Dean Rieck 景一編譯
Research shows that even if youre nosmarter than most people, you still have thepotential2 to use your amazing creativitywhen writing. But, why are so few peoplehighly creative? Because there are bad habitspeople learn as they grow up, which areblocks to creative thinking in the brain. Andthey can be broken if you are willing to workat it.
Now lets look at some quick methodsfor getting your creativity back. These aresimple habits you can practice every day.
Exercise more
Usually, the more you sit around, themore lethargic3 and unmotivated4 you feel.If youre not actually tired, make time tomove around more than you normally do.
You can walk around the block, or takethe stairs instead of staying in your room.Changing your environment helps you seethings from different perspectives5.
Cut out mindless entertainment6
If you choose more creative entertainment,rather than mindless activities, it will have apositive influence on your creativity.
You should read articles and watch videosthat stimulate7 your mind. Carefully choosewhich television shows and movies you watch.
Follow your inner voice
Dont immediately dismiss8 all of yourcrazy ideas. You can always dismiss them laterif they turn out not to be the best choice foryou. But first, give them a chance.
Brainstorm9 how you can follow throughon an idea so that you can realize a goal.When you do, its much more likely that youllfind a way to get the result you want. It mightnot look anything like your original10 idea, butyoull only discover it by taking the time toimagine different possibilities.
1. creativity [ ] 創(chuàng)造力,獨(dú)創(chuàng)性
2. potential [ ] 潛在的,可能的潛力,可能性
3. lethargic [ ] 無精打采的;昏睡的
4. unmotivated [ ] 不感興趣的
5. perspective [ ] 視角
6. entertainment [ ] 娛樂
7. stimulate [ ] 激發(fā),刺激
8. dismiss [ ] . 開除;不考慮
9. brainstorm [ ] . 集思廣益