最近,習近平總書記做出關于“厲行勤儉節(jié)約、反對鋪張浪費”的重要批示。 “鋪張”,英語名詞譯為 extravagance,形容詞譯為 extravagant。例如:1. 黨和政府高級官員應盡最大努力反對鋪張、形式主義和官僚主義。The senior officials of the Party and the government should do their utmost to reject extravagance, formalism and bureaucracy.2. 我們必須加強對官員的鋪張行為的監(jiān)督和檢查。We must intensify the supervision and inspections over officials' extravagant acts. “浪費”,英語動詞譯為 to waste,名詞譯為 waste。例如:3.聽說我國每天浪費大量食物,令人震驚。It is shocking to know that a huge amount of food is wasted everyday in China.4. 黨的最高領導人習近平最近呼吁反對鋪張行為和浪費資源。The Party's top leader Xi Jinping has recently made an appeal to fight against extravagance and waste of resources. “節(jié)約”、“節(jié)省”和“節(jié)儉”,英語動詞譯為 to save, to economize on, to practice thrift;名詞譯為 thrift和frugality;形容詞譯為 saving, thrifty 和 frugal。例如:5. 他非常耐心地告訴我如何在開車時節(jié)省燃料。With great patience, he told me how to save fuel while driving.6.當我小時候,媽媽常對我講厲行節(jié)約是一種美德。When I was young,Mother often told me that to practice thrift is a virtue.7.應該在各行各業(yè)倡導中華民族“勤儉節(jié)約”的悠久傳統(tǒng),和“節(jié)約光榮、浪費可恥”的思想觀念。The time-honored Chinese tradition of “being diligent and thrifty” and the idea of “honor to frugality and shame to extravagance” should be promoted among all walks of life.8.各級政府官員應該嚴格服從節(jié)約資源的措施,堅決杜絕浪費納稅人的錢的現(xiàn)象。The governmental officials at all levels should strictly obey resource-saving measures and firmly eliminate the waste of taxpayers' money.▲ (本欄目供稿:王逢鑫教授)