Time: June 7-10, 2020
Venue: Banff, Alberta, Canada
Website: http://congress.cnsfederation.org/
The 55th Canadian Neurological Sciences Federation (CNSF) Congress 2020 will take place in Banff, Alberta, Canada on June 7-10, 2020. This is a collegial meeting providing multidisciplinary courses relevant to all neuroscience specialties.
By the end of the Congress, delegates will be able to discuss advances in the management of acute and chronic neurological and neurosurgical disorders and their imaging appearances, discuss new findings in neurological and neurosurgical disorders and the role of neuroimaging in diagnosis and management, describe advances in neurological, neurosurgical and/or and neuroimaging care and techniques; and identify areas where there are gaps in learning (unperceived needs) not realized before attending the Congress and extend this professional learning after the Congress to the enhanced care of patients.