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Encouragement to the Success of English Language Learning

2017-12-21 03:54:37高曉萍
成功 2017年8期


Encouragement to the Success of English Language Learning


銀川市高級(jí)中學(xué) 寧夏銀川 750001


Thelast two decadeshaveexperienced adistinct shift from structural teaching approachestolearner-centered approachesin teaching English language.English language learning is a hard task,which touchesnot only theproblemsof linguisticsbut also those of sociology.Asthe English languagelearners,they must undergo kinds of and series of psychological response.There must be alot of difficulties,problems,even conflictsin theprocessof learning.Only when they correctly handlethecontradictions,coordinatetherelationship,makegood useof thepositive elements and abandon the negative ones,they will get the best result.

Many researchers get the conclusion that encouragement and evaluations from the important people directly affect the student’s self-concept.So teachers need to treat students in especially positive ways and hold favorable expectations.This is particularly important in all grades.Several studies state well about the importance of what the teachers believe about students.Researchers have studied the function of encouragement in English language learning.

Thealmost unavoidableconclusion isthat theteacher’sattitudesand opinionsregarding hisstudentshavean importantinfluence on their successin school.

The teaching of English language focuses on the methods of teaching,many methods have poured into teaching and learning,but the efficiency of learning is improved slowly.People gradually realize teaching method is an external factor whilestudents’interior factorsplay an important role in improving students’achievement.In some cases,students cannot communicate with others well in English language because of thelanguagebarrier,which makesthem haveno differencewith a deaf and dumb,even the blind.At the moment they are faced with both mental and psychological pressure,even setbacks.Therefore,at the beginning of learning a English language,encouragement from othersis very important for learners.

Two、The Significanceof Encouragement

(one)Creating Loose Learning Atmospherefor Students

Encouragement can make students have loose learning atmosphere to learn English language.Generally,schools and homes are students’main learning atmosphere.The students’self-esteem depends on their experiences and the attitudes of surrounding people towards them.Thesepeople mainly include parents,teachers,classmates and friends,whose evaluations play avital important rolein students’self-imagine.Mostpeoplehavethiskind of experience:studentsfollow teachers’words in most cases.Even if parentshaverich knowledge,they arenot teachers in their eyes.In other words,teachers can not be replaced by any peoplein students’heart.Therefore,teachingmethodsand teachers’emotion are the main factorsof learning atmosphere.

Encouragement can train students’courage and confidence.Take me for an example,when I was in junior middle school Iwas weak in all subjects especially Physics.One day,I turned around theexerciseswhich themonitor handed out,some wordsshowed in thefront of my sight which was“working hard and you are a promising student.’’Iimmediately felt a stream of warmth full of my wholebody.Irealized that Iwascared about and Iwasfull of strength.From that moment,Iworked hard,feeling theteacher seeing mebehind.If Idid something,Icould do it successfully.Irealized the magic of encouragement.Ialwayssay to myself Iwill makethebest useof encouragement if Ibecome ateacher

Three、The Ways of Encouraging Students

If students find class deadly boring they will probably becomede-motivated,whereasif they haveconfidencein theclass they will find it motivating.Whether the students like the teacher or notmay bevery significant.Twoteachersusingthesame method can have vastly different results.Teachers have little things to do with the students'motivation because the students are from all sorts of families,and they livein different environments,and their purposesof learning a English languagearenot the same.However,we can do our best to sustain the students'motivation in classroom teaching.

It isnot difficult to find that simpleteaching methodsmake English language learning boring.Students do not want to take part in the classroom activities for the boring teaching.Favorable expectations and using rewards properly are effective methods to improvethe function of encouragement in English language learning.Many examples indicate that teachers’expectations influence students’achievements.Favorable expectation can makepeopleperform better.Besides,somerewardsare needed.Asaresult,thestudent trieshisor her best to overcome theproblems with favorable expectationsfrom teachers.

Also,favorable expectations and rewards can inspire students’motivation of success.It isoften said by peopleinvolved in language teaching that a student with strong motivation will succeed whatever thecircumstancesheisunder.?Thisfactleads us to think about the situation of English language learning in our schools nowadays.?We face at least forty or fifty students and teach them English every day.


[1]Brookerover,W.B,et al.Self Concept of Ability and School Achievement 11.East Lansing:Office of research and Publications,Michigan State University,1965.

[2]Brookerover,W.B,et al.Self Concept of Ability and School Achievement 111.East Lansing:Office of research and Publications,Michigan State University,1967.

[3]Gowan,J.C.Factorsof acheivement in hign school and college.J.Counslg.Phychol.1960:7:91-95.

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