The Victoria Hostel is in central London. It has four shared dormitories.
· The Blue Bedroom-Male, short-term stay*
· The Green Bedroom-Male, long-term stay**
· White Bedroom-Female, long-term and short-term stay
· Pink Bedroom–Couples, long-term and short-term stay
* short-term stay = 1-3 nights ** long-term stay = 4+ nights
Activity 1 Four people have booked online. Read their information forms andanswer the questions.
1. Who is the oldest?
2. Who is the youngest?
3. Who arrives first?
4. Who is not married?
5. Who is from the UK?
6. How many women and how many men are coming?
7. Which travellers are husband and wife?
8. Where are Ahmad and Lina from?
Activity2 Read the information again and find the right bedroom for each traveller.
Activity 3 Another traveller has booked.Here is some information about him. Fill inhis form.
I am Tiago Suarez. I'm a 24-year-oldguy from Portugal. I'm single. I was bornon October 10,1990. I am arriving at theVictoria Hostel on January 20 and departingon January 22.
Activity4 You are going to London onMarch 22. You are going to spend3 nights inthe Victoria Hostel. Complete this form: