Microplastics are “one of the greatest man-made disasters of our time”, according to theNatural History Museum. That's bad news, giventhey are also everywhere; in tap water, the foodyou buy, the clothes you wear and the air youbreathe.
The largest microplastics can be seen by thenaked? eye? and? are? anything? under? half acentimeter in size. But many of them are smallenough to act like specks of dust which we caninadvertently breathe in or eat in food . Thesmallest particles are called nanoplastics andthey are small enough to get their way deep intothe human body.
Although research is in its infancy , therisks of these plastics could be serious—somestudies have linked high exposure to cancer riskand disrupting our hormones. In animal studies,the? particles? have? been? shown? to? affectmetabolism,? gut? bacteria? and the? immunesystem, among other things.
As? microplastics? are? everywhere,? it'simpossible for us to stop using plastics, but wecan still take steps to reduce microplasticsgetting into your body.
Word Study
speck /spek/ n. 小點(diǎn);微粒
infancy /'?nf?nsi/ n. 初期;初創(chuàng)期
decant /d?'k?nt/ v. 倒入
imbibe /?m'ba?b/ v. 喝;飲
They were used to imbibing quantities of alcohol.
Avoiding using cling film on hot food
Cling film is bad. Never microwave it or put it on hot food.
Using metal or glass coffee cups
The heat of the coffee will encourage the plastic toleach into your drink. So you can bring a reusable metalor glass cup for takeaway or consider drinking yourcoffee in a cafe.
Avoiding reheating takeaway food in plastic boxes
Any time plastic containers are heated, chemical changes in the material mean it can leach microparticles into your food. If you can't avoid the takeaway boxes, try not to reheat food in them when having leftovers. Instead, decant them to a plate.
Using a glass water bottle instead of a plastic one
A Canadian research found that bottled water contains 22 times more microplastics than tap water, meaning someone who exclusively drinks bottled water would imbibe 130,000 more particles a year, compared to about 4,000 from tap water.
Using a glass bottle when you're on the go, and filling it with water that has gone through a reverse osmosis filter, which can help to remove the microplastics in tap water.