ESports has always attracted the interest of children and young people.A significant number of professionals began their careers well before they turned eighteen.As the eSports industry matures, development opportunities for children and young people will inevitably increase.The number of “grassroots” eSports clubs is also on the rise,and we will see more organised coaching and more sophisticated scouting1scouting人才發(fā)掘。足球俱樂部通過雇用球探來搜尋杰出球員的行為。for young players.
[2]The involvement of more children and young people in eSports is something to be celebrated and encouraged.Indeed2indeed甚至;而且。用于引出更深層、更強烈或更驚人的內(nèi)容。, it is vital for the long term health and stability of the eSports industry.As the British ESports Association notes in a recent publication concerning a pilot initiative: “By targeting children from a younger age, we are looking at the bigger long-term picture3picture情況;局面;事態(tài)。with the goal of creating more British eSports champions and talent in the future.We can also present our findings to the Government to show them the value of eSports in a bid to4in a bid to = in order to為了。secure potential funding for grassroots eSports in the future.”
[3]If it is to be considered successful however, the involvement of children and young people in eSports needs to be subject to appropriate safeguards and risk management measures.The potential risk of harm to children is a sad everyday reality, and the importance of child protection issues in sport has been highlighted by high profile allegations of historic5historic = past過去的。child sex abuse in football6指英國足壇性侵丑聞。2016年,英國多名退役球員稱幼年參加足球訓練時曾遭到俱樂部教練等業(yè)內(nèi)人士性侵,引起社會廣泛關注?!猻omething which the FA’s chairman described to the BBC as “one of the biggest crises in the history of the Football Association”.
[4]One positive aspect of the recent attention in this area is that it has highlighted the critical importance of sports bodies having sufficiently robust child protection measures in place7in place就位;就緒。to prevent such abuse from the outset, and responding effectively if and when it does.In fact, most organised sports in the UK—not least8not least = especially特別;尤其。the FA—do now have highly developed and sophisticated child protection measures in place.
[5]Stakeholders in the eSports industry have been proactive in their approach to integrity threats such as doping and corruption.The creation of the ESports Integrity Coalition is one example of the industry’s proactive approach to address these issues.
[6]Having adequate child protection measures in place is a requirement of public funding for sport governing bodies, so the British ESports Association will possibly need to address this further if it is to realise its stated ambition of obtaining public funding.
[7]There are a number of reasons why the risk of harm to children might be a greater risk in eSports when compared to traditional sports, including: the number of children and young people participating and engaging in eSports; the lack of regulation (alongside the pace of growth of eSports); the online environment; outdated laws relating to video game age restrictions (which is obviously an eSports specific risk); and the lack of an entity to take a firm lead in relation to child protection matters.
[8]Especially in the absence of an entity that can lead on the issue, each eSports organisation should consider whether there is any foreseeable risk of harm to children arising from its activities.These risks most obviously arise—online or offl ine—where adults have direct and unsupervised access to children.“Harm” should not be thought of as limited to sexual abuse, but also to include physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect,bullying, and any other behaviour that may be harmful to children.