2015 IEEE 9th International Conference on Intelligent System s and Control(ISCO)
Karpagam College of Engineering has been successfully organizing the International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control(ISCO)since 2006.The themes of ISCO in the previous conferences are(i)Emerging Global Technologies in the E?era(ii)Technology Enhanced Learning(iii)Microsystems Technology and its Applications(iv)Roboticsand Au?tomation(v)Green Computing and Networking(vi)Intelligent systems for smarter planet and(vii)Green and Sustain?able Technologies(viii)Green challengesand Smart Solutions.ISCO 2006 was conducted in associationwith Oakland Uni?versity,U.S.A.with the goal to accelerate the international exchange of ideas and scientific knowledge in the field of tech?nological applicationsand the positive response shown by academicians,researchers and industrialists for'ISCO 2006'en?couraged us in organizing International conference on'Intelligent Systems and Control?ISCO',every year.ISCO 2008,ISCO 2009,ISCO 2010,ISCO 2011,ISCO 2012,ISCO 2013 and ISCO 2014were conducted in association with Universi?ty Malaysia Perlis,Malaysia,Asian Institute of Technology,Thailand and University ofWisconsin,University of Arkan?sas,USA and Louisiana State University,USA,Oakland University,USA and University Sains Malaysia,Malaysia and IEEE Xplore.The conference ISCO 2013 received an overwhelming response from all over the world.Hundreds of abstracts were received on various topics,related to the theme of the conference.The paperswere scrutinized by expert committee,which included number of experienced professors.ISCO 2013 was officially sponsored by DRDO,MNRE,IEEE Madras Section and CSI.ISCO 2014 was conducted in association with Victoria university Australia,CSIR India and IEEEmadras section.9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control(ISCO 2015)is scheduled on 9th and 10th Janu?ary 2015 and the conference theme is"GREEN EVOLUTIONS IN ENGINEERING".This time itwill be conducted in as?sociation with National University of Kaohsiung?China,Oakland University?USA,IEEE Computational Intelligence Society?Madras Chapter,CNSER?Japan&Bangladesh,IETE,ISTE and Computer Society of India.