Marine Structural Analysis and Design
王迎光 編
The material in this book has been continuously developed since the author started to teachModernShipStructuralDesignin the Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in2004. The subject of marine structural analysis and design is so broad that it is not possible to incorporate every aspect of this subject into one textbook. No attempt has been made to make the presentation complete in this book. However, the topics included in the book have been made as complete as possible so that they can be studied in their entirety without reference to other works. Most of the basic ideas of the subjects covered have been included. The book is intended to have at least two applications. It is expected that the book may be used as a textbook in both the undergraduate and graduate studies for students majoring in the area of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering. On the other hand, the final results including handy tables and illustrations, may be referenced directly without going through detailed derivation. Therefore, the book should also be useful to the marine structural engineers and naval architects, as well as civil engineers and mechanical engineers who work on structural design.
Chapter1Introduction to marine structural design
Chapter2Marine structural design fundamentals
Chapter3Loads and loads combinations
Chapter4Marine structural initial design
Chapter5Marine structural design analysis
Chapter6Marine structural design optimization