(江蘇省農(nóng)業(yè)科學院農(nóng)業(yè)設施與裝備研究所,南京 210014)
針對現(xiàn)有嫁接機存在技術(shù)不成熟、價格較高、難以大規(guī)模推廣應用的問題,提出一種采用高速蔬菜苗切割輸送裝置配合人工嫁接的新型嫁接模式。蔬菜苗高速切割輸送裝置包括穴盤輸送裝置、撥苗裝置、切割裝置和蔬菜苗輸送裝置等。根據(jù)切割裝置結(jié)構(gòu)和工作原理,分析了穴盤輸送速度、撥苗輪轉(zhuǎn)速和切割頻率之間的關系,并進行了試驗研究。試驗結(jié)果表明:切割裝置采用成排連續(xù)切割的方式,其蔬菜苗切割效率達到37 000株/h,能夠滿足嫁接流水線37個人工嫁接工位的用苗需求,達到了30工位的設計要求;刀具切割頻率、撥苗輪轉(zhuǎn)速需要匹配穴盤輸送速度才能獲得最小傷苗率和最優(yōu)切割成功率。該裝置的研制為規(guī)?;藿用绲纳a(chǎn)提供了一種高效率、低成本的人機協(xié)同生產(chǎn)方式。
國內(nèi)外對于全自動和半自動嫁接機已有相關研究和報道。在日本、荷蘭、韓國等發(fā)達國家,已有商品化的自動嫁接機,如日本關井公司的GRF800-U嫁接機,生產(chǎn)率可達800株/h,嫁接成功率為95%[7-8];韓國Idealsystem公司研發(fā)的針式全自動嫁接機,作業(yè)速度快,嫁接生產(chǎn)率可達1 200株/h[9];2010年荷蘭的ISOGroup公司開發(fā)的1SO Gralt 1200全自動嫁接機,配備機器視覺系統(tǒng),可適應蔬菜苗生長的差異,在只需要一人進行接穗上苗的情況下,生產(chǎn)率達1 050株/h,嫁接成功率可以穩(wěn)定在99%[10]。國外自動嫁接機技術(shù)相對成熟,生產(chǎn)效率高,但其進口價格太高,且一般專機專用,對不同種類蔬菜苗的適應性不強,限制了其在國內(nèi)市場的應用和推廣。國內(nèi)嫁接機研究起步較晚,包括臺灣地區(qū)在內(nèi),目前雖然有多家研究機構(gòu)在開展自動化嫁接技術(shù)的研究[11-15],但是仍然沒有脫離實驗室樣機階段,距離大規(guī)模推廣應用還有一定距離。
基于以上原因,盡管全自動嫁接機具有生產(chǎn)效率高、節(jié)省人工成本及自動化程度高等諸多優(yōu)勢,但限于自動嫁接機的成本和技術(shù)水平以及中國農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)條件和生產(chǎn)模式的限制,目前國內(nèi)蔬菜苗嫁接機械化程度仍然較低,大部分嫁接操作仍由人工完成。規(guī)?;娜斯ぜ藿恿魉€,其主要操作過程包括:蔬菜苗輸送、切割、對接、固定等操作。通過調(diào)研發(fā)現(xiàn),整個嫁接流程中蔬菜苗的人工輸送和切割環(huán)節(jié),約占用整個嫁接時間的50%~60%,勞動量大,效率低,切割質(zhì)量不穩(wěn)定,嚴重影響嫁接效率和質(zhì)量;而在操作要求較高的蔬菜苗的對接和固定環(huán)節(jié),熟練工人生產(chǎn)率可達900~1 000 株/h,已接近某些自動嫁接機的水平,且嫁接工人可以掌握多種嫁接方法,能夠適應不同種類蔬菜苗的嫁接操作。結(jié)合人工嫁接過程的研究,考慮若將耗時耗力的切割輸送環(huán)節(jié)采用機械化操作,配合人工嫁接操作,待嫁接的穗木和砧木苗分別經(jīng)過并行設置的自動化切割裝置,完成穗木和砧木的自動切割,并通過輸送裝置送至人工嫁接工位,由嫁接工人完成最后砧木與穗木的連接和固定操作。這種模式可以在人機協(xié)作情況下,發(fā)揮人工嫁接和機械切割的各自優(yōu)點。在這種人機協(xié)作的嫁接模式下,預計嫁接效率可提高一倍以上,這樣既提高了嫁接效率,降低嫁接成本,又可保證嫁接質(zhì)量。
所提出的人機協(xié)作式嫁接流水線的操作流程為:砧木和穗木苗穴盤分別經(jīng)過并行設置的切割裝置切割后形成穗木和砧木,再通過輸送裝置輸送到人工嫁接工位,由人工完成砧木和穗木的連接和固定。穗木蔬菜苗切割輸送裝置完成的操作包括:蔬菜苗穴盤的輸送、蔬菜苗的切割、切割后穗木與穴盤的分離及其輸送。經(jīng)調(diào)研熟練工人人工嫁接效率約為400~500株/h,若省去蔬菜苗人工切割環(huán)節(jié),人工嫁接效率可提高至900~1 000株/h。為了滿足流水線生產(chǎn)效率的需要,經(jīng)調(diào)研測算切割裝置的切割效率要能夠滿足流水線30個嫁接工人的蔬菜苗需求,人工嫁接效率以1 000株/h計算,則單臺切割裝置每小時提供嫁接用蔬菜苗≥30 000株/h,提出蔬菜苗切割輸送裝置設計性能參數(shù)如表1所示。
表1 切割性能參數(shù)要求
1.穴盤輸送裝置 2.蔬菜苗穴盤 3.支架 4.切割裝置 5.撥苗輪支架 6.撥苗裝置 7.穗木輸送裝置 8.滑槽
該嫁接流水線操作的主要蔬菜苗種類為茄科蔬菜苗,育苗方式為室內(nèi)穴盤育苗,穗木苗苗齡20 d左右。以典型的茄子和辣椒品種為操作目標苗,經(jīng)統(tǒng)計茄子苗的子葉高度為(130±20)mm,苗莖(4±1)mm;辣椒苗的高度為(150±15)mm,苗莖(3±0.5)mm。嫁接用蔬菜幼苗在機械自動化操作過程中極易損傷,了解其力學特性可為切割輸送裝置結(jié)構(gòu)設計提供參考。這里主要關心蔬菜苗的夾持損傷臨界壓強和剪切力。研究表明,茄科嫁接用幼苗的夾持損傷臨界壓強一般在780~930 kPa,切斷剪切力一般小于5 N,且斜切力小于正切力[3,22-23]。
a. 切割裝置結(jié)構(gòu)
a. Structure of cutting device
b. 切割刀片驅(qū)動機構(gòu)簡圖
b. Sketch of driving mechanism of cutting blade
1.刀片支架 2.分苗器 3.切割刀片 4.偏心輪 5.驅(qū)動電機
1.Blade holder 2.Divider 3.Cutting blade 4.Eccentric wheel 5.Motor
圖2 切割裝置結(jié)構(gòu)及驅(qū)動原理示意圖
Fig.2 Structure and sketch of driving mechanism of cutting device
a. 撥苗裝置結(jié)構(gòu)
a. Structure of seedling pulling device
b. 撥苗過程示意圖
b. Diagram of seedling pulling process
1.撥苗輪葉片 2.撥苗輪支架 3.驅(qū)動電機 4.分苗器 5.切割刀片 6.撥苗葉片 7.切割裝置 8.穗木輸送裝置
1.Blade of seedling pulling wheel 2.Support of seedling pulling wheel 3.Motor 4.Divider 5.Cutting blade 6.Blade of seedling pulling wheel 7.Cutting device 8.Scion conveying device
圖3 撥苗裝置結(jié)構(gòu)及撥苗過程示意圖
Fig.3 Structure and process of seedling pulling device
1.蔬菜苗穴盤 2.輸送帶 3.切割裝置 4.穗木輸送裝置 5.撥苗葉片
1.Seedling tray 2.Conveyor belt 3.Cutting device 4.Scion conveying device 5.Blade of seedling pulling wheel
圖4 蔬菜苗切割過程示意圖
Fig.4 Diagram of seedling cutting process
試驗用蔬菜苗的育苗穴盤規(guī)格為72穴,尺寸280 mm×540 mm,蔬菜苗沿輸送方向苗間距1=45 mm。裝置設計切割效率≥30 000株/h,換算為育苗穴盤為416.7盤/h,考慮實際輸送時育苗穴盤之間可能存在間隙,因此理論計算時按切割效率≥500盤/h,計算得蔬菜苗穴盤的輸送速度1≥75 mm/s。根據(jù)公式(12),撥苗輪葉片數(shù)2=3,則可求得理論撥苗輪轉(zhuǎn)速為
2.2.1 蔬菜苗切割效率試驗
表2 試驗用蔬菜苗基本參數(shù)
根據(jù)切割參數(shù)理論分析結(jié)果,選取基本切割參數(shù)為:切割頻率8次/s、撥苗輪轉(zhuǎn)速36 r/min,穴盤輸送速度80 mm/s。采用相同的切割、撥苗和輸送控制參數(shù),對3種蔬菜苗分別進行了3盤(72×3=216株)切割試驗,試驗結(jié)果如表3所示。其切割速度達到514盤/h,即37 000株/h,高于設計要求的30 000株/h,達到預期目標。
表3 不同蔬菜苗切割試驗結(jié)果
2.2.2 切割參數(shù)的匹配驗證
以辣椒苗為試驗對象,研究切割輸送參數(shù)對切割效果的影響。每種切割參數(shù)條件下分別進行3盤蔬菜苗的切割試驗,并統(tǒng)計蔬菜苗的切割成功率和傷苗率。在滿足裝置切割效率≥30 000株/h,選用72穴規(guī)格育苗穴盤的條件下,根據(jù)上文切割參數(shù)的理論計算得到切割參數(shù)為:穴盤輸送速度≥75 mm/s,切割頻率≥1.67次/s,撥苗輪轉(zhuǎn)速≥33.3 r/min。綜合考慮輸送及切割的實際裝置的實際情況,這里選取穴盤輸送速度80 mm/s、切割頻率8次/s(考慮刀片速度太低,切口質(zhì)量不高)、撥苗輪轉(zhuǎn)速36 r/min作為試驗的基礎參數(shù),設定穴盤輸送速度的變化范圍為40~120 mm/s,切割頻率的范圍為1~12次/s,撥苗輪轉(zhuǎn)速范圍為20~90 r/min,試驗結(jié)果如下:
在恒定的撥苗輪轉(zhuǎn)速和切割頻率下(切割頻率8 次/s、撥苗輪轉(zhuǎn)速36 r/min),從低到高增大穴盤輸送速度,可得蔬菜苗切割成功率和傷苗率變化曲線如圖6a所示??梢钥闯鲅ūP輸送速度從40 到120 mm/s的變化過程中,蔬菜苗切割成功率略有波動,但變化趨勢不明顯,這主要是由于切割頻率相對于這時的穴盤輸送速度是足夠高的,因而,輸送到切割刃的蔬菜苗都能被及時切斷,切割成功率的主要影響因素為蔬菜苗的一致性,因而切割成功率波動不明顯。當蔬菜苗穴盤輸送速度較快時,撥苗輪轉(zhuǎn)速不夠,不能及時將切斷的蔬菜苗撥到輸送帶上,造成蔬菜苗的擠壓,從而造成蔬菜苗損傷的增加。
在恒定穴盤輸送速度和切割頻率的情況下(切割頻率8次/s、穴盤輸送速度80 mm/s)隨著撥苗輪轉(zhuǎn)速的增加,切割成功率變化不大,而傷苗率先減小后增大(圖 6b)當撥苗輪轉(zhuǎn)速為36 r/min左右時,傷苗率最小。這也進一步證實了切割成功率主要受穴盤輸送速度和切割頻率的影響,而撥苗輪轉(zhuǎn)速對其影響較小。隨著撥苗輪轉(zhuǎn)速的增加,撥苗輪葉片與蔬菜苗的接觸速度也增大,因而在較快的撥苗速度下也更容易造成蔬菜苗的損傷。
在穴盤輸送速度和撥苗輪轉(zhuǎn)速恒定的情況下(撥苗輪轉(zhuǎn)速36 r/min、穴盤輸送速度80 mm/s),可以得到切割質(zhì)量隨切割頻率變化關系如圖6c所示,可以看出在切割頻率低于4次/s的情況下,切割成功率急劇減小,而傷苗率迅速升高。由穴盤輸送速度、撥苗輪轉(zhuǎn)速和切割頻率之間的理論分析可知,切割頻率太低,則會出現(xiàn)蔬菜苗到達切割刀具時來不及切割就在輸送帶的作用下由切割裝置下部通過,出現(xiàn)較多的漏苗現(xiàn)象,從而使得切割成功率急劇下降,切割頻率越低,漏苗越嚴重;同時由于切割不及時,造成了蔬菜苗與切割裝置出現(xiàn)摩擦現(xiàn)象,從而造成傷苗率的上升。當切割頻率高于一定值后(如圖6c中4次/s),切割頻率的增加幾乎對切割效果沒有影響,該定值與理論分析結(jié)果吻合。
注:穴盤輸送速度試驗:切割頻率為8 次?s-1,撥苗輪轉(zhuǎn)速為36 r?min-1;撥苗輪轉(zhuǎn)速試驗:切割頻率為8次?s-1,穴盤輸送速度為80 mm?s-1;切割頻率試驗:撥苗輪轉(zhuǎn)速為36 r?min-1,穴盤輸送速度為80 mm?s-1。
1)所提出的蔬菜苗切割輸送裝置采用成排連續(xù)切割工作方式,其蔬菜苗切割效率達到37 000株/h,能夠滿足嫁接流水線37個人工嫁接工位的用苗需求,達到了30工位的設計要求;
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Design of high-speed cutting device for grafting vegetable seedlings
Bai Zongchun, Lv Xiaolan※, Xia Liru
The existing grafting machines have some problems, such as immature technology, high price and difficulty in large-scale popularization and application. After a thorough study of the basic characteristics of artificial grafting pipeline, we find that there are problems of high labor intensity and low production efficiency in cutting and conveying links in the process of vegetable seedling artificial grafting. Then a new type of grafting mode, which uses high-speed seedling cutting and conveying device combined with artificial grafting, is proposed to improve the production efficiency of vegetable seedling grafting. Under this grafting mode, scion seedlings and stock seedlings are cut automatically by parallel automatic cutting devices, and then sent to artificial grafting station by conveying device. The final connection and fixing operation between stocks and scions are completed by the grafting workers. Based on the analysis of the basic characteristics of the existing seedling cutting devices, the basic geometric and mechanical characteristics of vegetable seedlings, a high-speed cutting and conveying device for vegetable seedlings is proposed, which includes a seedling conveying device, a seedling pulling device, a cutting device and a scion conveying device. The working principle is that the seedling trays reach the cutting device through the conveying device, the seedlings are cut off by the cutting device, and the upper scions are separated from the seedling trays under the action of the seedling pulling device to reach the scion conveying device. The seedling pulling device which consists of a rotating wheel and three paddles is designed to separate scions from the seedling trays after cutting. This seedling pulling method can realize continuous cutting of seedlings which can greatly improve cutting efficiency. According to the structure and working principle of the cutting device, the kinematics models of the cutting tool and the scion are established. And the theoretical relationship between the transporting speed of seedling, the rotating speed of the seedling pulling wheel and the cutting frequency of the cutting tool is analyzed. The results of theoretical analysis show that when the spacing of vegetable seedlings is fixed, the rotation angular speed of the seedling pulling wheel is proportional to the transportation speed of the vegetable seedling tray and inversely proportional to the number of paddles, and the cutting frequency is proportional to the transportation speed of the vegetable seedling tray. In order to study the performance of the cutting device, cutting experiments of vegetable seedlings are carried out, and the effects of seedling types and cutting parameters on cutting performance are studied. The results show that the cutting efficiency of vegetable seedlings reaches 37 000 plants/h, which meets the needs of 37 artificial grafting sites in the grafting pipeline and the design requirements. The cutting effect of the cutting device is influenced by the characteristics of vegetable seedlings themselves. The higher the hardness and consistency of the seedling is, the better the cutting effect. For the seedlings with softer stems, it is easy to leak of cutting because of the tilt of the seedlings, and it will increase the rate of injured seedlings because of the entanglement of the seedlings. The cutting effect of the harder seedlings is better than that of the softer seedlings. The main factor affecting the rate of seedling injury is the rotational speed of the pulling wheel. When the transporting speed of vegetable seedlings is fixed, the cutting frequency is too low to cause leakage cutting. The change of cutting frequency will affect the success rate of cutting when it increases to a certain value. There is an optimal rotating speed which makes the cutting injury rate the lowest, and when rotational speed of the pulling wheel deviates from the optimal rotating speed, the injury rate increases. The experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical results. The theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the transporting speed of seedling, the rotating speed of the seedling pulling wheel and the cutting frequency need to satisfy certain relations in order to obtain higher cutting efficiency and lower seedling injury rate. The development of the device provides a high efficiency and low cost man-machine collaborative production mode for large-scale grafted seedling production
agricultural machinery; grafting; vegetable; high-speed cutting; seedling conveying device; seedling pulling device; cutting frequency
柏宗春,呂曉蘭,夏禮如.蔬菜嫁接苗高速切割裝置設計[J]. 農(nóng)業(yè)工程學報,2019,35(17):35-42. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.17.005 http://www.tcsae.org
Bai Zongchun, Lv Xiaolan, Xia Liru. Design of high-speed cutting device for grafting vegetable seedlings[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(17): 35-42. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.17.005 http://www.tcsae.org