From tanks to the internet to videophones, science-fiction stories have had a long record of successfully anticipating future technology developments. There are many devices, though, that regularly pop up in movies and books about the future - but show no sign of working in reality.Or will they? Bilingual Time takes a look at past fantasies about the future, and whether they might ever be real.
1) Raygun 射線槍
Science-fiction heroes are always zapping their phasers or their blasters at the bad guys. In the real world, however, hurtling bigger and bigger pieces of metal at high velocity remains the best way to hurt someone. Lasers big enough to do damage remain huge, bulky, immoveable things, needing power far beyond any handheld weapon. Still, the US and other armies have energy-based weapons in development, including non-lethal (but extremely painful) microwave weapons, as well as missile defence systems using lasers.
2) Jetpacks 噴氣推進器
Zooming about in the sky has been a staple of fantasies of the future since the 1930s, but, although real jetpacks exist, they're highly unstable and consume far too much fuel to be useful.Astronauts use them during space walks sometimes, but otherwise their use is limited to stunts and showtime performances. A typical jetpack only gives you about 30 seconds of flight - and extremely dangerous flight at that!
3) Translation Devices翻譯器
Worried about meeting an alien race for the first time and having to communicate through hand gestures and grunts like an American in a Beijing Mcdonalds? Instant translators, which turn one language into another, have been an excuse to have everyone seem like they're talking English in many a science-fiction show. Real life mechanical translation, though, is long, painful, inaccurate, and can only be done with text. The next ten years will see much better mechanical translation, say experts, but still probably only with written languages - voices remain exceptionally hard for computers to process.
4) Robots 機器人
Robots exist, of course, but they're nothing like the androids of movies like Star Wars - they're just very specialised machinery, mostly used in automation lines. One of the niftiest recent uses for robots has been for remote surgery, using a robot hand and a computer link to let surgeons thousands of miles away perform operations by proxy. Intelligent humanoid robots seem extremely unlikely, though there are steps forward - Sony's ASIMO robot, which looks like a little spaceman, can hold hands, recognize faces, and walk without falling over too much.
5) Artificial Intelligence 人工智力
Sentient computers have often been presented as figures of menace, like HAL in 2001: A Space Odyssey or Skynet in the Terminator movies. It looks like this is one threat we don't have to worry about, though; the predictions of AI enthusiasts have been spectacularly off. While computers can excel in very specialized and number-crunching skills, nobody has yet managed to create any kind of general reasoning ability, or even taken more than the baby-steps to theorize how it could be created.
6) World Government世界政府
OK, this isn't a gadget, but it's such a staple of science-fiction that we had to include it. Sci-fi stories and movies often posit a single world government, with all the people of Earth united in relative harmony. As a quick glance at the TV news shows, this one ain't happening. Right-wing paranoids, particularly in the United States, fantasize that the UN is moving towards this, but the UN can barely agree on what colour paper to use, yet alone on how the world should be run.
7) Floating Cities 漂浮的城市
Imagine a city that soars in the sky, or that floats permanently upon the sea! In an increasingly crowded world, this is a common fantasy - but one that's not likely to come true anytime soon.The resources to build such a thing would be immense, and the only effort so far, a bizarre American project called the Liberty Ship which aimed to present a permanent sea-going home for 50 000 people mostly looking to dodge national taxes, seems to be more scam than practical project. Land reclamation, though, is being pioneered by small nations or cities such as Japan, Hong Kong, and Singapore, dumping new earth into the sea to create artificial islands or extend the existing coastline.
8) Space Colonization 太空殖民地
This world may be going to hell, but living on other worlds doesn't look like a very likely prospect either. At present, it would take centuries or millenia for spaceships to reach other solar systems, yet alone ones with inhabitable planets - if they even exist. One solution that's been proposed is terraforming the rest of our solar system, transforming Mars and Venus into planets like earth through ecological engineering. It's way out of our reach at the moment, but recent discoveries that Mars has a significant water supply have lent hope to scientists dreaming of a Martian vacation home.