We are very p leased to announce Aspecial issue,to be published in The spring of 2020,on‘‘Single-cell OMics Analysis’’in The journal Genomics,Proteomics&Bioinformatics(GPB).
The cell has been primarily studied as Apart of its bulk population foRdecades until recent breakthroughs in single-cell oMics technologies.The study of The seeMingly isogenic cellulaRpopulations of ten buries diverse cellulaRcharacteristics.Even in cells With The same cellulaRhistory,heterogeneity inherently arises due to The stochastic fluctuation of gene exp ression during transcription and translation oRnoises in signaling pathways. The se hidden cell-to-cell variations can be paramount in The diagnosis and treatment of disease.FoRinstance,The heterogeneity in tumoRcells is crucial in understanding tumoRinitiation,progression,metastasis,and The rapeutic response.Avery small subpopulation of cells thatmay confeR The Most resistance in Apreclinical drug test could be responsible foRtumoRrelapse in patients afteRtreatment.Thus,asmedicine becomesmore and more personalized, The re is AgreateRdesire to more accurately represent and understand single cells and The distinct subpopulations.
The neWly developed technologies foRprof iling cellulaRheterogeneity have spurred AworldWide pursuitof single-cellstudy in The field of oMics studies,investigating The genome,epigenome,transcriptome,proteoMe,Metabolome,and The iRinherent interactions.This knoWledge facilitates AdeepeRunderstanding of hoWunderlyingMoleculaRand architecturalchangesalteRcellbehavior,developMent,and disease processes.Genome-scale aMp lification of genoMic DNAs oRMRNAs transcribed in single cells allowed foR The measurement of genetic alterations and cell types at an unprecedented level.The emerging Microchip-based tools foRsingle-cell oMics analysis fur The Renable The evaluation of cellulaRoMicswith high throughput,improved sensitivity,and reduced cost.On The o The Rhand,single-cell high-dimensional datAobtained With high-throughput technologiesalso poseneWchallenges in bioinformatics to analyze,process,andmakesenseof The big datAin ordeRto deliveRneWbiological insights and knoWledge.
This special issue aims to highlight The latest advances in single-cell technologies and informatics tools foRanalyticsgenoMics,epigenoMics,transcriptoMics,proteoMics,metaboloMics andmulti-oMicsat The single-cell resolution.ItWillalso showcase The utility in basic research and preclinical oRclinical applications to serve as AforuMto exchange prospects on challenges and future opportunities thatWill facilitate The improvement and broad adoption of single-celloMics in bio logy and medicine.
To promote The understanding and The comprehensive use of single-cell oMics analysis,we dedicate this special issue to The current advances of single-cell oMics analysis and beyond.Dr.Luonan Chen froMShanghai Institutes foRBiological Sciences,Chinese AcadeMy of Sciences,Dr.Rong Fan froMYale University,and Dr.Fuchou Tang froMPeking University are The guest editors foRthis special issue.
This special issue covers(but not be liMited to)The following topics:
? Single-cellwhole-genome amp lification and sequencing.
? Single-cell epigenoMics(e.g.,DNAmethylation and chromatin accessibility)
? Single-cell full length MRNAsequencing
? Massively parallel single-cell gene expression prof iling
? Single-cellMicroRNAand small RNAsequencing
? Single-cell protein expression prof iling to study phenotype and signaling pathway
? Single-cell protein secretion prof iling and immune function analysis
? Single-cellMetaboloMics and multip lex metabolitemeasurement
? Single-cellMorphometric analysis,cellMigration,and physical properties
? Single-cellmulti-oMics and integrative analysis
? Single-cell dimensional datAanalysis and Modeling
? Single-cell network inference and analysis
? Pseudo-time trajectory analysis
? Correlating genotype to phenotype and function.
? Mapping embryogenesis,development,and steMcell differentiation.
? Human cell atlas and discovery of neWcell types
? TumoRcell atlas and tumorMicroenvironment
? Clonal evolution and The rapeutic resistance
? ImMuno The rapy and immunemonitoring
O riginal studies,reviews,methods,databases,webservers,application notes,etc.are all welcome.The deadline of submissions to this special issue is OctobeR31,2019.Manuscripts should
be prepared according to The Guide foRAuthors of The journalwebsite and subMitted online at http://ees.elsevier.com/gpb/,choosing The article type‘‘SI:Single-cell OMics’’.Please indicate in The coveRletteRthat youRsubMission is foRSingle-cell OMics Analysis special issue.
FoRfur The Rinformation,please contact us:
D r.Luonan Chen(lnchen@sibs.ac.cn);
D r.Rong Fan(rong.fan@yale.edu);
D r.Fuchou Tang(tangfuchou@pku.edu.cn);
Editorial O ffice(editor@big.ac.cn).
Genomics,Proteomics & Bioinformatics2019年2期