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Nuclear Science and Techniques

2021-12-05 18:19:01
Nuclear Science and Techniques 2021年12期

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? China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. (Science Press), Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Nuclear Society 2021

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Nuclear Science and Techniques is published 12 times a year. Volume 32 (12 issues) will be published in 2021.

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Cover Picture

The very dense electron bunches of diffraction-limited storage rings could cause hardware damages if not properly handled. As shown in the open access article NUCL SCI TECH 32, 136 (2021), the electron bunches in the High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) storage ring are designed to be swap-outed and recycled in the booster, but could cause damages to the extraction Lambertson magnet in case of extraction kicker failures. To this end, a horizontal pre-kicker system is designed to kick the bunch once to trigger the decoherence and dilution prior to its extraction, as shown in this cover picture.

This scheme ensures safe extractions and highly eff cient transmissions in the swap-out & recycle process of HEPS, and is relevant for designs of other diffraction-limited storage rings. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41365-021-00974-z

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(Contents continued)


137 Ensuring the possibility of using thorium as a fuel in a pressurized water reactor (PWR)M.Y.M. Mohsen · M.A.E. Abdel-Rahman · A.A. Galahom

141 Performance evaluation of ultra-long lithium heat pipe using an improved lumped parameter model C.-J. Hu · D.-L. Yu · M.-S. He · H.-P. Mei · J. Yu · T.-S. Li

Volume Contents 2021

定陶县| 宁晋县| 伊金霍洛旗| 拉孜县| 沙坪坝区| 西峡县| 洪洞县| 彝良县| 阿拉善盟| 周口市| 麻阳| 栖霞市| 泸西县| 沙田区| 全椒县| 孝感市| 家居| 昔阳县| 鄄城县| 衢州市| 景谷| 格尔木市| 岑巩县| 萨嘎县| 五常市| 太原市| 棋牌| 威海市| 木兰县| 临桂县| 资溪县| 威信县| 榆树市| 兴业县| 罗城| 增城市| 哈尔滨市| 香格里拉县| 蓝田县| 黄石市| 台山市|