弗里曼·戴森 譯/肖明波
Not included in either of the two books is a paper written by Frank two years ago with the title “My father and I”. This is a tribute to his father, who was a professor of mathematics and died in 1973. It is a wonderfully sensitive account of his relationship to his father and of the pain that each of them suffered as a result of their separation. His father stayed in China through the hard years while Frank grew to greatness in America. Luckily, Frank was able to visit China twice before his father died and to sit by his bedside during his last illness.
The memoir “My father and I” ends on a happier note. It ends with a glorious moment of reunion. Frank describes how he stood at midnight on July 1, 1997, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, to watch the Union Jack being lowered and the flag of the People’s Republic being slowly raised, while the band played “Arise, you who would not be enslaved”. Frank writes, “Had father observed this historical ceremony marking the renaissance of the Chinese people, he would have been even more moved than I. ...The intellectuals of his generation had to personally experience the humiliating exploitations in the Foreign Concessions... and countless other rampant foreign oppressions.... How they had looked forward to the day when a prosperous China could stand up, when the British Empire had to lower the Union Jack and withdraw troops, when they can see for themselves the Chinese flag proudly announce to the world: This is Chinese Territory! That day, July the first, 1997, is the day their generation had dreamed of throughout their lives”.
We can all rejoice that Frank was standing there to give his blessing and his father’s blessing to the reunion. For me, that pride and that feeling of fulfillment that Frank expresses have a special resonance. I too belong to a great and ancient civilization. My home-town in England was also the home-town of Alfred the scholar king, who made our town into a great center of learning eleven hundred years ago, while the Tang dynasty was establishing the system of government by scholars that endured for a thousand years in China. Our king Alfred was translating scholarly texts from Latin into English, soon after the Tang poet Tu Fu wrote the poem that Frank quotes at the beginning of his selected papers: “A piece of literature is meant for the millennium. But its ups and downs are known already in the author’s heart”.
Like Frank, I too left my homeland and became an American citizen. I still remember the humiliation of that day in Trenton2 when I took the oath of allegiance to the United States, and the ignoramus who performed the ceremony congratulated me for having escaped from the land of slavery to the land of freedom. With great difficulty I restrained myself from shouting out loud that my ancestors freed our slaves long before his ancestors freed theirs. I share Frank’s ambivalent feelings toward the United States, this country that has treated us both with so much generosity and has treated our ancient civilizations with so little understanding. And I share Frank’s pride in the peaceful lowering of the Union Jack and raising of the Chinese flag that he witnessed in Hong Kong, the place where our two ancient civilizations briefly came together and gave birth to something new.
Five years ago, I had the honor of speaking at the ceremony in Philadelphia, when the Franklin Medal was awarded to Frank Yang by the American Philosophical Society. We were assembled in the historic meeting-room of the society, with the portraits of Benjamin Franklin, the founder of the society, and Thomas Jefferson, one of its most active members, looking down at us. It was self-evident that Franklin and Jefferson approved of the award. We know that Frank Yang feels a special admiration for Franklin, since he gave the name of Franklin to his elder son. I would like to end this little talk with the same words that I used to praise Frank on that happy occasion.
Professor Yang is, after Einstein and Dirac, the preeminent stylist of twentieth-century physics. From his early days as a student in China to his later years as the sage of Stony Brook, he has always been guided in his thinking by a love of exact analysis and formal mathematical beauty. This love led him to his most profound and original contribution to physics, the discovery with Robert Mills of non-Abelian gauge fields. With the passage of time, his discovery of non-Abelian gauge fields is gradually emerging as a greater and more important event than the spectacular discovery of parity non-conservation which earned him the Nobel Prize. The discovery of parity non-conservation, the discovery that left-handed and right-handed gloves do not behave in all respects symmetrically, was a brilliant act of demolition, a breaking-down of intellectual barriers that had stood in the way of progress. In contrast, the discovery of non-Abelian gauge fields was a laying of foundations for new intellectual structures that have taken thirty years to build. The nature of matter as described in modern theories and confirmed by modern experiments is a soup of non-Abelian gauge fields, held together by the mathematical symmetries that Yang first conjectured forty-five years ago.
In science, as in urban renewal and international politics, it is easier to demolish old structures than to build enduring new ones. Revolutionary leaders may be divided into two kinds, those like Robespierre and Lenin who demolished more than they built, and those like Benjamin Franklin and George Washington who built more than they demolished. There is no doubt that Yang belongs to the second kind of revolutionary. He is a conservative revolutionary. Like his fellow-revolutionaries Franklin and Washington, he cherishes the past and demolishes as little as possible. He cherishes with equal reverence the great intellectual traditions of Western science and the great cultural traditions of his ancestors in China.
Yang likes to quote the words of Einstein, “The creative principle lies in mathematics. In a certain sense, therefore, I hold it true that pure thought can grasp reality, as the ancients dreamed”. On another occasion Yang said, “That taste and style have so much to do with one’s contribution in physics may sound strange at first, since physics is supposed to deal objectively with the physical universe. But the physical universe has structure, and one’s perceptions of this structure, one’s partiality to some of its characteristics and aversion to others, are precisely the elements that make up one’s taste. Thus it is not surprising that taste and style are so important in scientific research, as they are in literature, art and music”. Yang’s taste for mathematical beauty shines through3 all his work. It turns his least important calculations into miniature works of art, and turns his deeper speculations into masterpieces. It enables him, as it enabled Einstein and Dirac, to see a little further than other people into the mysterious workings of nature.