(USA) George Hargreaves, is the founder and Design Director of Hargreaves Associates. He is a fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects. He taught at the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University for 20 years, was tenured there for 12 years, and served as the chairman of the Department of Landscape Architecture from 1996 to 2003.
1 三角形理論Triangle theory
2~4舊金山燭臺(tái)角文化公園Candlestick Point Cultural Park, San Francisco
5 倫敦伊麗莎白女王奧林匹克公園鳥瞰Bird-view of Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London
6 倫敦奧林匹克公園局部鳥瞰Bird-view of Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London (partial)
7 阿姆斯特丹森林Amsterdamse Bos
① 燭臺(tái)角文化公園地區(qū)原有岸線陡峭,少有平緩海灘(張博雅注)。
② 公園建設(shè)時(shí)其周邊城區(qū)還未開始建設(shè)(張博雅注)。
③ 圖1由張博雅根據(jù)哈格里夫斯講座幻燈片改繪;圖2~6、8~12、16~18由哈格里夫斯提供;圖7 引自u(píng)rbancaptures.com;圖13引自維基百科;圖14引自maps.google.com;圖15由張博雅攝。
What kind of design is ‘ecological’? Landscape architects must answer this issue, since ecological restoration has become a national policy. In China,ecological design often reminds people of untrimmed vegetation, habitats for animals, etc. However, does a natural look mean ecological design? In professional practice, designers lack a certain design language to tackle with the ecological issue. In this field, our European & American peers have started exploration earlier than us. Therefore, knowing their experience is signi ficant to Chinese designers.
George Hargreaves is one of the most famous landscape architects in America. We are glad to have this discussion on ecological design and the design philosophy of Hargreaves Associates with him. He grew up in 1960s and 1970s in America, which is an era when the ecological ideology was born and developed.He has engaged in brownfield transformation projects since the 1980s. He was inspired by land arts by that time, and applied the idea in landscape design innovatively. He has designed many vital projects worldwide, including Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London. He has made a profound contribution to the theory and practice of large parks and brownfield transformation. In 2016 Hargreaves Associates was the recipient of the Cooper Hewitt National Design Award as well as the Rosa Barba International Landscape Prize.
LA: Landscape Architecture Journal
George: George Hargreaves
LA: Let’s start from the very beginning.It is said that your initial interest in landscape architecture was inspired by a trip to the Rocky Mountains. What inspired you in that trip? What convinced you to pursue landscape architecture after that trip?
George: Discovering the landscape was inspiring. When I was hiking, I noticed the vegetation was changing with altitudes. The plants on top were very different from the ones at the bottom,that was novel to me at that time. I was interested in the landscape itself and its spatial quality. Initially I thought I could study forestry. My uncle worked in University of Georgia at the time, and he suggested to me to look into landscape architecture. When I visited the school, people there were doing parks. I thought, yeah, I want to do this.
8~10 天津海河帶狀公園Haihe River Ribbon Park, Tianjin
LA: You have a ‘triangle theory’ about design: SITE, SUSTAINABILITY, and MEMORABILITY(Fig.1). It seems to be the basis for conceptual thinking in all your projects.What does this triangle mean to you? And why memorability is so important?
George: I’m always interested in the site.I thought there should be a site-specific quality in design. About sustainability, many people take it from an ecological point of view, but I also consider it from an economic point of view. I was very impressed by many old parks and gardens,specifically Hyde Park, and St James Park in London. However, considering people have spent fortunes to maintain them for hundreds of years, in this instance, sustainability means somebody has to pay and maintain it. Then it comes to memorability.When a park is memorable, it speaks to people.People take something from it. If you only make something ecologically sustainable but not memorable, and people take nothing more than the idea of sustainability, you failed. By making the site memorable, you attract people to want to sustain it.
LA: That’s true. Your works are highly memorable. People recognize them by sculptural landforms. What inspires these forms?
George: I started working with landforms in graduate school. At that time landscape architects often worked with geometries in plan. I was really trying to find another way to develop landscape.I was inspired by some historical landscapes and started doing projects that didn’t have any plans.All I had was landforms. One of the first projects I designed after graduate school was a 25hm2landfill with only a half million-dollar budget,meaning we could only do one thing there. You could either plant trees all over, or make it grassy.In the end, landform became a way to design large projects that didn’t have money.
LA: In that sense working with landforms was very innovative in 1980s. Is this also the point you began working with brownfields?
George: I was one of the first landscape architects who worked primarily with landforms. I was inspired by artists like Robert Smithson. The difference was that my works were meant to be interacted with as public space, while of the majority of contemporary landform artworks were built in desert, and meant to be looked at from outside.
To some extent, brown fields chose me at that point. In the beginning I had a very small office.While large landscape firms were doing gardens for developers, I had different clients. The people who came to us didn’t have a lot of money, and they had a problem. They had a garbage dump or land fill, and they thought we had creative solutions that didn’t necessarily cost a lot of money. So, in the scenario we found ourselves in, you just gotta do the best you can, right?
My approach is still a work in progress. It took me years realize that not every project is a landform project. I started working more with plants, etc. And at this point, I would say landform is an even aspect of our projects, balanced with a full repertoire of tools & design elements.
11、12 伊麗莎白女王奧林匹克公園,倫敦Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London
LA: You to mentioned that landforms are connected to natural processes. How does that work in your projects?
George: Well, I’m not an artist. I think a landform on its own it’s not a project. I started trying to marry landforms and natural process, to try and let landforms accentuate natural processes.In Candlestick Point Cultural Park, we tried to work with strong winds and tides in San Francisco Bay Area. Our landforms work with the visceral action of the wind. While walking through it, one can experience a range of exposures to wind—from strong winds through to being sheltered. We created inlets to let tides come in and out, exposing the vertical fluctuation of the tide, horizontally. The tides had,and will always there but now you can register these processes in ways that you couldn’t see before①(Fig. 2-4).
LA: Speaking of working with natural process, we can’t miss Ian McHarg’sDesign with Nature. It was published in 1969. In the 1980’s,the focus of the profession gradually shifted from static models to dynamic natural processes. How do you consider this transition?
George: To me,Design with Naturewas a book about development. He showed a layering system that uncovered where you could develop and where you couldn’t. It was still a rather static model. There is probably no natural connection between his book and working with natural processes in landscape design. I think the transition came out from the academic world. When people read and digested the book, it generated discussion about the possibilities of designing with natural processes. That was also where I came to the conversation, where I was trying to make landforms that expose natural process, and connect both the physical and ephemeral as part of a uni fied experience of landscape.
LA: And now we come to the ecology issue. There are many profound contemporary theories about ecological design such as landscape urbanism. However, there is a gap between theory and practice. When you visit large scale projects that embraced these theories in design in person, it might be hard to connect the space with its theoretical underpinning. What do you think?
George: I think landscape urbanism is very interesting, but the built examples I’ve seen don’t stand up. There is a project where the landscape architect planted a lot of trees on an abandoned airport and the idea was that development would take place gradually. However, when you go there now all the trees are gone, so I became suspicious about the idea that landscape can be an agent of change. Be it a large-scale project or not, there should be a certain experiential quality to it. A wetland or a forest itself is not a project, and they don’t necessarily drive development. And, here is where I returned back to the triangle. A project must be memorable. We’ve also done several large-scale projects creatively designing with natural processes, but within those same projects we also designed picnic areas and children’s playgrounds— these are elements that landscapes also need to have to engage the public (Fig. 5, 6).
Perhaps we haven’t found a proper way to work with theories like landscape urbanism. Bridging the gap between theory requires a lot of work.It’s easy to come up with an idea and make sketches, but it’s hard to downshift the idea into a built landscape. We are trying to bring these two together as much as we can in our work.
LA: Do you think the interest in working with natural processes is not because we need to, but because the outcome might require less effort to maintain if we follow what nature does?
13 海德公園,1833年Hyde Park, 1833
14 海德公園現(xiàn)狀衛(wèi)星鳥瞰Aerial view of Hyde Park nowadays
15 海德公園Hyde Park
16~18 斯坦福大學(xué)庭院Stanford University Science and Engineering Quad
George: Working with natural process doesn’t mean you need to follow them. Amsterdam Bos(Fig. 7) is a completely made landscape. People dug the canals for drainage and planted the forest. In this sense it could also be about harnessing natural processes for the ambition you have for the landscape.
LA: Dutch landscapes are naturally wet and flat. People there must work the land to make it livable. Is that maybe a cultural difference to working with natural process?
George: There is also a difference in geology.You can’t conceptualize the Amsterdam Bos in the context of the mountains in Switzerland. You need to look at the site. That’s why I have the triangle.Site, sustainability, memorability. To me, these 3 things really drive a successful project.
LA: You have projects worldwide, and they are all in different contexts and deal with different conditions. How do you start working in an unfamiliar environment? How do you get to know your site?
George: Most of our projects are public open spaces, so in that sense they have something in common. But building from that baseline similarity,we also educate ourselves about the specific context and culture. To me that’s an important aspect. When we started in Tanggu, Tianjin, I looked around to see how people typically use parks and open space. We found that they were using it in a way very different from westerners.You have a lot of open grasslands in western parks,and people picnic or lay on the grass. Chinese don’t do that. They promenade through landscapes. So,in Tanggu, we did very few open areas. We planted a lot of trees in rows, and let the pathways go through the trees. That’s a very different approach to our projects in the US (Fig. 8, 9).
LA: You’ve worked on brownfields in many places, do you think there is a difference between the issues in China and the issues elsewhere?
George: Actually, they are becoming very similar. What China has done in the last 30 years might take US 100 years to do the same. There are of course different types of brown fields. Like in Haihe it was dealing with highly saline-alkali soil (Fig. 10),and the London Olympic Park grounds remained as a filled, polluted, contaminated and bombed remnant landscape left from WWII (Fig. 11, 12). You first need to know what you are working with, and that’s the easy part. The hard part is, finding the idea. If you’ve got a wetland or a hill, you’ve already got something to work with. On a flat and degraded site there are little clues to work with. Here we come back to the SITE—where are you? The London project is different from Haihe project. That’s not because they are different types of brownfields, but because you are in a different culture, people have different ways of using landscape. And there are totally different objectives in the projects: London Olympic park became the largest park built in Europe in the 21st century; Haihe is more about shaping the waterfront to shape and encourage the development and the City behind it. Site matters.
You need to have a conceptual driver for all projects. In London, the driver was expanding the river to let people get down to it. As we figured that out, we came up with the idea of plateaus where you can really see the park from a distance.In Haihe, the idea was figuring out how to make a 1km long waterfront stay endure as an amenity for the first 10 to 15 years without people②.
LA: Do you revisit your projects after completion? When you do, have they worked out as you expected?
George: I always go back, especially if I’ve got a new project nearby.
Sometimes the clients who manage them have different ideas than what we had regarding management and maintenance. We had a riverfront project where we created inlets for water to come in and out, and the clients hate it. They said it doesn’t look good because the water brings garbage and other debris from up-river. We also had an untrimmed native meadow somewhere else on the site, and the client said it looked like weeds. In other instances, some of the program just didn’t work out, and/or people just don’t end up using it the way we thought.
I’m more into how to do the big landscapes—how to design a vessel for both natural processes,and human. If somebody wants a bigger playground or a concert area, that’s fine. Just like Hyde Park(Fig.13-15), it used to be a highly programmed park with 18th century attractions. But if you go there today the programs are all gone. What you still have is a beautiful framework of the landscape:the watercourses, the trees, etc. You don’t even notice what happened in history. If you look at my own work, I try to not get caught up in program as much as I can. Although, it’s very difficult in a public project. It’s hard to let people understand the overall idea when they care more about where the playground is located. That’s also important to some degree, but if you take 100 years, it’s not that important… The more robust the landscape that we can make, the more it will stand up to poor maintenance, bad detailing, and changing use needs,in order to endure the test of time.
LA: Building on that, you said it not possible to control all the details, it’s more important to control a framework for the overall landscape. What do you mean by that?
George: By that we came back to our old friends: water, gradient, drainage, plant materials,and the texture of the surfaces. To me that is what is really important. I always start with the landscapes, and think where the programs might go. Many people approach design opposite, it in an architect mindset where they first figure out the programs. I try to put it the other way. By working with basic elements, you make room for the possibilities of programs.
LA: What is your recent focus in your work?
George: We are doing more and more urban parks, and doing more and more smaller projects(Fig. 16-18). The garden in the Beijing Expo 2019 is a great example. Furthermore the newest book we recently published is calledLandscapes and Gardens—where its name represents our interest in addressing the importance of making landscapes simply as landscape.
LA: In your perspective, what is the trend in landscape architecture in the next decade?
George: I think there are many opportunities for future built landscape in urban areas that people have high hopes for. The younger generation of designers might discover, even if we have a beautiful theory, they don’t always materialize as a landscape we want go to, or similarly not as a landscape somebody wants to pay 1 million dollars to maintain.You need to have both a conceptual basis for the project, and also the theory behind it, before you can work it through. Think about what’s on the ground first, and work it back up to the theory. You may change the theory, and you can change the concept.That’s what I’m good at. If something doesn’t work,then we try some else. I don’t get stuck on any one thing we are doing. If it’s not working, there is a reason why it’s not working.
① The original sea shore of Candlestick Point Cultural Park was very steep. There was almost no gentle slope (Noted by ZHANG Boya)
② The park was built before the surrounding neighborhood(Noted by ZHANG Boya).
③ Fig. 1 ZHANG Boya redrew it according to Hargreaves’s lecture slides. Fig. 2-6, 8-12, 16-18 are provided by Hargreaves Associates; Fig. 7 Source: urbancaptures.com;Fig. 13 Source: Wikipedia; Fig. 14 Source: maps.google.com; Fig. 15 is photographed by ZHANG Boya.