Shih-sen CHANG(張石生)
Center for General Education,China Medical University,Taichung 40402,China
Lin WANG(王林)
College of Statistics and Mathematics,Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, Kunming 650221,China
Lijuan QIN(秦麗娟?)
Department of Mathematics,Kunming University,Kunming 650214,China
Zhaoli MA(馬招麗)
School of Information Engineering,College of Arts and Science Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650222,China
Shih-sen CHANG(張石生)?
Center for General Education,China Medical University,Taichung 40402,China
Lin WANG(王林)
College of Statistics and Mathematics,Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, Kunming 650221,China
Lijuan QIN(秦麗娟?)
Department of Mathematics,Kunming University,Kunming 650214,China
Zhaoli MA(馬招麗)
School of Information Engineering,College of Arts and Science Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650222,China
The purpose of this paper is to introduce and study the split equality variational inclusion problems in the setting of Banach spaces.For solving this kind of problems,some new iterative algorithms are proposed.Under suitable conditions,some strong convergence theorems for the sequences generated by the proposed algorithm are proved.As applications, we shall utilize the results presented in the paper to study the split equality feasibility problems in Banach spaces and the split equality equilibrium problem in Banach spaces.The results presented in the paper are new.
the split equality variational inclusion problem in Banach space;split feasibility problem in Banach space;split equilibrium problem in Banach spaces
2010 MR Subject Classifcation47J25;47H09;65K10
Let C and Q be nonempty closed and convex subsets of real Hilbert spaces H1and H2, respectively.The split feasibility problem(SFP)is formulated aswhere A:H1→ H2is a bounded linear operator.In 1994,Censor and Elfving[1]frst introduced the(SFP)in fnite-dimensional Hilbert spaces for modeling inverse problems which arise from phase retrievals and in medical image reconstruction[2].It was found that the (SFP)can also be used in various disciplines such as image restoration,computer tomograph and radiation therapy treatment planning[3–5].The(SFP)in an infnite dimensional real Hilbert space can be found in[2,4,6–10].
Recently,Moudaf[11–13]introduced the following split equality feasibility problem(SEFP):
where A:H1→H3and B:H2→H3are two bounded linear operators.Obviously,if B=I (identity mapping on H2)and H3=H2,then(1.2)reduces to(1.1).The kind of split equality feasibility problems(1.2)allows asymmetric and partial relations between the variables x and y. The interest is to cover many situations,such as decomposition methods for PDEs,applications in game theory and intensity-modulated radiation therapy.
In order to solve split equality feasibility problem(1.2),Moudaf[11]introduced the following simultaneous iterative method
and under suitable conditions he proved the weak convergence of the sequence{(xn,yn)}to a solution of(1.2)in Hilbert spaces.
Attempt to introduce and consider the split feasibility problem and split common null point problem in the setting of Banach spaces have recently been made.In 2015,Takahashi [14]frst introduced and considered such problems in Banach spaces.By using hybrid methods and Halpern’s type methods and under suitable conditions some strong and weak convergence theorems for such problems are proved in Banach spaces.The results presented in[14]seem to be the frst outside Hilbert space.
Motivated by the above works and related literatures,the purpose of this paper is to introduce and study the following split equality variational inclusion problems in the setting of Banach spaces.
Let H1and H2be two real Hilbert spaces and F be a real Banach space.Let A:H1→F,B:H2→F be two bounded linear operators and A?and B?be the adjoint mappings of A and B,respectively.In the sequel we always denote by F(K)the fxed point set of a mapping K.Let Ui:Hi→2Hi,i=1,2 be a maximal monotone mapping.The resolvent of Uiis defned by
The“so-called”split equality variational inclusion problems in Banach spaces(SEVIP)is to fnd
In the sequel,we always denote bythe solution set of(SEVIP)(1.4).
Next we give some examples of(SEVIP)(1.4).
Example 1.1Split equality feasibility problem in Banach spaces.
Let H1,H2be two real Hilbert spaces and F be a real Banach space.Let C?H1and Q?H2be two nonempty closed convex subsets and A:H1→F,B:H2→F be two bounded linear operators.The“so-called”“split equality feasibility problem in Banach space”(SEFP) is to fnd
Let iCand iQbe the indicator function of C and Q,respectively,i.e.,
Denote by NC(x)and NQ(y)the normal cone of C and Q at x and y,respectively,
Hence we have
where PCis the metric projection from H1onto C.This implies thatfor any β>0. Similarly,we also havefor any β>0.Therefore the(SEFP) (1.5)is equivalent to the following split equality variational inclusion problem in Banach space, i.e.,to fnd x?∈H1,and y?∈H2such that
Example 1.2Split equality equilibrium problem in Banach space.
Let D be a nonempty closed and convex subset of a real Hilbert space H.A bifunction g:D×D→(?∞,+∞)is said to be a equilibrium function,if it satisfes the following conditions
(A1)g(x,x)=0 for all x∈D;
(A2)g is monotone,i.e.,g(x,y)+g(y,x)≤0 for all x,y∈D;
(A3)limsupt↓0g(tz+(1?t)x,y)≤g(x,y)for all x,y,z∈D;
(A4)for each x∈D,y 7→g(x,y)is convex and lower semi-continuous.
The“so-called”equilibrium problem with respective to the equilibrium function g is
Its solution set is denoted by EP(g).
For given λ>0 and x∈H,the resolvent of the equilibrium function g is the operator Rλ,g:H→D defned by
Proposition 1.3(see[15]) The resolvent operator Rλ,gof the equilibrium function g has the following properties:
(1)Rλ,gis single-valued;
(2)F(Rλ,g)=EP(g)and EP(g)is a nonempty closed and convex subset of D;
(3)Rλ,gis a frmly nonexpansive mapping.
Let h,g:D×D→(?∞,+∞)be two equilibrium functions and F be a real Banach space. For given λ>0,let Rλ,hand Rλ,gbe the resolvent of h and g(defned by(1.8)),respectively.
The”so-called”split equality equilibrium problem in Banach space with respect to h,g,D and F is to fnd x?∈D,y?∈D such that
where A,B:D→F are two linear and bounded operators.
By Proposition 1.3,the split equality equilibrium problem in Banach space(1.9)is equivalent to fnd x?∈D,y?∈D such that for each λ>0,
Letting C=F(Rλh),Q=F(Rλg),by Proposition 1.1,C and Q both are nonempty closed and convex subset of D.Hence problem(1.9)is equivalent to the following split equality feasibility problem
By using Example 1.1,we know that problem(1.10)is equivalent to the following split equality variational inclusion problem in Banach space
For solving(SEVIP)(1.4),in Section 2,we propose a new type iterative algorithm.Under suitable conditions some strong convergence theorems for the sequences generated by the algorithm to approximate a solution of(SEVIP)(1.4)are proved.As an application,we shall utilize our results to study the split equality feasibility problem and the split equality equilibrium problem in Banach spaces.The results presented in the paper are new which extend and improve the corresponding results announced by Censor et al.[1,3–5,16],Moudafet al.[11–13],Eslamian and Latif[17],Chen et al.[18],Chuang[19],Chang,Wang[20],Chang, Agarwai[21]and Chang et al.[22],Naraghirad[23],Tang,China,Liu[24].
Throughout this section we always assume that
1.F is a real smooth Banach space and JFis the duality mapping of F defned by
2.H1,H2are two real Hilbert spaces;
3.A:H1→F,B:H2→F are two bounded linear operators and A?:F?→H1and B?:F?→H2are the adjoint mappings of A and B,respectively;
4. Ui:Hi→2Hi,i=1,2 is a maximal monotone mapping.The resolventof Uiis defned by:
It is easy to know that if Ui:Hi→2Hi,i=1,2 is a maximal monotone mapping,then the resolventof Uiis nonexpansive andwhereis the set of zero points of Uiandis the the set of fxed points of
We are now in a position to give the following main result.
Theorem 2.1Letand A,B,A?,B?be the same as above.Denote by C1=H1,Q1=H2.For given x1∈C1and y1∈Q1,let the iterative sequence{xn}and{yn}be generated by
then the sequence{(xn,yn)}converges strongly to some point(x?,y?)∈?,where||A||(resp. ||B||)is the norm of the operator A(resp.B),therefore||A||=||A?||and||B||=||B?||.
Proof(I)First we prove that for each n≥1,??Cn×Qn.
In fact,for any(p,q)∈? we haveHence(p,q)∈C1×Q1.If for some n≥2,(p,q)∈Cn×Qn,next we prove that(p,q)∈Cn+1×Qn+1.In fact,from(2.1)we have
Similarly,we can also prove that
Add up(2.3)and(2.4).After simplifying and noting Ap=Bq,we have
This implies that(p,q)∈Cn+1×Qn+1and so ??Cn×Qn,?n≥1.
(II)Now we prove that{xn}and{yn}is a Cauchy sequence in H1and H2,respectively.
Indeed,by the defnition of Cnand Qn,n≥1,it is easy to know that all of them are nonempty closed and convex subsets.Therefore the sequences{xn}and{xn}are well defned.
we have
This implies that{xn}and{yn}are bounded.
Furthermore,it follows from(2.1)that
Therefore{||xn?x1||}and{||yn?y1||}are convergence sequences.For any positive integers n,m≥1,since xm=PCmx1,by the property of projection operator,we have
Therefore we have
This shows that{xn}is a Cauchy sequence in H1.By the same way we can also prove that {yn}is a Cauchy sequences in H2.Without loss of generality,we can assume that xn→x?and yn→y?.
(III)Now we prove that(x?,y?)∈?.
In fact,since(xn+1,yn+1)∈Cn+1×Qn+1,it follows from(2.1)that
Therefore we have un→x?and vn→y?.Furthermore,it follows from(2.5)that
By virtue of condition(2.2),we have
It follows from(2.7)and(2.8)that
In this section we shall utilize Theorem 2.1 to study the split equality feasibility problems in Banach spaces
Let H1,H2be two real Hilbert spaces and F be a real Banach space.Let C?H1and Q?H2be two nonempty closed convex subsets and A:H1→F,B:H2→F be two bounded linear operators and A?and B?be the adjoint operators of A and B,respectively.As pointed out in Section 1,Example 1.1,that the“so-called”“split equality feasibility problem in Banach space”(SEFP)is to fnd
which is equivalent to the following split equality variational inclusion problem in Banach space, i.e.,to fnd
Therefore from Theorem 2.1 we can obtain the following.
Theorem 3.1Let H1,H2,F,C,Q,A,B be the same as above.Let A?and B?be the adjoint operators of A and B respectively.Denote by C1=C,Q1=Q.For given x1∈C1andy1∈Q1,let the iterative sequence{xn}and{yn}be generated by
If the solution set ?1:={(p,q)∈C×Q,Ap=Bq}of(SEVIP)(3.1)is nonempty and the following condition is satisfed
then the sequence{(xn,yn)}converges strongly to some point(x?,y?)∈?1.
In this section we shall utilize Theorem 2.1 to study the split equality equilibrium problems in Banach spaces.
Let H1,H2be two real Hilbert spaces,and F be a real Banach space.Let h:H1×H1→R and g:H2×H2→R be two equilibrium functions.Let A:H1→F and B:H2→F be two bounded linear operators with adjoint operator A?and B?,respectively.For given λ>0,let Rλ,h,and Rλ,gbe the resolvents of h and g(defned by(1.8)),respectively.
As pointed out in Section 1,Example 1.2,that the split equality equilibrium problem with respective to h,g in Banach space is to fnd x?∈H1,y?∈H2such that
which is equivalent
Letting C=F(Rλh),Q=F(Rλg),by Proposition 1.3,C and Q are nonempty closed and convex subset of H1and H2,respectively.Hence problem(4.2)is equivalent to the following split equality feasibility problem in Banach space
By using Example 1.1 in Section 1,we know that problem(4.3)is equivalent to the following split equality variational inclusion problem in Banach space
Hence the following result can be obtained from Theorem 2.1 immediately.
Theorem 4.1Let H1,H2,F,C,Q,h,g,A,B,A?,B?,,RλhRλgbe the same as above.Denote by C1=C,Q1=Q.For given x1∈C1and y1∈Q1,let the iterative sequence{xn}and{yn}be generated by
If the solution set ?2:={(p,q)∈C×Q,Ap=Bq}of(SEVIP)(4.3)is nonempty and the following condition is satisfed
then the sequence{xn,yn}converges strongly to some point(x?,y?)∈?2.
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?Received July 17,2015;revised April 18,2016.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11361070)and the Natural Science Foundation of China Medical University,Taiwan.
?Corresponding authors:Shih-sen CHANG.
Acta Mathematica Scientia(English Series)2016年6期