By Elizabeth Williams
∷盧青亮 譯注
It's been an awful year on social media. Filtering didn't help. I left Twitter a week ago and haven't looked back.
Can't decide yet who won—the trolls or me. It's still too soon to tell. All I know is that it's been a week so far since I bailed on Twitter and I feel fi ne.
I love social media. I hate social media. You too? Over the years, I've been perpetually readjusting my relationship with it, working hard to avoid the creep of saturation2. I'm not on Snapchat or LinkedIn either.3You couldn't drag me into a comments section.
1. troll: 網(wǎng)絡噴子。
2. saturation: 飽和(狀態(tài))。
3. Snapchat: 色拉布,是由斯坦福大學兩位學生開發(fā)的一款“閱后即焚”照片分享應用;LinkedIn: 領英,一個知名的職場社交平臺。
And then there's Twitter.
When you work at home, Twitter makes for an excellent water cooler4. I have for years skated by on the illusion that the bright, witty, passionately engaged people I follow there are somehow my
colleagues, the friends I can make daily conversation with about politics and television and health.
I have even been lucky enough to make a few oラine friends and work contacts through it, one of whom I'm going out for beers with tonight, in fact. If you come to Twitter because you like smart people who can also make you laugh, you will not be
disappointed. And it's free! The only cost is a steady stream of crap from the worst dregs5of humanity.
I got on Twitter in the spring of 2008. I don't recall how soon afterward I was fi rst called an
ugly bitch, but to my recollection it took a while.
Sure, every now and then there'd be an unpleasant mention in my feed or aggressively unsolicited feedback from an opinionated egg avatar.6But I never seriously reconsidered my presence until a few years later, when I wrote a magazine story that negatively referenced a well-known media misogynist7.
4. water cooler: 飲水機,多用來指辦公場所供休息閑聊的地方。
5. dregs:(常用復數(shù))渣滓。
6. unsolicited: 主動提供的,未經(jīng)請求的;opinionated: 固執(zhí)己見的,武斷的;avatar: (因特網(wǎng)上聊天者的)化身圖標,虛擬頭像。
7. misogynist: 憎惡女性的人。
Within moments I was getting death threats—as in, I'll come to your house and murder you. I had been in the thick of a crowd at a concert at the time the responses started pouring in, and I remember being overwhelmed with a feeling of paranoid8dread. Suddenly, it felt as if anyone in that throng could be someone who actively wanted to hurt me.
And not just me, I hasten to mention.When you look through a troll's timeline,you rarely see a single focused target.
Nope, trolls often spew in all directions like lawns sprinkler of vomit. Usually cloaked in their anonymity (although sometimes emboldened to keep it real),9Twitter's dedicated trolls yell at strangers all day like it's their job. Even when I got into a perfectly civilized disagreement with a male public fi gure, a swarm of his supporters swiftly smelled a fi ght and descended to tell me to die.
8. paranoid: 偏執(zhí)狂,妄想癥患者。
9. cloak: 遮掩,隱匿;anonymity:匿名;embolden: 使有膽量。
10. harrowing: 讓人恐懼的,令人痛苦的。
Over the years I've been monitoring Twitter's troll problem, because Twitter's troll problem hasn't improved. I've watched other people—most frequently female—face harrowing10 threats to their safety. I've followed the crap that Feminist Frequency's Anita Sarkeesian has endured for openly talking about sexism in the gaming world. I watched when tech editor Holly Brockwell had to temporarily disable her account “due to the number of creepy,abusive threats she got, mainly from men” after she wrote a story about not wanting to have children.
I've also allowed my hopes to rise when it seemed like Twitter might be taking serious strides toward rectifying its abuse issues and removing the worst oあenders,11and when public oきcials have recognized that threatening someone online is still known, in legal circles as, threatening someone.
But this has been a year to drain12a person's optimism.Lately actress Leslie Jones went through such an outrageously ugly torrent of disgusting racist abuse that she brief l y left Twitter—right at the height of an otherwise peak moment in her career. At least she got to turn her whole fi asco—which included a hacking of her site—into an Emmy joke, telling the representatives from Ernst & Young,13“Since you're good at keeping things safe, I got a job for you: My Twitter account. Put that in the vault, please.”
Like others, including Arthur Chu, who's written eloquently of his Twitter ambivalence,14I've taken my share of mental health breaks. Last year I went on a social-media fast that helped me gain balance and serenity in my online life.15And last month I went on a weeklong vacation and barely looked online at all the whole time.
11. stride: 大步,闊步;rectify: 糾正,改正。
12. drain: 消耗,耗盡。
13. Emmy: 艾美獎,萊斯莉·瓊斯曾獲艾美獎喜劇類最佳女配角提名;Ernst &Young: 安永會計師事務所,是一個總部位于英國倫敦的跨國性專業(yè)服務公司,為四大會計師事務所之一。
14. eloquently: 雄辯地;ambivalence:矛盾心理。
15. fast: 禁食;serenity: 寧靜。
But this time when I returned, I didn't feel as eager to see the familiar faces who enlighten and entertain. I just dreaded the inevitable nastiness. I didn't have to wait long to get it. And when another female writer posted that if Twitter didn't take more dramatic action to curtail16abuse, she doubted that she'd still be active on it a year from now. I thought: What am I waiting for?
Then last week, I woke up one morning to some not especially egregious17but def i nitely hostile overnight reactions to something I'd written and decided I'd had enough. Always late to the quitting Twitter trend, that's me.
I am strict in my online curation18and I am grateful for the fi lter option that does somewhat eあectively screen out what Twitter calls “l(fā)ower-quality content.” I'm not interested in getting in fi ghts with the haters, and I don't care to follow people who do. I block robustly. But the ugliness of this year, the pure, gloves-oあ19hatred on constant display—and not just on Twitter—is not healthy for anybody to voluntarily put up with unchecked.
In July, author Jessica Valenti announced on Twitter,“This morning I woke up to a death threat directed at my fi ve-year-old daughter. That this is part of my work life is unacceptable… Law enforcement needs to get their shit together on online threats.” She continued: “In the meantime, I'm taking a break from social media. I don't know how long. I just know that I can't live like this. It's too much.”
16. curtail: 減少,削減。
17. egregious: 極壞的,極其惡劣的。
18. curation: 綜合管理。
19. gloves-off:(脫掉手套)作好戰(zhàn)斗準備。
I am genuinely concerned about what happens when reasonably normal, non-screaming people abandon a conversation. I think a lot about the potential consequences of social media being overrun with bullies. After having spent 20 years in online communities, I also understand that keeping the trolls at bay20is a hard job and that this one lady's absence isn't a movement. But I've spent my adult life trying, in my own small way, to be more signal than noise. And being persistently subjected to threats and abuse and just plain idiot drool21is not what one would call a “user-friendly” experience, nor is it, by the way, what the founding fathers had in mind with the freedom of speech thing.
I wouldn't keep going to a restaurant that often has great food but also regularly serves up plates of garbage. And when a business fails its customers, the customers leave.
20. keep at bay: 使(嚴重、危險或令人不快的)某事物無法接近。
21. drool: 胡說。