鮑樂平 王攀 王曉勇
摘要: A class of switched distributed parameter delay systems are considered in this paper. By means of multiple Lyapunov functions method, wirtinger's inequality, sufficient conditions of asymptotic stability and L2 gain are derived. These conditions are given in the form of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) and arbitrary signal. The theoretical result is illustrated through matlab simulation.
關(guān)鍵詞: distributed parameter system; switched system; time ̄delay; arbitrary switching;L2 gain
文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識(shí)碼: A
The past decades has witnessed an enormous interest in switched systems due to theoretical research and practical application. A switched system can be described by a family of subsystems and a rule that orchestrates the switching between them [1]. For a discussion of various issues related to switched systems, the reader is referred to see the survey article[2]. Among them[3],introduce multiple Lyapunov functions method as a tool for analyzing stability of switched systems. On the other hand, time ̄delay phenomenon often appears in engineering control systems and it is frequently a source of instability. Switched systems with time ̄delay have been extensively investigated by many authors[2].
Up to now, the overwhelming majority of switched systems results are available for systems governed by ordinary differential equations. Motivated by the fact that switched systems described by partial differential equations (i.e. distributed parameter switched systems) are more general, there is a real need to discuss such systems [4]. There are many related works in this fields [4-8].
The issue of distributed parameter switched delay systems is essentially more complicated. The LMIs technique has been shown an effective tool for the study of distributed parameter systems [9-13]. In this work, we extend the multiple Lyapunov method to distributed parameter switched delay systems. Our main contribution is to develop sufficient conditions of asymptotic stability and L2 gain analysis for a class of switched distributed paramete delay systems. These conditions are given in the form of LMIs and arbitrary switching.
5 Conclusion
Motivated by the fact that switched systems described by partial differential equations (i.e. distributed parameter switched systems) are more general, in this work, a class of distributed parameter switched delay systems have been studied. We have obtained asymptotic stable and L2 gain sufficient conditions which in the form of LMIs and arbitrary switching. The research considered L2 gain problem that is different from the previous works. Numerical example illustrated the effectiveness of the method. A potential extension by using average dwell time switching signal deserves further study.
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