国产日韩欧美一区二区三区三州_亚洲少妇熟女av_久久久久亚洲av国产精品_波多野结衣网站一区二区_亚洲欧美色片在线91_国产亚洲精品精品国产优播av_日本一区二区三区波多野结衣 _久久国产av不卡



2019-01-13 02:42:05
中國海上油氣 2019年6期



米立軍 何 敏 翟普強(qiáng) 朱俊章 龐 雄 陳 聰 馬 寧(1)


徐春強(qiáng) 張新濤 姚 城 張 震 達(dá)麗亞(13)


簡曉玲 劉金萍 王改云(22)


陳樹光 張以明 崔永謙 田建章 劉喜恒 周從安 秦 琛 吳 銳(32)


楊 壯 胡明毅 蔡全升(41)


李元平 顏承志 李 杰 史文英 陳 利(51)


何 峰 翁 斌 韓 剛 丁繼才 田永曉(61)


秦瑞寶 余 杰 黃 濤(67)


韓志磊 崔云江 許賽男 陸云龍 關(guān)葉欽(77)




楊 宇 周 文 姜 平 張 輝 周 偉 楊 琛 張 昊 游振江(94)


胡 勇 周軍良 汪全林 耿紅柳 趙軍壽(103)


高 達(dá) 馬勇新 米洪剛 劉鵬超 歐志鵬 陳建華(113)


鄒信波 楊 光 程心平 段 錚 匡臘梅 田立強(qiáng) 劉 佳 王海寧(119)


李海濤 劉 權(quán) 王 楠 張 楠 崔小江(126)


孫 林 黃 波 熊培祺(133)


包陳義 李躍謙 鞠少棟 閆 紳 嚴(yán)孟凱 王 曉 張 斌(139)


潘東民 于銀海(146)


胡知輝 佟光軍 唐 彪 藍(lán) 天 趙天奉(155)




程子云 張 玉 張玉龍 尚麗軍 段夢蘭(169)


陳 誠 馬兆峰 李豐輝 胡忠良 楊 秘 石建榮 李海濤(176)



楊計(jì)海 黃保家 楊金海(1)


牛成民 郭 濤 楊 波 劉慶順 楊海風(fēng)(11)


陳少平 劉麗芳 黃勝兵 沈 樸 郝 婧 李 楠(20)


胡志偉 宿 雯 李果營 黃 志 葉 濤(29)


郭書生 高永德 曲長偉 蔡惠敏 孫本強(qiáng) 劉延梅(39)


趙順蘭 楊希冰 陳 林 周 剛 焦立波 趙亞卓(51)


張志軍 肖廣銳 徐德奎(62)


鄭 煬 徐錦繡 劉 歡 熊 鐳 趙書錚(69)


周明高 郝桂青 陳永超 薛永增(76)


付 超 樊 雪 于興河 趙晨帆 何玉林 梁金強(qiáng) 蘇丕波(83)


魏 峰 李躍林 馬光春(93)


戴 宗 羅東紅 謝明英 唐 放 李海龍 涂志勇 王晨晨 陳 強(qiáng)(103)


王泰超 王 凱 朱國金 田 冀 鄭 偉(108)


趙景芳 宋林松 吉 飛 鄧智銘 張劍波 王志遠(yuǎn)(116)


邱順佐 王國榮 周守為 劉清友 李清平 鐘 林 王 騰 唐 洋 王雷振 王廣申 李學(xué)峰(125)


劉文遠(yuǎn) 胡瑾秋 李相方 劉書杰 周云健(132)




陳榮旗 范 模(151)


王忠暢 楊天宇 陳晶華 尹 豐(155)


胡忠前 王紅紅 李忠濤 張海娟 郝靜敏(160)


趙志娟 唐友剛 李 焱 吳植融(167)


褚 潔 陳 杰 張曉慧 曾偉平 花亦懷 余思聰(175)

海洋油氣勘探專家 牛成民


海上鉆完井專家 趙景芳




周心懷 蔣一鳴 唐賢君(1)


劉金水 鄒 瑋 李 寧 覃 軍 劉 洋(11)


高偉中 譚思哲 田 超 高順莉 孫 鵬(20)


侯國偉 李 帥 秦蘭芝 蔡 坤 李峻頡 何 苗(29)


張 武 侯國偉 肖曉光 苗 清 何 苗 申雯龍(40)


程 熊 侯讀杰 趙 喆 姜玉涵 周心懷 刁 慧 陳曉東 楊麗杰 董立成(50)


李 鍵 胡 偉 黃 鋆(61)


申雯龍 漆濱汶 許廣臣 李 陽(68)


侯志強(qiáng) 尹文筍 胡 偉 王曉培 張 巖 劉慶文(75)


蔡 華 鹿克峰 何賢科 王 理(84)


郭 平 董 超 劉 旭 汪譽(yù)高 汪周華 胡義升(92)


黃導(dǎo)武 段冬平 劉彬彬 劉英輝 黃 鑫(99)


劉建新 胡文亮 高楚橋 趙 彬 付焱鑫 羅 健 何玉春 魏曉晗(108)


陳 波 段冬平 劉英輝 丁 芳 陳 晨(117)


楊 志 陳曉宇 孟文波 董 釗 耿鳳康(127)


李朝瑋 王嘉松 周建良 許亮斌 吳文波(133)


李 強(qiáng) 武治強(qiáng) 何英明 劉書杰 曹硯鋒 何保生 楊向前 歐陽鐵兵 范志利(140)


孟文波 周生田 蔣東雷 徐 斐 董 釗 楊 蕾 刁 歡 任冠龍 張 健(147)


羅 威 姚 堅(jiān) 馮建設(shè) 趙彬彬 謝向威 張 敏(152)


孟祥坤 陳國明 朱 淵 劉長鑫(159)


朱高庚 陳國明 劉 康 盛積良 蒲 實(shí)(168)


王 騰 尉文山 王保計(jì)(176)


李 振 陳國明 李 偉 曹 松 符嘉明 殷曉康(182)


孫 媛 曹學(xué)文 梁法春(190)



王德英 薛永安 于海波 黃江波 張宏國 史盼盼 周園園(9)


高坤順 吳慶勛 彭靖淞 郭 穎 馬正武(19)


李 龍 張新濤 徐春強(qiáng) 張 震 劉 騰(27)


達(dá)麗亞 張新濤 徐春強(qiáng) 邊立恩 張 捷(36)


趙 夢 杜曉峰 王清斌 趙 婧 郝軼偉(46)


程 濤 康洪全 梁建設(shè) 賈懷存 白 博 李明剛(55)


劉仕友 李洋森 沈利霞 閆安菊(67)


冉喜陽 周懷來 張益明 李雷豪 楊吉鑫(75)


陳元千 劉浩洋 傅禮兵(85)


李文紅 任超群 林瑞敏 付 強(qiáng)(89)


王 磊(96)


張雪齡 鄺頌雅 師渝滔 朱維耀 王燕令 吳學(xué)紅 牛 聰(102)


李 中 郭永賓 管 申 劉智勤 彭 巍(113)


黃 熠 楊 進(jìn) 勝亞楠 管志川 羅 鳴(119)


鄭永建 曾 桃 李躍林 白坤森 熊 鈺(125)


林四元 李 中 郭永賓 黃 熠 陳浩東 張波濤(135)


任冠龍 張 崇 董 釗 孟文波 余 意(141)


張樹德 蘭志剛(147)


劉 波(154)


劉東亮 黃懷州 阮勝福 陳 鵬(159)


吉華宇 劉 俊 周 佳 王 璞(165)


靳文博 李新戰(zhàn) 肖榮鴿 趙 軍 李 凱(171)


王文光 黃 巖 曲兆光 劉春雨 錢 欣 萬宇飛(177)



鄧運(yùn)華 孫 濤(1)


何 敏 朱偉林 吳 哲 鐘廣法 任建業(yè) 劉麗華 王文勇(9)


嚴(yán)德天 陸 江 魏小松 何衛(wèi)軍 秦春雨 李 潼(21)


李建平 熊連橋 黃 濤 劉子玉(30)


劉凱旋 陳踐發(fā) 朱心健(42)


李 浩 胡 勇 別旭偉 潘廣明 聶玲玲(53)


鮑祥生 侯 斌(62)


張建斌 譚忠健 胡 云(69)


趙曉明 葛家旺 譚程鵬 張文彪 陸文明(76)


張佳佳 吳勝和(88)


張迎春 楊 莉 顧文歡 楊寶泉 苑志旺 康博韜 郜益華(107)


段瑞凱 胡光義 宋來明 陳 筱 卜范青 張 旭 王宗俊 陳國寧 李晨曦(113)


楊萬有 鄭春峰 李 昂(124)


崔國杰 謝榮斌 祝國偉 許 迪 孫帥帥(133)


牛 朋 馬煥英(139)


蔡 斌 張海山 王 薦 向興金 史茂勇 舒福昌 吳 彬(147)


高祥森 張明明 朱 琳 范翔宇 張千貴 趙鵬斐(154)


黃 俊 王 懿 彭 超 陳景皓 周士軍(160)


呂 濤 徐長航 陳國明 劉紅兵 梁學(xué)滔 劉 飛(167)


顧 俊 何建軍 劉宇辰 鄭凱奇(175)


王海燕 劉淼兒 楊 亮 陳 杰 許佳偉 范嘉堃(183)


朱紅衛(wèi) 盛積良 姜詩源 李新宏 陳國明 智晨瀟(190)







牛成民 薛永安 黃江波 郭 濤 王孝轅 李正宇(1)




劉丹丹 趙國祥 官大勇 黃 穎 朱勇超(25)


宛良偉 吳 奎 王 偉 加?xùn)|輝 王啟明(34)


孫藏軍 別旭偉 聶玲玲 黃 磊 姜 永(44)


趙 夢 龐小軍 金小燕 馮 沖 王茂楨(52)


潘文靜 杜曉峰 田德瑞 郭龍龍 湯國民(60)


王飛龍 杜曉峰 湯國民 何俊輝 燕 歌(69)


蘇彥春 朱志強(qiáng)(78)


馬奎前 蔡 暉 孫召勃(86)


蔡 暉 劉 東 程大勇 孫召勃 張國浩(92)


葛麗珍 孟智強(qiáng) 朱志強(qiáng) 祝曉林 王永平(99)


劉英憲 陳曉明(106)


范白濤 鄧金根 林 海 高 斌 王曉鵬(111)



φ177.8 mm套管大通徑一次多層壓裂工藝研究及應(yīng)用

李 強(qiáng) 杜福云 董社霞 高彥才 胡澤根 周 歡 徐鳳祥 王 科 陳 彬(126)


劉 磊 黃 俠 邢海軍 王景浩 郭宏峰 張 博(132)


趙 穎 孫 挺 楊 進(jìn) 李炎軍 黃 熠 閆宇龍(138)


張 明 尚 超 平朝春 王春升 鄭曉鵬 王海燕(143)


李 博 葛 斐 郭 宏 郭江艷 盧 靖 王松峰(148)


劉紅兵 陳國明 呂 濤 黃 翱(154)


蔣維宇 李 偉 張宗華 袁新安 葛玖浩 趙建明 馬維平(160)









Integrated study on hydrocarbon types and accumulation periods of Baiyun sag, deep water area of Pearl River Mouth

basin under the high heat flow background

MI Lijun HE Min ZHAI Puqiang ZHU Junzhang PANG Xiong CHEN Cong MA Ning(1)

Characteristics and physical properties controlling factors of low permeability reservoir of E3d2in BZ2-1 oilfield of

Bohai sea

XU Chunqiang ZHANG Xintao YAO Cheng ZHANG Zhen DA Liya(13)

Analysis of Meso-Cenozoic prototype basins in the East sub-basin, northern Yellow Sea

JIAN Xiaoling LIU Jinping WANG Gaiyun(22)

Inversion structure and its effects on hydrocarbon accumulation in Bayindulan sag, Erlian basin

CHEN Shuguang ZHANG Yiming CUI Yongqian TIAN Jianzhang LIU Xiheng ZHOU Congan QIN Chen WU Rui(32)

Sequence division and sedimentary facies analysis of Shahezi Formation in Dashen2 wellblock of Songzhan region,

Songliao basin

YANG Zhuang HU Mingyi CAI Quansheng(41)

Application of well-free broadband seismic inversion technology on the description of gas hydrate ore body

in Shenhu waters,South China Sea

LI Yuanping YAN Chengzhi LI Jie SHI Wenying CHEN Li(51)

A seismic constraint-based technology for elimination of strong coal seam reflection via well-control and

matching pursuit

HE Feng WENG Bin HAN Gang DING Jicai TIAN Yongxiao(61)

A post-fracturing productivity appraisal technology for tight sandstone gas reservoirs using logging data:Taking

Linxing block of Ordos basin as an example

QIN Ruibao YU Jie HUANG Tao(67)

A new method of log evaluation for sand production in unconsolidated sandstone reservoirs

HAN Zhilei CUI Yunjiang XU Sainan LU Yunlong GUAN Yeqin(77)

A further theoretical discussion on water flooding curve and improvement of Tong’s chart

ZHANG Jinqing(86)

Re-recognition of water film thickness in tight gas reservoirs

YANG Yu ZHOU Wen JIANG Ping ZHANG Hui ZHOU Wei YANG Chen ZHANG Hao YOU Zhenjiang(94)

The quality control factors and development practices of low permeability reservoirs in BZ oilfield, Bohai sea

HU Yong ZHOU Junliang WANG Quanlin GENG Hongliu ZHAO Junshou(103)

Mechanism research and effect prediction of high hydrocarbon gas development through high CO2gas migration

and displacement

GAO Da MA Yongxin MI Honggang LIU Pengchao OU Zhipeng CHEN Jianhua(113)

Proximal down-hole water injection technique application for lithologic reserviors in offshore oilfields

ZOU Xinbo YANG Guang CHENG Xinping DUAN Zheng KUANG Lamei TIAN Liqiang LIU Jia WANG Haining(119)

R&D of a new autonomous inflow control device for horizontal wells and fluid sensitivity analysis

LI Haitao LIU Quan WANG Nan ZHANG Nan CUI Xiaojiang(126)

Common problems analysis and correction of deflagration fracturing crack initiation model

SUN Lin HUANG Bo XIONG Peiqi(133)

Impact failure analysis and design optimization of completion shear ball seat

BAO Chenyi LI Yueqian JU Shaodong YAN Shen YAN Mengkai WANG Xiao ZHANG Bin(139)

Conceptual design and application of long distance gas pipeline repairing under pressure in strong tidal current waters

PAN Dongmin YU Yinhai(146)

Long-distance shore towing of super-large diameter submarine pipeline and tie-in operation under complicated

sea conditions

HU Zhihui TONG Guangjun TANG Biao LAN Tian ZHAO Tianfeng(155)

Design analysis on the elastomeric bearing and hull stool of super large FPSO topside module

XU Tiantian(161)

Strength analysis on the clamp connector of subsea tree throttle valve

CHENG Ziyun ZHANG Yu ZHANG Yulong SHANG Lijun DUAN Menglan(169)

Research and practices on temporary production engineering scheme of CFD 11-6 oilfield, Bohai sea

CHEN Cheng MA Zhaofeng LI Fenghui HU Zhongliang YANG Mi SHI Jianrong LI Haitao(176)


Gas accumulation conditions and exploration potentials of natural gases in Songnan low uplift, deep water area of

Qiongdongnan basin

YANG Jihai HUANG Baojia YANG Jinhai(1)

Control of Cenozoic magmatic activity on Paleogene high quality reservoirs in southern Bohai sea

NIU Chengmin GUO Tao YANG Bo LIU Qingshun YANG Haifeng(11)

Lacustrine carbonate rock:A new domain of oil and gas exploration in Bozhong sag of Bohai sea

CHEN Shaoping LIU Lifang HUANG Shengbing SHEN Pu HAO Jing LI Nan(20)

Genetic mechanisms and reservoir-control types of micro-fractures in southern Bohai sea

HU Zhiwei SU Wen LI Guoying HUANG Zhi YE Tao(29)

Fine characterization of the Second Member of Liushagang Formation in Wushi sag,western South China Sea

GUO Shusheng GAO Yongde QU Changwei CAI Huimin SUN Benqiang LIU Yanmei(39)

Hydrocarbon accumulation conditions and exploration potential of carbonate buried hills in Weixinan sag in western

South China Sea

ZHAO Shunlan YANG Xibing CHEN Lin ZHOU Gang JIAO Libo ZHAO Yazhuo(51)

Seismic amplitude compensation method of gas cloud area based on generalized S-transform

ZHANG Zhijun XIAO Guangrui XU Dekui(62)

A permeability evaluation method based on NMR logging while drilling and its application: Taking Paleogene Shahejie

Formation in Jinzhou oilfield of Bohai sea as an example

ZHENG Yang XU Jinxiu LIU Huan XIONG Lei ZHAO Shuzheng(69)

Development and application of low-speed pumping system

ZHOU Minggao HAO Guiqing CHEN Yongchao XUE Yongzeng(76)

Hierarchical modeling method and favorable zone prediction of hydrate reservoirs in Shenhu waters in continental slope

of northern South China Sea

FU Chao FAN Xue YU Xinghe ZHAO Chenfan HE Yulin LIANG Jinqiang SU Pibo(83)

Configuration modeling of fan delta reservoirs in First Member of Liushagang Formation of WZ11-1N oilfield

in western South China Sea

WEI Feng LI Yuelin MA Guangchun(93)

A new method for particle size analysis of cuttings image based on improved watershed algorithm

DAI Zong LUO Donghong XIE Mingying TANG Fang LI Hailong TU Zhiyong WANG Chenchen CHEN Qiang(103)

Well pattern parameter optimization and application potential analysis for using ISC in offshore heavy oil reservoirs

with bottom water

WANG Taichao WANG Kai ZHU Guojin TIAN Ji ZHENG Wei(108)

Numerical simulation of reservoir sand production during gas hydrate depressurizing production

ZHAO Jingfang SONG Linsong JI Fei DENG Zhiming ZHANG Jianbo WANG Zhiyuan(116)

Structural design and optimization of in-situ purification separator for submarine gas hydrate

QIU Shunzuo WANG Guorong ZHOU Shouwei LIU Qingyou LI Qingping ZHONG Lin WANG Teng TANG Yang WANG Leizhen WANG Guangshen LI Xuefeng(125)

Study on the formation and prevention of hydrate in the backflow stage of deep water gas well test

LIU Wenyuan HU Jinqu LI Xiangfang LIU Shujie ZHOU Yunjian(132)

Feasibility analysis on the joint development of natural gas hydrate and coalbed methane in Muli area of Qinghai

province, China

BAI Yuhu(144)

Design and application of new production and storage platform:Based on the development project of LD 27-2/32-2

heavy oil marginal oilfields in Bohai sea

CHEN Rongqi FAN Mo(151)

Discussion on development mode of deep water pre-salt oilfields in Brazil and its reference significance to the

development of deep water oil and gas fields in South China Sea

WANG Zhongchang YANG Tianyu CHEN Jinghua YIN Feng(155)

Leakage assessment of West African offshore natural gas pipeline and research on necessity of installing subsea

isolation valve

HU Zhongqian WANG Honghong LI Zhongtao ZHANG Haijuan HAO Jingmin(160)

Structural design and numerical analysis of a novel multi-cylinder concrete production storage and offloading

ZHAO Zhijuan TANG Yougang LI Yan WU Zhirong(167)

Study on fluid flow characteristics in the rotating packing layer under hypergravity conditions

CHU Jie CHEN Jie ZHANG Xiaohui ZENG Weiping HUA Yihuai YU Sicong(175)

Offshore oil and gas exploration expert NIU Chengmin


Offshore drilling and completion expert ZHAO Jingfang



Tectonic setting, prototype basin evolution and exploration enlightenment of Xihu sag in East China Sea basin

ZHOU Xinhuai JIANG Yiming TANG Xianjun(1)

Hydrocarbon accumulation control mechanism of reservoir-conservation coupling and its large and medium-sized fields

exploration practice in Xihu sag, East China Sea basin

LIU Jinshui ZOU Wei LI Ning QIN Jun LIU Yang(11)

Analysis on the oil and gas fullness difference of the Central Inversion Tectonic belt of Xihu sag in East China Sea basin

GAO Weizhong TAN Sizhe TIAN Chao GAO Shunli SUN Peng(20)

Source-to-Sink system of Pinghu Formation in west slope belt of Xihu sag,East China Sea basin

HOU Guowei LI Shuai QIN Lanzhi CAI Kun LI Junjie HE Miao(29)

Genesis of low permeability reservoirs and main controlling factors of high quality reservoirs in Xihu sag,

East China Sea basin

ZHANG Wu HOU Guowei XIAO Xiaoguang MIAO Qing HE Miao SHEN Wenlong(40)

Analysis on the genesis and source of natural gas in Xihu sag, East China Sea basin

CHENG Xiong HOU Dujie ZHAO Zhe JIANG Yuhan ZHOU Xinhuai DIAO Hui CHEN Xiaodong YANG Lijie DONG Licheng(50)

Application of EEI inversion-based fluid detection technology in Pingbei area of Xihu sag

LI Jian HU Wei HUANG Jun(61)

The seismic inversion based organic matter abundance prediction method for source rocks and its application

in Lishui sag

SHEN Wenlong QI Binwen XU Guangchen LI Yang(68)

Elastic reverse-time migration method of OBN data based on flux correction transmission algorithm

HOU Zhiqiang YIN Wensun HU Wei WANG Xiaopei ZHANG Yan LIU Qingwen(75)

A new method for quantitative evaluation on initial water production in low permeability gas reservoirs:

A case study from Xihu sag in East China Sea basin

CAI Hua LU Kefeng HE Xianke WANG Li(84)

Discussion on the mechanism of high pressure plane gas supply in low permeability fractured gas reservoir

GUO Ping DONG Chao LIU Xu WANG Yugao WANG Zhouhua HU Yisheng(92)

Reservoir characteristics and differential genesis of low permeability-tight sandstone gas reservoirs in Xihu sag

HUANG Daowu DUAN Dongping LIU Binbin LIU Yinghui HUANG Xin(99)

Quantitative evaluation method for water saturation of low permeability-tight reservoirs in East China Sea

LIU Jianxin HU Wenliang GAO Chuqiao ZHAO Bin FU Yanxin LUO Jian HE Yuchun WEI Xiaohan(108)

Seismic sedimentary interpretation and sedimentary evolution analysis on middle-deep fluvial facies sandbodies

in Xihu sag,East China Sea basin

CHEN Bo DUAN Dongping LIU Yinghui DING Fang CHEN Chen(117)

Effect of riser circulating liquid injection on the temperature distribution in test string of deepwater gas wells

YANG Zhi CHEN Xiaoyu MENG Wenbo DONG Zhao GENG Fengkang(127)

Analysis on the flow field characteristics around a drilling riser considering auxiliary lines

LI Chaowei WANG Jiasong ZHOU Jianliang XU Liangbin WU Wenbo(133)

Research and application of management program for annular pressure in offshore gas wells

LI Qiang WU Zhiqiang HE Yingming LIU Shujie CAO Yanfeng HE Baosheng YANG Xiangqian OUYANG Tiebing FAN Zhili(140)

Research on low-density gravel packing technique plan for long horizontal wells in ultra-shallow gas reservoir

MENG Wenbo ZHOU Shengtian JIANG Donglei XU Fei DONG Zhao YANG Lei DIAO Huan REN Guanlong ZHANG Jian(147)

Research on the design and optimization of new mixed gas lifting methods

LUO Wei YAO Jian FENG Jianshe ZHAO Binbin XIE Xiangwei ZHANG Min(152)

Model experiment and numerical simulation on gas dispersion from blowout in the 7th generation ultra-deepwater

semi-submersible platform of China

MENG Xiangkun CHEN Guoming ZHU Yuan LIU Changxin(159)

Research on consequences and safety barriers of the runaway drift-off for deepwater drilling platform under

typhoon conditions

ZHU Gaogeng CHEN Guoming LIU Kang SHENG Jiliang PU Shi(168)

Investigation on the cyclic degradation mechanism of lateral bearing capacity of wellhead conductor

WANG Teng WEI Wenshan WANG Baoji(176)

ECT inspection technology of insulating and insulation coated oil and gas pipelines

LI Zhen CHEN Guoming LI Wei CAO Song FU Jiaming YIN Xiaokang(182)

Design of pipe-around multi-slot sampling device based on extraction and separation method

SUN Yuan CAO Xuewen LIANG Fachun(190)


Thinking and suggestions on research direction of natural gas hydrate development

ZHOU Shouwei LI Qingping LYU Xin PANG Weixin FU Qiang(1)

Slope types and Neogene hydrocarbon accumulation characteristics of Bozhong sag in Bohai sea

WANG Deying XUE Yongan YU Haibo HUANG Jiangbo ZHANG Hongguo SHI Panpan ZHOU Yuanyuan(9)

Chronostratigraphy of the pre-Cenozoic base and tectonic evolution characteristics in Bohai sea

GAO Kunshun WU Qingxun PENG Jingsong GUO Ying MA Zhengwu(19)

Neogene hydrocarbons distribution characteristics and “ridge-fault” joint control accumulation mode in western

Bozhong sag,Bohai sea

LI Long ZHANG Xintao XU Chunqiang ZHANG Zhen LIU Teng(27)

Characteristics and controlling factors of Ordovician Karst reservoirs in Bohai sea:A case study of 427 tectonic belt in

Shijiutuo uplift

DA Liya ZHANG Xintao XU Chunqiang BIAN Lien ZHANG Jie(36)

Detrital zircon dating and provenance implication of sandstone in Dongying and Guantao Formations of Penglai 15-2

structure in eastern Bohai sea

ZHAO Meng DU Xiaofeng WANG Qingbin ZHAO Jing HAO Yiwei(46)

Genetic classification and activity periods analysis of magmatic rocks in Santos basin, Brazil

CHENG Tao KANG Hongquan LIANG Jianshe JIA Huaicun BAI Bo LI Minggang(55)

Prediction technology for the HTHP middle-deep layers dark-spot gas reservoirs in Ledong area, Yinggehai basin

LIU Shiyou LI Yangsen SHEN Lixia YAN Anju(67)

A frequency division-reconstruction wave impedance inversion method based on sparse window S transform

RAN Xiyang ZHOU Huailai ZHANG Yiming LI Leihao YANG Jixin(75)

Weighing method for calculating the isothermal cumulative adsorption capacity of shale gas

CHEN Yuanqian LIU Haoyang FU Libing(85)

A new dynamic production splitting method for multi-layer commingled production wells in water-flooding reservoirs

LI Wenhong REN Chaoqun LIN Ruimin FU Qiang(89)

Improvement on the productivity analysis method of abnormal high pressure gas wells in Dongfang area, Yinggehai basin

WANG Lei(96)

Research progress on the nonlinear seepage characteristics of tight oil in nano-micron porous media

ZHANG Xueling KUANG Songya SHI Yutao ZHU Weiyao WANG Yanling WU Xuehong NIU Cong(102)

Novel top-hole drilling technology for development wells in WZ12-2 oilfield

LI Zhong GUO Yongbin GUAN Shen LIU Zhiqin PENG Wei(113)

Drilling engineering risk quantitative assessment for HTHP exploration wells in Yingqiong basin

HUANG Yi YANG Jin SHENG Yanan GUAN Zhichuan LUO Ming(119)

Establishment of external temperature field and calculation of bottom-hole pressure of HTHP gas wells

in the South China Sea

ZHENG Yongjian ZENG Tao LI Yuelin BAI Kunsen XIONG Yu(125)

Optimization design and application of casing program for exploratory wells in Beibuwan basin

LIN Siyuan LI Zhong GUO Yongbin HUANG Yi CHEN Haodong ZHANG Botao(135)

Research and application of gravel packing technology in ultra-shallow long horizontal wells in Ledong gas field

REN Guanlong ZHANG Chong DONG Zhao MENG Wenbo YU Yi (141)

Satellite remote sensing images-based parameters inversion and spatial distribution characteristics analysis of sea ice

in the Liaodong Bay

ZHANG Shude LAN Zhigang(147)

Adaptability analysis of cylindrical FWPSO under environmental conditions in the South China Sea

LIU Bo(154)

Influence of flexible tubular joints on nonlinear analysis of offshore jacket fixed platform

LIU Dongliang HUANG Huaizhou RUAN Shengfu CHEN Peng(159)

Analysis on the influence of liquid tank modeling method on overall strength assessment of deepwater

semi-submersible platform

JI Huayu LIU Jun ZHOU Jia WANG Pu(165)

Establishment and verification of multivariate nonlinear regression model for corrosion rate of 3C steel in

marine environment

JIN Wenbo LI Xinzhan XIAO Rongge ZHAO Jun LI Kai(171)

Design and application of a recycling utilization process of sewage for offshore platforms

WANG Wenguang HUANG Yan QU Zhaoguang LIU Chunyu QIAN Xin WAN Yufei(177)


Discussion on the symbiotic relationship between high quality source rocks and large oilfields

DENG Yunhua SUN Tao(1)

Neotectonic movement characteristics and hydrocarbons accumulation of the Pearl River Mouth basin

HE Min ZHU Weilin WU Zhe ZHONG Guangfa REN Jianye LIU Lihua WANG Wenyong(9)

Sediment environment and major controlling factors of organic-rich shales in the rift lake basin:A case study

of the 2stMember of Liushagang Formation of the Weixinan sag

YAN Detian LU Jiang WEI Xiaosong HE Weijun QIN Chunyu LI Tong(21)

Sedimentary characteristics analysis and interlayer identification of the Lower Cretaceous oil sands in the Alberta

basin, Canada

LI Jianping XIONG Lianqiao HUANG Tao LIU Ziyu(30)

Geochemical characteristics, genetic types and sources analysis of natural gas in Pingbei area, Xihu sag

LIU Kaixuan CHEN Jianfa ZHU Xinjian(42)

Geological genetic analysis on the physical properties difference of crude oil in NB35-2 oilfield, Bohai sea

LI Hao HU Yong BIE Xuwei PAN Guangming NIE Lingling(53)

A method for predicting the natural gas hydrate saturation in suspended mode based on Wood impedance method

BAO Xiangsheng HOU Bin(62)

A gas phase hydrocarbons-based new oil and gas-bearing quantitative evaluation method for the reservoirs in Bohai

oilfield and its application effect

ZHANG Jianbin TAN Zhongjian HU Yun(69)

Research status and prospect of deep sea channel reservoir architecture and its response mechanism to synsedimentary


ZHAO Xiaoming GE Jiawang TAN Chengpeng ZHANG Wenbiao LU Wenming(76)

Research progress on the depositional architecture of submarine-fan lobes

ZHANG Jiajia WU Shenghe(88)

Study on the variation law of gas-oil ratio in gas injection development of deep sea volatile oil reservoirs and its application

ZHANG Yingchun YANG Li GU Wenhuan YANG Baoquan YUAN Zhiwang KANG Botao GAO Yihua(107)

Fine description and characterization of deep sea channel sedimentation system

DUAN Ruikai HU Guangyi SONG Laiming CHEN Xiao BU Fanqing ZHANG Xu WANG Zongjun CHEN Guoning LI Chenxi(113)

A critical interference-based new model for dynamic wax removal cycle prediction

YANG Wanyou ZHENG Chunfeng LI Ang(124)

Innovative technologies and practices of speed-up and efficiency improvement for extended reach wells in

Bohai oilfield

CUI Guojie XIE Rongbin ZHU Guowei XU Di SUN Shuaishuai(133)

Experimental research-based gas-liquid two-phase flow patterns discrimination correction for horizontal wells

NIU Peng MA Huanying(139)

Construction and application of high temperature resistance and low free water drilling fluid system in the

East China Sea

CAI Bin ZHANG Haishan WANG Jian XIANG Xingjin SHI Maoyong SHU Fuchang WU Bin(147)

Experimental analysis on shale fracture toughness and the establishment of prediction model

GAO Xiangsen ZHANG Mingming ZHU Lin FAN Xiangyu ZHANG Qiangui ZHAO Pengfei(154)

Prediction model establishment and parameter sensitivity analysis of dent in subsea pipeline considering internal and

external pressure difference

HUANG Jun WANG Yi PENG Chao CHEN Jinghao ZHOU Shijun(160)

Development and application of real-time monitoring and early warning system for the safety load-bearing of offshore

drilling/workover derrick

LYU Tao XU Changhang CHEN Guoming LIU Hongbing LIANG Xuetao LIU Fei(167)

Structural strength analysis and optimization on the transition zones of the condensate tank and LNG tank of

FLNG ship

GU Jun HE Jianjun LIU Yuchen ZHENG Kaiqi(175)

Simulation and analysis of flow characteristics for the fluid in low-temperature LNG corrugated flexible pipe

WANG Haiyan LIU Miaoer YANG Liang CHEN Jie XU Jiawei FAN Jiakun(183)

Simulation analysis on vibration characteristics of free spanning submarine pipe in pipe

ZHU Hongwei SHENG Jiliang JIANG Shiyuan LI Xinhong CHEN Guoming ZHI Chenxiao(190)


Formation mechanisms, identification methods and control effects of recessive strike-slip faults in the Bohai sea

NIU Chengmin XUE Yongan HUANG Jiangbo GUO Tao WANG Xiaoyuan LI Zhengyu(1)

Key technologies for seismic data processing of the Cenozoic volcanic rock development areas in the Bohai sea

ZHOU Donghong(13)

Analysis on key factors of Neogene hydrocarbons accumulation in the northern slope of Bonan low uplift

LIU Dandan ZHAO Guoxiang GUAN Dayong HUANG Ying ZHU Yongchao(25)

Developmental characteristics and sedimentary response of the strike-slip source-sink system in LD16-3 area of the

southern Liaozhong sag

WAN Liangwei WU Kui WANG Wei JIA Donghui WANG Qiming(34)

Quantitative analysis on the reservoir pore evolution of the Ed3in CFD6-4 oilfield,Bohai sea

SUN Cangjun BIE Xuwei NIE Lingling HUANG Lei JIANG Yong(44)

Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology and provenance tracing of the Ed2Land Ngsandstones of KL6-6 structure in

the southern Bohai sea

ZHAO Meng PANG Xiaojun JIN Xiaoyan FENG Chong WANG Maozhen(52)

Characteristics and formation mechanism of source rocks in the Laizhou Bay sag of the Bohai sea

PAN Wenjing DU Xiaofeng TIAN Derui GUO Longlong TANG Guomin(60)

Geochemical characteristics and genetic types of crude oil in Shijiutuo uplift of the Bohai sea

WANG Feilong DU Xiaofeng TANG Guomin HE Junhui YAN Ge(69)

Percolation characteristics and unstable water injection strategy of fractured buried hill reservoirs:Taking the buried

hill reservoir in Bohai JZ25-1S oilfield as an example

SU Yanchun ZHU Zhiqiang(78)

Nuclear magnetic resonance-based experiment on the effects of displacement velocity and multiple on the pore throat

characteristics and recovery factor of unconsolidated sandstone reservoirs

MA Kuiqian CAI Hui SUN Zhaobo(86)

Research and application of water flooding equilibrium displacement in thick sandstone reservoirs

CAI Hui LIU Dong CHENG Dayong SUN Zhaobo ZHANG Guohao(92)

Three-dimensional physical simulation experiment of reasonable initial oil recovery rate for the gas cap/edge

water reservoirs

GE Lizhen MENG Zhiqiang ZHU Zhiqiang ZHU Xiaolin WANG Yongping(99)

Analysis on the influence of reserves utilization degree on the theoretical water flooding decline law

LIU Yingxian CHEN Xiaoming(106)

Influence of frac-packing methods on oil-water migration in unconsolidated sandstone reservoirs

FAN Baitao DENG Jingen LIN Hai GAO Bin WANG Xiaopeng(111)

Research on the wellbore integrity analysis-based offshore risk wells abandonment technology:Taking JZ20-2S

gas field as an example

JIA Zongwen(118)

Research and application of large drift size one trip multi-layer fracturing process forφ177.8 mm casing

LI Qiang DU Fuyun DONG Shexia GAO Yancai HU Zegen ZHOU Huan XU Fengxiang WANG Ke CHEN Bin (126)

Research and field test of internal anti-corrosion process for offshore coiled tubing

LIU Lei HUANG Xia XING Haijun WANG Jinghao GUO Hongfeng ZHANG Bo(132)

Extreme learning machine-based offshore drilling ROP monitoring and real-time optimization

ZHAO Ying SUN Ting YANG Jin LI Yanjun HUANG Yi YAN Yulong (138)

Electrostatic coalescence modification and field application of three-phase separator on offshore oilfield platform

ZHANG Ming SHANG Chao PING Chaochun WANG Chunsheng ZHENG Xiaopeng WANG Haiyan(143)

Method for detection and location of umbilical leakage based on the characteristics of simulation test sample

LI Bo GE Fei GUO Hong GUO Jiangyan LU Jing WANG Songfeng(148)

Ocean engineering numerical simulation and analysis in the wind-wave-current pool

LIU Hongbing CHEN Guoming LYU Tao HUANG Ao(154)

Design of underwater ACFM high sensitivity crack detection probe

JIANG Weiyu LI Wei ZHANG Zonghua YUAN Xin’an GE Jiuhao ZHAO Jianming MA Weiping(160)

化工管理(2021年7期)2021-05-13 00:46:46
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