【摘 要】in this essay, I discuss the definition of China English, and the reasons we need China English.
【關鍵詞】China English definition involuntary process.
Scholars have been arguing about the definition of China English for more than 30 years. To define China English has been proved to be an arduous but fruitless task. No definition would satisfy the phenomenon as complex as language. Although we cant give the precise description of China English, we can still spot some of its features.
1. China English came into being in the course of intercultural communication. 2. The main frame of China English is normative English, and China English is influenced by Chinese culture, and used to express stuff unique to China. 3. China English is understandable by all English speakers and has the function of communication.
Jin Huikang(2004) thought that China English is a systematic system. Saussure thought that a nations spirit will lead language to some certain road unceasingly. What he meant by nations sprit was a nations ideology and culture. The certain road refers to the relatively fixed social facts. When we Chinese use English, we cannot get rid of Chinese thinking pattern. Thus some Chinese features will more or less transferred into ones English. There was once a study of bilingual people done by oversea researchers, which has shown that the dominant language will impact and interfere the weaker language. In China English this impact and interference of Chinese is palpable, which is reflected in all levels from vocabulary to passage.
As a whole, sociolinguists have been receptive to the view that through language use, we all “have” or “betray” multiple identities. Many cases in World Englishes show that the choice of a particular variety of English is closely related to solidarity and identity. American English developed to some extent because of the strong intention of American people, to differentiate themselves in language form the former colonizer, Great Britain. As Noah Webster claimed in 1789 in his book on the English language, the development of American English was a matter of honor as an independent nation to have a system of our own , in language as well as government. Thus we can conclude that English varieties in different areas definitely express identities, which will in turn reinforce the solidarity of the corresponding nation.
In Chinas case, why we need China English can be summarized as the following three points.
1. China Englishs emergence is an involuntary process, because speakers feel it necessary to express their identity. If you want to tell others where you are from, the most convenient way is to speak an international language with an distinct accent.
2. the theory of World language helps Chinese scholars aware of the existence of China English and the necessity of the officialization of it.
3. as guided by the principle of solidarity, with the affirmation of China English, the Chinese identity will be reinforced, which can be seen as influence language exerted on society.
Now we have a clear view of China English through above analysis. It is a member of World Englishes. Although it is under building, it is systematic, acceptable and understandable to English speakers around the world. It is neither Chinglish nor interlanguage. It is grammar-correct, and Chinese-colored. When describe or report Chinese stuff, China English is the most suitable, for by adopting it, readers or listeners will indentify the speakers identity at once and can understand China and Chinese culture better. It automatically emerges among World Englishes as China gains its global sway and numerous Chinese plunge into the fervor of English learning. It helps confirm its speakers identity and will reinforce the solidarity among us in turn. However, It is international status is still under debating, but I believe it will and should claim the same status as British English and American English in the future.