My Take on a Painting about Zuijingge
By Li Benting
Zuijingge in Cicheng, Ningbo in eastern Zhejiang used to be famed for the books it housed. A few years ago, an ancient painting titled “Second Painting of Zuijingge” emerged out somewhere and somebody concluded that it was painted in 1838 and it was about Zuijingge owned by Feng Yunhao.
I dont think the painting depicts Fengs Zuijingge in Cicheng.
The painting first appeared in the auction catalogue of an auction house in Shanghai in December 2007, the auction serial number being 0557. The auction house said that Zuijingge mentioned in the painting was identified as Feng Yunhaos Zuijingge in Cicheng. The painting reappeared at auctions held in Hangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai respectively in 2009, 2010, and 2015.
The painting is composed of two parts. The first part is the title inscribed in the clerical script. The title reads Second Painting of Zuijingge, signed by someone named Zhu Weibi. The inscription reads that it was inscribed at the request of the eldest brother Shaofeng. The second part is the painting in the traditional style. In the upper left corner is a poem with a brief note by someone named Qian Du. The artist explains in the note that the painting was done at the request of the eldest brother Shaofeng for Zuijingge. Judging from the texts, one can conclude that the painting obviously depicts Zuijingge owned by Shaofeng. The date on the painting was 1838.endprint
Is Shaofeng Feng Yunhao in Cicheng? Zhang Jieren, a contemporary scholar who has conducted studies of the local history and culture of Cicheng, says that Feng Yunhao was the second of the four sons fathered by Feng Tianyou and that Feng Yunhaos library was called Zuijingge, but he was never known as Shaofeng. It can be definitely concluded that Feng Yunhao was not Shaofeng and that he had nothing to do with Shaofeng.
Then who was Shaofeng? In page 1373 of a comprehensive dictionary cataloguing over 40,000 collections of essays and poems by 19,700 scholars of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) compiled by Ke Yuchun (born in 1939), a four-volume Zuijingge Collection of Poetry by Cai Xigong is mentioned. The catalogue says that the collection is incomplete. In page 1122 of the 200th volume of the Complete Academic Works of Rong Geng (1894-1983), the author says that Cai Xigong, with a courtesy name Shaofeng, was a native of Shimeng, Zhejiang and that Cai wrote a study named .
Zhu Weibi (1770-1840) who inscribed on the painting was a native of Pinghu whereas Qian Du, a native of Hangzhou and the painter of the artwork, was born in 1764 and passed away in 1845. Feng Yunhao (1807-1855), the owner of Zuijingge Library in Cicheng, was much younger than Zhu Weibi and Qian Du. There is no evidence that the two had anything to do with Feng Yunhao and there was absolutely no reason why the two scholars, at least thirty years senior, would consider Feng Yunhao as an elder brother.endprint