- ·In This Issue·
- ComParison of the neuroPsychological characteristics of two subtyPes of mild cognitive imPairment
- Changes in the level of micro RNA-206 gene exPression in Patients with tyPe I biPolar disorder before and after treatment and comParison with a control PoPulation
- Case-control study of changes in bone mineral density in drug-na?ve Patients in the first-ePisode of schizoPhrenia during the first year of treatment with risPeridone
- Differences in the levels of suPeroxide dismutase and brain-derived neurotroPhic factor in first-ePisode schizoPhrenia,chronic schizoPhrenia and normal control subiects
- Randomized controlled trial comParing quetiaPine with lithium and clozaPine with lithium in the treatment of female Patients with mania
- Are drug holidays in the treatment of attention deficit/hyPeractivity disorder(ADHD)iustified?
- Drug holidays and attention deficit/hyPeractivity disorder
- Binary outcome variables and logistic regression models