Friction and W ear Properties o f High Ca rbon Brake D rum (1)YUAN Yasha1,WANG Wenyan1,YUAN Liuwei2,XIE Jingpei1,XU Kaihui1(1.Materials Science&Engineering School,Henan University of Science&Technology,Luoyang 471023,China;2.CITIC Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd.,Luoyang 471003,China)
For the failure of cast iron in the application of brake drums,the friction and wear properties of HT250 and high-carbon gray iron under the condition of different parameters were studied by means of scanning electron m icroscopy and friction wear testing machine respectively.W ith the two materials m icrostructure and mechanical properties,the relationship between microstructure and properties of the materials,and friction wear mechanism were researched.The results show that graphites of high-carbon gray iron and HT250 are all grade A and long strips,and the tensile strength are 220 MPa and 273 MPa respectively.The wearing resistance of high-carbon gray iron is better than that of HT250 at different friction and wear conditions.
brake drum;high-carbon;wear;wearing resistance
Cha rac te ristics o f Mo lybdenum Pow der During M ic row ave D rying (5)GUO Guozhu1,DENG Guiyang2a,TANG Hongyan2b,DONG Tieyou2a,ZHANG Luoming1(1.School of Mechanical Engineering,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,China;2a.Agricultural Engineering School;2b.Chemical Engineering&Pharmaceutics School,Henan University of Science&Technology,Luoyang 471003,China)
Abstract:In order to determine the characteristics of molybdenum powder during microwave drying,a microwave drying test device with absorbed microwave power measuring functions was used to carry out the microwave drying of molybdenum powder.The results show that the rectangular pulse microwave heating method is feasible to dry the molybdenum powder with natural convection ventilation caused by the material temperature that is higher than the environment.That is also to say that the breeze dryingmode is also feasible on the condition of nearly no wind formicrowave drying ofmolybdenum powder.The dehydration efficiency for unit energy consumption on the conditions of this paper is up to 1.0 kg/(kW·h).That is almost double of that of traditional hot air drying process and has the characteristics of short drying time,dust free and lower power consumption duringmicrowave drying process.
Key w ords:molybdenum concentrated powder;m icrowave drying;rectangular pulse heating;breeze drying
CLC num ber:TF841.2 Docum en t code:A Artic le ID:1672-6871(2014)06-0005-04Geom etry Traversa l Searching Algorithm for Ellipse Error Evaluation (9)LEIXianqing1,CUI Jingwei2,WANG Haiyang1(1.Mechantronics Engineering School,Henan University of Science&Technology,Luoyang 471003,China;2.Luoyang Bearing Science&Technology Co.,Ltd.,Luoyang471003,China)
Abstrac t:W ith the geometric characteristics of ellipse and current research on evaluation of related problems,a ellipse error evaluation method with the geometry traversal searching algorithm was proposed.The princip le of the algorithm is that the least-square ellipses focal points as the initial reference points were set.A series of mesh points were chosen to structure auxiliary focus according to a certain rules,and constructing a series of auxiliary ellipses were assumed as ideal ellipses with the auxiliary points as ideal ellipse focus.The distance differences from all themeasurement points to the assumed ideal ellipses were calculated and the ellipse errors of theminimum zone evaluation were finally realized.The examples results show that the ellipse error can be evaluated effectively and exactly by using this algorithm.
Key w ords:error evaluation;ellipse error;traversal searching algorithm;m inimum zone
CLC num ber:TH161 Docum en t code:A Artic le ID:1672-6871(2014)06-0009-05
Dynam ic Ana lysis o f Doub le Row Tape red Ro lle r Bea rings (14)HU Guangcun1,WEI Tiejian2,DENG Si’er1,JIA Yongchuan1,ZHANG Xue3(1.Mechatronics Engineering School,Henan University of Science&Technology,Luoyang 471003,China;2.Department of Mechaincal&Electrical Engireering Car,Xuchang Vocational Technical College,Xuchang 461000,China;3.School of Mechanical&Electronic Engineering,Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing 210037,China)
Abstrac t:Based on the dynam ic theory of rolling bearings,the dynamic analytical model was established to describe double row tapered roller bearings.Fine integralmethod and predict-correct Adams-Bashforth-Moulton multi-step method were used to solve the nonlinear dynamic differential equations of bearings.The maximum contact pressure,the roller slip rate,the roller skew angle and the bearing fatigue life of the double row tapered roller bearings were researched.The results show that with the increase of the axial compression,the maximum contact pressure is first decreased and then increased.The optimal compression is increased with the increasing external load.The roller skew angle also becomes larger with the increase of radial load.And the roller skew angle of the impacted side is a little larger than the unfixed side.The bearing fatigue life is increased to the maximum with the increasing axial compression,and then decreased soon.
Key w ords:bearing dynamics;double row tapered roller bearings;axial compression;fatigue life
CLC num ber:TH133.33Docum ent code:AArticle ID:1672-6871(2014)06-0014-06
App lica tion o f Im p roved Fuzzy-AHP Me thod to Re liability Allocation o f CNC La thes (20)WEIBaolei1,DUAN Mingde1,ZHANG Taofeng2,YOU Yanwei1(1.Mechatronics Engineering School,Henan University of Science&Technology,Luoyang 471003,China;2.Anyang Xinsheng Machine Tool Co.Ltd.,Anyang 455000,China)
Abstract:An improved fuzzy analytic hierarchy process(AHP)method was applied to allocating the reliability of the CNC lathes whose reliability indexes can be qualitative,quantitative and multi-hierarchic.Hierarchical structure model of lathes was established by considering the six factors which affected the reliability allocation of CNC lathes.This analysis method applies three-demarcation matrix method to constructing the judgment matrixes and determining the weight of each factor of the levels,and then completes the allocation of lathes according to the weights,which provids an available method for the reliability allocation of CNC lathes.The results are basically consistent with the actual situations.
Key w ords:CNC lathes;reliability allocation;hierarchical structure model;modified fuzzy-AHP
CLC num ber:TH122Docum ent code:AArticle ID:1672-6871(2014)06-0020-05Transm ission Ra tio Op tim ization o f Pa ra lle l Hyb rid Electric Vehic le (25)GAO Jianping,QIAO Hongbing,XI Jianguo,GE Jian,ZHAO Jinbao (Vehicle&Traffic Engineering School,Henan University of Science&Technology,Luoyang 471003,China)
Abstrac t:To further improve the fuel economy of hybrid electric vehicle,the vehicle performance simulation model was established by software Cruise and integrated into the optimization p latform of Isight for optim izing and matching the transmission ratio of power-train.In order to improve the optimization speed,the response surface approximate model was established as a proxy of optim ization model.By using the multi-island GA and quadratic programming algorithm in the Isight,the combinatorial optimization algorithm was established.The results show that the optimization meets the vehicle performance under the premise of design index.The oil consumption per hundred kilometers of the driving cycle is reduced by 7.20%,and the optimization speed is increased by 30 times.
Key w ords:hybrid electric vehicle;transm ission ratio;response surface approximat model;combinatorial optimization algorithm
CLC num ber:U469.72 Docum en t code:A Artic le ID:1672-6871(2014)06-0025-05
Vapo r Pressu re Equa tion o f Low G loba lW a rm ing Poten tia l Re frigerant HFO-1234 yf (30)LV Ping,ZHANG Kang (College of Electrical&Power Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan 030024,China)
Abstrac t:In order to improve the understanding of the thermophysical properties of the new refrigerant HFO-1234yf,on the basis of vapor pressure data points of HFO-1234yf in published literatures,a Wagner type equation with four items was obtained as the special vapor pressure equation for HFO-1234yf.The temperature range is 224.120~366.005 K.The relative mean root deviation and maximum relative deviation of the fitting data from the new equation are 0.102 71%and 0.45%respectively.The normal boiling point temperature and acentric factor of HFO-1234yf are determined by this equation,available for property calculation and engineering application.
Key w ords:refrigerant;HFO-1234yf;vapor pressure equation
CLC num ber:TK3Docum ent code:A Artic le ID:1672-6871(2014)06-0030-04
Adap tive Varying Modu lus B lind Equa lization Algorithm Based on Ad jacen t Signa l (34)ZHANG Yanping,Guo Wei,ZHANG Jian (School of Electronic&Information Engineering,Nanjing University of Information Science&Technology,Nanjing 210044,China)
Abstract:According to the drawback of high misadjustment at the prime of quadrature amplitude modulation(QAM)blind equalization based on constellation division,a modified adaptive varying modulus algorithm was put forward based on the analysis of adaptive varying modulus equalization algorithm.By equalising every constellation point,the new algorithm can take adjoining constellation point into account.In order to control the weight ratio of the two error functions dynamically,a new way is used to selectweight factor.This algorithm can reduce the misadjustment and achieve a faster convergence rate.Different underwater acoustic channels simulation results prove the the superiority of the algorithm on the convergence rate.
Key w ords:blind equalization;in-phase and quadrature;adaptive varying modulus;error function
CLC num ber:TN911.5Docum ent code:AArticle ID:1672-6871(2014)06-0034-05
A Circuit Design o f Current Signal on Sw itched Re luctance Motor Control (39)ZHEN Xiaoyong,REN Chuanbo,JIA Anbing,Qu Yuwen (School of Traffic&Vehicle Engineering,Shandong University of Technology,Zibo 255091,China)
Abstract:In the control system of the switched reluctance motor(SRM),the accuracy of the currents has a great effect on the motor.Thus a circuitwas designed to collect the current signal.The circuit is a high-speed linear isolation circuit,which can not only pass high frequency voltage signal,but can obtain good linearity.At the same time,a low pass filter was designed with the help of filter solutions.Thismethod can collect current
waveform with high precision when they are combined together to control SRM.The experimental results show that the application of this circuit can improve the accuracy of the current signal greatly,so that themotor can run more smoothly.
Key w ords:linear isolation;low pass filter;switched reluctance motor;current
CLC num ber:TM352Docum ent code:AArticle ID:1672-6871(2014)06-0039-03
Im age Re trieva l Method by In form ation En tropy and Im p roved SIFT Algorithm (42)LIU Xueting,LI Taijun,Xiao Sha,Jia Yizhen (College of Information Science&Technology,Hainan University,Haikou 570228,China)
Abstract:In view of low precision rate and recall rate problems on image retrieval based on single global color feature or local feature,an image retrieval method based on information entropy and improved scale-invariant feature transform(SIFT)algorithm was proposed.First,local feature of images was extracted by an improved SIFT algorithm.Then,color feature and information entropy were calculated.Finally,the weights of color feature and SIFT feature based on information entropy were utilized to calculate the similarity among images for image retrieval.The experimental results show that this method has better retrieval performance than the color histogram and SIFT algorithm.
Key words:information entropy;color feature;SIFT;image retrieval
CLC num ber:TP391.41Docum ent code:AArticle ID:1672-6871(2014)06-0042-05
Vo ltage Stability Ana lysis o fW ind Turbine Generator Interconnected to Power G rid (47)XIAO Chun1,HAN Xiaoqing1,WANG Kangning2(1.College of Electrical&Power Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan 030024,China;2.Shanxi Electric Power Research Institute,Taiyuan 030024,China)
Abstrac t:The influence of wind turbine generators interconnected to grid on voltage stability of power system was researched.From the viewpoint of static voltage stability,the wind turbine was equivalent to active and reactive power determined by the wind speed.The effects of wind turbine control mode and reactive power output on the voltage stability were analyzed.For dynam ic stability,IEEE 39 standard test system was used.The simulation results show that constant voltage control is much better than constant power in the aspect of improving voltage stability.
Key words:voltage stability;grid-connected operation;wind turbines;limit of transmitted power
CLC num ber:TM76Docum ent code:AArticle ID:1672-6871(2014)06-0047-05
Num erical Ca lcu lation and Experim enta l Research on Inductive Coefficient o f Low-frequency High Magnetic Fie ld Generating Coils (52)HUANG Liuhong,LIYuebo,DING Shijing,YANG Jie,LIU Feng (The Third Engineer Research Institute of the Headquarters of the General Staff,Luoyang 471023,China)
Abstrac t:The magnetic field generating coil of the low-frequency magnetic field simulation device is a large sparse solenoid,its self-inductance and mutual inductance cannot be calculated by using the familiar formulas. In order to solve this problem,theoretical formulas were used to calculate the self-inductance of the solenoid,and ANSYS finite element simulation was used to compute its effective inductance(including self-inductance and mutual inductance).The testing data of the low-frequency high magnetic field generating coil were analyzed simultaneously.The results of this paper have been used to design themagnetic field generating coil of low frequency high magnetic field generating laboratory,and to determine the circuit parameters of resistorinductor-capacitor pulsed current excitation.
Key w ords:low frequency;intense magnetic field;sparse solenoid;inductive coefficient;numerical simulationCLC num ber:O441.4Docum ent code:AArticle ID:1672-6871(2014)06-0052-05
Influence o f Warm Asphalt Additives on SBS Modified Asphalts High and Low Tem perature Properties (57)XU Bo1,ZOU Xiaoyong2,GU Yichun1(1.College of Civil&Transportation Engineering,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China;2.Jinhua City Highway Administration,Jinhua 321300,China)
Abstrac t:In order to explore the effect of fasir(warm asphalt additives)on styrene butadiene styrene(SBS)modified asphalt binder’high and low temperature performance,the softening point test,dynamic shear rheological test,ductility test and bending beam rheological test were conducted to evaluate the changes in its high and low temperature properties.Test results indicate that the maximum elevatory amp litude of softening point and fail temperature value of SBS modified asphalt binder with fasir are 16.0%and 16.2% respectively.The high temperature performance is greatly improved.But its ductility,bending rheological properties and low-temperature cracking resistance are reduced by fasir.Considering the SBSmodified asphalt binder’high and low temperature performance with fasir,a mixing content with 3%fasir is recommended.
Key w ords:warm m ix agent;modified asphalt;high and low temperature performance
CLC num ber:U416.217Docum ent code:A Artic le ID:1672-6871(2014)06-0057-04
Sandy Soil Deep Founda tion Excava tion and Support De fo rm a tion Site Monitoring by Num erica l Analysis (61)ZHAO Xiushao,AI Chenggang,WANG Xu,ZHENG Wei (School of Civil Engineering&Architecture,East China Jiaotong University,Nanchang 330013,China)
Abstrac t:The deep foundation ofmetro station has the features of big excavation p lane size and high grade of controlling the foundation deformation.Nanchang is in the sandy soil areas with smaller cohesion,so it is different with other areas in geology.There is little experience of deep foundation pit supporting design to learn.Thus,it is necessary to research the deformation law about these to provide a reference for other stations to design and construct the deep foundation.In this paper,taking a deep excavation of Nanchang rail traffic as example,by field measurement and calculation model established by FLAC3D,the numerical simulation analysis of its excavation and supportwasmade.The different stages of excavation of surface subsidence,supporting pile and soil layering horizontal displacement,axial force variation were calculated.The change law of load bearing of the cables was got.The results show that the deformation characteristics are reflected by envelope pile horizontal displacement,axial force stratification and surface subsidence around the pit directly.The steel support significantly limits the deformation of pit.The calculation results are basically in accordance with the monitoring results.
Key w ords:deep foundation pit;FLAC3Dsoftware;deformation laws;site monitoring
CLC num ber:U212Docum ent code:AArticle ID:1672-6871(2014)06-0061-05
Num erica l Ana lysis o f Na tu ra l Ven tilation in Indoor Rad iato r Room (66)SHAO Zhiwei1,HUANG Yaji1,ZHANG Qiang1,LIU Mingtao2(1.Key Laboratory of Energy Thermal Conversion&Control of Ministry of Education,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China;2.Jiangsu Electric Power Design Institute,Nanjing 211102,China)
Abstrac t:A model of the ventilation system in the radiator room was established by computational fluid dynam ics(CFD).Standard k-εturbulencemodel was used to investigate the heat transfer characteristics of the ventilation system in the radiator room.The distribution of maximum temperature at different sections of the radiator was obtained.The maximum temperature at different sections of the radiator was used as the standard to evaluate cooling effect.The effects of deflector with different types,installation heights and outlet areas on the radiator room cooling were investigated.The results show that the concave deflector installed above the radiator can improve the cooling effect effectively.The installation height of2.9 m and the outlet area ratioσ=
0.49 are the best solution for ventilating and cooling.The deflector type has the greatest impact,followed by the installation height,and the outlet area has the slightest impact.
Key w ords:radiator room;natural ventilation;numerical simulation;optim ization
CLC num ber:TU834Docum ent code:AArticle ID:1672-6871(2014)06-0066-05
Effect o f Molybdenum on Bone Morphology in Fem a le M ice (71)WANG Hongwei,ZHAO Jing,DU Xiangyue,TIAN Erjie,ZHANG Cai (Animal Science&Technology School,Henan University of Science&Technology,Luoyang 471003,China)
Abstrac t:In order to investigate the effect of molybdenum on the bone morphology in female mice,40 healthy female Kunmingmice were random ly divided into 4 groups of 10.Different doses ofmolybdenum were added into drinking water to establish the molybdenum exposed female mice models such as the control group,the Mo 100 group,the Mo 200 group,the Mo 400 group.On the 120th day,the femurs of mice in each group were collected and the length and midpoint diameter weremeasured,then made into paraffin sections,hematoxylin-eosin staining(HE stained).The morphological change of the structure was observed by using microscope.The results show that the low doses ofmolybdenum can promote the growth of body weight and the development of bone.The high doses of molybdenum can significantly decrease the length and diameter of femurs(P<0.01),reduce the number of trabecular bone,narrow the diameter,and increase the cortical thickness of femur.At the same time,the number of the femur cells and the percentage of dividing cells in epiphyseal line are decreased significantly(P<0.01).High doses ofmolybdenum have a certain toxic effects on bone morphology in female mice.
Key w ords:molybdenum;female m ice;bone;morphology
CLC num ber:S852Docum ent code:A Artic le ID:1672-6871(2014)06-0071-04
Shift Process o f Trac tor Based on Doub le Flow Transm ission in Turning Conditions (75)CAO Fuyi,DENG Ruitao,GUO Guanglin,LIU Yang (Vehicle&Trafic Engineering School,Henan University of Science&Technology,Luoyang 471003,China)
Abstract:For hydro-mechanical continuously variable transmission,by analyzing its constitution and working principle and considering the working characteristic of tractor,the test bench was made up of driving system(diesel engine),load simulation system(electric eddy current dynamometer and electro-hydraulic proportional control disc brake),and observing and controlling system(industrial control computer).The calculation models of engine and load of double power flow transmission system were established.The realizing method of load on test bench was given.As the example for switching F4 to F5,the test of shift process of tractor based on double flow transm ission in turning conditions was carried out.The test foundation for speed ratio control of tractor in turning conditions is provided by the composing scheme of double power flow transm ission test bench and testmethod for further the research.
Key words:tractor;hydro-mechanic transmission;turning conditions;shift process
CLC num ber:S219.032.3 Docum en t code:A Artic le ID:1672-6871(2014)06-0075-05
Signed Cyc le Dom ination Num be rs o f G raphs (80)XU Baogen,ZOU Yan,ZHAO Lixin (School of Nature Science,East China Jiaotong University,Nanchang 330013,China)
Abstract:Let G=(V,E)be a graph,the concept of signed cycle domination was introduced in one document. In this paper,some problems on the signed cycle domination was studied,and the signed cycle domination numbers of Pn×P2,Pn×P3and Cn×P2were determined.A lower bounds for the signed cycle domination number of Pm×Pnare given.
Key words:graph;signed domination;signed cycle domination function;signed cycle domination number
CLC num ber:O157.5Docum ent code:A Artic le ID:1672-6871(2014)06-0080-04
Exac t So lu tions fo r Klein-Go rdon-Schr?dinger Equa tions (84)LIWei,ZHANG Jinliang (Mathematics&Statistics School,Henan University of Science&Technology,Luoyang 471023,China)
Abstrac t:The solitary wave solutions expressed by hyperbolic functions and periodic wave solutions expressed by trigonometric functions for the Klein-Gordon-Schr?dinger(KGS)equations are given by using(G′/G)-expansion method.The solutions that has been proved by homogeneous balance principle and F expansion method for the KGS equations in the literatures are the particular cases of results obtained in this paper. Moreover,the kink-bell-type solutions are also given by means of Liu’s Theorem which is used to derive the kink-bell-type solutions from the bell-type solutions.
Key w ords:K lein-Gordon-Schr?dinger equations;(G′/G)-expansion method;Liu’s Theorem;solitary wave solutions;periodic wave solutions;kink-bell type solutions
CLC num ber:O175.2Docum ent code:A Artic le ID:1672-6871(2014)06-0084-04
Intuitionistic Trapezoida l Fuzzy Num be r Aggrega tion Ope rator and Its App lication to G roup Decisionm aking (88)LIU Xinlina,LI Changzhenb(a.Department of Mathematics&Information Science;b.Department of Public Policy&Management,Guangxi University,Nanning 530004,China)
Abstrac t:In the problem of decision-making,the interaction between the decision-making attributes and preference of experts resulted in the failure of traditional information aggregation operators,so a new method based on Choquet integral was presented.In the method the concept of fuzzy measure based on vague set was introduced,and the expert evaluation information with intuitionistic trapezoidal fuzzy number was described. The intuitionistic trapezoidal fuzzy number information aggregation operator based on Choquet integral was formed by Choquet integral and intuitionistic trapezoidal fuzzy number.The relevant properties of the operator were discussed and the poerator was also used to evaluate each scheme.Finally an example is provided to verify the effectiveness and feasibility of the approach.
Key w ords:intuitionistic trapezoidal fuzzy number;Choquet integral;Vague value of fuzzy measures;group decision-making;fuzzy set
CLC num ber:N945.25Docum ent code:AArticle ID:1672-6871(2014)06-0088-06
Preparation and Cata lytic Activity of Am orphous Alloy Ni-Fe-B (94)LIHuabo,SONG Bangcai,ZHANG Jun,BAIXiaokang,LI Jingjing (Chemical Engineering&Pharmaceutics School,Henan University of Science&Technology,Luoyang 471023,China)
Abstrac t:A series of amorphous alloy Ni-Fe-B catalysts were synthesized by using liquid phase reduction method.The influences of reaction conditions,such as n(Fe)/n(Fe+Ni)molar ratios,temperature and the type of surfactants,on phase morphology and catalytic activity were investigated.The as-obtained product samples were characterized and analyzed by using X-ray powder diffraction(XRD)and transmission electron microscope(TEM).The catalytic activities of the related samples were evaluated by the hydrolysis of sodium borohydride solution.The results show that the products have stable amorphous phase structures.W ith the rise of n(Fe)/n(Fe+Ni),the crystallization tendency rises and the agglomeration strengthens.Under the conditions(T=333 K,n(Fe)/n(Fe+Ni)=0.5),the as-prepared samples exhibit higher catalytic activity than others,and the highest hydrogen production rate is 1.70 m L/min.The sample obtained with assistance of non-ionic surfactant possesses highest catalytic activity,and the hydrogen production rate is 1.98 m L/m in.
Key w ords:liquid phase reduction;Ni-Fe-B;amorphous alloy;catalytic activity
CLC num ber:TQ426.82Docum ent code:AArticle ID:1672-6871(2014)06-0094-06