Have you ever wondered how animals protect themselves from being eaten byother animals? Some animals hide from predators1 by blending in with plants,tree bark, and leaves around them. For example, Arctic foxes blend in with thewhite snow. We call this cryptic2 coloration3, or camouflage4.
Other animals are bright and colorful. These animals are often red, yellow, ororange, which makes them easy for predators to spot. That seems to make nosense, right? Why would animals want to risk being eaten? One reason for brightcolors is to show predators that they are dangerous to eat!
If a bird eats a monarch butterfly, the toxic constituents5 will cause the birdto throw up. After the bad experience, the bird learns to avoid eating things thatlook like the monarch butterfly, including other orange insects. Just like birds,after we get sick from eating a certain food, we usually stay away from that foodfor a while, out of fear that it might make us sick again.
Not every animal that shows a warning color is toxic, though—someanimals have a warning color but are not toxic. They mimic6 the warningcolorations of other animals that are toxic. You may call that cheating!
If you look outside, you may recognize examples of aposematism7 allaround you, such as ladybugs, bees, and wasps. There are also examples inyour own life! Warning road signs are often neon8 yellow or red, to make thedanger clear to drivers. What other examples can you think of? Think deeplyabout the colors you see all around you and what they are telling you.
1. predator 捕食性動物
2. cryptic 隱藏的
3. coloration 自然色彩,自然花紋
4. camouflage 保護色
5. constituent 成分
6. mimic 模仿;模擬
7. aposematism 警戒態(tài)
8. neon 霓虹燈