Once upon a time there was a big bathtub1 that had been thrown in themiddle of the forest. It was the best home for all types of little insects. They had tobe careful of just one thing while living there: To make sure the plughole2remained3 free from obstruction4 because they might all drown5 if rain fellsuddenly6. The burly7 beetles were put in charge8 of keeping an eye on theplughole to make sure that it was never blocked9.
But one day the plughole was blocked by something very big—awatermelon! The watermelon was so big that not even the biggest beetle, noteven the five biggest, could move it. In fact, it was so big that not even all ofthe beetles working together could move the watermelon from the plughole.
All the strongest insects tried their very best to move the watermelon butcouldn’t move it even the tiniest bit. Some of the insects then tried to come up witha way to move the watermelon, but they had no luck either. At last, the wisestinsects started to plan the run away from the bathtub.
An ant asked if she could take the watermelon away with her.Very funny! But the ant wasn’t joking at all! At the end of the day,she came back and this time with thousands upon thousands of otherants. In perfect order, each ant went up to the watermelon, bitoff a piece and walked off with it.
Just a few days later, there was not a single trace10 of thebig watermelon. From that day on, many of the most difficultjobs in the bathtub became small ones that were easier tocarry out little by little.