Thomas Burch
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Many would agree horses are beautiful creatures. No wonder so many films have been made featuring horses and often their bonds with humans. Some of them not only were box of fice hits, but also won critical acclaim and became favorites of movie buffs.1. box of fice hit: 賣座電影,票房熱門電影;movie buff: 影迷。
Seabiscuitis a 2003 American biographical sports drama film based on the best-selling non- fiction bookSeabiscuit: an American Legendby Laura Hillenbrand.2. biographical: 傳記的,傳記體的;Seabiscuit: an American Legend:《海餅干: 史上最偉大的賽馬傳奇》,作者為紀實作家勞拉·希倫布蘭德,她曾兩度成為新聞界最高獎項“日蝕獎”獲得者。The film is loosely based on the life and racing career of Seabiscuit, a real-life dark horse. The undersized and overlooked thoroughbred3. thoroughbred: 純種馬。race horse’s unexpected successes made him a wildly popular media sensation in the United States during the Great Depression.
The Horse Whispereris a 1998 American drama film directed by and starring Robert Redford.4. starring: 由……主演;Robert Redford:羅伯特·雷德福,知名奧斯卡獲獎導演、演員。It’s based on the 1995 novelThe Horse Whispererby Nicholas Evans.5. Nicholas Evans: 尼古拉斯·埃文斯,英國小說家,電影制作人。Redford plays the title role6. title role: 片名角色,劇中角色。, a talented trainer with a remarkable gift for understanding horses, who is hired to help an injured teenager and her horse back to health following a tragic accident.
Sometimes simply calledSpirit, the 2002 American animated film follows the adventures of Spirit, a young horse living in 19thcentury Amercia’s Wild West. The film was nominated for the Oscar for Best Animated Feature.8. Best Animated Feature: 最佳動畫長片。In contrast to the way animals are portrayed in an anthropomorphic9. anthropomorphic: 擬人的,賦予人性的。style in other animated features, Spirit and his fellow horses communicate with each other through sounds and body language. Spirit’s thoughts are narrated by his voice actor Matt Damon, but otherwise he has no dialogue.
Directed by Steven Spielberg,War Horseis a 2011 war drama film that was nominated for six Oscars including Best Picture.10. Steven Spielberg: 史蒂文·斯皮爾伯格,美國著名導演,代表作有《大白鯊》、《辛德勒的名單》、《拯救大兵瑞恩》等;Best Picture: 最佳影片獎。It is an adaptation of British author Michael Morpurgo11. Michael Morpurgo: 邁克·莫波格,英國兒童、青春文學暢銷作家?!痵 1982 children’s novel of the same name. Set before and during World War I, the film depicts a moving story about an unbreakable bond between teenage boy Albert and a horse named Joey.