追逐不止? 生生不息
東福山的第一縷曙光,讓我們在體驗(yàn)靈魂蘇醒、心靈照應(yīng)的同時(shí),直抵遠(yuǎn)古時(shí)代的那份精神臆想——鴻蒙初開,懵懂而開始覺醒的先人為生命的無常和人生的意義苦苦探求,直至今天。凝望冉冉升起的旭日,心靈如浴光明與唯美,祈愿吉祥平安。漫漫長夜之中,一輪圓月當(dāng)空,光彩重生。對太陽和月亮的禮贊幾乎遍布地球各個(gè)時(shí)期各個(gè)角落的詩歌、音樂、建筑乃至生命。而東福山白頂山頭那座白云庵的日月門聯(lián),顯然更讓我們回味懸海孤島上那份迷人的神秘:日昍(xuān)晶??? (huá)通天地,月朋??? (liáo)朤(lǎng)定乾坤。日月光華,普照大地,這也許只是剛剛觸摸東極的外人淺層次的理解。借助日月的升落而確定東西方位和晝夜之別,實(shí)質(zhì)上是空間意識和時(shí)間意識在神話思維投射作用下的天然尺度:日月是時(shí)、空的創(chuàng)造者和管理者?!渡胶=?jīng)》記載:帝俊之妻常羲生月十二,又以羲和的名義生十日,天地始生,羲和實(shí)為日神而兼月神,日月同為天地間光明之源?!断缔o下》云:“日往則月來,月往則日來,日月相推而明生焉。”人類的生存狀態(tài)需要附著于這種日月的運(yùn)行規(guī)則,周而復(fù)始才能生生不息。耕海牧漁、漂乎風(fēng)浪之中的東極人,無論從其生死難卜的自然生存環(huán)境,還是從其搏風(fēng)斗浪的生產(chǎn)勞作方式,顯然更推崇和需要母系文化中頑強(qiáng)的繁衍能力。作為古越民的后裔,這種推崇與典型的古越人崇拜龍蛇圖騰的文化特質(zhì)一脈相承。東福山的島民至今還沿承著尊蛇崇蛇的習(xí)俗,白云庵供奉的就是傳說中守護(hù)東福山的白蛇,人們尊她為白云娘娘。與陳財(cái)伯成為東極海洋精神中的父系圖騰一樣,白云娘娘也成為東極海洋精神中的母系圖騰。
大愛無疆? 大善無痕
執(zhí)著傳承? 矢志不渝
傳說盤古開天辟地,身體化為大地,骨骼化為金石。天有五星,地有五行,金木水火土,《宋杜綰云林石譜 · 序》云,天地至精之氣結(jié)而為石。石負(fù)土而出,石為土精(“精”者,或?yàn)榫`,或?yàn)榫A),鑿石又能取火,所以,石又作為火的生源和依托,被視為宇宙生命力的象征。而東極諸島,就是一塊塊浮在波濤上的大石群。鋼青色的裸露巨巖,或如萬馬奔騰,或如蛟龍出海。包裹在歲月長河和天地滄桑之中一種綿綿不絕的內(nèi)在力量,與那源自冰川世紀(jì)的濃縮自然界精髓、見證海洋變遷的文化詠嘆,一同重塑了東極諸島的海洋精神。
同舟共濟(jì)? 負(fù)重超越
Dongji Islands: The Cultural Reshaping of
the Soul of the Sea
By Sun Hejun
Opening the Kangxi (r. 1662-1722) edition of the Annals of Dinghai County, published some 300 years ago, you will find such an entry about the Xuanghai (literally “hanging sea”) Mountain in the northeast of Dinghai district, Zhoushan city, “Off the northeast of the sea, there are such names as Banyang, Shizi, Shulang Lake, Qingbang, Miaozi Lake, Sanxing, Shuangzi, Fushan, Xifu, Huangxing and Huanshan.” This is the earliest record of the Dongji Islands. According to Republic of China edition of the Annals of Dinghai County, “The islands east of Changtu township are known as Zhongjieshan Islands. The sea is deep and the waves fierce. There is no anchorage, and only a small piece of land southwest of the Miaozi Lake Island can serve as a shelter. East of the Miaozi Lake Island lie Qingbangshan Island and Xifushan Island. To the south of Xifushan Island is Dongfushan Island, to the east of which are another four ‘sister islands and two ‘brother islands, located on the eastern border. All in all, the Zhongjieshan Islands are the barriers of Zhoushan facing the sea in the northeast, and a strategic location.”
The Zhongjieshan Islands are in fact todays Dongji Islands, which have been called by various names in history and in different countries. Like these islands, the fishmen living on them have floated on the sea, chasing fish for a living. Coming from Ningbo, Taizhou, Wenzhou and cities in east and south Fujian, they emigrated from the interior lands, either to avoid war or persecution or simply to survive, and together with the native Yue people, they have reshaped the soul of the sea.
The Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England determined that Dongfushan Island, one of the easternmost inhabited islets among the Dongji Islands, was the place where China met the first ray of sunlight. The precise sunrise time was 6:42 on January 1, 2001. The excitement that sunrise, which has been watched for thousands of years, brings is a primitive passion left to us by the ancestors of the ancient Yue people.
Throughout history, the worshipping of the sun and the moon has pervaded poetry, music, architecture and life in almost every corner of the earth. It is no surprise as human existence relies on the smooth running of the sun and the moon, to which is added the caprice of the sea when it comes to inhabitants on the Dongji Islands. That is also why the tenacious reproduction ability of a matriarchal culture had been more highly regarded. In fact, islanders on Dongfushan Island today still worship snakes, which is in line with the tradition of the ancient Yue people worshipping dragon and snake totems.
The settlement of the Dongji Islands began in earnest over 200 years ago, when a fishing boat ran aground on a reef and sank. In the misty sea amid the seemingly endless night, Chen Caibo, a Fujian native and the only survivor, drifted to Miaozi Lake Island. In order to warn other fishermen who may repeat the same mistake, on every foggy night, the kind-hearted Chen piled firewood on the mountain and lit a fire to guide the passing boats and bring light to the fishermen, until he died of exhaustion. Fishermen in nearby areas built a temple for him, and erected a giant statue to worship him. During festivals, and the spring and summer fishing seasons, local fishermen and those from Fujian province would bring abundant offerings to his temple.
To some extent, Chen Caibo, at the cost of his life, was a true reincarnation of bodhisattva, who made great sacrifices for humanity. Indeed, Chens statue, often regarded as the male version of the Statue of Liberty and Dongjis very own Prometheus, holding up high the torch, is the very embodiment of Chens determination to guide the fishermen and his humane love. It is the very spiritual symbol of the Dongji Islands.
If Chen Caibos spirit is kindness on an individual basis, then “Dongji Rescue”, the rescue efforts in the aftermath of the sinking of the ship Lisbon Maru, speaks of Dongji Islands humanitarianism on a collective basis. On October 2, 1942, when the ship carrying Japanese military personnel and British POWs (prisoners of wars) was torpedoed and sunk near the Dongji Islands, Japanese guards fired on the POWs who reached the deck and other Japanese ships used machine guns to fire at POWs who were in the water. Instead, Chinese fishermen nearby rushed to the scene and risked their lives to save the surviving POWs; a total of 384 POWs were saved. Later, Japanese army landed on the islands, searching for and recapturing those POWs, who had already been taken care of by the fishermen. Fortunately, three POWs had been hidden well by local islanders and transferred to safe areas afterwards.
Such bravery should have been made public long ago. But it wasnt until 2005, more than 60 years after the incident, when one of the survivors made a special trip to thank the local fishermen the that the details were revealed to the world. To the residents of the Dongji Islands, the act of saving the POWs is never something to “boast of”; kindheartedness has already been etched into their souls. Nowadays, only a few dozens to several hundred people stay on the islands once populated by thousands. Thanks to demolition of age-old houses, integration of educational resources and various other factors, most of the young and the middle-aged as well as children have left their beautiful homes, albeit seasonally. A way of life or an attitude towards life may be able to migrate together with their owners, but their spiritual foundation still remains on the islands and is attached to the place. Indeed, every year during the harvest season, these people still return to their stone dwellings, swimming and bathing in the sea, and selling their seafood. On the other hand, as they venture outside, they also open their hearts and welcome a steady stream of tourists here. Adventurous, open-minded and much attached to homes, these perhaps are the most valuable qualities of the Dongji people.