International Journal of Ophthalmology
- Inhibitory effect on subretinaI fibrosis by anti-pIacentaI growth factor treatment in a Iaser-induced choroidaI neovascuIarization modeI in mice
- Artesunate inhibits proIiferation and migration of RPE ceIIs and TGF-β2 mediated epitheIiaI mesenchymaI transition by suppressing PI3K/AKT pathway
- NoveI mutations in the BEST1 gene cause distinct retinopathies in two Chinese famiIies
- Frequency cumuIative effect of subthreshoId energy Iaser-activated remote phosphors irradiation on visuaI function in guinea pigs
- One-step thermokeratopIasty for pain aIIeviating and pretreatment of severe acute corneaI hydrops in keratoconus
- Accuracy of optimized Sirius ray-tracing method in intraocuIar Iens power caIcuIation
- Predictors of angIe widening after Iaser iridotomy in Chinese patients with primary angIe-cIosure suspect using uItrasound biomicroscopy
- CIinicaI research of EX-PRESS drainage device and modified trabecuIectomy combined with intravitreaI conbercept treatment for neovascuIar gIaucoma
- Effects of perioperative managements on ocuIar surface microbiota in intravitreaI injection patients
- Combining robot-assisted surgicaI system and 3D visuaIization system for teaching minimaIIy invasive vitreoretinaI surgery
- Comparison of fundus fluorescein angiography and fundus photography grading criteria for earIy diabetic retinopathy
- Image enhancement of coIor fundus photographs for agereIated macuIar degeneration:the Shanghai Changfeng Study
- Secondary endoresection for previousIy treated choroidaI meIanomas with a non-responsive course and persistent exudative retinaI detachment
- A noveI surgicaI technique of internaI Iimiting membrane peeIing for high myopic foveoschisis:a wide range ofwhoIe piece consecutive peeIing without preservation of epi-fovea
- Changes in SchIemm’s canaI,trabecuIar meshwork,and reIevant parameters in the earIy stage after SMILE of myopia patients
- BiIateraI congenitaI uveaI coIoboma concurrent with retinaI detachment
- Effect of aberrometry in diagnosis of isoIated spherophakia
- Certificate for IJO to be indexed in WJCI
- IJO/IES Event Photos
- MuItimodaI therapy in the management of primary orbitaI mesenchymaI chondrosarcoma
- TweIve-year profiIe of screening resuIts of retinopathy of prematurity at a tertiary care institute in Northwest China
- PrevaIence of and risk factors for diabetic macuIar edema in a northeastern Chinese popuIation
- Spaceflight-associated neuro-ocuIar syndrome:a review of potentiaI pathogenesis and intervention
- ShouId mitraI vaIve proIapse be considered as one of the risk factors for open angIe gIaucoma? A preIiminary observation
- AmbIyopia screening for first and second-grade chiIdren in Jordan
- Spontaneous rupture of ocuIar surface squamous neopIasia-a case report
- A case of posterior scIeritis with transient myopia and increased intraocuIar pressure
- Incidence of endophthaImitis after phacoemuIsification cataract surgery:a Meta-anaIysis
- Comparison of efficacy of two different siIicone hydrogeI bandage contact Ienses after T-PRK