敖榮廣 禹寶慶 姜新華 葉秀章 施繼飛 許大峰
敖榮廣 禹寶慶 姜新華 葉秀章 施繼飛 許大峰
目的 探討低切跡解剖鎖定鋼板治療成人鎖骨中段骨折的臨床療效。 方法 上海市浦東醫(yī)院骨科于2012年1月至2013年12月采用低切跡解剖鎖定鋼板治療38例成人鎖骨中段骨折,其中36例獲得完整隨訪資料,男性20例,女性16例;年齡18~60歲,平均38.0歲。結(jié)果 36例患者術(shù)后獲12~16個月隨訪, 平均14.5個月,手術(shù)時間35~65 min,平均45 min,術(shù)中出血量25~55 ml,平均35 ml。所有患者切口均一期愈合,未出現(xiàn)傷口感染、血管神經(jīng)損傷及內(nèi)固定松動或斷裂,5例患者出現(xiàn)鋼板頂住皮膚引起的不適(占13.9%)?;颊邔χ委熃Y(jié)果的滿意度:完全滿意33例,部分滿意2例,不滿意1例,滿意率高達91.7%。末次隨訪時肩關(guān)節(jié)Constant評分平均92分(80~94.5分),其中優(yōu)14例,良1例;DASH評分平均5.5分(1.5~10.0分)。 結(jié)論 低切跡解剖鎖定鋼板治療明顯移位的鎖骨中段骨折不僅可以達到良好復位,穩(wěn)定內(nèi)固定,而且降低了與內(nèi)固定相關(guān)并發(fā)癥的發(fā)生,是鎖骨中段骨折手術(shù)治療的新選擇。
本組患者36例,男性20例,女性16例;年齡18~60歲,平均38.0歲。致傷原因:交通傷9例,摩托車跌傷8例,自行車跌傷8例,運動跌傷6例,其他傷5例。按美國創(chuàng)傷骨科委員會(orthopeadic trauma association,OTA)制訂的標準分類:A型8例,B型4例,C型16例。所有患者均在傷后1周內(nèi)行切開復位低切跡解剖鎖定鋼板內(nèi)固定術(shù)。
病例納入標準:(1)明顯移位的鎖骨中段骨折,短縮>2 cm;(2)有明顯成角畸形且有刺破皮膚風險。排除標準:(1)移位<2 cm;(2)無刺破皮膚風險;(3)合并其他部位骨折;(4)鎖骨病理性骨折。
患者在全麻或臂叢加頸叢神經(jīng)阻滯麻醉下,取沙灘椅位。以骨折端為中心,于鎖骨前上方作10~12 cm長切口,逐層切開皮膚及皮下組織,注意保護鎖骨上神經(jīng)分支,暴露骨折端,清除骨折端積血,剝離部分骨膜,用鉗子分別夾住兩側(cè)鎖骨干部進行復位。對于A型骨折,爭取解剖復位,如果骨折呈螺旋形或長斜形,復位后可用克氏針臨時固定,然后采用低切跡解剖鎖定鋼板置于鎖骨前上方固定(圖1)。對于B型骨折,亦爭取解剖復位,采用拉力螺釘將蝶形骨塊與一側(cè)骨干進行復位固定,將其變成A型骨折,然后采用低切跡解剖鎖定鋼板置于鎖骨前上方固定(圖2)。對于C型骨折,不強求解剖復位,關(guān)鍵是糾正短縮及旋轉(zhuǎn)移位,較大的骨塊可用拉力螺釘固定,無法固定的骨塊采用可吸收線捆扎固定。術(shù)中注意保護骨塊的血運,鋼板每端至少采用3枚螺釘6層皮質(zhì)固定。
圖1 患者,男性,21歲,摔傷導致左側(cè)鎖骨中段骨折,OTA-A型骨折,采用低切跡解剖鎖定鋼板固定,鋼板外側(cè)與鎖骨表面不貼服,鋼板頂住皮膚引使患者不適
圖2 患者,男性,48歲,摔傷導致右側(cè)鎖骨中段骨折,OTA-B型骨折,采用低切跡解剖鎖定鋼板固定
(1)手術(shù)時間和術(shù)中出血量;(2)患者對治療的滿意度;(3)并發(fā)癥的發(fā)生情況,包括傷口感染、血管神經(jīng)損傷及內(nèi)固定物相關(guān)并發(fā)癥(內(nèi)固定斷裂和內(nèi)固定激惹皮膚);(4)肩關(guān)節(jié)功能Constant評分和臂、肩、手功能障礙(disabilites of the arm, shoulder, and hand, DASH)評分。
36例患者術(shù)后獲12~16個月(平均14.5個月)隨訪,2例患者失訪。手術(shù)時間35~65 min,平均45 min,術(shù)中出血量25~55 ml,平均35 ml。所有患者切口均一期愈合,未出現(xiàn)傷口感染及血管神經(jīng)損傷,未內(nèi)固定松動物或斷裂,5例患者出現(xiàn)鋼板頂住皮膚引起的不適(占13.9%),其中1例為鋼板近端與鎖骨不貼服引起,4例為鋼板遠端與鎖骨不貼服引起?;颊邔χ委熃Y(jié)果的滿意度:完全滿意33例,部分滿意2例,不滿意1例,滿意率高達91.7%。部分滿意的原因是疤痕比較明顯,影響美觀;不滿意的原因是鋼板頂住皮膚引起不適,影響日常生活。末次隨訪時肩關(guān)節(jié)Constant評分平均為92分(80~94.5分),其中優(yōu)14例,良1例;DASH評分平均為5.5分(1.5~10.0分)。
鎖骨骨折臨床上十分常見,約占成人骨折的2.6%~4.0%,肩胛帶損傷的35%,其中約有80%發(fā)生在鎖骨中段[5]。傳統(tǒng)觀點認為,即使是明顯移位的中段骨折,也可采用保守治療。Neer[6]報道保守治療2 235例鎖骨中段骨折,僅3例(0.1%)發(fā)生骨不愈合,而行切開復位內(nèi)固定的45例患者中有2例(4.6%)發(fā)生骨不愈合,該結(jié)果為保守治療鎖骨中段骨折提供了理論依據(jù)。然而Neer報道的患者中,包括部分兒童和移位不大的鎖骨骨折,而這些類型骨折保守治療均有較好的功能結(jié)果。文獻報道鎖骨中段移位性骨折經(jīng)保守治療后骨不愈合發(fā)生率為15%[7-8];患者對最終治療結(jié)果的不滿意率達31%,其中包括有癥狀的畸形愈合。以往大多認為鎖骨骨折畸形愈合僅僅是一種影像學的表現(xiàn),不需要手術(shù)矯正;目前很多學者認為畸形愈合不僅存在影像學表現(xiàn),而且與遠期臨床表現(xiàn)密切相關(guān)[9]。McKee等[9]認為,保守治療多年后出現(xiàn)的一些癥狀,如肩部疼痛、乏力、易疲勞等均因骨折畸形愈合所致。
低切跡解剖鎖定鋼板可以很好地解決上述問題,該類型鋼板依據(jù)骨骼的解剖形態(tài)設(shè)計,具有鎖定鋼板的優(yōu)點。一項200例尸體標本的研究表明,絕大多數(shù)的鎖骨解剖鋼板能夠與鎖骨上方解剖形態(tài)匹配[13],因此術(shù)中大多不用塑形,可以節(jié)省手術(shù)時間,減少感染發(fā)生,降低鋼板因折彎出現(xiàn)疲勞斷裂風險,同時該類型鋼板具有邊緣斜面設(shè)計,可以降低對局部皮膚的激惹,減少鋼板頂住皮膚引起的不適。同其他非解剖的3.5 mm鎖骨鋼板相比,生物力學研究顯示[14],兩者在軸向拉力、壓縮及扭轉(zhuǎn)性能方面無明顯差異。
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敖榮廣,禹寶慶,姜新華,等.低切跡解剖鎖定鋼板治療成人鎖骨中段骨折的臨床療效[J/CD]. 中華肩肘外科電子雜志,2015,3(3):141-145.
Analysis on the clinical curative effects of low-profile locking anatomic plate therapy on the middle clavicular fracture of adult
Background Middle clavicular fracture is a clinically common fracture, and there are still disputes over its operation indications. According to literature reports over recent years, in comparison with conservative treatment, operative treatment on middle clavicular fracture with obvious fracture displacement has lower complications (including symptomatic malunion and bone ununion), faster functional rehabilitation and functional result. However, there are some disputes over the selection of internal fixators during operation. In particular, since the patients have higher requirments for appearance and functions, the occurrence rate of internal fixator relevant complications has been gradually rising. However, theoretically, the clinical curative effects of low-profile locking anatomic plate can avoid the traditional clavicular plate related complications to certain extent. During the period from January 2012 to December 12, our department adopted ow-profile locking anatomic plate in the treatment of 38 adult cases of middle clavicular fracture, obtained integral follow-up data of 36 cases and achieved good curative effects. The specific conditions are hereby reported as follows.Method I. General materials:This groups includes totaled 36 cases(20 male cases and 16 female cases); they are aged 18-60, with an average age of 38.0 years. Injury causes: traffic injury 9 cases, motorcycle falling injury 8 cases, bicycle falling injury 8 cases, exercise falling injury 6 cases and other injury 5 cases. Classification by the standard established by US Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA): 8 cases of A type, 4 cases of B type and 16 cases of C type; All the patients
open reduction and internal fixation with low-profile locking anatomic plate in a week after injury. Case inclusion criteria: (1) Middle clavicular fracture with obvious displacement, with shortening >2 cm; has obvious angulation deformity and risk of piercing skin. Case exclusion criteria: (1) Displacement of less than 2 cm; (2) Without risk of piercing skin; (3) Complicated with fractured on other sites; (4) Clavicular pathologic fracture. II. Operative method:Under general anesthesia or brachial plexus combined cervical plexus nerve block anaesthesia, allow the patient to lie on beach chair position; with the fracture end as the center, make incision in length of 10-12 cm at the anterior-superior clavicular, cut open skin and subcutaneous tissues layer by layer, pay attention to the protection of supraclavicular nerve branches, expose the fracture end, remove the aemorrhage at fracture end, strip partial periosteum, and use tongs to respectively clamp the clavicular diaphysis on both sides for fracture reduction. For Type A fracture, try for anatomical reduction. If the fracture presents spiral or long oblique, after reduction use Kirschner wires for temporary fixation and place low-profile locking anatomic plate on the anterior superior clavicular for fixation. For type B fracture, also try for anatomical reduction, adopt lag screws to perform reduction and fixation of butterfly bone blocks with diaphysis on other side, turn it into type A fracture, then place low-profile locking anatomic plate at anterior superior clavicular for fixation. For type C fracture, not try for anatomical reduction, and key measure is to correct shortening and rotation displacement; bigger bone blocks can be fixed by means of lag screws. The bone blocks which cannot be fixed through lag screws can be tied and fixed through absorbable wires. During the operation, pay attention to protecting the blood supply for bone blocks, and adopt at least 3 screws at each end of plate for 6-layer cortex fixation.III. Postoperative treatment:Upon completion of operation, use a piece of triangle bandage to suspend and brake affected shoulder for 4-6 weeks, encourage the patient to perform active functional exercise of elbow joint and perform pendulum exercise of shoulder joint; 3 weeks later, start passive functional exercise of shoulder joint, and gradually perform active functional exercise of shoulder joint and enhance strength training. IV. Evaluation criteria for curative effects: (1)Operation time and intraoperatve blood loss; (2) Patient satisfaction to treatment; (3) Occurrence of complications, including wound infection, vascular nerve injury and internal fixator related complications (internal fixation fracture and skin irritation by internal fixation); (4) Shoulder joint function Constant scoring as well as scoring of disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand, DASH.Results 36 cases received postoperative follow-up for 12-16 months (14.5 months on average), and 2 cases lost follow-up. The operation time is 35-65 min, with average time being 45 min; the intraoperatve blood loss is 25-55 ml, with average value of 35 ml. All the incisions are healed at phase I, without occurrence of wound infection and vascular nerve injury, without internal fixation loosening or fracture; 5 cases have discomfort caused by plate pressing aginst skin (accounting for 13.9%), in which 3 cases are caused by proximal end of plate not fitting with clavicular, and 2 cases are caused by distal end of plate not fitting with clavicular. The degree of satisfaction of the patients to treatment: 33 cases are completely satisfied with the therapy result, 2 cases are partially satisfied and 1 case is not satisfied, with satisfaction rate as high as 91.7%. The reason for partial satisfactory is that the scar is relatively obvious and may affect esthetic appearance; the cause for dissatisfaction is that the steel plate presses aginst skin, thus causing discomfort and affecting daily life. In final follow-up, Constant score of shoulder joint is 92 points on average(80-94.5 points), including 14 cases with excellent score and 1 case with good score; DASH score is 5.5 points on average(1.5-10.0 points).Conclusion Low-profile locking anatomic plate therapy of middle clavicular fracture with obvious displacement can not only achieve good fracture reduction and stable internal fixation, but also reduce the occurrence of internal fixation related complications. Therefore it is a new option for operative treatment of middle clavicular fracture.
Anatomic locking plate;Clavicular;Fracture;Internal fixation
201200上海市浦東醫(yī)院 復旦大學附屬浦東醫(yī)院骨科