季節(jié)動態(tài)及土壤種子庫特征(Study on seasonal dynamics of seed rain and characteristics of soil seed banks inCyclocaryapaliurus)
不同種源米櫧種子形態(tài)特征與營養(yǎng)成分變異分析(Variations in seed morphological characteristics and nutritional content ofCastanopsiscarlesiifrom different provenances)
復羽葉欒樹植冠種子庫種子活力變化機制(Mechanisms of seed vigour changes in the canopy seed bank ofKoelreuteriabipinnata)
第三屆中國林草計算機應用大會論文精選(執(zhí)行主編 李鳳日)
融合Swin Transformer的蟲害圖像實例分割優(yōu)化方法研究(Research on the optimized pest image instance segmentation method based on the Swin Transformer model)
高家軍,張 旭,郭 穎,劉昱坤,郭安琪,石蒙蒙,王 鵬,袁 瑩(1)(3)
基于視覺加強注意力模型的植物病蟲害檢測(Plant disease and pest detection based on visiual attention enhancement)
楊 堃,范習健,薄維昊,劉 婕,王俊玲(11)(3)
基于多圖像特征的幼齡沉香全氮估測(Estimation of total nitrogen in youngAquilariasinensisbased on multi image features)
袁 瑩,王雪峰,王 甜,陳飛飛,黃川騰,林 玲,董曉娜(19)(3)
深度學習在基于葉片的油茶品種識別中的研究(Research on recognition ofCamelliaoleiferaleaf varieties based on deep learning)
尹顯明, 棘 玉,張日清, 莫登奎, 彭邵鋒, 韋 維(29)(3)
基于BOVW和SVM的城市土地類型遙感變化監(jiān)測研究(Research on remote sensing change monitoring of urban land types based on BOVW and SVM)
牡丹培育與應用研究(執(zhí)行主編 李維林 張金池)
牡丹野生種根際土壤細菌群落特征分析(Analysis of bacterial community characteristics in the rhizosphere soil of wild tree peony)
郭麗麗,張晨潔,王 菲,沈佳佳,張凱月,何麗霞,郭 琪,侯小改(45)(3)
‘鳳丹’PoERF4基因的克隆及表達分析(Cloning and expression analyses ofPoERF4gene fromPaeoniaostii‘Feng Dan’)
魏禎禎,宋程威,郭麗麗,郭 琪,侯小改(56)(3)
3種牡丹花器官不同部位揮發(fā)性成分分析(Analysis of volatile components in different parts of flower organs of three species of tree peony)
徐 慧,姚霞珍,佟珂珂,邢 震,李 垚(63)(3)
第三屆中國林草計算機應用大會論文精選(Ⅱ)(執(zhí)行主編 李鳳日)
無人機航高對落葉松毛蟲蟲害遙感監(jiān)測精度的影響(Effects of UAV flight altitude on the accuracy of monitoringDendrolimussuperanspests by remote sensing)
楊 樂,黃曉君,包玉海,包 剛,佟斯琴,蘇都畢力格(13)(4)
基于多視圖集成的鳥鳴分類研究(Spatiotemporal changes of vegetation NDVI and those reasons in northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park)
劉 江,張 雁,呂丹桔,魯 靜,謝珊珊,子佳麗,陳 旭,趙友杰(23)(4)
中國東北虎豹國家公園植被NDVI時空變化及原因探究(Distribution suitability analysis of the tree species of shelter forest in coastal area of Shandong based on LandUSEM model)
石 淞,李 文,翟育涔,林曉鵬,丁一書(31)(4)
基于LandUSEM模型的山東沿海防護林樹種分布適宜性分析(Distribution suitability analysis of the tree species of shelter forest in coastal area of Shandong based on LandUSEM model)
宋 歌, 韓 芳, 許景偉, 楊志軍, 穆豪祥, 王志勇, 王 哲(42)(4)
基于種源和氣候效應的日本落葉松樹高生長模型研究(Developing height growth model ofLarixkaempferibased on genetic and climate effects)
蓋軍鵬,陳東升,賈煒瑋,王 政(51)(4)
鄉(xiāng)村振興視域下經(jīng)濟林果培育專題(Ⅱ)(執(zhí)行主編 李維林 方升佐)
3種綜合評價方法在柿果品質(zhì)評價中的應用(Comparison of three comprehensive evaluation methods to evaluate the quality of persimmon fruit)
程文強,徐 陽,吳開云,趙獻民,龔榜初(61)(4)
西藏野生石榴果實重要性狀綜合評價(Comprehensive evaluation on important traits of wild pomegranate fruits from Tibet)
樊瑤羽薇,仁增朗加,董建梅,任 媛,葛大朋,招雪晴,苑兆和(73)(4)
外施24-表油菜素內(nèi)酯(EBR)對銀杏葉片發(fā)育和生理特征影響(Effects of external 24-epibrassinolide (EBR) application on the development and physiological characteristics ofGinkgobilobaleaves)
王孟珂,楊曉明,汪貴斌,周婷婷,國 穎,國 靖(81)(4)
外源ABA對銀杏葉黃酮類化合物體內(nèi)合成的影響(Effects of exogenous ABA on the synthesis of flavonoids inGinkgobilobaleavesinvivo)
李婷婷,國 靖,汪貴斌(88)(4)
油桐種質(zhì)資源葉片結(jié)構(gòu)變異及與環(huán)境因子的關系(Leaf structure variations and relationship with environmental factors among germplasm resources ofVerniciafordii)
曹林青,鐘秋平,鄒玉玲,田 豐,賀義昌(95)(4)
基于增強Frost局部濾波及單木距離圖重構(gòu)標記的CHM樹冠分割(Crown segmentation of CHM based on the enhanced frost local filtering and distance map reconstruction)
張華聰,譚新建,喻龍華,厲月橋,陳永富,劉 仁,張懷清(9)(5)
一種優(yōu)化森林仿真的碰撞檢測及響應算法研究(Research on algorithm of collision detection and response to optimize forest simulation)
王林龍,張懷清,楊廷棟,張 京,雷可欣,陳傳松,張華聰,劉 洋,崔澤宇,左袁青(19)(5)
一種新的地面激光點云中樹木葉面積計算方法(A novel approach for leaf area retrieval from terrestrial laser scanned points)
李雙嫻,陸 鑫,多杰才仁,張懷清,薛聯(lián)鳳,云 挺(28)(5)
基于聲學指數(shù)的神農(nóng)架國家公園聲音多樣性動態(tài)變化(Exploration of dynamic changes of sound diversity based on acoustic index in the Shennongjia National Park, China)
羅 麗,侯亞男,楊敬元,于新文,高靈旺,歐陽萱,楊銘倫,高家軍,郭安琪,劉昱坤(39)(5)
基于機器學習算法的森林火災風險評估研究(Research on forest fire risk evaluation based on machine learning algorithm)
亞熱帶典型森林類型可燃物載量分配特征(Characteristics of fuel load distribution in typical subtropical forest types)
李建華,夏虹露,唐衛(wèi)平,黃 晗(57)(5)
中蒙邊境草原無風條件下可燃物燃燒火行為模擬(Simulation study on fire behavior on the China-Mongolia border in windless conditions)
王利明,王若彤,李 勇,張 恒(65)(5)
基于MODIS的云南省2001—2020年林火發(fā)生時空特征分析(Analyses on spatial and temporal characteristics of forest fires in Yunnan Province based on MODIS from 2001 to 2020)
張文文,王 勁,王秋華,張曦妍,曹恒茂,龍騰騰(73)(5)
“攥緊中國種子”視域下的中國林草種業(yè)研究專題Ⅱ(執(zhí)行主編 施季森 李維林)
馬尾松實生種子園營建技術(shù)、現(xiàn)實增益及多世代低成本經(jīng)營新模式探討(New management model of construction techniques, realistic genetic gain and low cost multi-generation improvement in seedling seed orchard ofPinusmassoniana)
PEG和NaCl脅迫下毛竹萌發(fā)種子中環(huán)狀RNA特征及其表達研究(Expressional profiling of circRNAs under PEG and NaCl stresses in germinated moso bamboo seeds)
王曉靜,王 濤,楊 凱,李潞濱(17)(6)
溫度對白皮松種子萌發(fā)過程中儲藏物質(zhì)代謝及酶活性的影響(Effects of temperature on stored substance metabolism and enzyme activity during germination ofPinusbungeanaseeds)
BR對東京野茉莉種子中脂肪酸合成相關酶活性及油脂積累的影響(Effects of BR on enzyme activities related to fatty acid synthesis and oil accumulation ofStyraxtonkinensisseeds)
陳俊娜,王曉宇,陳 晨,彭輝武,陳 娟,黃衛(wèi)和,喻方圓(35)(6)
紫荊種子吸脹和層積過程中不同相態(tài)水分變化的核磁共振檢測(A low-field nuclear magnetic resonance detection of moisture changes in different water phases during the imbibition and stratification process ofCercischinensisseeds)
宮 楠,祖 鑫,解志軍,朱長紅,李淑嫻(42)(6)
山水林田湖草沙一體化保護和生態(tài)修復——土壤侵蝕修復研究(執(zhí)行主編 張金池)
東北黑土區(qū)不同開墾年限坡耕地坡面土壤磁化率特征研究(Spatio-temporal characteristic of soil loss on cropland slopes in different cultivation periods of the Black Soil Region in northeast China)
于 悅,趙麗君,張 威,張科利,劉 亮(51)(6)
采樣間隔對城市表土剖面磁化率變化的影響(Study on the effect of urban topsoil sampling interval on the variation pattern of magnetic susceptibility of soil profile)
陳 明,劉 亮(61)(6)
蘇南丘陵區(qū)坡面經(jīng)濟林土壤侵蝕特征(Study on soil erosion characteristics of economic forest slope field in southern Jiangsu hilly area)
楊 瑞,吳朝明,朱 驪,胡海波(70)(6)
水蝕作用下紅壤丘陵區(qū)土壤特性的空間分異特征(Spatial differentiation of soil properties in hilly red soil region under water erosion)
張 相,丁鳴鳴,林 杰,李卓遠,崔琳琳,郭 賡,楊 皓(77)(6)
水曲柳幼苗水力結(jié)構(gòu)和光合生理對光強梯度變化的耦合響應(Coordinated responses of hydraulic architecture and photosynthetic characteristics inFraxinusmandschuricaseedlings to change of light intensity irradiance)
孔 鑫,王愛英,郝廣友,寧秋蕊,王 淼,殷笑寒,周永姣(83)(1)
河南洛陽馬尾松樹干液流晝夜變化特征及其影響因子分析(Analysis on diurnal variation of sap flow inPinusmassonianaand its influencing factors in Luoyang, Henan Province, China)
竹 磊,徐軍亮,章異平,羅鵬飛,師志強,候佳玉,翟樂鑫(92)(1)
吉林東部天然次生林下光強衰減的空間分布特征(The spatial distribution characteristics of light intensity attenuation under natural secondary forests in eastern Jilin Province, China)
6種竹子葉器官的解剖結(jié)構(gòu)比較(Comparison of anatomical structure of six bamboo species cotyledon organs)
金點坤,呂 卓,王曙光,龍 昊,張 沖,王聲翰(109)(1)
不同生境對銀杏雌、雄株嫁接苗葉中聚戊烯醇等成分積累的影響(Effects of habitat on the synthesis and accumulation of primary metabolites inGinkgobilobaleaves)
王孟珂,國 穎,汪貴斌,苑 柯,楊曉明,國 靖(121)(1)
雌雄異株樹種山楊、水曲柳和東北紅豆杉光合特性對比(Photosynthetic characteristics of dioeciousPopulusdavidiana,FraxinusmandshuricaandTaxuscuspidata)
油松容器苗和裸根苗生長與造林效果對秋季施肥的響應(Responses of growth and afforestation performance ofPinustabuliformiscontainer and bareroot seedlings to fall fertilization)
葉可可,李慶梅,祝 燕,閆晶晶,張子晗,馮 賽,楊曉輝(136)(1)
南京椴群體遺傳多樣性和遺傳結(jié)構(gòu)分析(Genetic diversity and genetic structure ofTiliamiquelianapopulation)
王歡利,嚴靈君, 黃 犀,王仲偉,湯詩杰(145)(1)
南京地區(qū)簸箕柳雌、雄花序建成動態(tài)觀察(The dynamic observation of male and female inflorescence establishment ofSalixsuchowensisin Nanjing area)
向 麗,尹佟明,陳贏男(154)(1)
基于流式細胞術(shù)和K-mer方法測定6種槭屬植物基因組大小(Estimation of genome sizes of sixAcerspecies by flow cytometry and K-mer analysis)
馬秋月,王玉虓,李倩中,李淑順,聞 婧,朱 璐,顏坤元,杜一鳴,解志軍,李淑嫻,歐陽芳群,魯成代(163)(1)
湘西地區(qū)核桃堅果表型特征及多樣性研究(Research on the nutphenotypic traits and diversities of walnut in western Hunan)
李建揮,李柏海,吳思政,柏文富,禹 霖,聶東伶,嚴佳文,熊 穎,向祖恒,彭先鳳(171)(1)
基于坡度視角的黃土高原退耕還林(草)工程碳匯效應分析(Analysis of carbon sequestration effect of sloping land conversion program in Loess Plateau from the perspective of slope)
姚 楠,劉廣全,姚順波,賈 磊,林 穎,鄧元杰,侯孟陽 (180)(1)
近30年海南島橡膠林時空變化分析(Spatio-temporal changes of rubber plantations in Hainan Island over the past 30 years)
李廣洋,寇衛(wèi)利,陳幫乾, 吳志祥,張希財,云 挺,馬 俊,孫 瑞,李 瑩(189)(1)
轉(zhuǎn)基因小黑楊根際土壤微生物群落特征研究(Diversity of microbial community in rhizosphere of genetically modifiedPopulussimonii×P.nigra)
王 陽,王 偉,姜 靜,顧宸瑞,楊蘊力(199)(1)
響應面優(yōu)化貝萊斯芽孢桿菌(Bacillusvelezensis)菌株YH-18產(chǎn)芽孢培養(yǎng)基和培養(yǎng)條件(Optimizing spore-producing medium and culture conditions ofBacillusvelezensisstrain YH-18 by response surface methodology)
石慧敏,葉建仁,王 焱,陸藍翔,史紀武 (209)(1)
北京冬奧會延慶賽區(qū)施工作業(yè)對野生動物的影響分析(Effects of infrastructure and stadium construction on wildlife in Yanqing competition area of Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games)
夏 凡,鮑偉東,蓋立新,巨龍飛,黃文華,蔣 健,哈希博(219)(1)
馬尾松容器苗生長和養(yǎng)分性狀對磷添加和接種菌根菌的響應及關聯(lián)(Response and association of the growth and nutrient traits ofPinusmassonianacontainer seedlings to phosphorus addition and inoculation of mycorrhizal fungi)
孫 薇,王 斌,楚秀麗,王秀花,張東北,吳小林,周志春(226)(1)
8個楊樹無性系/品種木材解剖特征及其徑向變異模式(Anatomical characteristics and radial variations in eight poplar clones/cultivars)
劉亞梅,劉盛全,周 亮,胡建軍,趙自成,鄭向麗(234)(1)
兩地點8年生柏木生長性狀家系變異及選擇(Family variation and selection of growth traits of eight-year-oldCupressusfunebrisin two sites)
王文月,張 振,金國慶,孫林山,邱勇斌,周志春,楊 濤(42)(2)
伴礦景天WRKY基因家族鑒定及鎘脅迫響應分析(Comprehensive analysis ofWRKYgene family inSedumplumbizincicolaresponding to cadmium stress)
基于熒光SSR標記的紫薇遺傳多樣性分析(Genetic diversity analysis ofLagerstroemiaindicabased on fluorescent SSR markers)
王芝懿,李振芳,彭 嬋,陳 英,張新葉(61)(2)
間伐施肥對杉木中齡林生長和材種結(jié)構(gòu)的影響(Effects of thinning and fertilization on the growth and timber assortment structure of middle-aged Chinese fir forest)
趙銘臻,劉 靜,鄒顯花,鄭 宏,范福金,林開敏,馬祥慶,李 明(70)(2)
彩葉桂葉片發(fā)育過程中葉色表型與色素成分變化(Changes of coloration and pigment compositions during leaf development ofOsmanthusfragranscolour group cultivar)
崔 祺,吳 昀,李東澤,吳 凡,韓蕊蓮,黃均華,胡紹慶(79)(2)
杈干現(xiàn)象對南方紅豆杉樹冠形態(tài)、生長和形質(zhì)的影響(Effects of forking on the crown morphology, growth and form quality ofTaxuschinensisvar.mairei)
葉面噴施中微肥對文冠果的影響(Effects of foliar spraying of medium and trace element fertilizers onXanthocerassorbifolium)
印度梨形孢對干旱脅迫下桂花生長及抗旱性的影響(Effects ofPiriformosporaindicaon growth and drought resistance inOsmanthusfragransunder water deficit stress)
母洪娜,王 煒,樊 蕾,吳 楚,郭曉華,孫陶澤(101)(2)
芒萁組培技術(shù)體系的優(yōu)化(Optimization of the tissue culture technology system ofDicranopterispedata)
海南島中部山區(qū)土地利用變化對碳儲量時空分異的影響(The impact of land-use changes on the spatio-temporal variation of carbon storage in the central mountainous area of Hainan Island)
張育誠,韓念龍,胡 珂,于 淼,黎興強(115)(2)
長葉苦竹新造林的生長發(fā)育規(guī)律研究(Growth rules for a new stand ofPleioblastuschinovar.hisauchii)
姚文靜,劉國華,吳艷萍,趙福澤,王福升,丁雨龍 (123)(2)
基于TLS輔助的長白落葉松一級枝條生物量模型構(gòu)建(Constructing a biomass model ofLarixolgensisprimary branches based on TLS)
唐依人,賈煒瑋,王 帆,孫毓蔓,張 穎(130)(2)
星載激光雷達GEDI數(shù)據(jù)林下地形反演性能驗證(Verification of performance of understory terrain inversion from spaceborne lidar GEDI data)
董瀚元,于 穎,范文義(141)(2)
長白落葉松人工林多目標經(jīng)營模式研究(Research on multi-objective management schedules ofLarixolgensisplantations)
宋 磊,金星姬,PUKKALA Timo, 李鳳日(150)(2)
基于空間視角的我國經(jīng)濟林產(chǎn)業(yè)集聚分析(Analysis on industrial agglomeration of China’s non-wood forest based on spatial perspectives)
陳菁菁,李 頌,丁 勝,吳夢迪,趙慶建(159)(2)
我國森林生態(tài)效率測算及時空演變分析(Estimation and spatio-temperal evolution on ecological efficiency of forest in China)
基于生態(tài)安全格局的山岳型風景區(qū)景觀資源保護利用研究(Protection and utilization of landscape resources in mountainous scenic area based on ecological security patterns)
森林康養(yǎng)基地資源評價方法研究(Research on the resource evaluation method of forest health care bases)
深圳城市公園不同栽植環(huán)境對毛棉杜鵑生長的影響(Effects of different planting environments on the growth ofRhododendronmoulmainensein Shenzhen urban parks)
張銀鳳,蔡洪月,彭金根,劉學軍,謝利娟,張 華,王艷梅(197)(2)
社區(qū)居民對國家公園的認知及態(tài)度分析(Perceptions and attitudes of community residents to national park)
白 玲,邵 煒,蔣亞芳(205)(2)
冷藏條件下土樣保存時間對甲螨(甲螨亞目)和跳蟲(彈尾綱)類物種分離的影響(Effects of soil different preservation time on the soil animals separation results of Oribatida and Collembola by low temperature storage)
松墨天牛取食和產(chǎn)卵特性研究(A study on feeding and oviposition characteristics ofMonochamusalternatus)
王立超,陳鳳毛,董曉燕,田成連,王 洋(219)(2)
云南楚雄小百草嶺鳥類多樣性空間格局(Bird diversity spatial distribution patterns of Xiaobaicaoling Mountain in Chuxiong, Yunnan Province)
李俊冬, 查祿慧, 馬國強, 肖劍平, 李育武, 李 旭(225)(2)
白蠟花粉最佳離體萌發(fā)培養(yǎng)基篩選(Screening of optimal germination medium forinvitroFraxinus)
劉 蓉,吳德軍,王因花,任 飛,李 麗,燕麗萍,周曉鋒(70)(3)
花楸屬直脈組7種/變種基因組大小及葉表皮微形態(tài)特征的分類學意義(Taxonomic implications of genome sizes and micromorphological characteristics of leaf epidermis of species inSorbusSect.Alnifoliae)
邱 靖,李嘉寶,朱大海,陳 昕(77)(3)
109份豐產(chǎn)核桃單株堅果表型多樣性分析及性狀評價(Nuts’ phenotypic diversity analysis and character evaluation of 109 high-yield walnut individual trees)
張赟齊,董寧光,郝艷賓,陳永浩, 張俊佩,侯智霞,蘇淑釵,吳佳慶, 齊建勛(87)(3)
江西省維管植物區(qū)系新資料(New data of vascular flora in Jiangxi Province,China)
白榆在我國的潛在分布格局及未來變化(Potential distribution patterns and future changes ofUlmuspumilain China based on the MaxEnt model)
韓淑敏,閆 偉,楊雪棟,胡 博,于鳳強,高潤紅(103)(3)
近30年千島湖流域產(chǎn)水量時空變化及其影響因子分析(Spatio-temporal variations and influencing factors of water yield in the Thousand-Island Lake basin in the past 30 years)
朱志洪,周本智,王懿祥,祁 軍,李愛博,黃潤霞(111)(3)
氣候變化對落葉松人工林生物量生長的影響模擬(Modelling the effects of climate change on stand biomass growth of larch plantations )
何 瀟,雷相東,段光爽, 豐慶榮, 張逸如, 馮林艷(120)(3)
基于林分及地形因子的落葉松人工林林分生物量模型構(gòu)建(Construction of the stand-level biomass model ofLarixolgensisplantations based on stand and topographic factors)
孫 宇,李鳳日,謝龍飛,董利虎(129)(3)
長期結(jié)實和不結(jié)實紅松針葉光合生理參數(shù)的差異(Analysis of needle photosynthetic index characteristics for long period seed setting and non-setting trees ofPinuskoraiensis)
林 強,陸天宇,沈海龍,王元興,張 鵬(137)(3)
土壤含水率對藍莓葉片生理及果實品質(zhì)的影響(Effects of soil water content on leaf physiology and fruit quality of blueberry)
紫金山南麓楓香種群結(jié)構(gòu)與動態(tài)特征(The population structure and dynamics ofLiquidambarformosanaon the southeast foothill of Zijin Mountain, Nanjing City)
鄒朋峻,關慶偉,袁在翔,谷雨晴,吳 茜,?,摤?陳 霞,金雪梅(157)(3)
上海市行道樹土壤肥力特征及其空間分布(Soil fertility spatial distribution and characteristics of roadside trees in Shanghai)
賀 坤,王俊潔,王本耀,朱海軍,奉樹成(164)(3)
南水北調(diào)水源區(qū)不同植被恢復模式的土壤化學計量特征(Soil stoichiometry characteristics of different vegetation restoration modes in water source area of South-to-North Water Diversion Project)
徐子涵, 王 磊, 崔 明, 劉玉國, 趙紫晴, 李嘉豪(173)(3)
頤和園綠地表層土壤肥力質(zhì)量評價(Surface soil fertility quality evaluation of green land in the Summer Palace)
戈 悅,劉悅秋,叢一蓬,胡振園,馮佳寧(182)(3)
社區(qū)生活圈視角下城市公園綠地暴露水平測度(Evaluating the urban park green space exposure from the perspective of the community life circle)
張金光,宋安琪,夏天禹,趙 兵(191)(3)
南京市都市區(qū)聲景觀的城鄉(xiāng)梯度演變分析(Analysis on the gradient evolution of soundscape between urban and rural areas in Nanjing Metropolitan area)
基于居民感知的鄉(xiāng)村景觀價值空間特征分析(Spatial characteristics analysis of rural landscape values based on residents’ perceptions)
談石柱,黃瑩瑩,鄭葉靜,申亞梅,吳曉華,陶一舟,徐 斌,嚴少君(207)(3)
引入反哺機制的林紙綠色供應鏈多主體利益分配的動力學仿真研究(Dynamic simulation of multi-agent benefit distributions in the forest paper green supply chain with back-feeding mechanisms)
林業(yè)碳匯對人工林最優(yōu)輪伐期的影響——以杉木和落葉松為例(Effects of forest carbon sequestration on optimal rotation of plantations: a case study of Chinese fir and larch)
儲安婷,寧 卓,楊紅強(225)(3)
1-MCP預處理對杜鵑花高溫脅迫下光合特性及相關基因表達的影響(Effects of 1-MCP pretreatment on photosynthetic characteristics and related gene expression of rhododendron seedlings under heat stress)
王露露, 耿興敏,宦智群,許世達,趙 暉(103)(4)
尾葉桉不同無性系組培生根相關基因的表達分析(Expression analysis of rooting-related genes between different clones ofEucalyptusurophyllain tissue culture)
廖煥琴,楊會肖,徐 放,潘 文,張衛(wèi)華,陳新宇,朱報著,徐 斌,王裕霞,楊曉慧(114)(4)
暴馬桑黃GPS基因克隆及響應茉莉酸甲酯誘導表達研究(Cloning and expression ofGPSgene induced by methyl jasmonate inSanghuangporusbaumii)
劉增才,王淑婷,佟鑫宇,鄒 莉(123)(4)
基于MaxEnt模型的迎春櫻桃潛在適生區(qū)預測(Prediction of potential suitable areas ofCerasusdiscoideain China based on the MaxEnt model)
楊 宏,董京京,吳 桐,周華近,陳 潔,李 蒙,王賢榮,伊賢貴(131)(4)
帶狀采伐對新生毛竹空間結(jié)構(gòu)及穩(wěn)定性的影響(Effects of strip cutting on spatial structure and stability of new bamboo (Phyllostachysedulis))
肖 簫,周 陽,王樹梅,鄭亞雄,官鳳英(139)(4)
內(nèi)蒙古大青山華北落葉松人工林蒸散特征及其影響因子(Evapotranspiration characteristics ofLarixprincipis-rupprechtiiplantation and its impact factors in the Daqing Mountains of Inner Mongolia)
王云霓,曹恭祥,徐麗宏,陳勝楠 (148)(4)
基于樹種組成的大興安嶺天然林主要樹種樹高-胸徑曲線研究(Modelling height-diameter curves of main species for natural forests based on species composition in Greater Khingan Mountains, northeast China)
路文燕,董靈波,田 園,汪莎杉,曲宣怡,魏 巍,劉兆剛(157)(4)
徑階距對評估南盤江流域天然林物種多樣性的影響(Evaluating influences of diameter classes on the species diversity of natural forests in the Nanpan River basin)
基于InVEST與ANN-CA模型的環(huán)洞庭湖區(qū)土地利用碳儲量情景模擬(Scenario simulation integrating the ANN-CA model with the InVEST model to investigate land-based carbon storage in the Dongting Lake area)
楊宇萍,胡文敏,賈冠宇,李 果,李 毅(175)(4)
江西石城不同起源闊葉林碳儲量驅(qū)動因子分析(Research on factors driving carbon storage in broad-leaved forests of different origins from Shicheng, Jiangxi Province)
沈 浩,姜 姜,周 晨,潘慶全(185)(4)
基于Le Bissonnais法研究有機物料對黑土團聚體穩(wěn)定性的影響(Organic materials effects on black soil aggregate stability based on the Le Bissonnais method)
基于土地利用的江蘇省各市生態(tài)系統(tǒng)服務價值時空變化研究(Spatial and temporal variations of ecosystem service values in Jiangsu Province based on land-use change)
戚麗萍,欒兆擎,魏 勉,閆丹丹,李靜泰,么秀穎,劉 垚,謝思熒,盛昱鳳(200)(4)
山柰酚及其環(huán)糊精包合物作為熒光探針對銅離子識別作用的研究(Fluorescent properties and application for recognizing copper ions based on kaempferol and kaempferol-cyclodextrin inclusion)
楊世龍,蔣國斌,徐 莉,孫 露,賈韻玄,吳 宇(209)(4)
常州市金壇生態(tài)紅線區(qū)鳥類多樣性研究(Bird diversity in Jintan ecological redline areas of Changzhou City)
基于MCR模型和景觀連通性的縣域生態(tài)網(wǎng)絡構(gòu)建(Construction of ecological network in Xinfeng based on MCR model and landscape connectivity)
于 穎,孟京輝,宋增明,徐 露(226)(4)
基于雙重績效的城市藍綠空間布局優(yōu)化研究——以上海市普陀區(qū)為例(The optimization of urban blue-green spatial layout based on dual performances:a case study on Putuo District in Shanghai)
屈子雅,張青萍,張 瑞,王雨潔,李蘭心(235)(4)
看跌期權(quán)下的風險規(guī)避型營林企業(yè)最優(yōu)策略(Strategies for risk-averse forestry enterprises under the put option contract)
楊 夢,彭紅軍(244)(4)
相對視角下森林碳匯項目農(nóng)村經(jīng)濟福利效應(Rural economic welfare effects of forest carbon sink projects from a relative perspective)
羅順蘭,胡 原,曾維忠,鄭雯雪(253)(4)
兩個南方紅豆杉天然居群的交配系統(tǒng)分析(Mating system analyses of two natural populations ofTaxuswallichianavar.mairei)
青檀扦插苗對不同氮素水平的形態(tài)、光合生理響應和轉(zhuǎn)錄組分析(Morphological, photosynthetic physiological and transcriptome analyses ofPteroceltistatarinowiiin response to different nitrogen application levels)
郭 偉,韓 秀,張 利,王 迎,杜 輝,燕 語,孫忠奎,張 林,李國華,羅 磊(87)(5)
不同砧木對楸樹嫁接苗生長及光合特性的影響(Effects of different rootstocks on growth and photosynthetic characteristics of grafted seedlings ofCatalpabungei)
賈瑞瑞,祝艷艷,楊秀蓮,付 鈺,岳遠征,王良桂(97)(5)
灌木柳耐鹽SNP位點的快速鑒定與標記開發(fā)(Rapid identification and marker development of SNP loci for salt tolerance in shrub willow)
施肥對增溫促花后‘長壽冠’海棠葉片生長及光合特性的影響(Effects of fertilization on the leaf growth and photosynthetic characteristics ofChaenomelesspeciosa‘Changshouguan’ after processing of warming in the post floral stage )
梁文超,步 行,羅思謙,謝寅峰,胡加玲,張往祥(114)(5)
毛竹林下多花黃精構(gòu)件生物量分配特征的年際效應(Interannual effects of growth, module biomass accumulation and allocation ofPolygonatumcyrtonemaunderPhyllostachysedulisforest)
李建新,徐 森,楊麗婷, 陳雙林,郭子武(121)(5)
葉用文冠果總多酚提取工藝及抗氧化活性分析(Extraction technology and antioxidant activity analyses of total polyphenols fromXanthocerassorbifolialeaves)
蘇涇涵,王改萍,劉玉華,戚 亞,彭大慶,李守科,曹福亮(129)(5)
兩種采伐方式對馬尾松人工林林分空間結(jié)構(gòu)的影響(Initial impacts of two thinning methods on the spatial structure ofPinusmassonianaplantations)
王 宇,易艷靈,劉 海,文曉晨,李天一,尹海鋒,李賢偉,范 川(138)(5)
大興安嶺中部地區(qū)不同林分類型結(jié)構(gòu)復雜性評價(Evaluating the structure complexity of different forest types in the central part of the Greater Khingan Mountains)
生態(tài)安全格局視角下的土地利用沖突識別研究(Research on land use conflict identification from the perspective of ecological security pattern)
基于NDVI與DEM的山地植被垂直帶定量劃分——以太白山南坡為例(A quantitative divided method for the vegetation vertical belt based on NDVI and DEM: a case study of Taibai Mountain on the south slope)
趙 婷,白紅英,鄧晨暉,他志杰(165)(5)
吉蘭泰荒漠綠洲過渡帶不同生境下白刺灌叢沙堆形態(tài)特征與影響機制(Morphological characteristics and influencing mechanisms ofNitrariatangutorumnebkhas at different sandy land types in desert oasis ecotone of Jilantai)
魏亞娟,郭 靖,黨曉宏,解云虎,汪 季,李小樂,吳慧敏(172)(5)
青海省天保工程土壤保持效益評價研究(Evaluation of soil conservation benefit of the Natural Forest Protection Project in Qinghai Province)
梁梓澳,王祥福,王維楓,閆 珂,李愿會,董文婷,王榮女(181)(5)
黑龍江省國家級森林公園空間分布特征研究(A study on spatial distribution characteristics of national forest parks in Heilongjiang Province)
吳 妍,李若楠,趙志強(189)(5)
城市綠色空間地表溫度的時空演變特征——以北京市六環(huán)內(nèi)區(qū)域為例(Spatio-temporal evolution of surface temperature in urban green space: a case study within the Sixth Ring Road in Beijing)
樊柏青, 劉東云, 王思遠, 穆罕默德·阿米爾·西迪基(197)(5)
徽州山水對傳統(tǒng)村落分布與肌理的影響分析(Analyses of Huizhou landscape on distribution and texture of traditional villages)
安徽省土地利用/覆被時空變化及其驅(qū)動因素分析(Spatial-temporal change and driving factors of land use/cover in Anhui Province)
李長愛,劉 玲,邱 冰,聶存明,寧麗麗,李亞亮,王 慧,劉星宇,楊素慧(213)(5)
林齡和季節(jié)交互對楊樹人工林土壤節(jié)肢動物群落結(jié)構(gòu)的影響(Interactive effects of stand development and seasonality on soil arthropod community in poplar plantations)
浙江松陽縣鳥類群落結(jié)構(gòu)和多樣性分析(Analyses on bird community structure and diversity in Songyang County, Zhejiang Province)
于賜剛,郭曉平,馬 月,張振華,劉 燕,董姍姍,孫 碩(231)(5)
我國桂花樹上常見粉虱種類記述(Description of common whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) onOsmanthusfragransin China)
劉佳磊,白潤娥,張 鍇,文才藝,閆鳳鳴(237)(5)
非農(nóng)就業(yè)對農(nóng)戶生活污水排放行為的影響研究(Research on the influence of non-agricultural employment on farmers’ domestic sewage discharge)
鞠海琴,張紅霄,陳 甲,吉 星(245)(5)
湖南省蘭科植物新記錄(Ⅲ)(Newly recorded species of Orchidaceae from Hunan Province(Ⅲ))
肖周宏,涂蓉慧,劉 昂,龔佑科,丁聰,喻勛林(255)(5)
降香黃檀根瘤以及根瘤菌形態(tài)和超微結(jié)構(gòu)特征(Morphological and ultrastructural characteristics of root nodules and rhizobium ofDalbergiaodorifera)
鄧家珍,葉紹明,林銘業(yè),藍雅惠,燕 羽,樊容源,潘彩玲(259)(5)
基于TLS的撫育間伐對長白落葉松干形的影響(Effects of thinning onLarixolgensisplantation stem form based on TLS)
歐洲云杉無性系幼齡生長節(jié)律、年度和密度互作效應及選擇策略(Young growth rhythm, annual and density interaction effects and selection strategies ofPiceaabiesclones)
歐 陽,歐陽芳群,孫 猛,王 超,王軍輝,安三平,王麗芳,許 娜,王 猛(95)(6)
PagAPY1基因調(diào)控銀腺楊耐旱性的作用機制研究(Mechanisms ofPagAPY1in regulating drought tolerance inPopulusalba×P.glandulosa)
孝順竹中筍籜衰老相關WRKY轉(zhuǎn)錄因子的鑒定與分析(Identification and analysis of senescence related WRKYs in sheath ofBambusamultiplex)
卻 楓,劉慶楠,查若飛,魏 強(113)(6)
大氣CO2濃度升高對紅豆樹苗木光合生理和形態(tài)的影響(Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2concentration on the photosynthetic physiology and morphology ofOrmosiahosieiseedlings)
韋 憶,韋小麗,王明彬,王 嫚,余大龍(124)(6)
不同園林廢棄物堆肥過程中化學性狀變化及其對發(fā)芽指數(shù)的影響(Changes of chemical properties during composting of different garden wastes and their effects on germination index)
胡永恒,張 程,萬華琴,朱詠莉,李萍萍(133)(6)
毛竹不同類型愈傷組織比較分析(Comparative analysis of different types of callus in moso bamboo)
金佛山方竹果實發(fā)育特征及淀粉粒動態(tài)變化(Study on development characteristics and dynamic changes in starch granules in the fruit ofChimonobambusautilis)
伍虹雨,林樹燕,丁雨龍,張 玉,楊 露,秦 敏,蔡 鷗 (150)(6)
板栗果實褐變度與總酚和總黃酮的相關性研究(Study on correlation between browning degree of chestnut fruit and total phenols and flavonoids)
不同抗褐化劑對青錢柳愈傷組織酶活性和生長的影響(Effects of different anti-browning agents on enzyme activity and growth in callus ofCyclocaryapaliurus)
王 紀,方升佐(167)(6)
抗松針褐斑病濕地松未成熟合子胚胚性愈傷組織的誘導(Induction of embryogenic callus from immature zygotic embryos ofPinuselliottiiresistant to brown spot needle blight (pathogen:Lecanostictaacicola) )
程 方,孫婷玉,葉建仁(175)(6)
基于多源遙感數(shù)據(jù)的溧陽市林地植被覆蓋度時空差異研究(Study on spatial and temporal variation of forest fractional vegetation cover in Liyang based on multi-source remote sensing data)
王艷芳,譚 露,郭紅麗,吳 芳,齊 斐,蒙雯婷,徐雁南(183)(6)
基于紅外序列圖像的火線實時提取及蔓延模擬火線優(yōu)化(Real-time extraction of fire line and optimization of spread simulation fire line based on infrared sequence images)
張曉迪,李明澤,王 斌,吳澤川,莫祝坤,范仲洲(192)(6)
南京外秦淮河優(yōu)勢草本植物生態(tài)位和種間聯(lián)結(jié)性研究(Niche and interspecific association of dominant herbaceous plants in the outer Qinhuai River,Nanjing City)
基于蚊患防控的亞熱帶地區(qū)城市公園生態(tài)整治設計(Ecological renovation design of urban parks in subtropical regions based on mosquito prevention and control)
基于在線地圖的南京市主城區(qū)大型公園綠地騎行可達范圍評估(Assessing the cycling catchment of large parks with online maps: a case study of Nanjing City)
徐 振,李鳴珂,陳 妍,周珍琦(219)(6)
基于場所依戀的城市濱水公園社會連接研究(Research on social connectivity of urban waterfront park based on place attachment )
達 婷, 李 琰,G.Mathias Kondolf(227)(6)
不同林齡楊樹人工林地表甲蟲群落多樣性特征(Abundance and diversity of soil beetles on the forest floor in different aged poplar plantations)
顏錚明,阮宏華,廖家輝,石 珂,倪娟平,曹國華,沈彩芹,丁學農(nóng),趙小龍,莊 鑫(236)(6)
孫凱麗,賀春玲,胡俊杰,方全博,欒 科,任迎豐,肖治術(shù)(243)(6)
城市尺度下長三角區(qū)域碳排放效率時空演化及影響因素研究(Spatio-temporal evolution and influencing factors of carbon emission efficiency in the Yangtze River Delta region at the city scale)
宋 青,李超群,陳駿宇(251)(6)
轉(zhuǎn)為生態(tài)用地的中國搬遷地時空演變及其分布格局研究(Spatial and temporal evolution and distribution pattern of China’s relocation land converted to ecological land)
張桂蓮,易 揚,張 浪(263)(6)
工商資本下鄉(xiāng)流入農(nóng)戶土地的收入效應及異質(zhì)性分析(Income effect and heterogeneity analysis of industrial and commercial capital flowing into rural households’ land)
付天琴,吉 星,張紅霄(272)(6)
基于穩(wěn)定同位素的SPAC系統(tǒng)水分轉(zhuǎn)化研究進展(Research progresses on stable isotopes of water transformation in SPAC system)
近紅外光譜技術(shù)在林業(yè)領域的應用(The application of near-infrared spectroscopy in forestry)
王 玨,李彥杰,陳益存,高 暝,趙耘霄,吳立文,黃世清,張永志,朱康爍,汪陽東(237)(3)
柳杉新品種‘福胖’(Cryptomeriajaponica‘Fupang’: a new cultivar ofC.japonica)
羅建勛,劉芙蓉,宋 鵬,賴世會(241)(1)
彩葉桂新品種‘南林彩云’(Osmanthusfragrans‘Nanlin Caiyun’:a new cultivar ofOsmanthus)
王良桂,潘 多,丁卉芬,施婷婷,岳遠征,楊秀蓮(243)(2)
觀賞海棠新品種‘贊春’(Malus‘Zanchun’: a new ornamental crabapple cultivar)
鮑 嵚,許 濤,史鋒厚,沈永寶(234)(3)
文冠果新品種‘蒙冠1號’和‘蒙冠2號’(NewXanthocerassorbifoliumcultivars ‘Mengguan No.1’ and ‘Mengguan No.2’)
楊素芝,段 磊,張 麗,馮昭輝,陸 昕,韓立華,白玉茹,烏志顏 (262)(4)
三角梅新品種‘中閩2號’(Breeding of a new cultivar ofBougainvillea‘Zhongmin 2’)
周 群(268)(5)
櫟類新品種‘傳奇’和‘鴻運當頭’(Quercusrubra‘Chuanqi’ andQ.palustris‘Hongyundangtou’: two new cultivars ofQuercus)
王振猛,杜振宇,王 霞,王洪永,高 嘉,馬丙堯(281)(6)