Our eyes change with age—that’s justa fact3. But there’s a lot we can do to slowdown the process4 and protect our eyes.
Our eyes develop the most during thefirst two years of our lives, and grow fastagain during our teenage years. By the ageof twenty, the eyes are fully grown and mostpeople know if they need to wear glasses.
From around the age of forty, manypeople find it hard to see close-up thingsclearly. This is because they havepresbyopia5. It’s nothing to worry aboutand can be easy if they wear the rightglasses. However, some people have bigeye diseases6.
As we age, it is difficult to see in lowlight, so we need more light. Strong light isbad for our eyes. We will find it hard totell some colors. Our eyes become drywhen we are getting old.Here are something we can do to slow downthe process.
Don’t smoke7. Many studies show thatsmoking is bad for our eyes. People whosmoke are easier to get eye diseases. Stopsmoking is one of the best things we can doto protect our eyes.
Get check-ups. An eye test does morethan check how well you can see. It canshow early signs8 of eye diseases and alsofind out other health problems.
Take a break from screens. Screenssend out a lot of blue light, which can makeour eyes dry and tired. Every 20 minutes,try to take a 20-second break and focus9 onsomething 20 feet away.
What’s more, doing exercise is good forour whole body and our eyes. Eat more fruitand vegetables can help protect our eyes, too.
離開(kāi)屏幕休息一下。屏幕會(huì)發(fā)出大量藍(lán)光,會(huì)使我們的眼睛干澀又疲勞。每看20 分鐘屏幕就試著休息20 秒鐘,注視20 英尺外的事物。