(揚州大學江蘇省作物遺傳生理國家重點實驗室培育點/糧食作物現(xiàn)代產(chǎn)業(yè)技術協(xié)同創(chuàng)新中心,江蘇揚州 225009)
【目的】衛(wèi)星遙感具有覆蓋范圍廣、獲取速度快、信息量大、動態(tài)性強等優(yōu)勢,能夠及時準確地獲取作物產(chǎn)量信息,反映作物產(chǎn)量空間變化趨勢。遙感技術作物估產(chǎn)已成為現(xiàn)代農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)中研究熱點。通過改善遙感估產(chǎn)建模方法,以實現(xiàn)進一步提高大田作物遙感估產(chǎn)精度,為宏觀了解不同區(qū)域作物產(chǎn)量形成情況及變化趨勢提供直觀、可靠的參考?!痉椒ā空撐慕Y合2011—2012年江蘇省大豐、興化、姜堰、泰興、儀征5個縣區(qū)的定點觀測試驗,以國產(chǎn)衛(wèi)星產(chǎn)品HJ-1A/1B影像為遙感數(shù)據(jù),于小麥開花期開展大田定位觀測區(qū)衛(wèi)星遙感植被指數(shù)、關鍵生長指標與收獲期單產(chǎn)間的定量分析。通過對產(chǎn)量與小麥生長指標以及植被指數(shù)進行定量關系分析,進一步增強遙感反演的機理性和重演性。將衛(wèi)星遙感變量與小麥產(chǎn)量進行相關關系分析作為遙感估產(chǎn)的直接建模方法,間接建模方法則是選取與產(chǎn)量相關性較好的遙感變量以及與遙感變量相關性較好的主要苗情指標,利用篩選得到的敏感遙感變量,首先監(jiān)測對應的小麥生長指標,結合該小麥生長指標與產(chǎn)量間的定量關系,進而建立間接估產(chǎn)模型,利用此模型進行小麥遙感間接估產(chǎn)。利用直接和間接建模方法,以相關性最高為原則,篩選估算產(chǎn)量的敏感衛(wèi)星遙感變量。以2012年試驗數(shù)據(jù)為建模樣本,采用線性回歸分析方法,分析小麥開花期苗情指標、產(chǎn)量與衛(wèi)星遙感變量兩兩之間的相關性,分別構建以遙感植被指數(shù)為基礎的大田小麥估產(chǎn)模型,與地面實測結果一起建立模型共同分析。以2011年試驗數(shù)據(jù)為驗證樣本,選取評價指標擬合度(2)和均方根誤差(),對兩類模型的估算精度進行驗證和比較,以提高遙感反演的定量化水平和可信度?!窘Y果】分別以差值植被指數(shù)(difference vegetation index,DVI)和比值植被指數(shù)(ratio vegetation index,RVI)為基礎的單因子直接估產(chǎn)模型的均方根誤差(root mean square error,)為918 kg·hm-2和1 399.5 kg·hm-2,以DVI和RVI遙感變量構建雙變量估產(chǎn)模型的為1 036.5 kg·hm-2,以歸一化植被指數(shù)(normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI)和葉片氮積累量為基礎構建的間接估產(chǎn)模型的為805.5 kg·hm-2,說明開花期HJ-1A/1B影像估算小麥區(qū)域產(chǎn)量是可行的,且精度較高;經(jīng)比較,以NDVI和葉片氮積累量為基礎的間接估產(chǎn)模型精度明顯高于直接估產(chǎn)模型,相較于DVI直接估產(chǎn)模型降低了112.5 kg·hm-2,相較于RVI直接估產(chǎn)模型降低了594 kg·hm-2,相較于雙因子模型降低了231 kg·hm-2?!窘Y論】國產(chǎn)衛(wèi)星HJ-1A/B可以較好滿足估測小麥產(chǎn)量要求,且利用間接方法建立作物遙感估產(chǎn)模型要好于直接方法,研究結果為利用遙感技術更為準確估算大田小麥產(chǎn)量提供了一種新的途徑。
1.1 試驗設計及數(shù)據(jù)獲取
1.2 影像數(shù)據(jù)預處理
運用ENVI5.0即遙感影像處理系統(tǒng)功能模塊對采取的衛(wèi)星數(shù)據(jù)進行初步的處理,遙感影像預處理包括輻射定標、大氣校正、幾何精校正等方面,在獲取衛(wèi)星遙感影像后,先利用江蘇1﹕100 000地形圖來對它進行幾何粗校正,再根據(jù)利用天寶智能手持式GPS儀獲取每個樣本采集點的經(jīng)度、緯度和海拔等地理位置數(shù)據(jù)對其進行幾何精校正,同時要保證幾何精校正的誤差小于1個像元。最后可以根據(jù)地面定標的實測反射率數(shù)據(jù)與衛(wèi)星遙感影像原始波段亮度值,利用經(jīng)驗線性法進行大氣輻射校正[17]。
1.3 數(shù)據(jù)分析與利用
2.1 開花期小麥主要苗情指標間與產(chǎn)量間的相關性
表1 常用衛(wèi)星遙感植被指數(shù)
B1, B2, B3 and B4 denoted spectrum reflectance of HJ-1A/1B images at blue, green, red and near infrared bands, respectively. The same as below
表2 開花期主要苗情指標間及產(chǎn)量間的相關性(2012年,n=68)
*, significant at<0.05, **, significant at<0.01, n: Total samples number. The same as below
2.2 開花期小麥主要苗情指標與遙感變量間的相關性
2.3 開花期小麥遙感變量與成熟期產(chǎn)量間的相關性
表3 開花期主要苗情指標與遙感變量間的相關性(2012年,n=68)
表4 小麥產(chǎn)量與遙感變量間的相關性(2012年,n=68)
2.4 小麥產(chǎn)量直接估算模型建立
2.4.1 單因子估產(chǎn)模型
表5 產(chǎn)量估算單因子模型
圖1和圖2分別為以DVI和RVI為自變量建立的單因子直接估產(chǎn)模型可靠性檢驗,檢驗指標為2和。檢驗后發(fā)現(xiàn),由單因子直接估產(chǎn)模型得到的產(chǎn)量估測值與實測值間存在極顯著關系,DVI估算模型的2為0.495,為918 kg·hm-2;RVI估算模型的2為0.56,為1 399.5 kg·hm-2,說明可以利用DVI和RVI為基礎的單因子直接估產(chǎn)模型,于開花期直接估算小麥產(chǎn)量。進一步分析圖1和圖2發(fā)現(xiàn),若單產(chǎn)低于4 500 kg·hm-2, 選擇以DVI為基礎的單因子直接估產(chǎn)模型更為可靠;若單產(chǎn)高于4 500 kg·hm-2, 選擇以RVI為基礎的單因子直接估產(chǎn)模型更為可靠。
2.4.2 雙因子直接估產(chǎn)模型
表6 雙因子直接估產(chǎn)模型
2.5 小麥產(chǎn)量間接估算模型建立
表7 間接估產(chǎn)模型
為體現(xiàn)間接估產(chǎn)模型的可靠性,需要對估產(chǎn)模型進行可靠性檢驗,通過利用2011年試驗得到的產(chǎn)量實測值和利用間接估產(chǎn)模型推算的估算值進行定量分析,采用進行模型可靠性檢驗(圖4)。檢驗后發(fā)現(xiàn),利用間接估產(chǎn)模型推得的產(chǎn)量估算值與實測值間為極顯著相關,且2和均比較理想,值為805.5 kg·hm-2。說明在小麥開花期結合室內葉片氮積累量測定,采用間接估產(chǎn)模型估算小麥產(chǎn)量比直接估產(chǎn)模型更為準確。
圖4 產(chǎn)量間接估算模型可靠性檢驗
分別以DVI和RVI為基礎的單因子直接估產(chǎn)模型的為918 kg·hm-2和1 399.5kg·hm-2,以DVI和RVI遙感變量構建的雙變量估產(chǎn)模型的為1 036.5 kg·hm-2,以NDVI和葉片氮積累量為基礎構建的間接估產(chǎn)模型的為805.5 kg·hm-2,經(jīng)對比分析表明,利用小麥開花期的HJ-1A/1B影像提取敏感遙感變量估算收獲期小麥產(chǎn)量是可行的,但以NDVI和葉片氮積累量為基礎的間接估算模型的估算精度更為準確,比DVI直接估產(chǎn)模型降低了112.5 kg·hm-2,比RVI直接估產(chǎn)模型降低了594 kg·hm-2,比雙因子模型降低了231 kg·hm-2。
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(責任編輯 楊鑫浩)
Comparison of the Methods for Predicting Wheat Yield Based on Satellite Remote Sensing Data at Anthesis
TAN ChangWei, DU Ying, TONG Lu, ZHOU Jian, LUO Ming, YAN WeiWei, CHEN Fei
(Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology, Yangzhou University/Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu)
【Objective】With the advantages of wide coverage, high speed, large amount of information and strong dynamics, satellite remote sensing technology can obtain crop yield timely and accurately, reflect the spatial change trend of field crop yield. The remote sensing technology has become a hot research topic in agricultural production to estimate crop yield. Through improving the method of establishing remote sensing estimation yield models, this research aims to make further efforts to improve the accuracy of predicting crop yield and provide an intuitive and reliable reference for the macro understanding of crop yield formation and changes in different regions.【Method】In this paper, based on experimental data obtained from 2011-2012 in the fixed-point observation experiment in 5 counties of Jiangsu province (Dafeng, Xinghua, Jiangyan, Taixing, Yizheng), remote sensing data of HJ-1A/1B satellite images were used to analyze the quantitative correlations between the remote sensing vegetation index, key growth index and wheat yield per unit area at anthesis in order to further enhance the mechanism and reproducibility of remote sensing inversion models. The direct model building method was used to analyze the correlation between satellite remote sensing variables and wheat yield directly. While the indirect model building methods needed to choose remote sensing variables which closely related with yield, and choose growth indices which closely related with the remote sensing variables. Firstly, the corresponding wheat growth indices were monitored by using the sensitive remote sensing variables. Then, the indirect estimation model could be established and worked for the indirect remote sensing estimation in wheat yield. Based on the remote sensing vegetation index and the highest relationship, sensitive remote sensing variables were selected to estimate wheat yield, and the wheat yield estimation model, which was built and analyzed with ground measuring results in 2012, was analyzed with the linear regression analysis method and established by using direct and indirect model building methods. Based on the evaluation indexes:Rand, the accuracy of the two models was validated and compared using the observed data in 2011 in order to increase the quantitative level and reliability of remote sensing inversion models.【Result】Single factor models based on difference vegetation index (DVI) or ratio vegetation index (RVI) extracted from HJ-1A/1B image could predict the yield directly with root mean square error () of 918 kg·hm-2and 1 399.5 kg·hm-2. A two-factor model based on DVI and RVI could predict the yield directly withof 1 036.5 kg·hm-2. Theof the indirect yield model based on normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and leaf nitrogen accumulation was 805.5 kg·hm-2. It was concluded that the HJ-1A/1B image at flowering stage was feasible and the precision was high. The accuracy of the indirect yield estimation model based on NDVI and leaf nitrogen accumulation was significantly higher than that of the direct estimation model. Thedecreased by 112.5 kg·hm-2, 594 kg·hm-2and 231 kg·hm-2with the comparison of DVI direct estimation model, RVI direct estimation model and two-factor model, respectively. 【Conclusion】It was confirmed that HJ-1A/B, the satellite made in China, can meet the requirement of wheat yield estimation. Compared to the direct method, it is more feasible to predict field crop yield through remote sensing model based on the indirect method. The results provide a new way to accurately estimate field wheat yield using remote sensing technology.
wheat; HJ-1A/1B; anthesis; yield; prediction models