1. 黨性修養(yǎng)
(1)抓好黨性教育strengthen education in the code of conduct of the Party
(2)加強黨性修養(yǎng)live up to the Party’s standards
(3)把黨性修養(yǎng)正一正renew our faith in the Party
2. 精神
(1)積淀著中華民族最深層的精神追求,代表著中華民族獨特的精神標識。我們要弘揚社會主義核心價值觀,弘揚以愛國主義為核心的民族精神和以改革創(chuàng)新為核心的時代精神,不斷增強全黨全國各族人民的精神力量。It embodies the deep and abiding aspirations of the Chinese nation, and represents the unique cultural identity of the Chinese people. We should foster the core values of Chinese socialism, uphold the national spirit featuring patriotism, follow the call of the times, namely, reform and innovation, and steadily advance the inner strength of the Party and the people of all ethnic groups.
(2)弘揚憲法精神uphold the Constitution
3. 有色眼鏡look at China through a tinted/distorted lens
4.“五位一體”的總體布局China’s fi ve pronged strategy for building socialism with Chinese characteristics, that is, to promote coordinated progress in economic, political, cultural, social and ecological areas
5. “明鏡所以照形,古事所以知今?!盠ooking at the mirror, we learn about ourselves; re fl ecting on the past, we learn about the future.
6. “志不立,天下無可成之事?!盬ithout resolve, one can accomplish nothing.
7. “得眾則得國,失眾則失國?!盬in popular support, and you will win the country; lose it, and you will lose the country.
8. “功以才成,業(yè)由才廣。”Success can be achieved only by capable people.
9. 中國人民不信邪也不怕邪,不惹事也不怕事。 Saber rattling cannot scare us Chinese. We do not want to make trouble, but when confronted by it, we will not back away. □