1 煙草葉寬性狀主效QTL定位及育種評價...............................趙會納,雷 波,程立銳,等
8 不同種類有機肥對植煙土壤生物學特性及烤煙產(chǎn)質量的影響...............................楊 茜,張弘蒙,楊 潔,等
15 膜下水肥耦合模式對烤煙生長及產(chǎn)質量的影響...............................余垚穎,張 蕾,王明富,等
24 氧化-生物雙降解膜對土壤水熱變化及煙株生長的影響...............................王 毅,劉志剛,劉永新,等
32 新型復合保水劑對半干旱區(qū)烤煙生長和生理特性的影響...............................夏茂林,劉云飛,張承吉,等
38 保水劑施用對植煙紫色土的改良效應及烤煙品質的影響...............................郭 維,肖志鵬,向鵬華,等
44 兼抗黃瓜花葉病毒和馬鈴薯X病毒弱毒疫苗的創(chuàng)制...............................劉春菊,杜傳印,魏 軍,等
51 二氫卟吩鐵對煙草TMV的防治效果和產(chǎn)質量的影響...............................呂曉琳,農世英,李俊霖,等
57 微波防治煙草粉螟效果及經(jīng)濟閾值研究...............................韓順財,陳 濤,顧 鋼,等
63 分散固相萃取-液質聯(lián)用法測定煙葉中氟吡甲禾靈及代謝物...............................黃 寧,周建云,黃 翔,等
71 一種快速有效鑒定煙草苗期青枯病抗性的水培接種法...............................張海玲,許玉紅,馬麗聰,等
77 不同部位烤煙化學成分及熱解產(chǎn)物與加熱卷煙感官質量的關系...............................劉天擇,楊 菁,汪 旭,等
85 翠碧一號不同外觀特征煙葉內在質量分析...............................孟 霖,楊秀軍,管仕栓,等
92 不同產(chǎn)區(qū)雪茄茄芯煙葉關鍵揮發(fā)性香氣成分分析...............................賀 佩,王以慧,耿召良,等
100 雪茄煙根腐病與土壤真菌群落和理化性狀的相關性分析...............................樊 俊,譚 軍,向必坤,等
1 烤煙品種中川208特異性指紋圖譜的構建及分析...........................賈振國,王亞男,羅成剛,等
7 煙草基因在腺毛發(fā)育中的功能驗證...........................崔露瑩,陳明麗,余 文,等
15 大理典型植煙縣煙田土壤速效養(yǎng)分時空變異特征...........................程曉梅,王晉峰,孫 楠,等
22 龍巖煙區(qū)烤煙磷鉀養(yǎng)分配比優(yōu)化研究...........................蔣代兵,盧彬榮,李 明,等
27 暹羅芽孢桿菌揮發(fā)性物質拮抗下煙草赤星病菌轉錄組分析...........................李藝池,梁金昌,韋承建,等
35 轉錄因子NbNAC062及其納米藥物對PVY侵染的抑制作用...........................曲瀟玲,宋麗云,張道順,等
43 煙草鐮刀菌根腐病抗性鑒定方法研究...........................李雪君,郭 敬,孫計平,等
52 扶桑綿粉蚧在煙草上的適合度和藥劑篩選研究...........................李 萌,羅昭標,饒 智,等
58 一株耐酸性拮抗細菌的篩選、鑒定及對茄雷爾氏菌的抑制作用...........................耿銘言,劉建陽,林 偉,等
66 順-冷杉醇誘導煙草抗青枯病的效果及作用機制研究...........................孫雨晴,桂祖卿,孫菲菲,等
74 不同烤煙品種化學成分及致香物質差異分析...........................劉 濤,曹建敏,郭 存,等
83 油印產(chǎn)生原因及對煙葉質量的影響...........................黃本榮,范兆烽,王 飛,等
88 甘油對不同部位烤煙香味成分釋放行為的影響...........................郭春生,王軼群,陳 晨,等
97 過熱水蒸氣蒸餾-干餾法提取煙草香料的組成及香氣構效關系...........................段昊沅,朱 凱,楊 菁,等
1 K326全基因組分子模塊庫構建及其農藝、抗病性狀評價......................................................王永達,宋時洋,蔣彩虹,等
10 低溫脅迫下煙草開花調控基因表達分析...............................................................................................姜習振,楊晨凱,鄒湘香,等
16 卷煙主流煙氣有害成分遺傳分析........................................................................童治軍,唐石云,徐永明,等
23 兩種供鉀水平下不同銨硝比對煙株幼苗生長和鉀吸收的影響....................................代曉燕,李子紳,劉 燦,等
31 煙草種子萌發(fā)過程低溫響應相關蛋白與多肽研究..................................................................索文龍,王國平,牛永志,等
39 朱頂紅褪綠環(huán)斑病毒RT-LAMP快速檢測體系的建立...............................................................趙正婷,蓋曉彤,張俊蕾,等
47 貝萊斯芽孢桿菌F85對煙草炭疽病的生防作用研究......................................................劉涵斐,徐婷婷,李錫宏,等
53 高溫脅迫對紅彩瑞獵蝽存活率及捕食作用的影響.....................................................................曾 濤,游梓翊,夏長劍,等
62 不同醇化方式對烤煙品種翠碧一號片煙醇化效果的影響...................................................................汪季濤,朱徐睿,舒俊生,等
69 摩加夫芽孢桿菌產(chǎn)酶條件優(yōu)化及對煙葉品質的影響......................................................李正風,張 鵬,王蘿萍,等
77 地方曬煙瓊中五指山-1的青枯病抗性鑒定與指紋圖譜開發(fā)...................................王亞男,耿銳梅,李世斌,等
85 不同成熟度茄衣煙葉高光譜特征分析及分類模型構建......................................................王大彬,孟貴星,王雪松,等
92 遮蔭率對福建雪茄茄衣煙生長和晾制后煙葉質量的影響......................................................林智慧,趙云飛,王以慧,等
99 煙草品質性狀相關基因挖掘與功能解析研究進展........................................................................陳 帥,任 民,楊愛國
1 高碳基肥部分替代化肥對重慶土壤特性和煙葉品質的影響................................李學芹,華仲臣,馮億忠,等
9 氣候變化背景下貴州烤煙生長季氣候適宜度評價分析...........................................................曾曉珊,張 波,孫思思,等
17 不同形態(tài)氮素與不同鎂濃度供應對烤煙光合熒光特性的影響.................................................高靜娟,柯玉琴,謝榕榕,等
25 外源褪黑素對鎘脅迫煙草幼苗的緩解效應...............................................................................呂怡穎,鄭元仙,王繼明,等
33 生防菌BZ3對煙草普通花葉病毒的生防效果及全基因組分析.........................................劉 蕾,肖志鵬,周向平,等
41 玉溪雪茄煙發(fā)酵霉變病原菌鑒定及生防菌篩選.................................................................付克劍,宋學茹,楊 芳,等
49 廣東韶關煙區(qū)煙草鐮刀菌根腐病病原鑒定及致病性分析................................................沈會芳,鄧海濱,楊祁云,等
58 煙田小地老虎高致病力球孢白僵菌的篩選.................................................................................程凱凱,孫卉鎂,曹 付,等
64 不同類型煙葉原料加熱卷煙化學成分和感官質量評價.................................................................歐陽一鳴,趙文濤,付秋娟,等
71 中煙207及其親本0953高香氣性狀的物質基礎研究...............................................曹亞男,曹建敏,林潤英,等
79 不同成熟度烤煙萜類物質含量及相關基因研究.........................................劉 芳,宋笑龍,馬浩波,等
87 采收成熟度對雪茄煙葉晾制過程中顏色變化的影響........................................高云鵬,方 松,王以慧,等
94 基于YOLOv7-Sim和無人機遙感影像的煙株數(shù)量檢測........................耿利川,王忠豐,秦永志,等
1 江蘇中煙核心原料產(chǎn)區(qū)烤煙品種遺傳分析及分子身份證構建..................................田 震,李 媛,孫晉浩,等
9 生物炭用量與追肥次數(shù)對烤煙生長及氮素積累的影響..............................................楊佳宜,何羅馭陽,唐 昕,等
18 育苗盤孔徑、微生物菌劑和移栽葉齡對烤煙生長發(fā)育的影響.......................王新月,張 陽,蔡 奇,等
27 氮鉀運籌對烤煙養(yǎng)分吸收、產(chǎn)量與品質的影響..................................陳娜娜,朱子健,吳月瑩,等
37 西南地區(qū)煙草潛在適生區(qū)預測.............................................................孫佳照,冉渝澳,馮 俊,等
45 基于表型組和轉錄組數(shù)據(jù)研究光對煙草早期幼苗發(fā)育的影響............................曹廷茂,羅貞寶,劉奇源,等
55 TMV、CMV和PVY三重熒光定量PCR同步檢測方法的建立.........................白靜科,牛龍龍,吳彥輝,等
62 煙草靶斑病LFD-RPA快速檢測方法的建立.................................黎妍妍,邱夢娟,李錫宏,等
70 廣西煙草炭疽病病原鑒定及生物學特性研究..................................石 潔,桑維鈞,盧燕回,等
79 基于游離氨基酸的烤煙配打模塊香型判別方法研究..................................陳紅麗,周 航,楊永鋒,等
86 基于堿性和酸性氨基酸比值的陳化烤煙煙葉適用時間判斷............................周顯升,周金輝,魏玉磊,等
94 聯(lián)合代謝產(chǎn)物和重要農藝性狀鑒定不同雪茄煙品系..................................李雪山,黃德文,呂 芳,等
103 基于連續(xù)投影算法的土壤全氮和堿解氮含量高光譜估測..................................張 恒,梁太波,馮文強,等
1 雪茄煙新品種川雪5號的選育及特征特性....................................................................張興偉,劉國祥,向 歡,等
6 烤煙新品種閩煙18的選育及特征特性....................................................................余 文,程崖芝,李春英,等
12 長期不同施肥制度下植煙土壤氮組分變化及影響因素分析..........................................................肖 鑫,叢 萍,徐艷麗,等
21 渝東南地區(qū)烤煙氣候適宜性評價............................................................................李昕容,劉洪斌
29 不同質地土壤中煙嘧磺隆降解特征與煙草致害閾值研究..................................楊金印,彭梁睿,李彩斌,等
36 固態(tài)共培養(yǎng)木霉和芽孢桿菌抗煙草黑脛病及其活性成分研究..................................彭治鑫,趙棟霖,林 偉,等
44 湖南煙草彎孢菌葉斑病和炭疽病病原鑒定及生物學特性研究...........................肖艷松,李思軍,吳文信,等
53 GC-MS/MS測定煙草上氟唑菌酰羥胺殘留..................................................................潘 苗,于衛(wèi)松,魯世軍,等
59 青島煙區(qū)馬鈴薯Y病毒株系鑒定及系統(tǒng)傳導特性..............................郭光耀,宋麗云,江連強,等
69 烤煙新品種中川208香氣成分及香韻特征解析...............................耿銳梅,曹長代,李 峰,等
75 HS-GC-IMS結合ROAV分析烤煙煙葉“糯米香”特征成分..............................李舒暢,李 軍,高憲輝,等
84 煙草未授粉子房離體培養(yǎng)誘導胚狀體的影響因素研究..................................曹景林,王 欣,程君奇,等
91 不同葉位雪茄煙葉質量特征變化趨勢分析..................................................................張光海,孔光輝,焦方嬋,等
100 工業(yè)發(fā)酵雪茄煙葉霉變微生物的分離鑒定及生物學特性研究..............................劉琳琳,蘆 柯,胡延奇,等
1 Identification of Major-effect QTLs Associated with Leaf Width of Tobacco and Breeding Evaluation..........................................ZHAO Huina, LEI Bo, CHENG Lirui, et al
8 Effects of Different Organic Fertilizers on Biological Characteristics of Tobacco Growing Soil, Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco..............................YANG Xi, ZHANG Hongmeng, YANG Jie, et al
15 The Effect of Water-Fertilizer Coupling Mode under Film on Growth,Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco..........................................YU Yaoying, ZHANG Lei, WANG Mingfu, et al
24 Effect of Uncovering and Applying Degradable Film on Soil Hydrothermal Changes and Flue-cured Tobacco Growth..............................WANG Yi, LIU Zhigang, LIU Yongxin, et al
32 Effects of New Composite Water Retention Agents on Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Flue-cured Tobacco in Semi-arid Areas..............................XIA Maolin, LIU Yunfei, ZHANG Chengji, et al
38 Effects of a Water-Retaining Agent on Tobacco Field and the Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves in a Purple Soil..........................................GUO Wei, XIAO Zhipeng, XIANG Penghua, et al
44 Construction of an Attenuated Vaccine Against Both Potato Virus X and Cucumber Mosaic Virus..........................................LIU Chunju, DU Chuanyin, WEI Jun, et al
51 Effects of Iron Chlorin e6 on Enhancing Disease Resistance against TMV and Improving Output Value and Production of Tobacco....................................LYU Xiaolin, NONG Shiying, LI Junlin, et al
57 Effect and Economic Threshold of Microwave in(Hübner) Control..........................................HAN Shuncai, CHEN Tao, GU Gang, et al
63 Determination of Haloxyfop-methyl and Its Metabolites in Tobacco by Dispersive Solid-Phase Extraction Coupled with Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry............HUANG Ning, ZHOU Jianyun, HUANG Xiang, et al
71 A Hydroponic Inoculation Method for Rapid and Efficient Evaluation of Tobacco Resistance to Bacterial Wilt Disease at Seedling Stage....................................ZHANG Hailing, XU Yuhong, MA Licong, et al
77 Relationships between Chemical Components and Pyrolytic Products and Sensory Quality of Heated Tobacco of Different Position Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves..................LIU Tianze, YANG Jing, WANG Xu, et al
85 Study on Internal Quality of CB-1 Tobacco Leaves with Different Appearance Characteristics..........................................MENG Lin, YANG Xiujun, GUAN Shishuan, et al
92 Study on Key Volatile Aroma Components of Cigar Filler from Different Producing Areas..........................................HE Pei, WANG Yihui, GENG Zhaoliang, et al
100 Correlation Analysis between Cigar Root Rot and Fungal Community, Physical and Chemical Properties of Soil................................................FAN Jun, TAN Jun, XIANG Bikun, et al
No. 2
1 Construction and Analysis of Specific Fingerprint of Flue-cured Tobacco Variety Zhongchuan208....................................JIA Zhenguo, WANG Yanan, LUO Chenggang, et al
7 Functional Verification ofGene in the Development of Glandular Trichomes in Tobacco..........................................CUI Luying, CHEN Mingli, YU Wen, et al
15 Spatial-temporal Variability of Soil Available Nutrients in Typical Tobacco Planting Counties of Dali..........................................CHENG Xiaomei, WANG Jinfeng, SUN Nan, et al
22 Optimization of the Phosphorus and Potassium Ratio in Tobacco Special Fertilizer in Longyan..........................................JIANG Daibing, LU Binrong, LI Ming, et al
27 Transcriptome Analysis ofunder the Antagonism of Volatile Substances from..........................................LI Yichi, LIANG Jinchang, WEI Chengjian, et al
35 NbNAC062 and Its Nanomedicine Confer Inhibition to Potato Virus Y....................................QU Xiaoling, SONG Liyun, ZHANG Daoshun, et al
43 Study on Identification of Tobacco Variety Resistance to................................................LI Xuejun, GUO Jing, SUN Jiping, et al
52 Fitness and Screening of Insecticides ofTinsley on Tobacco................................................LI Meng, LUO Zhaobiao, RAO Zhi, et al
58 Screening, Identification and Inhibitory Effect of an Acid-tolerant Bacterial Strain to..........................................GENG Mingyan, LIU Jianyang, LIN Wei, et al
66 Effect and Mechanism of cis-Abienol to Induce Tobacco against Bacterial Wilt..........................................SUN Yuqing, GUI Zuqin, SUN Feifei, et al
74 Difference Analysis on Chemical Composition and Aroma Components of Different Flue-cured Tobacco Cultivars................................................LIU Tao, CAO Jianmin, GUO Cun, et al
83 Causes of Oil Printing Tobacco Leaves and Their Influence on Tobacco Leaf Quality..........................................HUANG Benrong, FAN Zhaofeng, WANG Fei, et al
88 Effects of Glycerin on the Release of Aroma Components from Different Parts of Flue-cured Tobacco..........................................GUO Chunsheng, WANG Yiqun, CHEN Chen, et al
97 Composition and Aroma Structure-activity Relationship of Tobacco Flavor Extracted by Superheated Steam Distillation-cracking Process Integrated Technology............DUAN Haoyuan, ZHU Kai, YANG Jing, et al
No. 3
1 Construction of the K326 Whole Genome Molecular Module Library and Evaluation of Its Agronomic and Disease Resistance Traits..............................WANG Yongda, SONG Shiyang, JIANG Caihong, et al
10 Expression Analysis of Flowering Regulatory Genes in Tobacco under Low Temperature Stress....................................JIANG Xizhen, YANG Chenkai, ZOU Xiangxiang, et al
16 Genetic Analysis of Harmful Components in Main Stream Cigarette Smoke..........................................TONG Zhijun, TANG Shiyun, XU Yongming, et al
23 Effects of Different Ammonium/Nitrate Ratios on Seedling Growth and Potassium Uptake of Tobacco Plants under Two Potassium Supply Conditions..............................DAI Xiaoyan, LI Zishen, LIU Can, et al
31 Study on Differentially Expressed Proteins and Polypeptides in Response to Low Temperature Stress during Tobacco Seed Germination..............................SUO Wenlong, WANG Guoping, NIU Yongzhi, et al
39 Development of an RT-LAMP Assay for Rapid Detection of(HCRV)....................................ZHAO Zhengting, GE Xiaotong, ZHANG Junlei, et al
47 Study on the Biocontrol Effect ofF85 against Tobacco Anthracnose..........................................LIU Hanfei, XU Tingting, LI Xihong, et al
53 Effects of High Temperature Stress on the Survival and Functional Response ofto the Larvae of....................................ZENG Tao, YOU Ziyi, XIA Changjian, et al
62 Influence of Different Aging Modes on Aging Effects of Flue-cured Tobacco CB-1..........................................WANG Jitao, ZHU Xurui, SHU Junsheng, et al
69 Condition Optimization of Enzyme Production fromin Tobacco Leaf and Its Effect for Improving Tobacco Quality..............................LI Zhengfeng, ZHANG Peng, WANG Luoping, et al
77 Identification of Bacterial Wilt Resistance and Fingerprint Development of Sun-cured Tobacco Qiongzhongwuzhishan-1..........................................WANG Yanan, GENG Ruimei, LI Shibin, et al
85 Analysis of Hyperspectral Characteristics of Coat-oriented Cigar Tobacco with Different Maturity and Construction of a Classification Model........................WANG Dabin, MENG Guixing, WANG Xuesong, et al
92 Effects of Shading Rate on Growth and Leaf Quality after Air-curing of Fujian Cigar Wrapper Tobacco..........................................LIN Zhihui, ZHAO Yunfei, WANG Yihui, et al
99 Advances in Discovery and Functional Analysis of Quality Related Genes in Tobacco................................................CHEN Shuai, REN Min, YANG Aiguo
No. 4
1 Effects of Partial Replacement of Chemical Fertilizers with High Carbon Base Fertilizers on Soil Characteristics and Tobacco Leaf Quality in Chongqing..................LI Xueqin, HUA Zhongchen, FENG Yizhong, et al
9 Climatic Suitability Analysis of Flue-cured Tobacco Growing Season in Guizhou in the Context of Climate Change..........................................ZENG Xiaoshan, ZHANG Bo, SUN Sisi, et al
17 Effects of Different Nitrogen Forms and Different Magnesium Concentrations on Photosynthetic Fluorescence Characteristics of Flue-Cured Tobacco..................GAO Jingjuan, KE Yuqin, XIE Rongrong, et al
25 Alleviative Effect of Exogenous Melatonin on Cadmium Stress in Tobacco Seedlings..........................................Lü Yiying, ZHENG Yuanxian, WANG Jiming, et al
33 Biocontrol Effects of Antagonistic Strain BZ3 on Tobacco Mosaic Virus and the Antagonistic Strain Genome Analysis..........................................LIU Lei, XIAO Zhipeng, ZHOU Xiangping, et al
41 Identification of Pathogenic Fungi and Screening for Biocontrol Bacteria during Fermentation of Yuxi Cigars..........................................FU Kejian, SONG Xueru, YANG Fang, et al
49 Identification and Pathogenicity Analysis of TobaccoRoot Rot Pathogens in Shaoguan, Guangdong Province..........................................SHEN Huifang, DENG Haibin, YANG Qiyun, et al
58 Screening ofwith High Pathogenicity toin Tobacco Fields..........................................CHENG Kaikai, SUN Huimei, CAO Fu, et al
64 Evaluation on the Chemical Composition and Sensory Quality of Heated Cigarettes with Different Types of Tobacco Leaves....................................OUYANG Yiming, ZHAO Wentao, FU Qiujuan, et al
71 Study on Key Chemical Basis of High Aroma Trait of Zhongyan 207 and Its Parent 0953..........................................CAO Yanan, CAO Jianmin, LIN Runying, et al
79 Study on the Content of Terpenoids and Related Genes in Flue-cured Tobacco with Different Maturity Levels..........................................LIU Fang, SONG Xiaolong, MA Haobo, et al
87 Effects of Harvest Maturity on Color Change of Cigar Tobacco Leaves During Air-curing..........................................GAO Yunpeng, FANG Song, WANG Yihui, et al
94 Tobacco Plant Number Detection Based on UAV Remote Sensing Image and YOLOv7-Sim....................................GENG Lichuan, WANG Zhongfeng, QIN Yongzhi, et al
No. 5
1 Genetic Analysis and Molecular ID Card Construction of Flue-cured Tobacco Varieties in the Core Production Areas of China Tobacco Jiangsu Industrial Corporation.............................TIAN Zhen, LI Yuan, SUN Jinhao, et al
9 Effects of Biochar Dosage and Topdressing Frequency on Flue-Cured Tobacco Growth and Nitrogen Accumulation...........................YANG Jiayi, HE Luoyuyang, TANG Xin, et al
18 Effects of Float Seedling Tray Size, Microbial Agents and Transplanting Leaf Age on Growth of Flue-cured Tobacco.............................WANG Xinyue, ZHANG Yang, CAI Qi, et al
27 Effects of Nitrogen and Potassium Management on Nutrient Absorption, Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco.............................CHEN Nana, ZHU Zijian, WU Yueying, et al
37 Prediction of Potential Suitable Growing Areas of Tobacco in Southwest China.............................SUN Jiazhao, RAN Yuao, FENG Jun, et al
45 Study of Light-Regulated Early Seedling Development in Tobacco through Phenomic and Transcriptomic Data Analysis.............................CAO Tingmao, LUO Zhenbao, LIU Qiyuan, et al
55 Establishment of a Triplex Fluorescent Quantitative PCR for Simultaneous Detection of TMV, CMV and PVY.............................BAI Jingke, NIU Longlong, WU Yanhui, et al
62 Establishment of LFD-RPA Rapid Detection Technique for Tobacco Target Spot.............................LI Yanyan, QIU Mengjuan, LI Xihong, et al
70 Identification of Tobacco Anthracnose Pathogen and its Biological Characteristics in Guangxi.............................SHI Jie, SANG Weijun, LU Yanhui, et al
79 Identification Methods for Flue-cured Tobacco Flavor in Blending and Threshing Module Based on Free Amino Acids.............................CHEN Hongli, ZHOU Hang, YANG Yongfeng, et al
86 Suitable Quality Determination for Aged Flue-cured Tobacco Strips Based on Ratio of Basic Amino Acid to Acidic Amino Acid...........................ZHOU Xiansheng, ZHOU Jinhui, WEI Yulei, et al
94 Identification of Different Cigar Lines by Combined Analysis of Metabolites and Important Agronomic Traits.............................LI Xueshan, HUANG Dewen, LYU Fang, et al
103 Hyperspectral Estimation of Total Nitrogen and Alkali Hydrolysable Nitrogen Contents in Tobacco Growing Soil Based on Successive Projection Algorithm.............................ZHANG Heng, LIANG Taibo, FENG Wenqiang, et al
No. 6
1 Breeding and Characteristics of a New Cigar Variety Chuanxue 5.............................ZHANG Xingwei, LIU Guoxiang, XIANG Huan, et al
6 Breeding of a New Flue-cured Tobacco Variety Minyan18 and its Characteristics.............................YU Wen, CHENG Yazhi, LI Chunying, et al
12 Analysis of Changes in Nitrogen Components and Influencing Factors in Tobacco Soil under Different Long-term Fertilization Regimes.............................XIAO Xin, CONG Ping, XU Yanli, et al
21 Evaluation of Climate Suitability of Flue-cured Tobacco in Southeast of Chongqing.............................LI Xinrong, LIU Hongbin
29 Degradation Characteristics of Nicosulfuron and Its Damage Threshold of Tobacco in Different Texture Soils.............................YANG Jinyin, PENG Liangrui, LI Caibin, et al
36 Study on Co-culture ofandby Solid-state Fermentation against Tobacco Black Shank Disease and Their Bioactive Secondary Metabolites.............................PENG Zhixin, ZHAO Donglin, LIN Wei, et al
44 Identification and Biological Characterization ofLeaf Spot and Anthracnose Diseases on Tobacco in Hunan Province.............................XIAO Yansong, LI Sijun, WU Wenxin, et al
53 GC-MS/MS Determination of Pydiflumetofen Residues in Tobacco.............................PAN Miao, YU Weisong, LU Shijun, et al
59 Identification of Potato Virus Y Strains and System Conduction Characteristics in Qingdao Tobacco Area.............................GUO Guangyao, SONG Liyun, JIANG Lianqiang, et al
69 Analysis of Aroma Components and Fragrance Characteristics in the New Flue-Cured Tobacco Variety Zhongchuan208.............................GENG Ruimei, CAO Changdai, LI Feng, et al
75 Analysis of Characteristic “Glutinous Rice”-like Aroma-active in Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves Based on HS-GC-IMS Combined with ROAV.............................LI Shuchang, LI Jun, GAO Xianhui, et al
84 Study on the Factors Influencing the Induction of Embryoids by in vitro Culture of Unpollinated Ovary in Tobacco.............................CAO Jinglin, WANG Xin, CHENG Junqi, et al
91 Analysis on the Quality Characteristics Change Trendency in Different Leaf Positions of Cigar Tobacco Leaves.............................ZHANG Guanghai, KONG Guanghui, JIAO Fangchan, et al
100 Isolation, Identification and Biological Characteristics of Mold Species from Industrial Fermented Cigar Tobacco Leaves.............................LIU Linlin,LU Ke,HU Yanqi, et al