Susan and Sofia were two sisters thatlived in a small village. Their parentsworked in the city to provide them withfood and clothing. Their parents wouldonly come back to the village on theweekends.
They spend a lot of time on their ownand would do everything together. Whilethey love each other, they were unhappybecause they were poor. One day, theydecided to go into the forest to explore1an old castle. They wanted to look fortreasure so that they could buy whateverthey wanted.
When they arrived at the castle, theyheard a voice calling out for help. It wascoming from a well2. They looked into thewell and saw an old lady struggling3 toclimb out. The old lady had fallen into thewell. Susan and Sofia grabbed4 a longstick and helped the old lady to get out ofthe well.
The old lady was very thankful to theboth of them. She asked them what theywere doing in the castle. They told the oldlady that they were looking for treasure.The old lady gave them a magic horn as agift. She told them that the horn will letthem find a valuable treasure. When shefinished talking, the old lady suddenlydisappeared. Susan and Sofia went homewith the magic horn.
That night, both Susan and Sofia blewthe magic horn together and went to bed.When they woke up the next day, they werecovered with gold coins. Susan and Sofiawere very happy. They decided to go to themarket to buy new stuff for themselves.
At the market, Susan and Sofia startedto argue about what they should buy. Eventhough they had a lot of gold coins, theycould not agree on what to buy. They arguedso much that they ended up not buyinganything. They both went home angry.
That night, they were both sadbecause they were fighting. Before going tosleep, each of them wished in their heartthat they did not blow the magic horn inthe first place. They do not want to beupset with each other.
Suddenly, the old lady appeared intheir bedroom and transformed5 into abeautiful fairy. The fairy smiled and toldthem that the real treasure was havingeach other. The fairy took the magic hornback and all their gold coins beforedisappearing.
Susan and Sofia were happy eventhough they were no longer rich. Theyrealized that having each other was thebest treasure they could have.