Abnormal growth of cell called as cancer or malignancy.Although it may be seen in any age, more commonly seen in patients more than 50 years of age.where epithelial ovarian cancer has been commonly seen[1].Approximately 70% of ovarian cancers have been diagnosed at progressive stage where only 30% of women suffering from this cancer, expect to survive up to 5 years.
Ovarian malignancy constitutes about 15–20 percent of genital malignancy.In India the incidence of ovarian carcinoma (age adjustable to range from 1.7 to 15.2 from 2012 to 2014) in various population-based registers of cancer.Approximately 59,276 have been estimated as new ovarian cancer causes by the end of 2020 and twenty percent of neoplasms are malignant.It is the fourth most common cause of cancer death in women exceeded only by breast, colon and lung malignancies.Again, the recurrent ovarian cancer is a fatal disease with few survivors.Despite the fact that most patients have uniform surgery and chemotherapy, the status of recurring disease varies.The location of recurrence and the periods between recurrences are likewise widely dispersed.After recurrence,approximately 70% of advanced stage ovarian cancer patients relapse,and even in stage I or II patients, the relapse rate is 20%–25%.Because the survival curve following recurrence never plateaus, the goal of treatment for recurrent ovarian cancer is to control the disease and its symptoms, limit treatment-related damage, and preserve or improve quality of life [2].There seems to be no doubt that Ayurveda,with its holistic approach, is the finest way to limit the adverse treatment outcomes while also enhancing the patient’s quality of life.
A 37 years old married woman a post-operative case of Carcinoma(CA) ovary approached the cancer consultation and Treatment Unit National Institute of Ayurveda Jaipur (OPD No.15403032020) on 20.07.2020 with chief complaints of excessive bleeding per vagina associated with chief complaints of excessive bleeding per vagina associated with excessive clots, severe dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia for 6 months, bilateral lower abdominal pain, vulval itching, vaginal discharge, increased frequency of micturition with burning, Burning sensation in chest, loss of appetite, and flatulence for 2 months.
Raktaprasadak hima is the proprietary medicine from Pharmacy of National Institute of Ayurveda, Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Siddha,Homeopathy, Yoga and naturopathy), Government of India, Jaipur,Rajasthan, containing 5 drugs namely Ushir, Kakmachi, Bhumiamali,Satavari, Manjistha.Most of the drug in the Rakta Prasadhak him have Madhur (sweet), Tikta (bitter) Rasa having Laghu (light), Snigdh(onctous) Guna, Shita (cold) Virya which helps in pacification of aggravated Pitta Dosha, drugs such as kakmachi and sariva are tridoshshamak where kakmachi have rejuvenating effect along with shothhara properties and sariva has vishghana property.Ushir and bhumamlaki helps to pacify kaphpitta dosha and act as vranropan it also has manjistha as another important drug which help in purification of blood with the major vishaghna property.
Physical and systemic examination revealed nothing noteworthy except per abdomen on deep palpation; there was tenderness on Right Iliac Fossa, Hypogastrium and Left Iliac Region.Prior to the pelvic examination informed consent was obtained.
Past history: She was diagnosed with CA Right Ovary, and underwent Right Salpingo–Oophorectomy and Left Ovarian Cystectomy on 13.07.2019 along with 6 cycles of chemotherapy.Approximately 6 months after the surgery she was again diagnosed with Recurrent Left Ovarian Mass Adenocarcinoma in histopathology done on 05.02.2020 for which again she underwent total abdominal hysterectomy + Left Salpingo-Oophorectomy + Omentectomy on 03.07.2020.No relevant family history.Thereafter she approached cancer consultation and Treatment Unit National Institute of Ayurveda Jaipur.
External genitalia were found to be normal on a local examination.During the per vaginal examination- tenderness and white discharge was found locally.
Apana Vayu is situated in Shroni (pelvis), Vasti (bladder), Meddhra(penis) and Uru according to Ayurveda.It is responsible for the excretion of Sukra (semen in males), Artava (menstrual blood in females), Mutra (urine) and Garbha (foetus) outside the body.Whenever Apana Vayu gets vitiated, its normal functions get hindered[3].In this case, complains of Aadhmana (flatulence), Udara gaurava(heaviness in abdomen especially in Adhahudara), Vibandha(constipation) which reflects the symptoms of vitiated Apana Vayu.However, in due course of time, these symptoms get aggravated and causes Samana Vayu Dushti, because Samana Vayu is situated just above the Apana Vayu.Samana Vayu receives food from Aamashaya(stomach) and it helps in digestion and separation of Aahar Rasa from Mala and mutra.Here, due to Samana Vayu Dushti Udarshula(abdomen pain), Adhmana (flatulence), Chardi (vomiting) and Udara gaurava (heaviness in abdomen) symptoms were seen.Generally, the site of Pachak Pitta is Kshudranta (second part of small intestine),where it helps in digestion of Aahara (food) and separation of Rasa(Sara) from Mutra (urine) and Mala (Kitta- feaces).In this case due to vitiation of Pachaka Pitta, Udaradaha, Chardi was noted in patient.
Patient was examined every 15 days follow up for 1 year, though symptoms subsided within 2 months of the treatment and watch for CA-125, the prognostic tumor marker for Ovarian Cancer.But same medicine continued for rest of the months as a precautionary measure.Before and after treatment observations are showed in table 2 and is illustrated in figure 1.
This combination of medicines was continuously given for 8 months to the patient.Then she repeated Contrast Enhanced CT Scan Whole abdomen on 13/03/2021, which revealed no evidence of any free fluid in peritoneal or pelvic cavity, no obvious residual/recurrent lesion in pelvis in either adnexa, No evidence of pelvic lymphadenopathy.She was repeatedly advised the CA-125 tumor marker investigation.The changes of tumor marker CA-125 after treatment started till 1 year later are given in table 3 and illustrated in figure 2.
In India, ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death and despite of conventional therapies including Surgery, Chemotherapy &Radiotherapy, recurrence of Ovarian Cancer is common.The treatment principles can be effectively formulated in such a way to avoid recurrence of Ovarian Cancer by controlling the CA-125 which prognostic laboratory test for Ovarian cancer.In Ayurveda though the direct reference of ovarian cancer has been found directly, but clinical manifestation of ovarian cancer is likely to similar with Raktaj Gulma.
She was advised Investigation CA-125- which was 5.9UmL on 17.08.20.
The Ayurvedic Medicine along with pathya ahar (diet) were started after examination in detail are given in table 1.
Classical text has mentioned the definition of health i.e., the functions of Dosha, Dhatu, Agni and mala should be in normal state[4].
Because of the vitiation of Doshas, Dhatus, Patient was complaining of burning Sensation in Epigastric Region, with abdominal Belching,Watery brash.After examination, her Dosha, Dhatu and Mala Dushti were found.As per the symptoms, the treatment of Apana Vayu,Samana Vayu and Pachaka Pitta must be done to normalize their functions.For that, different kinds of Vata-Pitta Shamak medicines were given, that helped to pacify of aggravated Dosha.At present patient is under observation.No complications were noted during follow up and no worsening of previous symptoms noted.
Menstrual History: She attainted menarche at age of 13 years and had regular cycles thereafter with 28 days interval and 4 days of bleeding cycle.Dysmenorrhea and clots were ++.
Lavana Bhaskara Churna having the property of Vatanulomana with Sarjika kshara which decreases Udara daha by neutralizing increased Pachaka Pitta.
Shatavaari Gudum Avaleha in this formulation, the main ingredient is Shatavari, having Vatapitta Shamak property, Rashayan, Balya karma.Because of these properties of Shatavari, it nourishes all the diminished Dhatus and also acts on Garbhashaya by improving ovarian function and enhance ovulation, provides strength to the uterus, inhibits abnormal discharge from any part of the body or any vaginal discharge [5].
Combination of Jawahara mohara pisti, kaharva pishti, Swarna makshika and Mukta pishti was given, as it has Sheeta guna and pittahara property which relives Udaradaha.
Haridra (Turmeric) has Kapha Vata Shamak properties, that is responsible for anti-inflammatory activity (Shothghna).Active principle that mainly shows anticancer properties in Haridra are Curcumin, Turmerone and polysaccharides.So, these active principles inhibit TNF-α-induced AKT activation through where metastasis growth takes place and thus suppresses the tumor angiogenesis [6].
Because of presence of Ushna Virya and Katu Veepeka in Haridra, it strengthens Pachak pitta.
Gomutra (cow urine) has Katu, Tikta Rasa with Kapha-Vatashamak[7].It has the potency to increase the efficacy of ayurvedic cancerous drugs and helps in absorption of these medicines by treating Apana Vayu.It also shows property of antimicrobial and antifungal action.
Some studies showed that, cow urine promotes lymphocytes to survive by inhibiting their degradation and also repairing the normal damaged DNA.Similarly, chemoprotective potential of Gomutra has been observed through a study in mice, that showed the incidence of tumor (papilloma), tumor yield and its burden was found statistically less in mice that was treated with cow urine than untreated group [8].
The signs & symptoms of patient of ovarian cancer has been subsided within 2 months and there were no obvious abnormal changes found in Contrast Enhanced CT Scan abdomen and CA.125 < 0.0
U/L.Thus,Ayurvedic Treatment will be effective in controlling of regrowth of ovarian cancer and avoidance of recurrence.Although much more research is needed to confirm the findings.
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2.Herzog TJ.Recurrent ovarian cancer: how important is it to treat to disease progression?
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6.Buch ZM, Joshi J, Amonkar A, Vaidya AB.Interventional role of Haridra (Curcuma longa Linn) in cancer.
7.E-samhita- National Institute of Indian medicinal Heritage,E-CHARAKA SU.1/101 [Internet].Niimh.nic.in.Accessed December 31, 2021.https://niimh.nic.in/ebooks/ecaraka/?mod=read
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