(南京理工大學(xué) 數(shù)學(xué)與統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)院,江蘇 南京 210094)
黎曼映射定理為復(fù)變函數(shù)的性質(zhì)提供了幾何刻畫(huà);Carathéodory收斂定理把函數(shù)像域的收斂與函數(shù)的收斂性緊密聯(lián)系起來(lái)。利用黎曼映射定理、極值原理和Carathéodory收斂定理,研究極點(diǎn)在原點(diǎn)和極點(diǎn)在點(diǎn) (0<<1)的單葉亞純螺旋象函數(shù),得到了相應(yīng)函數(shù)族的解析刻畫(huà)和積分表示。
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Characterization and Integral Representation of Univalent Metamorphic Spirallike Functions
QIAN Ji-xiao
(School of Mathematics and Statistics, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing Jiangsu 210094, China)
The Riemann mapping theorem provides a geometric characterization for the properties of complex functions; the Carathéodory convergence theorem closely links the convergence of the function image field with the convergence of the function. Using the Riemann mapping theorem, the extreme value principle and the Carathéodory convergence theorem, the univalent meromorphic spirallike functions with the pole at the origin and the pole at the p point (0
univalent functions; meromorphic functions; spirallike functions
江蘇省研究生科研與實(shí)踐創(chuàng)新計(jì)劃項(xiàng)目 (KYCX21–0247)