By Adrian Raine
Have you ever been stuck on a pavement behind slow 1)pedestrians, who stop you getting past? Those slow-coachers waste our time and reduce 2)productivity, and they drive me mad. The solution? Pavements should be sectioned into three lanes; slow, middle and fast, just like 3)motorways. Slow lanes are for the elderly, child 4)strollers, umbrella-holders, 5)panhandler, the 6)inebriated and those dreadful cellphoners, who crawl along and then stop dead right in front of you. The middle lane is for your average pedestrian, but if they hog that lane for more than 10 seconds, they get ticketed by pedestrian 7)wardens, a new workforce that will reduce unemployment. The fast lane is for people in a hurry, but theres no fines [sic] for speeding because people need to get a move on in life. Pedestrians are equipped with deafening horns to 8)hoot target pedestrians out of their way. And finally, its three strikes and youre out. After three tickets, youre banned for life from pavements and have to take a door-to-door taxi to get to wherever you want to go.